예제 #1
 def filter_box_by_weight(self, pred, target, weight):
     index = paddle.nonzero(weight > 0)
     index.stop_gradient = True
     weight = paddle.gather_nd(weight, index)
     pred = paddle.gather_nd(pred, index)
     target = paddle.gather_nd(target, index)
     return pred, target, weight
예제 #2
def beam_search_step(state, logits, eos_id, beam_width, is_first_step,
    """logits.shape == [B*W, V]"""
    _, vocab_size = logits.shape

    bsz, beam_width = state.log_probs.shape
    onehot_eos = P.cast(F.one_hot(P.ones([1], 'int64') * eos_id, vocab_size),
                        'int64')  #[1, V]

    probs = P.log(F.softmax(logits))  #[B*W, V]
    probs = mask_prob(probs, onehot_eos, state.finished)  #[B*W, V]
    allprobs = P.reshape(state.log_probs, [-1, 1]) + probs  #[B*W, V]

    not_finished = 1 - P.reshape(state.finished, [-1, 1])  #[B*W,1]
    not_eos = 1 - onehot_eos
    length_to_add = not_finished * not_eos  #[B*W,V]
    alllen = P.reshape(state.lengths, [-1, 1]) + length_to_add

    allprobs = P.reshape(allprobs, [-1, beam_width * vocab_size])
    alllen = P.reshape(alllen, [-1, beam_width * vocab_size])
    allscore = hyp_score(allprobs, alllen, length_penalty)
    if is_first_step:
        allscore = P.reshape(
            [bsz, beam_width, -1])[:, 0, :]  # first step only consiter beam 0
    scores, idx = P.topk(allscore, k=beam_width)  #[B, W]
    next_beam_id = idx // vocab_size  #[B, W]
    next_word_id = idx % vocab_size

    gather_idx = P.concat(
        [P.nonzero(idx != -1)[:, :1],
         P.reshape(idx, [-1, 1])], 1)
    next_probs = P.reshape(P.gather_nd(allprobs, gather_idx), idx.shape)
    next_len = P.reshape(P.gather_nd(alllen, gather_idx), idx.shape)

    gather_idx = P.concat([
        P.nonzero(next_beam_id != -1)[:, :1],
        P.reshape(next_beam_id, [-1, 1])
    ], 1)
    next_finished = P.reshape(
        P.gather_nd(state.finished, gather_idx), state.finished.shape
    )  #[gather new beam state according to new beam id]

    next_finished += P.cast(next_word_id == eos_id, 'int64')
    next_finished = P.cast(next_finished > 0, 'int64')

    next_state = BeamSearchState(log_probs=next_probs,
    output = BeamSearchOutput(scores=scores,

    return output, next_state
예제 #3
    def update(self, arc_preds, rel_preds, arcs, rels, mask):
        select = paddle.nonzero(mask)
        arc_mask = paddle.gather_nd(arc_preds == arcs, select)
        rel_mask = paddle.logical_and(
            paddle.gather_nd(rel_preds == rels, select), arc_mask)

        self.total += len(arc_mask)
        self.correct_arcs += np.sum(arc_mask.numpy()).item()
        self.correct_rels += np.sum(rel_mask.numpy()).item()
예제 #4
    def get_loss(self, heatmap, size, offset, weights, inputs):
        heatmap_target = inputs['heatmap']
        size_target = inputs['size']
        offset_target = inputs['offset']
        index = inputs['index']
        mask = inputs['index_mask']
        heatmap = paddle.clip(F.sigmoid(heatmap), 1e-4, 1 - 1e-4)
        heatmap_loss = self.focal_loss(heatmap, heatmap_target)

