class Ability(ns.ThreadedAbilityBase): _option_list = [ ns.StrOpt('prefix', default='', comment='Prefix to the echo reply'), ns.StrOpt('client_info', default='', comment='Information about the client connected ' 'to the socket') ] _info = ns.AbilityInfo( name='Echo Server', description='echoes back the received messages with a prefix and ' 'the information about the connected client', authors=['Florian Maury', ], tags=[ns.Tag.EXAMPLE], type=ns.AbilityType.COMPONENT ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Ability, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._stop_evt = threading.Event() def stop(self): ns.ThreadedAbilityBase.stop(self) self._stop_evt.set() def main(self): while not self._stop_evt.is_set(): try: if self._poll(0.1): s = self._recv() self._send(self.prefix.format(self.client_info) + s) except (IOError, EOFError): self._stop_evt.set()
class Ability(ns.AbilityBase): _info = ns.AbilityInfo( name='Call another Ability', description='Demonstrate how to call synchronously another ability', ) _option_list = [ ns.ChoiceOpt('option', ['normal', 'bypass_cache'], default='normal', comment='Define if cache must be bypassed when using ' 'generators (except "nb")'), ns.StrOpt('msg', default='I was called by another ability', comment='Message we want to see in our called ability'), ns.NumOpt('nb', default=3, comment='Times to display everything'), ] _dependencies = [('abl_demo_opt', 'base', 'Demo options')] def main(self, **kwargs): # Parameters of the called ability can be set in different way abl = self.get_dependency('abl_demo_opt', nb=self.nb, ip_dst='RandIP6', msg=self.msg) abl.port_dst = 42 abl.option = self.option abl.set_opt("path", "/bin/true") abl.start()
class Ability(ns.ThreadedAbilityBase): _info = ns.AbilityInfo( name='Hello from a thread', description='Display an hello message and wait to be stopped to exit', ) _option_list = [ ns.StrOpt('msg', default='Hi there', comment='hello message to display'), ns.NumOpt('sleep_time', default=2, comment='Time to wait before displaying the hello message') ] def main(self): time.sleep(self.sleep_time)'{}!'.format(self.msg).capitalize()) self._view.warning('Hit Ctrl+c to stop me') self._wait()'Ctrl+c received, exiting…') return 'Done' def howto(self): self._view.delimiter('Hello')""" Display an hello message passed in argument after a defined time. It will then hang until receiving a ctrl+c interrupt. """)
class Ability(ns.AbilityBase): _info = ns.AbilityInfo( name='TCP sync server', description='use the tcp_client ability to simply ' 'send data over tcp in a synchronous way', ) _option_list = [ ns.PortOpt(ns.OptNames.PORT_DST, default=2222, comment='listening port on the TCP server'), ns.IpOpt(ns.OptNames.IP_DST, default='', comment='server IP address'), ns.StrOpt('msg', default='Hello from PacketWeaver\n', comment='Message to send over TCP') ] _dependencies = ['tcpclnt'] def main(self): inst = self.get_dependency('tcpclnt', protocol='IPv4', ip_dst=self.ip_dst, port_dst=self.port_dst) to_tcp, out_pipe = multiprocessing.Pipe() out_pipe_2, from_tcp = multiprocessing.Pipe() inst.add_in_pipe(out_pipe) inst.add_out_pipe(out_pipe_2) self._view.debug('Starting tcpclnt') inst.start() self._view.debug('Send msg') to_tcp.send(self.msg) r = from_tcp.recv()'{}'.format(r)) self._view.debug('Stop tcpclnt') inst.stop() inst.join() self._view.success('All done') def howto(self): self._view.delimiter('TCP synchronous server')""" A simple ability that connect to a TCP server, send a string and await for a response. It can easily be tested against a netcat emulated server: 1. the command "nc -lp 2222" will listen to the port 2222 2. running the ability in another terminal will write your message to the netcat output 3. writing a short text in the netcat view will send back a message, terminating the ability """)
