def Opening_Trailer3(): stage3 = obstacle(1280, 180, 192, 96, -30) Proom = obstacle(1280 + 500, 265, 192, 96, -30) button = figure(720, 510, 192, 96) OP_background = figure(0, 0, 1280, 960) startText = text('press Space to start', 20, red, 640, 780) introText = text('Break blocks to save principle!', 28, black, 420, 600) stage3Img = pygame.image.load("stage3.png") stage3Img = pygame.transform.scale(stage3Img, (500, 400)) ProomImg = pygame.image.load("Proom.png") ProomImg = pygame.transform.scale(ProomImg, (400, 240)) buttonImg = pygame.image.load("button.png") buttonImg = pygame.transform.scale(buttonImg, (450, 215)) OP_backgroundImg = pygame.image.load("OP_background.png") OP_backgroundImg = pygame.transform.scale(OP_backgroundImg, (1280, 960)) ExitOT = False Start_Play = True"start loop") while not ExitOT: for event in pygame.event.get( ): #it gets any event that happens...movenment of mouse or clicking etc if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # when we will click X it will quit the window"X is pressed, will quit") pygame.quit() quit() ################This event will handle situation when ever any key will be released ################################## if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: Start_Play = False OP_background.set(OP_backgroundImg) stage3.set(stage3Img) Proom.set(ProomImg) stage3.x += stage3.movespeed Proom.x += Proom.movespeed if stage3.x < 200 and Start_Play == True: stage3.movespeed = 0 Proom.movespeed = 0 button.set(buttonImg) startText.set('Center') introText.set('Center') elif Start_Play == False: #如果按下空白建 Start_Play 就會變成 False stage3.movespeed = -30 Proom.movespeed = -30 if stage3.x < -1280: ExitOT = True pygame.display.update()
def First_scene(): jailImg = pygame.image.load("jail.png") principleImg = pygame.image.load("principle.png") LOGOImg = pygame.image.load("LOGO.png") jailImg = pygame.transform.scale(jailImg, (900, 960)) principleImg = pygame.transform.scale(principleImg, (900, 960)) jail = figure(190, 0, 900, 960) principle = figure(190, 0, 900, 960) LOGO = figure(320, 400, 672, 96) ## start : use space startText = text('press Space to start', 20, red, 640, 780) to_stage1 = False while not to_stage1: principle.set(principleImg) jail.set(jailImg) LOGO.set(LOGOImg) startText.set("Center") for event in pygame.event.get( ): #it gets any event that happens...movenment of mouse or clicking etc if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # when we will click X it will quit the window"X is pressed, will quit") pygame.quit() quit() ################This event will handle situation when ever any key will be released ################################## if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:"space is pressed, will continue to stage 1") to_stage1 = True pygame.display.update()
def Final_scene(gpa_init): # text #def __init__(self,content,size,color,x,y): final_gpa = gpa_init.mean() if final_gpa == 4.3: final_grade = 'A+' elif final_gpa >= 4.0: final_grade = 'A' elif final_gpa >= 3.7: final_grade = 'A-' elif final_gpa >= 3.3: final_grade = 'B+' elif final_gpa >= 3.0: final_grade = 'B' elif final_gpa >= 2.7: final_grade = 'B-' elif final_gpa >= 2.3: final_grade = 'C+' elif final_gpa >= 2.0: final_grade = 'C' else: final_grade = 'c-' final_background = figure(0, 0, 1280, 960) final_gpa = text("Your final GPA is " + final_grade, 50, red, display_width / 2, display_height / 2 + 160) final_backgroundImg = pygame.image.load("final_background.png") final_backgroundImg = pygame.transform.scale(final_backgroundImg, (1280, 960)) quitting = False while not quitting: gameDisplay.fill(black) final_background.set(final_backgroundImg) time.sleep(3) final_gpa.set('Center') for event in pygame.event.get( ): #it gets any event that happens...movenment of mouse or clicking etc if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # when we will click X it will quit the window"X is pressed, will quit") pygame.quit() quit() pygame.display.update()
