def add_colleges(event, context): college = event['college'] name_param = {'name' : 'college', 'value' : {'stringValue' : college}} id_sql = "SELECT college_id FROM college ORDER BY college_id DESC LIMIT 1;" try: college_id = query(id_sql)['records'] if len(college_id) > 0: if 'longValue' in college_id[0][0]: college_id = college_id[0][0]['longValue'] + 1 else: raise LambdaException("500: college_id is invalid") else: college_id = 1 college_id_param = {'name' : 'college_id', 'value' : {'longValue' : college_id}} except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to get college ids: " + str(e)) add_sql = "INSERT INTO college VALUES (:college_id, :college)" params = [name_param, college_id_param] try: query(add_sql, params) return { 'body' : "college successfully created" } except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to add college: " + str(e))
def add_about_page(event, context): page_text = event['page_text'] name_param = {'name': 'page_text', 'value': {'stringValue': page_text}} id_sql = "SELECT about_page_id FROM about_page ORDER BY about_page_id DESC LIMIT 1;" try: about_page_id = query(id_sql)['records'] if len(about_page_id) > 0: if 'longValue' in about_page_id[0][0]: about_page_id = about_page_id[0][0]['longValue'] + 1 else: raise LambdaException("500: about_page_id is invalid") else: about_page_id = 1 about_page_id_param = { 'name': 'about_page_id', 'value': { 'longValue': about_page_id } } except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to get about_page ids: " + str(e)) add_sql = "INSERT INTO about_page VALUES (:about_page_id, :page_text)" params = [name_param, about_page_id_param] try: query(add_sql, params) return {'body': "page_text successfully created"} except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to add page_text: " + str(e))
def add_mediums(event, context): medium = event['medium'] name_param = {'name': 'medium', 'value': {'stringValue': medium}} id_sql = "SELECT medium_id FROM medium ORDER BY medium_id DESC LIMIT 1;" try: medium_id = query(id_sql)['records'] if len(medium_id) > 0: if 'longValue' in medium_id[0][0]: medium_id = medium_id[0][0]['longValue'] + 1 else: raise LambdaException("500: medium_id is invalid") else: medium_id = 1 medium_id_param = { 'name': 'medium_id', 'value': { 'longValue': medium_id } } except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to get medium ids: " + str(e)) add_sql = "INSERT INTO medium VALUES (:medium_id, :medium)" params = [name_param, medium_id_param] try: query(add_sql, params) return {'body': "medium successfully created"} except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to add medium: " + str(e))
def login(event, context): print("Attempting to login:"******"UserEmail" not in event: print("no email") raise LambdaException("Invalid input: no email") if 'Password' not in event: print("no password") raise LambdaException("Invalid input: no password") given_email = event['UserEmail'] given_password = event['Password'] sql = "SELECT email FROM users WHERE email = '%s';" % (given_email) existing_user = query(sql) print("Checking if user exists...") if(existing_user['records'] == []): print("User DNE") raise LambdaException("Invalid input: Invalid email, user does not exist") print("User exists! Fetching name...") sql = "SELECT first_name FROM users WHERE email = '%s';" % (given_email) f_name = query(sql) sql = "SELECT last_name FROM users WHERE email = '%s';" % (given_email) l_name = query(sql) #Get password from existing user and if does not match return a 400 http print("Acquiring password...") sql = "SELECT hashed_password FROM users WHERE email = '%s';" % (given_email) existing_password = query(sql)['records'][0][0]['stringValue'] print("Checking password...") if not given_password == existing_password: raise LambdaException("Invalid input: Incorrect password") #Get user type from Database print("Password verified. Checking role...") sql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE email = '%s';" % (given_email) user_id = query(sql) role = 'student' token_payload = { 'email' : given_email, 'role' : role, 'exp' : datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds = JWT_EXP_DELTA_SECONDS) } token = jwt.encode(payload, JWT_SECRET, JWT_ALGORITHM) print("Done!") response_body = { 'token': token, 'email' : given_email, 'f_name':, 'l_name':, 'role': }