        size = paddle.transpose(size, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
        size_n, size_h, size_w, size_c = size.shape
        size = paddle.reshape(size, shape=[size_n, -1, size_c])
        index = paddle.unsqueeze(index, 2)
        batch_inds = list()
        for i in range(size_n):
            batch_ind = paddle.full(shape=[1, index.shape[1], 1],
        batch_inds = paddle.concat(batch_inds, axis=0)
        index = paddle.concat(x=[batch_inds, index], axis=2)
        pos_size = paddle.gather_nd(size, index=index)
        mask = paddle.unsqueeze(mask, axis=2)
        size_mask = paddle.expand_as(mask, pos_size)
        size_mask = paddle.cast(size_mask, dtype=pos_size.dtype)
        pos_num = size_mask.sum()
        size_mask.stop_gradient = True
        size_target.stop_gradient = True
        size_loss = F.l1_loss(pos_size * size_mask,
                              size_target * size_mask,
        size_loss = size_loss / (pos_num + 1e-4)

        offset = paddle.transpose(offset, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
        offset_n, offset_h, offset_w, offset_c = offset.shape
        offset = paddle.reshape(offset, shape=[offset_n, -1, offset_c])
        pos_offset = paddle.gather_nd(offset, index=index)
        offset_mask = paddle.expand_as(mask, pos_offset)
        offset_mask = paddle.cast(offset_mask, dtype=pos_offset.dtype)
        pos_num = offset_mask.sum()
        offset_mask.stop_gradient = True
        offset_target.stop_gradient = True
        offset_loss = F.l1_loss(pos_offset * offset_mask,
                                offset_target * offset_mask,
        offset_loss = offset_loss / (pos_num + 1e-4)

        det_loss = weights['heatmap'] * heatmap_loss + weights[
            'size'] * size_loss + weights['offset'] * offset_loss

        return {
            'det_loss': det_loss,
            'heatmap_loss': heatmap_loss,
            'size_loss': size_loss,
            'offset_loss': offset_loss
예제 #5
 def filter_box_by_weight(self, pred, target, weight):
     Filter out boxes where ttf_reg_weight is 0, only keep positive samples.
     index = paddle.nonzero(weight > 0)
     index.stop_gradient = True
     weight = paddle.gather_nd(weight, index)
     pred = paddle.gather_nd(pred, index)
     target = paddle.gather_nd(target, index)
     return pred, target, weight
예제 #6
    def get_mc_loss(self, feat, inputs):
        # feat.shape = [bs, ch_emb, h, w]
        assert 'cls_id_map' in inputs and 'cls_tr_ids' in inputs
        index = inputs['index']
        mask = inputs['index_mask']
        cls_id_map = inputs['cls_id_map']  # [bs, h, w]
        cls_tr_ids = inputs['cls_tr_ids']  # [bs, num_classes, h, w]

        feat = paddle.transpose(feat, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
        feat_n, feat_h, feat_w, feat_c = feat.shape
        feat = paddle.reshape(feat, shape=[feat_n, -1, feat_c])

        index = paddle.unsqueeze(index, 2)
        batch_inds = list()
        for i in range(feat_n):
            batch_ind = paddle.full(
                shape=[1, index.shape[1], 1], fill_value=i, dtype='int64')
        batch_inds = paddle.concat(batch_inds, axis=0)
        index = paddle.concat(x=[batch_inds, index], axis=2)
        feat = paddle.gather_nd(feat, index=index)

        mask = paddle.unsqueeze(mask, axis=2)
        mask = paddle.expand_as(mask, feat)
        mask.stop_gradient = True
        feat = paddle.masked_select(feat, mask > 0)
        feat = paddle.reshape(feat, shape=[-1, feat_c])

        reid_losses = 0
        for cls_id, id_num in self.num_identities_dict.items():
            # target
            cur_cls_tr_ids = paddle.reshape(
                cls_tr_ids[:, cls_id, :, :], shape=[feat_n, -1])  # [bs, h*w]
            cls_id_target = paddle.gather_nd(cur_cls_tr_ids, index=index)
            mask = inputs['index_mask']
            cls_id_target = paddle.masked_select(cls_id_target, mask > 0)
            cls_id_target.stop_gradient = True