class Ability(ns.ThreadedAbilityBase): _info = ns.AbilityInfo(name='Chain abilities', ) _dependencies = [('abl_invert', 'base', 'Invert piped string'), ('abl_display', 'base', 'Display piped string')] _option_list = [ ns.StrOpt('msg', default='default', comment='Message to invert') ] def main(self, **kwargs): abl_inv = self.get_dependency('abl_invert') abl_disp = self.get_dependency('abl_display') # build communication channels to_abl, p_out = Pipe() abl_inv.add_in_pipe(p_out) abl_inv | abl_disp # run our controlled abilities self._view.debug('[main abl] Starting our two abilities') abl_inv.start() abl_disp.start() # ask to operate our message to_abl.send(self.msg) self._view.debug('[main abl] Sending "{}" to be inverted'.format( self.msg)) # close all self._view.debug('[main abl] Hit ctrl+c to stop'.format(self.msg)) self._wait() abl_inv.stop() abl_disp.stop() abl_inv.join() abl_disp.join() self._view.debug("[main abl] End") def howto(self): self._view.delimiter('Chain ability howto')""" This ability invert and display its string input value. It is done using two abilities, one that invert the string, and another that display it. """)
class Ability(ns.ThreadedAbilityBase): _option_list = [ ns.StrOpt('bpf', default='', comment='Filter to apply to received frames'), ns.NICOpt(ns.OptNames.INPUT_INTERFACE, default=None, comment='NIC to sniff on') ] _info = ns.AbilityInfo( name='Sniff Frames', description='Sniff frames and send them in the pipe', authors=[ 'Florian Maury', ], tags=[ns.Tag.TCP_STACK_L1], type=ns.AbilityType.COMPONENT) @classmethod def check_preconditions(cls, module_factory): l_dep = [] if not ns.HAS_PCAPY: l_dep.append('Pcapy support missing or broken. ' 'Please install pcapy or proceed to an update.') l_dep += super(Ability, cls).check_preconditions(module_factory) return l_dep def main(self): l_threads = [] for out in self._builtin_out_pipes: thr, cap_stop_evt, _ = pcap_lib.start_capture( self.interface, self.bpf, out) l_threads.append((thr, cap_stop_evt)) self._wait() for t in l_threads: t[1].set() t[0].join()
class Ability(ns.ThreadedAbilityBase): _option_list = [ ns.StrOpt( 'cacert_file', '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt', 'Path of a file containing the list of trusted CAs', optional=True ), ns.StrOpt('alpn', None, 'Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation value (as a CSV)', optional=True), ns.StrOpt('cipher_suites', ':'.join([ # List from ANSSI TLS guide v.1.1 p.51 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA256', 'ECDHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA256', 'DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256', 'DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256', 'AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'AES256-SHA256', 'AES128-SHA256', 'CAMELLIA128-SHA256' ]), 'Proposed Ordered Cipher Suite List'), ns.BoolOpt('compress', False, 'Should TLS compression be used?'), ns.ChoiceOpt( 'version', ['SSLv3', 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2'], default='TLSv1.2', comment='SSL/TLS protocol version', ), ns.StrOpt('cert_file', '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem', 'Server Certificate'), ns.StrOpt('key_file', '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key', 'Server Private Key'), ns.ChoiceOpt('protocol', ['IPv4', 'IPv6'], comment='IPv4 or IPv6'), ns.IpOpt(ns.OptNames.IP_DST, '', 'Binding IP'), ns.PortOpt(ns.OptNames.PORT_DST, 0, 'Binding Port'), ns.NumOpt('backlog_size', 10, 'Backlog size provided to listen()'), ns.NumOpt('timeout', 30, 'Timeout for sockets'), ns.CallbackOpt(ns.OptNames.CALLBACK, comment='Callback returning a service ability to handle a new connection'), ns.StrOpt('client_info_name', 'client_info', 'Name of the service ability option that will contain the information about the client that is at the other end of the TCP connection' ) ] _info = ns.AbilityInfo( name='TLS Server', description='Binds to a port, accept TLS connections and starts new abilities to handle them', authors=['Florian Maury',], tags=[ns.Tag.TCP_STACK_L4], type=ns.AbilityType.COMPONENT ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Ability, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._stop_evt = threading.Event() def stop(self): super(Ability, self).stop() self._stop_evt.set() def _accept_new_connection(self, s): # accepting the connection clt_sock, clt_info = s.accept() # Getting the service ability new_abl = self.callback() # Giving to the service ability the informations about the client new_abl.set_opt(self.client_info_name, '{}:{}'.format(clt_info[0], clt_info[1])) # Creating the pipes in_pipe_in, in_pipe_out = multiprocessing.Pipe() out_pipe_in, out_pipe_out = multiprocessing.Pipe() new_abl.add_in_pipe(in_pipe_out) new_abl.add_out_pipe(out_pipe_in) # Starting the service ability new_abl.start() return clt_sock, in_pipe_in, out_pipe_out, new_abl def _serve(self, server_sock): to_read = [server_sock] to_write = [] ready_to_read = [] ready_to_write = [] service_abilities = [] while not self._stop_evt.is_set(): # Waiting for sockets to be ready readable, writable, errored =, to_write, [], 0.1) # Adding the sockets that are ready to the list of the already ready sockets ready_to_write += writable to_write = [x for x in to_write if x not in ready_to_write] ready_to_read += readable to_read = [x for x in to_read if x not in ready_to_read] if len(ready_to_read) > 0: # For each socket that is ready to be read for s in ready_to_read: if s is server_sock: # This socket is the server_sock (the one we can run accept upon) new_sock, new_in_pipe, new_out_pipe, new_abl = self._accept_new_connection(s) to_read.append(new_sock) to_read.append(new_out_pipe) to_read.append(s) to_write.append(new_sock) to_write.append(new_in_pipe) service_abilities.append((new_abl, new_sock, new_in_pipe, new_out_pipe)) ready_to_read.pop(ready_to_read.index(s)) else: # The socket is one of the socket connected to a client # StopIteration should not happen because we know that the element must be present # We also know that there should be only one answer so calling on next is efficient # Finally, we use a generator expression because it is more efficient (only generates up to the # first matching occurrence. A list expression would have iterated over the whole list abl, sock, in_pipe, out_pipe = next( (srv for srv in service_abilities if s is srv[1] or s is srv[3]) ) if s is sock and in_pipe in ready_to_write: try: in_pipe.send(s.recv(65535)) to_read.append(s) to_write.append(in_pipe) except: abl.stop() sock.close() in_pipe.close() out_pipe.close() abl.join() finally: ready_to_write.pop(ready_to_write.index(in_pipe)) ready_to_read.pop(ready_to_read.index(sock)) elif s is out_pipe and sock in ready_to_write: try: sock.send(out_pipe.recv()) to_read.append(out_pipe) to_write.append(sock) except: abl.stop() sock.close() in_pipe.close() out_pipe.close() abl.join() finally: ready_to_write.pop(ready_to_write.index(sock)) ready_to_read.pop(ready_to_read.index(out_pipe)) for abl, sock, in_pipe, out_pipe in service_abilities: abl.stop() sock.close() in_pipe.close() out_pipe.close() abl.join() def main(self): # Check Python version py_ver = sys.version_info if ( py_ver.major < 2 or ( py_ver.major == 2 and ( py_ver.minor < 7 or (py_ver.minor >= 7 and py_ver.micro < 10) ) ) ): raise Exception('Your version of Python and Python-ssl are too old. Please upgrade to more "current" versions') # Set up SSL/TLS context tls_version_table = { 'SSLv3': ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23, 'TLSv1': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, 'TLSv1.1': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1, 'TLSv1.2': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, } tls_version = tls_version_table[self.version] ctx = ssl.SSLContext(tls_version) if not isinstance(self.alpn, type(None)): ctx.set_alpn_protocols(','.join(self.alpn)) ctx.set_ciphers(self.cipher_suites) if not isinstance(self.cacert_file, type(None)): ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile=self.cacert_file) ctx.load_cert_chain(self.cert_file, self.key_file) if self.protocol == 'IPv4': server_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: server_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) ssl_sock = ctx.wrap_socket(server_sock, server_side=True) ssl_sock.bind(('' if isinstance(self.ip_dst, type(None)) else self.ip_dst, self.port_dst)) ssl_sock.listen(self.backlog_size) ssl_sock.settimeout(self.timeout) self._serve(ssl_sock) try: server_sock = ssl_sock.unwrap() server_sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except: pass finally: server_sock.close()