def add_tags(event, context): tag_type = event['tag_type'] name_param = {'name' : 'tag_type', 'value' : {'stringValue' : tag_type}} id_sql = "SELECT tag_type_id FROM tag_type ORDER BY tag_type_id DESC LIMIT 1;" try: tag_type_id = query(id_sql)['records'] if len(tag_type_id) > 0: if 'longValue' in tag_type_id[0][0]: tag_type_id = tag_type_id[0][0]['longValue'] + 1 else: raise LambdaException("500: tag_type_id is invalid") else: tag_type_id = 1 tag_type_id_param = {'name' : 'tag_type_id', 'value' : {'longValue' : tag_type_id}} except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to get tag_type ids: " + str(e)) add_sql = "INSERT INTO tag_type VALUES (:tag_type_id, :tag_type)" params = [name_param, tag_type_id_param] try: query(add_sql, params) return { 'statusCode': 201, 'body' : "tag_type successfully created" } except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to add tag_type: " + str(e))
def add_links(event, context): link = event['link_type'] name_param = {'name' : 'link', 'value' : {'stringValue' : link}} id_sql = "SELECT link_id FROM link ORDER BY link_id DESC LIMIT 1;" try: link_id = query(id_sql)['records'] if len(link_id) > 0: if 'longValue' in link_id[0][0]: link_id = link_id[0][0]['longValue'] + 1 else: raise LambdaException("500: link_id is invalid") else: link_id = 1 link_id_param = {'name' : 'link_id', 'value' : {'longValue' : link_id}} except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to get link ids: " + str(e)) add_sql = "INSERT INTO link VALUES (:link_id, :link)" params = [name_param, link_id_param] try: query(add_sql, params) return { 'body' : "link successfully created" } except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to add link: " + str(e))
def handler(event, context): question = event['question'] question_param = {'name': 'question', 'value': {'stringValue': question}} answer = event['answer'] answer_param = {'name': 'answer', 'value': {'stringValue': answer}} faq_id_sql = "SELECT FAQ_id FROM FAQ ORDER BY FAQ_id DESC LIMIT 1;" try: faq_id = query(faq_id_sql)['records'] if len(faq_id) > 0: if 'longValue' in faq_id[0][0]: faq_id = faq_id[0][0]['longValue'] + 1 else: raise LambdaException("500: FAQ_id is invalid") else: faq_id = 1 faq_id_param = {'name': 'faq_id', 'value': {'longValue': faq_id}} except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to get FAQ ids: " + str(e)) add_faq_sql = "INSERT INTO FAQ (FAQ_id, question, answer) VALUES (:faq_id, :question, :answer)" params = [question_param, answer_param, faq_id_param] try: query(add_faq_sql, params) return {'body': "FAQ successfully created"} except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to add FAQ: " + str(e))
def update_specialization_types(event, context): specialization_type_id = int(event['specialization_type_id']) id_param = { 'name': 'specialization_type_id', 'value': { 'longValue': specialization_type_id } } specialization_type = event['specialization_type'] specialization_type_param = { 'name': 'specialization_type', 'value': { 'stringValue': specialization_type } } update_sql = "UPDATE specialization_type SET specialization_type = :specialization_type WHERE specialization_type_id = :specialization_type_id" params = [id_param, specialization_type_param] try: query(update_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to update specialization_type, " + str(e)) return {'body': "Successfully updated specialization_type"}
def update_announcements(event, context): accouncement_id = int(event['announcement_id']) id_param = { 'name': 'accouncement_id', 'value': { 'longValue': accouncement_id } } title = event['title'] title_param = {'name': 'title', 'value': {'stringValue': title}} announcement = event['announcement'] announcement_param = { 'name': 'announcement', 'value': { 'stringValue': announcement } } update_sql = "UPDATE announcements SET announcement = :announcement, title = :title WHERE accouncement_id = :accouncement_id" params = [id_param, announcement_param, title_param] try: query(update_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to update announcement, " + str(e)) return {'body': "Successfully updated announcement"}