            # feat
            cls_id_feat = self.emb_scale_dict[str(cls_id)] * F.normalize(feat)
            cls_id_pred = self.classifiers[str(cls_id)](cls_id_feat)

            loss = self.reid_loss(cls_id_pred, cls_id_target)
            valid = (cls_id_target != self.reid_loss.ignore_index)
            valid.stop_gradient = True
            count = paddle.sum((paddle.cast(valid, dtype=np.int32)))
            count.stop_gradient = True
            if count > 0:
                loss = loss / count
            reid_losses += loss

        return reid_losses
예제 #7
    def _bipartite_match_for_batch(self, gt_bbox, gt_label, prior_boxes,
            gt_bbox (Tensor): [B, N, 4]
            gt_label (Tensor): [B, N, 1]
            prior_boxes (Tensor): [A, 4]
            bg_index (int): Background class index
        batch_size, num_priors = gt_bbox.shape[0], prior_boxes.shape[0]
        ious = iou_similarity(gt_bbox.reshape((-1, 4)), prior_boxes).reshape(
            (batch_size, -1, num_priors))

        # Calculate the number of object per sample.
        num_object = (ious.sum(axis=-1) > 0).astype('int64').sum(axis=-1)

        # For each prior box, get the max IoU of all GTs.
        prior_max_iou, prior_argmax_iou = ious.max(axis=1), ious.argmax(axis=1)
        # For each GT, get the max IoU of all prior boxes.
        gt_max_iou, gt_argmax_iou = ious.max(axis=2), ious.argmax(axis=2)

        # Gather target bbox and label according to 'prior_argmax_iou' index.
        batch_ind = paddle.arange(
            0, batch_size, dtype='int64').unsqueeze(-1).tile([1, num_priors])
        prior_argmax_iou = paddle.stack([batch_ind, prior_argmax_iou], axis=-1)
        targets_bbox = paddle.gather_nd(gt_bbox, prior_argmax_iou)
        targets_label = paddle.gather_nd(gt_label, prior_argmax_iou)
        # Assign negative
        bg_index_tensor = paddle.full([batch_size, num_priors, 1], bg_index,
        targets_label = paddle.where(
            prior_max_iou.unsqueeze(-1) < self.overlap_threshold,
            bg_index_tensor, targets_label)

        # Ensure each GT can match the max IoU prior box.
        for i in range(batch_size):
            if num_object[i] > 0:
                targets_bbox[i] = paddle.scatter(
                    targets_bbox[i], gt_argmax_iou[i, :int(num_object[i])],
                    gt_bbox[i, :int(num_object[i])])
                targets_label[i] = paddle.scatter(
                    targets_label[i], gt_argmax_iou[i, :int(num_object[i])],
                    gt_label[i, :int(num_object[i])])

        # Encode box
        prior_boxes = prior_boxes.unsqueeze(0).tile([batch_size, 1, 1])
        targets_bbox = bbox2delta(prior_boxes.reshape([-1, 4]),
                                  targets_bbox.reshape([-1, 4]),
        targets_bbox = targets_bbox.reshape([batch_size, -1, 4])

        return targets_bbox, targets_label
예제 #8
    def _forward(self):
        det_outs = self.detector(self.inputs)

        if self.training:
            emb_feats = det_outs['emb_feats']
            loss_confs = det_outs['det_losses']['loss_confs']
            loss_boxes = det_outs['det_losses']['loss_boxes']
            jde_losses = self.reid(emb_feats, self.inputs, loss_confs,
            return jde_losses
            if self.metric == 'MOTDet':
                det_results = {
                    'bbox': det_outs['bbox'],
                    'bbox_num': det_outs['bbox_num'],
                return det_results

            elif self.metric == 'ReID':
                emb_feats = det_outs['emb_feats']
                embs_and_gts = self.reid(emb_feats, self.inputs, test_emb=True)
                return embs_and_gts

            elif self.metric == 'MOT':
                emb_feats = det_outs['emb_feats']
                emb_outs = self.reid(emb_feats, self.inputs)

                boxes_idx = det_outs['boxes_idx']
                bbox = det_outs['bbox']