class Ability(ns.ThreadedAbilityBase): _option_list = [ ns.NICOpt(ns.OptNames.INPUT_INTERFACE, default=None, comment='Sniffed interface'), ns.NICOpt(ns.OptNames.OUTPUT_INTERFACE, default=None, comment='Injection interface', optional=True), ns.MacOpt(ns.OptNames.MAC_SRC, default=None, comment='Source Mac', optional=True), ns.MacOpt(ns.OptNames.MAC_DST, default=None, comment='Destination Mac', optional=True), ns.IpOpt(ns.OptNames.IP_SRC, default=None, comment='Source IP', optional=True), ns.IpOpt(ns.OptNames.IP_DST, default=None, comment='Destination IP', optional=True), ns.PortOpt(ns.OptNames.PORT_SRC, default=None, comment='Source Port', optional=True), ns.PortOpt(ns.OptNames.PORT_DST, default=None, comment='Destination Port', optional=True), ns.OptionTemplateEntry( lambda x: 0 == len( [e for e in x.lower() if e not in "0123456789abcdef"]), ns.StrOpt('ether_type', default='0800', comment='Filter by ether_type (hexa)', optional=True)), ns.ChoiceOpt(ns.OptNames.L4PROTOCOL, ['tcp', 'udp'], comment='L4 Protocol over IP', optional=True), ns.StrOpt('bridge', default=None, comment="""Specify the bridge to use for sniffing. If the bridge does not exist, it will be created and the input and output interfaces will be bridged together.""", optional=True), ns.BoolOpt('mux', default=False, comment="""True if messages to send are prefixed with either \\x00 or \\xFF. If a prefix is used, \\x00 means the message is to be sent through the sniffing interface (supposedly back to the sender, but who knows?!). If the prefix values \\xFF, then the message is sent through the output interface. If no prefix are used and this option values False, then messages are always sent through the output interface. """), ns.BoolOpt('bidirectional', default=False, comment='Whether communications must be intercepted ' 'in one way or both ways.'), ns.BoolOpt('quiet', default=True, comment='Whether to log errors.'), ] _info = ns.AbilityInfo( name='Message Interceptor', description=""" This module sniffs some frames and reports them in the in_pkt channel. Original frames might be dropped and new frames can be injected back in. If an outerface is specified, the interface and the outerface are bridged together and intercepted frames are dropped.""", authors=[ 'Florian Maury', ], tags=[ ns.Tag.INTRUSIVE, ], type=ns.AbilityType.COMPONENT) _dependencies = ['netfilter', 'capture', 'sendraw', 'demux'] @classmethod def check_preconditions(cls, module_factory): l_dep = [] if not ns.HAS_PYROUTE2: l_dep.append('PyRoute2 support missing or broken. ' 'Please install pyroute2 or proceed to an update.') l_dep += super(Ability, cls).check_preconditions(module_factory) return l_dep def _check_parameter_consistency(self): """ Check whether all provided parameters are sensible, including whether related parameters have consistent values :return: bool, True if parameter values are consistent """ if (self.port_src is not None or self.port_dst is not None) \ and self.protocol is None: self._view.error('If src port or dst port are defined, ' 'a protocol must be specified.') return False if self.outerface is None and self.mux is True: self._view.error('Message are supposed to be prefixed, ' 'but output interface is unspecified!?') return False if self.interface is None: self._view.error('An input channel must be defined.') return False if self.interface is not None \ and self.outerface is not None \ and self.interface == self.outerface: self._view.error( 'Input interface and output interface cannot be the same. ' 'If you are sniffing and T-mode and you want to inject traffic' ' back, please instanciate your own send_packet ability') return False br_name = ns.in_bridge(self.interface) if (br_name is not None and self.bridge is not None and br_name != self.bridge): self._view.error( 'Input interface is already in a different bridge. ' 'You might be breaking something here :)') return False if ns.is_bridge(self.interface): self._view.error('A bridge cannot be enslaved to another bridge. ' 'Input interface is a bridge.') return False if self.outerface is not None and ns.is_bridge(self.outerface): self._view.error('A bridge cannot be enslaved to another bridge. ' 'Output interface is a bridge.') return False return True def _build_bpf(self, mac_src, mac_dst, ether_type, ip_src, ip_dst, proto, port_src, port_dst): """ Builds a BPF from the provided parameters :param mac_src: Source MAC address (may be None) :param mac_dst: Destination MAC address (may be None) :param ip_src: Source IP address (may be None) :param ip_dst: Destination IP address (may be None) :param proto: Protocol (either "udp" or "tcp" or None) :param port_src: Source Port (may be None) :param port_dst: Destination Port (may be None) :param bidirectional: Bool telling whether the connection must be extracted in one way or in both ways :return: the BPF expression as a string """ bpf = set() bpf.add('ether proto 0x{}'.format(ether_type)) if self.bidirectional: if mac_src is not None and mac_dst is not None: bpf.add('(ether src {} and ether dst {}) ' 'or (ether src {} and ether dst {})'.format( mac_src, mac_dst, mac_dst, mac_src)) elif mac_src is not None and mac_dst is None: bpf.add('ether {}'.format(mac_src)) elif mac_dst is not None and mac_src is None: bpf.add('ether {}'.format(mac_src)) if ip_src is not None and ip_dst is not None: bpf.add('(src host {} and dst host {}) ' 'or (src host {} and dst host {})'.format( ip_src, ip_dst, ip_dst, ip_src)) elif ip_src is not None and ip_dst is None: bpf.add('host {}'.format(ip_src)) elif ip_dst is not None and ip_src is None: bpf.add('host {}'.format(ip_dst)) if proto is not None: bpf.add(proto) if port_src is not None and port_dst is not None: bpf.add('(src port {} and dst port {}) ' 'or (src port {} and dst port {})'.format( port_src, port_dst, port_dst, port_src)) elif port_src is not None and port_dst is None: bpf.add('port {}'.format(port_src)) elif port_dst is not None and port_src is None: bpf.add('port {}'.format(port_dst)) else: if not isinstance(mac_src, type(None)): bpf.add('ether src {}'.format(mac_src)) if not isinstance(mac_dst, type(None)): bpf.add('ether dst {}'.format(mac_dst)) if not isinstance(ip_src, type(None)): bpf.add('src host {}'.format(ip_src)) bpf.add('ip or ip6') if not isinstance(ip_dst, type(None)): bpf.add('dst host {}'.format(ip_dst)) bpf.add('ip or ip6') if not isinstance(proto, type(None)): bpf.add(proto) if not isinstance(port_src, type(None)): bpf.add('src port {}'.format(port_src)) if not isinstance(port_dst, type(None)): bpf.add('dst port {}'.format(port_dst)) return '({})'.format(') and ('.join(list(bpf))) def main(self): if not self._check_parameter_consistency(): self._view.warning('Inconsistent parameters') return bpf_expr = self._build_bpf(self.mac_src, self.mac_dst, self.ether_type, self.ip_src, self.ip_dst, self.protocol, self.port_src, self.port_dst) if self.outerface is not None: # Bridge only the output NIC at the moment, # to create the bridge but not let the traffic go through bridge_name = ns.bridge_iface_together(self.outerface, bridge=self.bridge) # Configure the firewall to drop relevant frames/packets fw_abl = self.get_dependency('netfilter', interface=self.interface, outerface=self.outerface, mac_src=self.mac_src, mac_dst=self.mac_dst, ip_src=self.ip_src, ip_dst=self.ip_dst, protocol=self.protocol, port_src=self.port_src, port_dst=self.port_dst) fw_abl.start() # Configure the sniffing ability sniff_abl = self.get_dependency('capture', bpf=bpf_expr, interface=bridge_name) self._transfer_out(sniff_abl) sniff_abl.start() # Configure the sending ability, if a pipe is provided was_source = self._is_source() if not was_source: if self.mux is True: out1, in1 = multiprocessing.Pipe() send_raw_abl1 = self.get_dependency( 'sendraw', outerface=self.interface) send_raw_abl1.add_in_pipe(in1) send_raw_abl1.start() out2, in2 = multiprocessing.Pipe() send_raw_abl2 = self.get_dependency( 'sendraw', outerface=self.outerface) send_raw_abl2.add_in_pipe(in2) send_raw_abl2.start() demux_abl = self.get_dependency('demux') self._transfer_in(demux_abl) demux_abl.start(demux={ '\x00': out1, '\xFF': out2 }, quiet=self.quiet, deepcopy=False) else: send_raw_abl = self.get_dependency( 'sendraw', outerface=self.outerface) self._transfer_in(send_raw_abl) send_raw_abl.start() else: send_raw_abl = None # Finally adds the input NIC to the bridge, now that relevant # packets are dropped, to let through all irrelevant packets ns.bridge_iface_together(self.interface, bridge=bridge_name) # Wait for the stop event self._wait() # Stopping Ability sniff_abl.stop() sniff_abl.join() if not was_source: if self.mux is True: demux_abl.stop() send_raw_abl1.stop() send_raw_abl2.stop() demux_abl.join() send_raw_abl1.join() send_raw_abl2.join() else: send_raw_abl.stop() send_raw_abl.join() fw_abl.stop() fw_abl.join() ns.unbridge(bridge_name) else: # We are only acting on a single interface # Configure the sniffing ability sniff_abl = self.get_dependency('capture', bpf=bpf_expr, interface=self.interface) self._transfer_out(sniff_abl) sniff_abl.start() was_source = self._is_source() if not was_source: send_raw_abl = self.get_dependency('sendraw', outerface=self.interface) self._transfer_in(send_raw_abl) send_raw_abl.start() # Wait for the stop event self._wait() # Stopping Ability sniff_abl.stop() sniff_abl.join() if not was_source: send_raw_abl.stop() send_raw_abl.join()