def get_all_appointments(event, context): #Check to see if their are any appointments scheduled sql = 'SELECT appointment_id FROM scheduled_appointments' sql_parameters = [] exists = query(sql, sql_parameters) if (exists['records'] == []): return { 'body': json.dumps("There are no appointments scheduled"), 'statusCode': 404 } else: #There are appointments scheduled, so fetch appointments sql = 'SELECT distinct U1.first_name AS studentFN, U1.last_name AS studentLN, U1.picture AS studentPic, U2.first_name AS supporterFN, U2.last_name AS supporterLN, U2.picture AS supporterPic, SA.time_of_appt, SA.time_scheduled, SA.medium, SA.cancelled, SA.cancel_reason, SA.location,, SR.rating, SR.comment, SR.promoter_score, SS.max_students, SS.duration, ST.specialization_type, SR.appointment_id \ FROM users U1, users U2, student_appointment_relation SR, scheduled_appointments SA, supporter_specializations SS, specializations_for_appointment SFA, specialization_type ST \ WHERE SR.student_id = \ AND SR.supporter_id = \ AND SA.appointment_id = SFA.appointment_id \ AND SFA.specialization_type_id = ST.specialization_type_id \ AND SR.appointment_id = SA.appointment_id \ AND ST.specialization_type_id = SS.specialization_type_id AND SS.supporter_id = SR.supporter_id;' sql_parameters = [] appointment_info = query(sql, sql_parameters) appointments = [] #For each entry in the query data, extracts relevant data and stores it in a dictionary with appropriate key for entry in appointment_info['records']: block = dict() block["supporterFN"] = entry[0].get("stringValue") block["supporterLN"] = entry[1].get("stringValue") block["supporterPic"] = entry[2].get("stringValue") block["studentFN"] = entry[3].get("stringValue") block["studentLN"] = entry[4].get("stringValue") block["studentPic"] = entry[5].get("stringValue") block["time_of_appt"] = entry[6].get("stringValue") block["time_scheduled"] = entry[7].get("stringValue") block["medium"] = entry[8].get("stringValue") block["cancelled"] = entry[9].get("booleanValue") block["cancel_reason"] = entry[10].get("stringValue") block["location"] = entry[11].get("stringValue") block["feedback"] = entry[12].get("stringValue") block["rating"] = entry[13].get("stringValue") if block["rating"] is not None: block["rating"] = float(block["rating"]) block["comment"] = entry[14].get("stringValue") block["promoter_score"] = entry[15].get("booleanValue") block["max_students"] = entry[16].get("longValue") block["duration"] = entry[17].get("longValue") block["specialization_type"] = entry[18].get("stringValue") block["appointment_id"] = entry[19].get("longValue") appointments.append(block) #Returns the query contents return {'body': appointments, 'statusCode': 200}
def delete_links(event, context): link_id = int(event['link_id']) id_param = {'name': 'link_id', 'value': {'longValue': link_id}} delete_sql = "DELETE FROM link WHERE link_id = :link_id" params = [id_param] try: query(delete_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to delete link, " + str(e)) return {'body': "Successfully deleted link"}
def delete_tags(event, context): tag_type_id = int(event['tag_type_id']) id_param = {'name': 'tag_type_id', 'value': {'longValue': tag_type_id}} delete_sql = "DELETE FROM tag_type WHERE tag_type_id = :tag_type_id" params = [id_param] try: query(delete_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to delete tag_type, " + str(e)) return {'statusCode': 201, 'body': "Successfully deleted tag_type"}
def delete_about_page(event, context): about_page_id = int(event['about_page_id']) id_param = {'name': 'about_page_id', 'value': {'longValue': about_page_id}} delete_sql = "DELETE FROM about_page WHERE about_page_id = :about_page_id" params = [id_param] try: query(delete_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to delete about_page, " + str(e)) return {'body': "Successfully deleted about_page"}
def delete_majors(event, context): major_id = int(event['major_id']) id_param = {'name': 'major_id', 'value': {'longValue': major_id}} delete_sql = "DELETE FROM major WHERE major_id = :major_id" params = [id_param] try: query(delete_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to delete major, " + str(e)) return {'body': "Successfully deleted major"}
def lambda_handler(event, context): #supporter identifier if 'supporter_id' in event: supporter_id = int(event['supporter_id']) else: raise LambdaException("422 : Invalid input: No supporter_id") #Check if supporter exists sql = "SELECT supporter_id FROM supporters WHERE supporter_id= :supporter_id" supporter_id_param = [{ 'name': 'supporter_id', 'value': { 'longValue': supporter_id } }] existing_supporter = query(sql, supporter_id_param) if (existing_supporter['records'] == []): raise LambdaException("404 : No existing Supporter") #SQL to get all appointments sql = """SELECT start_date, end_date, appointment_block_id, recurring_id FROM appointment_block WHERE supporter_id = :supporter_id""" sql_parameters = [{ 'name': 'supporter_id', 'value': { 'longValue': supporter_id } }] appointment_info = query(sql, sql_parameters) # check if supporter types successfully loaded if (appointment_info['records'] == []): raise LambdaException( "404 : There are no appointment blocks for supporter") else: appointment_data = [] #for each entry in the query data, extracts relevant data and stores it in a dictionary with appropriate key for entry in appointment_info['records']: block = dict() block["start_date"] = entry[0].get("stringValue") block["end_date"] = entry[1].get("stringValue") block["appointment_block_id"] = entry[2].get("longValue") block["recurring_id"] = entry[3].get("longValue") appointment_data.append(block) #Returns query contents in json format, success return {'body': appointment_data, 'statusCode': 200}
