예제 #1
def get_schedule_tally(username, total_interval, override_date=None):
    Main entry point
    For a given username and interval, get a simple array of the username and scheduled visit (whether a submission is there or not)  exists.
    returns (schedule_tally_array, patient_array, total_scheduled (int), total_visited(int))
    schedul_tally_array = [visit_date, [(patient1, visit1), (patient2, visit2), (patient3, None), (patient4, visit4), ...]]
    where visit = XFormInstance
    if override_date is None:
        nowdate = datetime.utcnow()
        chw_schedule = CHWPatientSchedule.get_schedule(username)
        nowdate = override_date
        chw_schedule = CHWPatientSchedule.get_schedule(username, override_date=nowdate)

    patient_case_ids = set([x['case_id'] for x in chw_schedule.raw_schedule])
    patient_cache = get_patient_display_cache(list(patient_case_ids))

    #got the chw schedule
    #now let's walk through the date range, and get the scheduled CHWs per this date.visit_dates = []
    ret = [] #where it's going to be an array of tuples:
    #(date, scheduled[], submissions[] - that line up with the scheduled)

    total_scheduled = 0
    total_visited = 0

    for n in range(0, total_interval):
        td = timedelta(days=n)
        visit_date = nowdate - td
        scheduled_case_ids = chw_schedule.scheduled_for_date(visit_date)
        patient_case_ids = set([x for x in scheduled_case_ids if x is not None])
        dereferenced_patient_info = [patient_cache.get(x, {}) for x in patient_case_ids]
        visited = []

        #inefficient, but we need to get the patients in alpha order
        #patients = sorted(patients, key=lambda x: x.last_name)

        dp = parser()
        for case_id in patient_case_ids:
            total_scheduled += 1
            search_results = dots_submissions_by_case(case_id, visit_date, username=username)
            submissions = search_results['hits']['hits']
            if len(submissions) > 0:
                #calculate if pillbox checked
                pillbox_check_str = submissions[0]['fields']['pillbox_check']
                if len(pillbox_check_str) > 0:
                    pillbox_check_data = json.loads(pillbox_check_str)
                    anchor_date = dp.parse(pillbox_check_data.get('anchor'))
                    pillbox_check_data = {}
                    anchor_date = datetime.min
                encounter_date = dp.parse(submissions[0]['fields']['encounter_date'])
                submissions[0]['fields']['has_pillbox_check'] = 'Yes' if anchor_date.date() == encounter_date.date() else 'No'

                total_visited += 1
                #ok, so no submission from this chw, let's see if there's ANY from anyone on this day.
                search_results = dots_submissions_by_case(case_id, visit_date)
                other_submissions = search_results['hits']['hits']
                if len(other_submissions) > 0:
                    total_visited += 1
        ret.append((visit_date, list(zip(dereferenced_patient_info, visited))))
    return ret, patient_case_ids, total_scheduled, total_visited
예제 #2
def get_schedule_tally(username, total_interval, override_date=None):
    Main entry point
    For a given username and interval, get a simple array of the username and scheduled visit (whether a submission is there or not)  exists.
    returns (schedule_tally_array, patient_array, total_scheduled (int), total_visited(int))
    schedul_tally_array = [visit_date, [(patient1, visit1), (patient2, visit2), (patient3, None), (patient4, visit4), ...]]
    where visit = XFormInstance
    if override_date is None:
        nowdate = datetime.now()
        chw_schedule = CHWPatientSchedule.get_schedule(username)
        nowdate = override_date
        chw_schedule = CHWPatientSchedule.get_schedule(username, override_date=nowdate)

    patient_case_ids = set([x['case_id'] for x in chw_schedule.raw_schedule])
    patient_cache = get_patient_display_cache(list(patient_case_ids))

    #got the chw schedule
    #now let's walk through the date range, and get the scheduled CHWs per this date.visit_dates = []
    ret = [] #where it's going to be an array of tuples:
    #(date, scheduled[], submissions[] - that line up with the scheduled)

    total_scheduled = 0
    total_visited = 0

    for n in range(0, total_interval):
        td = timedelta(days=n)
        visit_date = nowdate - td
        scheduled_case_ids = chw_schedule.scheduled_for_date(visit_date)
        patient_case_ids = set(filter(lambda x: x is not None, scheduled_case_ids))
        dereferenced_patient_info = [patient_cache.get(x, {}) for x in patient_case_ids]
        visited = []

        #inefficient, but we need to get the patients in alpha order
        #patients = sorted(patients, key=lambda x: x.last_name)

        dp = parser()
        for case_id in patient_case_ids:
            total_scheduled += 1
            search_results = dots_submissions_by_case(case_id, visit_date, username=username)
            submissions = search_results['hits']['hits']
            if len(submissions) > 0:
                #calculate if pillbox checked
                pillbox_check_str = submissions[0]['fields']['pillbox_check']
                if len(pillbox_check_str) > 0:
                    pillbox_check_data = simplejson.loads(pillbox_check_str)
                    anchor_date = dp.parse(pillbox_check_data.get('anchor'))
                    pillbox_check_data = {}
                    anchor_date = datetime.min
                encounter_date = dp.parse(submissions[0]['fields']['encounter_date'])
                submissions[0]['fields']['has_pillbox_check'] = 'Yes' if anchor_date.date() == encounter_date.date() else 'No'

                total_visited += 1
                #ok, so no submission from this chw, let's see if there's ANY from anyone on this day.
                search_results = dots_submissions_by_case(case_id, visit_date)
                other_submissions = search_results['hits']['hits']
                if len(other_submissions) > 0:
                    total_visited += 1
        ret.append((visit_date, zip(dereferenced_patient_info, visited)))
    return ret, patient_case_ids, total_scheduled, total_visited