class Ability(ns.ThreadedAbilityBase): _option_list = [ ns.StrOpt('cacert_file', '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt', 'Path of a file containing the list of trusted CAs'), ns.StrOpt('alpn', None, 'Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation value (as a CSV)', optional=True), ns.StrOpt( 'cipher_suites', ':'.join([ # List from ANSSI TLS guide v.1.1 p.51 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-ECDSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA256', 'ECDHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA256', 'DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256', 'DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256', 'AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'AES256-SHA256', 'AES128-SHA256', 'CAMELLIA128-SHA256' ]), 'Proposed Ordered Cipher Suite List'), ns.BoolOpt('compress', False, 'Should TLS compression be used?'), ns.ChoiceOpt( 'version', ['SSLv3', 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2'], default='TLSv1.2', comment='SSL/TLS protocol version', ), ns.StrOpt('cert_file', None, 'Client Certificate', optional=True), # To be set only in case of mutual authn ns.StrOpt('key_file', None, 'Client Private Key', optional=True), # To be set only in case of mutual authn ns.ChoiceOpt('protocol', ['IPv4', 'IPv6'], comment='IPv4 or IPv6'), ns.IpOpt(ns.OptNames.IP_SRC, None, 'Local (Source) IP', optional=True), ns.IpOpt(ns.OptNames.IP_DST, '', 'Remote (Destination) IP'), ns.StrOpt('hostname', None, 'Remote Name (dnsName)', optional=True), ns.PortOpt(ns.OptNames.PORT_SRC, 0, 'Local (Source) Port (0 = Random Port)'), ns.PortOpt(ns.OptNames.PORT_DST, 0, 'Remote (Destination) Port'), ns.OptionTemplateEntry(lambda x: 0 <= x <= 10, ns.NumOpt('timeout', 5, 'Connect Timeout')) ] _info = ns.AbilityInfo( name='TLS Client', description='Connects then sends and receives TLS records', authors=['Florian Maury'], tags=[ns.Tag.TCP_STACK_L4], type=ns.AbilityType.COMPONENT) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Ability, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._stop_evt = threading.Event() def stop(self): super(Ability, self).stop() self._stop_evt.set() def _serve(self, ssl_sock): to_read = [ssl_sock] + self._builtin_in_pipes to_write = [ssl_sock] + self._builtin_out_pipes ready_to_read = [] ready_to_write = [] while not self._stop_evt.is_set(): # Waiting for sockets to be ready readable, writable, errored = to_read, to_write, [], 0.1) # Adding the sockets that are ready to the list of the already ready sockets ready_to_write += writable to_write = [x for x in to_write if x not in ready_to_write] ready_to_read += readable to_read = [x for x in to_read if x not in ready_to_read] if len(ready_to_read) > 0: # For each socket that is ready to be read for s in ready_to_read: if s is ssl_sock and all([ out in ready_to_write for out in self._builtin_out_pipes ]): try: msg = ssl_sock.recv(65535) if len(msg) == 0: raise EOFError self._send(msg) to_read.append(ssl_sock) to_write += self._builtin_out_pipes except: self.stop() finally: ready_to_read.pop(ready_to_read.index(s)) for out in self._builtin_out_pipes: ready_to_write.pop(ready_to_write.index(out)) elif s in self._builtin_in_pipes and ssl_sock in ready_to_write: try: ssl_sock.send(self._recv()) to_read += self._builtin_in_pipes to_write.append(ssl_sock) except: self.stop() finally: for p in self._builtin_in_pipes: ready_to_read.pop(ready_to_read.index(p)) ready_to_write.pop(ready_to_write.index(ssl_sock)) def main(self): # Check Python version py_ver = sys.version_info if (py_ver.major < 2 or (py_ver.major == 2 and (py_ver.minor < 7 or (py_ver.minor >= 7 and py_ver.micro < 10)))): raise Exception( 'Your version of Python and Python-ssl are too old. Please upgrade to more "current" versions' ) if self._is_sink() or self._is_source(): raise Exception( 'This ability must