def get_appointment_students(event, context): given_id = int(event['student_id']) #Check to see if the student user exists sql = 'SELECT student_id FROM students WHERE student_id=:given_id' sql_parameters = [{'name':'given_id', 'value' : {'longValue': given_id}}] exists = query(sql,sql_parameters) if(exists['records'] == []): return{ 'body': json.dumps("The user does not exist"), 'statusCode': 404 } #The user does exist, so fetch appointments sql = 'SELECT U1.first_name as studentFN, U1.last_name as studentLN, U2.first_name as supporterFN, U2.last_name as supporterLN, SA.time_scheduled, SA.type,SA.duration, SA.method, SA.location \ FROM students S, users U1, users U2, student_appointment_relation SR, scheduled_appointments SA \ WHERE S.student_id = SR.student_id AND SR.appointment_id = SA.appointment_id AND S.student_id = AND SA.supporter_id = AND S.student_id=:given_id' sql_parameters = [{'name':'given_id', 'value' : {'longValue': given_id}}] appointment_info = query(sql, sql_parameters) #Check to see if the query even returned anything if (appointment_info['records'] == []): return{ 'body': json.dumps("The user has no appointments"), 'statusCode': 404 } else: student_appointments = [] #For each entry in the query data, extracts relevant data and stores it in a dictionary with appropriate key for entry in appointment_info['records']: block = dict() block["studentFN"] = entry[0].get("stringValue") block["studentLN"] = entry[1].get("stringValue") block["supporterFN"] = entry[2].get("stringValue") block["supporterLN"] = entry[3].get("stringValue") block["time_scheduled"] = entry[4].get("stringValue") block["type"] = entry[5].get("stringValue") block["duration"] = entry[6].get("longValue") block["method"] = entry[7].get("stringValue") block["location"] = entry[8].get("stringValue") student_appointments.append(block) #Returns the query contents in JSON format return{ 'body': json.dumps(student_appointments), 'statusCode': 200 }
def delete_specialization_types(event, context): specialization_type_id = int(event['specialization_type_id']) id_param = { 'name': 'specialization_type_id', 'value': { 'longValue': specialization_type_id } } delete_sql = "DELETE FROM specialization_type WHERE specialization_type_id = :specialization_type_id" params = [id_param] try: query(delete_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to delete specialization_type, " + str(e)) return {'body': "Successfully deleted specialization_type"}
def get_admin_defaults(event,context): sql = 'SELECT max_students_for_specialization, duration_for_specialization, hours_before_appointment_for_supporter, M.medium \ FROM default_table, medium M\ WHERE M.medium_id = default_table.medium_of_appt' sql_parameters = [] default_query = query(sql,sql_parameters) #Check if table is empty if(default_query['records'] == []): return{ 'body': json.dumps("default table empty"), 'statusCode': 500 } defaults = [] block = dict() block["max_students_for_specialization"] = default_query['records'][0][0]["longValue"] block["duration_for_specialization"] = default_query['records'][0][1]["longValue"] block["hours_before_appointment_for_supporter"] = default_query['records'][0][2]["longValue"] block["medium_of_appt"] = default_query['records'][0][3]["stringValue"] defaults.append(block) return{ 'body': defaults, 'statusCode': 200 }
def handler(event, context): get_faq_sql = "SELECT faq_id, question, answer FROM FAQ;" try: faqs = query(get_faq_sql)['records'] except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Unable to get FAQs, " + str(e)) response = { 'faqs': [], } if len(faqs) > 0: for f_id, q, a in faqs: curr_faqs = response['faqs'] curr_faqs.append({ 'faq_id': f_id['longValue'], 'question': q['stringValue'], 'answer': a['stringValue'] }) response['faqs'] = curr_faqs else: raise LambdaException("204: No existing FAQs") return response