                input_shape = self.inputs['image'].shape[2:]
                im_shape = self.inputs['im_shape']
                scale_factor = self.inputs['scale_factor']

                bbox[:, 2:] = scale_coords(bbox[:, 2:], input_shape, im_shape,

                nms_keep_idx = det_outs['nms_keep_idx']

                pred_dets = paddle.concat((bbox[:, 2:], bbox[:, 1:2]), axis=1)

                emb_valid = paddle.gather_nd(emb_outs, boxes_idx)
                pred_embs = paddle.gather_nd(emb_valid, nms_keep_idx)

                online_targets = self.tracker.update(pred_dets, pred_embs)
                return online_targets

                raise ValueError(
                    "Unknown metric {} for multi object tracking.".format(
예제 #9
    def ctcloss(self, f_char, tcl_pos, tcl_mask, tcl_label, label_t):
        f_char = paddle.transpose(f_char, [0, 2, 3, 1])
        tcl_pos = paddle.reshape(tcl_pos, [-1, 3])
        tcl_pos = paddle.cast(tcl_pos, dtype=int)
        f_tcl_char = paddle.gather_nd(f_char, tcl_pos)
        f_tcl_char = paddle.reshape(f_tcl_char,
                                    [-1, 64, 37])  # len(Lexicon_Table)+1
        f_tcl_char_fg, f_tcl_char_bg = paddle.split(f_tcl_char, [36, 1],
        f_tcl_char_bg = f_tcl_char_bg * tcl_mask + (1.0 - tcl_mask) * 20.0
        b, c, l = tcl_mask.shape
        tcl_mask_fg = paddle.expand(x=tcl_mask, shape=[b, c, 36 * l])
        tcl_mask_fg.stop_gradient = True
        f_tcl_char_fg = f_tcl_char_fg * tcl_mask_fg + (1.0 -
                                                       tcl_mask_fg) * (-20.0)
        f_tcl_char_mask = paddle.concat([f_tcl_char_fg, f_tcl_char_bg], axis=2)
        f_tcl_char_ld = paddle.transpose(f_tcl_char_mask, (1, 0, 2))
        N, B, _ = f_tcl_char_ld.shape
        input_lengths = paddle.to_tensor([N] * B, dtype='int64')
        loss_out = paddle.fluid.layers.warpctc(f_tcl_char_ld, tcl_label,
                                               self.pad_num, True,
                                               input_lengths, label_t)

        cost = paddle.fluid.layers.squeeze(loss_out, [-1])
        cost = cost.mean()
        return cost
예제 #10
    def __call__(self, s_arc, s_rel, arcs, rels, mask):

        arcs = paddle.masked_select(arcs, mask)
        rels = paddle.masked_select(rels, mask)

        select = paddle.nonzero(mask)
        s_arc = paddle.gather_nd(s_arc, select)
        s_rel = paddle.gather_nd(s_rel, select)

        s_rel = index_sample(s_rel, paddle.unsqueeze(arcs, axis=1))

        arc_cost = F.cross_entropy(s_arc, arcs)
        rel_cost = F.cross_entropy(s_rel, rels)