def stage3(): # 建立畫佈大小. BackGround = Background(0,[0,0]) gameDisplay.fill([255, 255, 255]) gameDisplay.blit(BackGround.image, BackGround.rect) canvas_width = 1280 canvas_height = 960 bricks_list = [] # 時脈. clock = pygame.time.Clock() game_mode = 0 # 設定字型-黑體. font = pygame.font.SysFont('simhei', 30) # 底板. paddle_x = 0 paddle_y = (canvas_height - 48) paddle = Box(pygame, gameDisplay, "paddle", [paddle_x, paddle_y, 100, 24], (0,0,0)) # 球. ball_x = paddle_x ball_y = paddle_y ball = Circle(pygame, gameDisplay, "ball", [ball_x, ball_x], 8, (0,0,0)) dx = 15 dy = -15 # 建立磚塊 brick_num = 120 brick_x = 70 brick_y = 130 brick_w = 0 brick_h = 0 for i in range( 0, 120): if((i % 12)==0): brick_w = 0 brick_h = brick_h + 30 bricks_list.append (Box(pygame, gameDisplay, "brick_"+str(i), [ brick_w + brick_x, brick_h+ brick_y, 90, 25], [255,255,255])) brick_w = brick_w + 95 # 建立GPABar gpaImg = pygame.image.load("GPA.png") hpbarImg = pygame.image.load("HPbar.png") #初始分數. gpa_1 = gpa_init.allgpa[0] gpa_2 = gpa_init.allgpa[1] gpa_3 = 4.3 final_grade='' # figure / text objects gpa_icon=figure(30,30,96,96) new_gpa=text(str(gpa_3),60,(0,0,0),gpa_icon.width+96,gpa_icon.height) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 過關畫面. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def final_screen(): bye_1=text("You Saved The Principle",50,(227,23,13),640,200) bye_2=text("Your Grade: "+str(final_grade),50,(227,23,13),640,400) while True: gameDisplay.fill((0,0,0)) bye_1.set("Center") bye_2.set("Center") pygame.display.update() # 初始遊戲. resetGame() #計時. time_keep=600 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 主迴圈. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- running = True while running: #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 判斷輸入. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- for event in pygame.event.get(): # 離開遊戲. if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # 判斷按下按鈕 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # 判斷按下ESC按鈕 if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: running = False # 判斷Mouse. if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: paddle_x = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] - 50 if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if(game_mode == 0): game_mode = 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 清除畫面. #canvas.fill(block) gameDisplay.fill([255, 255, 255]) ##顯示背景 gameDisplay.blit(BackGround.image, BackGround.rect) ##顯示背景 # 磚塊 for bricks in bricks_list: # 球碰磚塊. if(isCollision( ball.pos[0], ball.pos[1], bricks.rect)): if(bricks.visivle): # 扣除磚塊. brick_num = brick_num -1 ##### 初始遊戲. ##### 改成跳出頁面 ##### if(brick_num <= 0): #final_gpa=float(gpa_1)+float(gpa_2)+float(gpa_3) gpa_init.add(gpa_3) print("This is stage3 gpa") final_gpa=float(gpa_3) print("GPA-1") print(float(gpa_1)) print("GPA-2") print(float(gpa_2)) #print(final_gpa) if final_gpa==4.3: final_grade='A+' elif final_gpa>=4.0: final_grade='A' elif final_gpa>=3.7: final_grade='A-' elif final_gpa>=3.3: final_grade='B+' elif final_gpa>=3.0: final_grade='B' elif final_gpa>=2.7: final_grade='B-' elif final_gpa>=2.3: final_grade='C+' elif final_gpa>=2.0: final_grade='C' else: final_grade='c-' final_screen() # 球反彈. dy = -dy; # 關閉磚塊. bricks.visivle = False # 更新磚塊. bricks.update() #顯示磚塊數量. now_brick=text("You Still Have "+str(brick_num)+" bricks",30,(0,0,0),850,20) now_brick.set("None") # 秀板子. paddle.rect[0] = paddle_x paddle.update() # 碰撞判斷-球碰板子. if(isCollision( ball.pos[0], ball.pos[1], paddle.rect)): # 球反彈. dy = -dy; # 球. # 0:等待開球 if(game_mode == 