def update_links(event, context): link_id = int(event['link_id']) id_param = {'name': 'link_id', 'value': {'longValue': link_id}} link_type = event['link_type'] link_param = {'name': 'link_type', 'value': {'stringValue': link_type}} update_sql = "UPDATE link SET link_type = :link_type WHERE link_id = :link_id" params = [id_param, link_param] try: query(update_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to update link, " + str(e)) return {'body': "Successfully updated link"}
def update_minors(event, context): minor_id = int(event['minor_id']) id_param = {'name': 'minor_id', 'value': {'longValue': minor_id}} minor = event['minor'] minor_param = {'name': 'minor', 'value': {'stringValue': minor}} update_sql = "UPDATE minor SET minor = :minor WHERE minor_id = :minor_id" params = [id_param, minor_param] try: query(update_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to update minor, " + str(e)) return {'body': "Successfully updated minor"}
def update_tags(event, context): tag_type_id = int(event['tag_type_id']) id_param = {'name': 'tag_type_id', 'value': {'longValue': tag_type_id}} tag_type = event['tag_type'] tag_type_param = {'name': 'tag_type', 'value': {'stringValue': tag_type}} update_sql = "UPDATE tag_type SET tag_type = :tag_type WHERE tag_type_id = :tag_type_id" params = [id_param, tag_type_param] try: query(update_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to update tag, " + str(e)) return {'statusCode': 201, 'body': "Successfully updated tag"}
def get_unverified_supporters(event, context): #Query for getting desired informaton sql_select = """SELECT s.employer as s_employer, s.title as s_title, s.team_name as s_team_name, u.first_name as s_first_name, u.last_name as s_last_name, as s_email, as s_feedback, s.rating as s_rating, s.is_pending as s_is_pending, as s_office, st.professional_staff as s_professional_staff, st.alumni as s_alumni, st.faculty as s_faculty, st.other as s_other, s.supporter_id as s_supporter_id, st.student_staff as s_student_staff\ FROM supporters s, users u, supporter_type st \ WHERE (s.is_pending = true or s.is_pending is NULL) AND s.user_id = AND s.supporter_id = st.supporter_id;""" sql_parameters = dictionary_to_list( {}) #Need to add dummy sql_parameters for the query method to work response = query(sql_select, sql_parameters) if response['records'] == []: raise LambdaException( "404: there are no supporters" ) #Raising lambda exception if there are no supporters else: unverified_supporter_information = [] for entry in response[ 'records']: #This for loop will append corrresponding data for JSON object block = dict() block["s_employer"] = entry[0].get("stringValue") #Employer block["s_title"] = entry[1].get("stringValue") #Title of supporter block["s_team_name"] = entry[2].get( "stringValue") #Team name of supporter block["s_first_name"] = entry[3].get( "stringValue") #First name of supporter block["s_last_name"] = entry[4].get( "stringValue") #Last name of supporter block["s_email"] = entry[5].get("stringValue") #Email of supporter block["s_feedback"] = entry[6].get( "booleanValue") #Feedback for supporter block["s_rating"] = entry[7].get( "doubleValue") #Rating for supporter block["s_is_pending"] = entry[8].get( "booleanValue" ) #Boolean for whether or not supporter is verified block["s_office"] = entry[9].get( "stringValue") #Office name for supporter block["s_professional_staff"] = entry[10].get( "booleanValue" ) #Boolean for whether or not supporter is professional staff block["s_alumni"] = entry[11].get( "booleanValue" ) #Boolean for whether or not supporter is alumni block["s_faculty"] = entry[12].get( "booleanValue" ) #Boolean for whether or not supporter is faculty block["s_other"] = entry[13].get( "booleanValue") #Boolean for other for supporter block["s_supporter_id"] = entry[14].get( "longValue") #Supporter id for the supporter block["s_student_staff"] = entry[15].get( "booleanValue" ) #Boolean for whether or not supporters is student staff unverified_supporter_information.append(block) #Returns the query contents in JSON format return {'body': unverified_supporter_information, 'statusCode': 200}
def update_mediums(event, context): medium_id = int(event['medium_id']) id_param = {'name' : 'medium_id', 'value' : {'longValue' : medium_id}} medium = event['medium'] medium_param = {'name' : 'medium', 'value' : {'stringValue' : medium}} update_sql = "UPDATE medium SET medium = :medium WHERE medium_id = :medium_id" params = [id_param, medium_param] try: query(update_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to update medium, " + str(e)) return { 'body' : "Successfully updated medium" }