be connected through pipes to other abilities!' ) # Set up SSL/TLS context tls_version_table = { 'SSLv3': ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23, 'TLSv1': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, 'TLSv1.1': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1, 'TLSv1.2': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, } tls_version = tls_version_table[self.version] ctx = ssl.SSLContext(tls_version) if not isinstance(self.alpn, type(None)): ctx.set_alpn_protocols(','.join(self.alpn)) ctx.set_ciphers(self.cipher_suites) ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile=self.cacert_file) if isinstance(self.key_file, type(None)) ^ isinstance( self.cert_file, type(None)): raise Exception( 'Both key_file and cert_file must be set or none of them.') if not isinstance(self.key_file, type(None)): ctx.load_cert_chain(self.cert_file, self.key_file) if self.protocol == 'IPv4': s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) if isinstance(self.hostname, type(None)): ssl_sock = ctx.wrap_socket(s) else: ssl_sock = ctx.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname=self.hostname) ssl_sock.bind( ('' if isinstance(self.ip_src, type(None)) else self.ip_src, self.port_src)) ssl_sock.connect((self.ip_dst, self.port_dst)) self._serve(ssl_sock) try: s = ssl_sock.unwrap() s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except: pass finally: s.close()
class Ability(ns.ThreadedAbilityBase): _option_list = [ ns.ChoiceOpt('protocol', ['IPv4', 'IPv6'], comment='IPv4 or IPv6'), ns.IpOpt(ns.OptNames.IP_DST, '', 'Binding IP'), ns.PortOpt(ns.OptNames.PORT_DST, 0, 'Binding Port'), ns.NumOpt('backlog_size', 10, 'Backlog size provided to listen()'), ns.NumOpt('timeout', 30, 'Timeout for sockets'), ns.CallbackOpt( ns.OptNames.CALLBACK, comment='Callback returning an ability to handle a new connection' ), ns.StrOpt( 'client_info_name', None, 'Name of the service ability option that will contain the information about the client that is at the other end of the TCP connection', optional=True) ] _info = ns.AbilityInfo( name='TCP Server', description= 'Binds to a port, accept connections and starts new abilities to handle them', authors=[ 'Florian Maury', ], tags=[ns.Tag.TCP_STACK_L4], type=ns.AbilityType.COMPONENT) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Ability, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._stop_evt = threading.Event() def stop(self): super(Ability, self).stop() self._stop_evt.set() def _accept_new_connection(self, s): # accepting the connection clt_sock, clt_info = s.accept() # Getting the service ability new_abl = self.callback() # Giving to the service ability the information about the client if not isinstance(self.client_info_name, type(None)): new_abl.set_opt(self.client_info_name, '{}:{}'.format(clt_info[0], clt_info[1])) # Creating the pipes in_pipe_in, in_pipe_out = multiprocessing.Pipe() out_pipe_in, out_pipe_out = multiprocessing.Pipe() new_abl.add_in_pipe(in_pipe_out) new_abl.add_out_pipe(out_pipe_in) # Starting the service ability new_abl.start() return clt_sock, in_pipe_in, out_pipe_out, new_abl def _serve(self, server_sock): to_read = [server_sock] to_write = [] ready_to_read = [] ready_to_write = [] service_abilities = [] while not self._stop_evt.is_set(): # Waiting for sockets to be ready readable, writable, errored = to_read, to_write, [], 0.1) # Adding the sockets that are ready to the list of the already ready sockets ready_to_write += writable to_write = [x for x in to_write if x not in ready_to_write] ready_to_read += readable to_read = [x for x in to_read if x not in ready_to_read] if len(ready_to_read) > 0: # For each socket that is ready to be read for s in ready_to_read: if s is server_sock: # This socket is the server_sock (the one we can run accept upon) new_sock, new_in_pipe, new_out_pipe, new_abl = self._accept_new_connection( s) to_read.append(new_sock) to_read.append(new_out_pipe) to_read.append(s) to_write.append(new_sock) to_write.append(new_in_pipe) service_abilities.append( (new_abl, new_sock, new_in_pipe, new_out_pipe)) ready_to_read.pop(ready_to_read.index(s)) else: # The socket is one of the socket connected to a client # StopIteration should not happen because we know that the element must be present # We also know