0): ball.pos[0] = ball_x = paddle.rect[0] + ( (paddle.rect[2] - ball.radius) >> 1 ) ball.pos[1] = ball_y = paddle.rect[1] - ball.radius # 1:遊戲進行中 elif(game_mode == 1): ball_x += dx ball_y += dy #判斷死亡. if(ball_y + dy > canvas_height - ball.radius): game_mode = 0 # 右牆或左牆碰撞. if(ball_x + dx > canvas_width - ball.radius or ball_x + dx < ball.radius): dx = -dx # 下牆或上牆碰撞 if(ball_y + dy > canvas_height - ball.radius or ball_y + dy < ball.radius): dy = -dy ball.pos[0] = ball_x ball.pos[1] = ball_y # 更新分數. if (time_keep>0): time_keep += -1 elif (time_keep==0): if gpa_3>0: gpa_3 += (-0.1) time_keep=500 else: time_keep=500 # 更新gpabar # 根據gpa 每0.5顯示一格hpbar # figure(self,x,y,width,height) for i in range(0,int(math.floor(float(new_gpa.content)/0.5))): hpbar = figure( gpa_icon.x+50*(i+1) , gpa_icon.y , 96 , 96) hpbar.set(hpbarImg) gpa_icon.set(gpaImg) gpa_icon=figure(30,20,96,96) new_gpa.set("None") # 更新gpa new_gpa=text(str(round(gpa_3,1)),50,(0,0,0),gpa_icon.width+150,gpa_icon.height-15) # 更新球. ball.update() # 更新畫面. pygame.display.update() clock.tick(10000000) gpa_init.add(new_gpa) # 離開遊戲. pygame.quit() quit()
def stage2(): #Opening_Trailer() ## play song ## riverDisplay = pygame.Surface((1280,960)) #建立一個river圖層 black = (0, 0, 0) white = (255, 255,255) red = (255,0,0) blue0=(149,220,255) blue1=(138,208,255) blue2=(128,197,253) Colorlist=[blue0,blue1,blue2] ## load wave sound and background music in pygame"下一站茶山劉.mp3") wave=pygame.mixer.Sound("wave.wav") ##uploading image of boats boatImg0 = pygame.image.load("boat.png") boatImg1 = pygame.image.load("boat1.png") boatImg2 = pygame.image.load("boat2.png") boatImgList=[boatImg0,boatImg1,boatImg2] # uploading other obstacles bikeImg = pygame.image.load("bike.png") peopleImg = pygame.image.load("people.png") bike2Img = pygame.image.load("bike2.png") busImg = pygame.image.load("bus.png") catImg = pygame.image.load("cat.png") dogImg = pygame.image.load("dog.png") fishImg = pygame.image.load("fish.png") dinoImg = pygame.image.load("dino.png") rainbowcatImg = pygame.image.load("rainbowcat.png") busImg = pygame.transform.scale(busImg, (192*3, 192)) # uploading other Images gpaImg = pygame.image.load("GPA.png") hpbarImg = pygame.image.load("HPbar.png") endlineImg = pygame.image.load("endline.png") backgroundImg = pygame.image.load("background.png") backgroundImg = pygame.transform.scale(backgroundImg, (480, 320)) startoImg = pygame.image.load("starto.png") startoImg = pygame.transform.scale(startoImg, (580, 240)) # defining Objects #define background background = figure(0,0,480,320) background2 = figure(480,0,480,320) background3 = figure(960,0,480,320) background4 = figure(1440,0,480,320) # main character objects boat = mainCharacter(display_width*0.1 , display_height*0.75 , 96 , 96 ) #set status of object # obstacle objects # special_obstacle (self,x,y,width,height,movespeed_x,movespeed_y,damage): ## setting initial velocity for x and y bike2 = special_obstacle(2500,random.randrange(display_height*320/960, display_height*1-96),96,96,-10,0,-0.1) # speed: -10 people = special_obstacle(2000,random.randrange(display_height*320/960,display_height*1-96),96,96,-7,0,-0.4) # speed: -7 bike = special_obstacle(1280,random.randrange(display_height*320/960,display_height*1-96),96,96,-14,0,-0.1) bus = special_obstacle(7000,random.randrange(display_height*320/960,display_height*1-96),192*3,192,-20,0,-0.1)# 等等要設成頁面寬 cat = special_obstacle(3000,random.randrange(display_height*320/960,display_height*1-96),96,96,-14,0,-0.01) dog = special_obstacle(4000,random.randrange(display_height*320/960,display_height*1-96),96,96,-14,0,-0.01) fish = special_obstacle(5000,random.randrange(display_height*320/960,display_height*1-96),96,96,-10,random.choice([-25,25]),-0.05)# 往左移10,往上移10,等等可以設random dino = special_obstacle(6000,random.randrange(display_height*320/960,display_height*1-96),96,96,-14,random.choice([-20,20]),-0.2) rainbowcat = special_obstacle(30000,random.randrange(display_height*320/960,display_height*1-144),144,144,(-1280/10),0,0) # rainbow_cat 144*144 # figure / text objects gpa_icon=figure(30,50,96,96) GPA=4.3 now_gpa=text(str(GPA),60,black,gpa_icon.width+96,gpa_icon.height) ## create ending object ending_message=text("You have failed your semester!",80,red,display_width*(1/2),display_height*(2/3)) ## create clock now_time on right upper corner. now_time=text(str(0.0),60,black,display_width,0) ## create ending object of game endline=obstacle(display_width,display_height*(1/3),100,display_height*2/3,-4) # width 暫設50 px #obstacle list obstaclelist=[bike,bike2,people,bus,cat,dog,fish,dino,rainbowcat] starto=figure(350,450,192,96) x_change = 0 #set constent y_change = 0 # dodged=0 ## dodged ; congratulating on dodge?? boatImgNum=0 #控制 boat gif fps frame=0 #初始幀數 # for collision ; 預設flash 的狀態是false flash=False collision_time = 0 for frame in range(6): background.set(backgroundImg) background2.set(backgroundImg) background3.set(backgroundImg) background4.set(backgroundImg) set_River(riverDisplay,20,20,Colorlist) gameDisplay.blit(riverDisplay, (0,320)) boat.set(boatImg0) if frame % 2 == 0: starto.set(startoImg) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.2) ### initial_time time_running=0 ### game exit while loop gameExit = False while not gameExit: frame+=1 #每跑一次while迴圈幀數+1 ###########event handling loop########### for event in pygame.event.get(): #it gets any event that happens...movenment of mouse or clicking etc if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # when we will click X it will quit the window"X is pressed, will quit") pygame.quit() quit() ################This event will handle situation when ever any key will be pressed ################################## if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:#pressing left arrow will decrease x-axis coordinate x_change = -15 if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:#pressing right arrow will increase x-axis coordinate x_change = 15 if event.key == pygame.K_UP:#pressing UP arrow will decrease Y-axis coordinate y_change = -15 if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:#pressing Down arrow will increase x-axis coordinate y_change = 15 if event.key == pygame.K_t:#pressing Down arrow will increase x-axis coordinate gameExit = True ################This event will handle situation when ever any key will be released ################################## if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: x_change = 0 if event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: y_change = 0 boat.x += x_change boat.y += y_change gameDisplay.fill(white) background.set(backgroundImg) background.x-=5 if background.x < -480: background.x =1280 background2.set(backgroundImg) background2.x-=5 if background2.x < -480: background2.x =1280 background3.set(backgroundImg) background3.x-=5 if background3.x < -480: background3.x =1280 background4.set(backgroundImg) background4.x-=5 if background4.x < -480: background4.x =1280 if frame % 20 == 1: #將river set在 riverDisplay圖層上(每10幀改變一次riverDisplay樣貌) set_River(riverDisplay,20,20,Colorlist) gameDisplay.blit(riverDisplay, (0,320)) #再將riverDisplay放在gameDisplay圖層 ''' #####################將boatImg 組成gif 並設定幾次畫面(frame)更新會換下一張################### if boatImgNum!