def update_about_page(event, context): about_page_id = int(event['about_page_id']) id_param = {'name' : 'about_page_id', 'value' : {'longValue' : about_page_id}} page_text = event['page_text'] page_text_param = {'name' : 'page_text', 'value' : {'stringValue' : page_text}} update_sql = "UPDATE about_page SET page_text = :page_text WHERE about_page_id = :about_page_id" params = [id_param, page_text_param] try: query(update_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to update about_page, " + str(e)) return { 'body' : "Successfully updated about_page" }
def update_colleges(event, context): college_id = int(event['college_id']) id_param = {'name' : 'college_id', 'value' : {'longValue' : college_id}} college = event['college'] college_param = {'name' : 'college', 'value' : {'stringValue' : college}} update_sql = "UPDATE college SET college = :college WHERE college_id = :college_id" params = [id_param, college_param] try: query(update_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to update college, " + str(e)) return { 'body' : "Successfully updated college" }
def handler(event, context): faq_id = int(event['faq_id']) faq_id_param = {'name': 'faq_id', 'value': {'longValue': faq_id}} question = event['question'] question_param = {'name': 'question', 'value': {'stringValue': question}} answer = event['answer'] answer_param = {'name': 'answer', 'value': {'stringValue': answer}} update_faq_sql = "UPDATE FAQ SET question = :question, answer = :answer WHERE faq_id = :faq_id" params = [faq_id_param, question_param, answer_param] try: query(update_faq_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to update FAQs, " + str(e)) return {'body': "Successfully updated FAQ"}
def add_announcements(event, context): title = event['title'] title_param = {'name': 'title', 'value': {'stringValue': title}} announcement = event['announcement'] announcement_param = { 'name': 'announcement', 'value': { 'stringValue': announcement } } announcement_id_sql = "SELECT accouncement_id FROM announcements ORDER BY accouncement_id DESC LIMIT 1;" try: accouncement_id = query(announcement_id_sql)['records'] if len(accouncement_id) > 0: if 'longValue' in accouncement_id[0][0]: accouncement_id = accouncement_id[0][0]['longValue'] + 1 else: raise LambdaException("500: accouncement_id is invalid") else: accouncement_id = 1 announcement_id_param = { 'name': 'accouncement_id', 'value': { 'longValue': accouncement_id } } except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("Failed to get announcement ids: " + str(e)) add_sql = "INSERT INTO announcements VALUES (:accouncement_id, :title, :announcement)" params = [title_param, announcement_param, announcement_id_param] try: query(add_sql, params) return {'body': "announcement successfully created"} except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to add announcement: " + str(e))
def block(event, context): id = int(event['id']) id_param = {'name': 'id', 'value': {'longValue': id}} is_blocked = event['blocked'] blocked_param = { 'name': 'is_blocked', 'value': { 'booleanValue': is_blocked } } update_sql = "UPDATE users SET is_blocked = :is_blocked WHERE id = :id" params = [id_param, blocked_param] try: query(update_sql, params) except Exception as e: raise LambdaException("500: Failed to update is_blocked, " + str(e)) return {'body': 'Successfully updated is_blocked'}
def cancel_appointment(event, context): appointment_id_to_delete = event['appointment_id'] cancel_reason = event['cancel_reason'] appointment_id_dic = {} cancel_reason_dic = {} if appointment_id_to_delete == None: return{ "statusCode": 404 } if cancel_reason == None: return{ "statusCode": 404 } appointment_id_dic['appointment_id'] = appointment_id_to_delete cancel_reason_dic['cancel_reason'] = cancel_reason sql_select = """SELECT appointment_id FROM scheduled_appointments WHERE appointment_id = :appointment_id;""" sql_parameters = dictionary_to_list(appointment_id_dic) response = query(sql_select, sql_parameters) if response == []: return{ 'statusCode': 404 } sql_update = """ UPDATE scheduled_appointments SET cancelled = True, cancel_reason = :cancel_reason WHERE appointment_id = :appointment_id""" cancel_reason_dic['appointment_id'] = appointment_id_to_delete sql_parameters = dictionary_to_list(cancel_reason_dic) response = query(sql_update, sql_parameters) #Return success code if appointment has been deleted return{ "statusCode": 200 }