that there should be only one answer so calling on next is efficient # Finally, we use a generator expression because it is more efficient (only generates up to the # first matching occurrence. A list expression would have iterated over the whole list abl, sock, in_pipe, out_pipe = next( (srv for srv in service_abilities if s is srv[1] or s is srv[3])) if s is sock and in_pipe in ready_to_write: try: in_pipe.send(s.recv(65535)) to_read.append(s) to_write.append(in_pipe) except: abl.stop() sock.close() in_pipe.close() out_pipe.close() abl.join() finally: ready_to_write.pop( ready_to_write.index(in_pipe)) ready_to_read.pop(ready_to_read.index(sock)) elif s is out_pipe and sock in ready_to_write: try: sock.send(out_pipe.recv()) to_read.append(out_pipe) to_write.append(sock) except: abl.stop() sock.close() in_pipe.close() out_pipe.close() abl.join() finally: ready_to_write.pop(ready_to_write.index(sock)) ready_to_read.pop( ready_to_read.index(out_pipe)) for abl, sock, in_pipe, out_pipe in service_abilities: abl.stop() sock.close() in_pipe.close() out_pipe.close() abl.join() def main(self): if self.protocol == 'IPv4': server_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: server_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) server_sock.bind( ('' if isinstance(self.ip_dst, type(None)) else self.ip_dst, self.port_dst)) server_sock.listen(self.backlog_size) server_sock.settimeout(self.timeout) self._serve(server_sock) server_sock.close()
class Ability(ns.AbilityBase): _info = ns.AbilityInfo( name='Demo options', description='Demonstrate all available options', tags=[ns.Tag.EXAMPLE], ) _option_list = [ ns.ChoiceOpt('option', ['normal', 'bypass_cache'], default='normal', comment='Define if cache must be bypassed ' 'when using generators (except "nb")'), ns.NumOpt('nb', default=3, comment='Times to display everything'), ns.IpOpt(ns.OptNames.IP_DST, default='', comment='use as default the standardized dst_ip option name'), ns.StrOpt('msg', default='my message', comment='A string message'), ns.PortOpt(ns.OptNames.PORT_DST, default=2222, comment='A string message'), ns.MacOpt(ns.OptNames.MAC_SRC, default='Mac00', comment='Source MAC address'), ns.BoolOpt('a_bool', default=True, comment='A True/False value'), ns.PathOpt('path', default='pw.ini', comment='Path to an existing file') # must_exist=True), ] def display(self): for i in range(self.nb): self._view.delimiter('Round {}'.format(i + 1))'[{}] - {} - {}'.format(self.mac_src, self.ip_dst, self.port_dst)) self._view.progress('{}'.format(self.msg)) self._view.debug('{}'.format(self.a_bool)) self._view.warning('{} (abs: {})'.format( self.path, os.path.abspath(self.path))) self._view.delimiter()'') def display_bypass_cache(self): for i in range(self.nb): self._view.delimiter('Round {}'.format(i + 1))'[{}] - {} - {}'.format( self.get_opt('mac_src', bypass_cache=True), self.get_opt('ip_dst', bypass_cache=True), self.get_opt('port_dst', bypass_cache=True), )) self._view.progress('{}'.format( self.get_opt('msg', bypass_cache=True))) self._view.debug('{}'.format( self.get_opt('a_bool', bypass_cache=True))) self._view.warning('{} (abs: {})'.format( self.get_opt('path', bypass_cache=True), os.path.abspath(self.get_opt('path', bypass_cache=True)))) self._view.delimiter()'') def main(self): if self.nb <= 0: self._view.error( 'The number must be greater than 0 ({} given)'.format(self.nb)) return elif self.nb > 2000: self._view.warning('{} rounds is quite a lot! ' 'Please try with a lower number.'.format( self.nb)) return if self.option == 'normal': self.display() elif self.option == 'bypass_cache': self.display_bypass_cache() self._view.success('Done!') return 'Done' def howto(self): self._view.delimiter('Module option demonstration')""" This ability make use of all the PacketWeaver framework supported options. Their names are either specified using a label, or a predefined value using a OptNames.VAL . The latter solution is preferred as it helps getting a clean input interface across different abilities. You may play with the different options, modifying their value with either: - a fixed value - a fixed value randomly drawn (e.g RandIP4() for the dst_ip) - a random generator (e.g RandIP4) The ability will display their value three times so you can see how they behave. """)