=2: set_MainCharacter(boat,boatImgList[boatImgNum]) if frame % 10 == 0: #每10幀數換下一張圖片 boatImgNum += 1 elif boatImgNum==2: set_MainCharacter(boat,boatImgList[boatImgNum]) if frame % 10 == 0: boatImgNum = 0 ''' ## setting obstacles moving speed and directions between each flip bike.set(bikeImg) bike.x += bike.movespeed bike.y += bike.movespeed_y people.set(peopleImg) people.x += people.movespeed people.y += people.movespeed_y ## setting other objects bus.set(busImg) bus.x += bus.movespeed bus.y += bus.movespeed_y cat.set(catImg) cat.x += cat.movespeed cat.y += cat.movespeed_y dog.set(dogImg) dog.x+= dog.movespeed dog.y+= dog.movespeed_y fish.set(fishImg) fish.x+= fish.movespeed fish.y+= fish.movespeed_y dino.set(dinoImg) dino.x += dino.movespeed dino.y += dino.movespeed_y rainbowcat.set(rainbowcatImg) rainbowcat.x += rainbowcat.movespeed rainbowcat.y += rainbowcat.movespeed_y ## correction of objects to adhere to boundaries ; correction(boat,320/960) ## 界線是設在1/3,太低可以之後再調 if fish.y < display_height*320/960: fish.y = display_height*320/960 elif fish.y > display_height: fish.y = display_height if dino.y < display_height*320/960: dino.y = display_height*320/960 elif dino.y > display_height: dino.y = display_height ## altering movespeed_x,movespeed_y for every loop ## 每經過一輪的blit,speed要不要條整; x,y 都可以調整,現在還沒有調整 # set_to_origin(objects,change_speed_x,change_speed_y) set_to_origin(bike,0.02,0) set_to_origin(people,0.01,0) set_to_origin(bus,0.07,0) set_to_origin(cat,0.01,0) set_to_origin(dog,0.01,0) set_to_origin(fish,0.01,0) set_to_origin(dino,0.1,0) #根據gpa 每0.5顯示一格hpbar # figure(self,x,y,width,height): for i in range(0,int(math.floor(float(now_gpa.content)/0.5))): hpbar = figure( gpa_icon.x+50*(i+1) , gpa_icon.y , 96 , 96) hpbar.set(hpbarImg) gpa_icon.set(gpaImg) now_gpa.set("None") ## flash setting when collide if flash == False: if boatImgNum!=2: boat.set(boatImgList[boatImgNum]) if frame % 10 == 0: #每10幀數換下一張圖片 boatImgNum += 1 elif boatImgNum==2: boat.set(boatImg0) if frame % 7 == 0: boatImgNum = 0 elif flash == True: collision_time+=clock.get_time() if frame%10 == 0: boat.set(random.choice(boatImgList)) if (collision_time/1000) >=3: ## if 超過3s flash = False ## collision method 2 ; setting damage numbers for obstacles in obstaclelist: #def collision(object1,object2): if collision(boat,obstacles)==True: ''' changed_gpa="%-10.2f"%(float(now_gpa.content)+obstacles.damage) ## damage目前是-0.1 now_gpa.content=str(changed_gpa) flash = True ''' if flash==False: changed_gpa="%-10.2f"%(float(now_gpa.content)+obstacles.damage) ## damage目前是-0.1 now_gpa.content=str(changed_gpa) elif flash==True: continue flash = True ## GPA adjusting if float(now_gpa.content)<=0: ## stop music now_gpa.content = 0 #display message ending_message.set("Center") pygame.display.update() print("printed ending message") time.sleep(2) OP_ED.Failure_screen2() stage2() OP_ED.Opening_Trailer3() stage3() OP_ED.Final_scene() pygame.quit()"Quitting.........") quit() if float(now_gpa.content)<2.5: now_gpa.color=red else: now_gpa.color=black if float(now_gpa.content) > 4.3: now_gpa.content = 4.3 ## set time on right upper field now_time.set("Right") dt=clock.tick(60)/1000 time_running += dt now_time.content="%-10.1f"%(time_running) print("Game has run for ",time_running," seconds") #print("get_ticks is running for",float(pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000)," seconds") if time_running>50: now_time.color=red print("Clock turned red.......") now_time.set("Right") # endline=obstacle(display_width,display_height*(1/3),100,display_height*2/3,-4) # width 暫設50 px if (time_running)>=112+30: # >60s 就讓最後一條線進來,撐過一分鐘就成功 print("endline is appearing................") endline.set(endlineImg) #endline.x += endline.movespeed if endline.x <= display_width/2: endline.x = display_width/2 else: endline.x += endline.movespeed ## if crossed endline if collision(boat,endline): gpa_init.add(now_gpa.content) OP_ED.Ending_Trailer2(now_gpa.content) gameExit = True ## updating pygame display pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) ## update 60 frames per second