        avg_cost = paddle.mean(arc_cost + rel_cost)
        return avg_cost
예제 #11
 def ctcloss(self, f_char, tcl_pos, tcl_mask, tcl_label, label_t):
     f_char = paddle.transpose(f_char, [0, 2, 3, 1])
     tcl_pos = paddle.reshape(tcl_pos, [-1, 3])
     tcl_pos = paddle.cast(tcl_pos, dtype=int)
     f_tcl_char = paddle.gather_nd(f_char, tcl_pos)
     f_tcl_char = paddle.reshape(f_tcl_char,
                                 [-1, 64, 37])  # len(Lexicon_Table)+1
     f_tcl_char_fg, f_tcl_char_bg = paddle.split(f_tcl_char, [36, 1],
     f_tcl_char_bg = f_tcl_char_bg * tcl_mask + (1.0 - tcl_mask) * 20.0
     b, c, l = tcl_mask.shape
     tcl_mask_fg = paddle.expand(x=tcl_mask, shape=[b, c, 36 * l])
     tcl_mask_fg.stop_gradient = True
     f_tcl_char_fg = f_tcl_char_fg * tcl_mask_fg + (1.0 -
                                                    tcl_mask_fg) * (-20.0)
     f_tcl_char_mask = paddle.concat([f_tcl_char_fg, f_tcl_char_bg], axis=2)
     f_tcl_char_ld = paddle.transpose(f_tcl_char_mask, (1, 0, 2))
     N, B, _ = f_tcl_char_ld.shape
     input_lengths = paddle.to_tensor([N] * B, dtype='int64')
     cost = paddle.nn.functional.ctc_loss(log_probs=f_tcl_char_ld,
     cost = cost.mean()
     return cost
예제 #12
    def _get_rand_mask(self, blocked_query_mask, blocked_key_mask,
                       rand_mask_idx, batch_size, sequence_length):
        return random mask: [B, H, L-G, bs, R * bs]
        # rand_mask_idx: [H, T]
        # blocked_query_mask: [B, L, bs]
        # blocked_key_mask: [B, L, bs]
        bs = self.block_size
        B = batch_size
        L = sequence_length // bs
        H = self.num_heads
        G = self.num_global_blocks
        GB = self.num_global_blocks_back
        GF = self.num_global_blocks_front
        R = self.num_rand_blocks
        temp_block_key_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(blocked_key_mask, 1)
        temp_block_key_mask = paddle.expand(temp_block_key_mask, [B, H, L, -1])
        temp_block_key_mask_list = [
            paddle.gather_nd(temp_block_key_mask[b], rand_mask_idx)
            for b in range(B)
        temp_block_key_mask = paddle.concat(temp_block_key_mask_list, 0)
        temp_block_key_mask = paddle.reshape(temp_block_key_mask,
                                             [B, H, L - G, 1, R * bs])

        temp_blocked_query_mask = paddle.unsqueeze(
            blocked_query_mask[:, GF:-GB], 1)
        temp_blocked_query_mask = paddle.expand(temp_blocked_query_mask,
                                                [B, H, L - G, -1])
        temp_blocked_query_mask = paddle.reshape(temp_blocked_query_mask,
                                                 [B, H, L - G, bs, 1])

        rand_mask = paddle.matmul(temp_blocked_query_mask, temp_block_key_mask)
        return rand_mask
예제 #13
    def get_loss(self, scores, deltas, targets, rois, bbox_weight):
        scores (Tensor): scores from bbox head outputs
        deltas (Tensor): deltas from bbox head outputs
        targets (list[List[Tensor]]): bbox targets containing tgt_labels, tgt_bboxes and tgt_gt_inds
        rois (List[Tensor]): RoIs generated in each batch
        # TODO: better pass args
        tgt_labels, tgt_bboxes, tgt_gt_inds = targets
        tgt_labels = paddle.concat(
            tgt_labels) if len(tgt_labels) > 1 else tgt_labels[0]
        tgt_labels = tgt_labels.cast('int64')
        tgt_labels.stop_gradient = True
        loss_bbox_cls = F.cross_entropy(input=scores,
        # bbox reg

        cls_agnostic_bbox_reg = deltas.shape[1] == 4

        fg_inds = paddle.nonzero(
            paddle.logical_and(tgt_labels >= 0,
                               tgt_labels < self.num_classes)).flatten()

        cls_name = 'loss_bbox_cls'
        reg_name = 'loss_bbox_reg'
        loss_bbox = {}

        if cls_agnostic_bbox_reg:
            reg_delta = paddle.gather(deltas, fg_inds)
            fg_gt_classes = paddle.gather(tgt_labels, fg_inds)

            reg_row_inds = paddle.arange(fg_gt_classes.shape[0]).unsqueeze(1)
            reg_row_inds = paddle.tile(reg_row_inds, [1, 4]).reshape([-1, 1])

            reg_col_inds = 4 * fg_gt_classes.unsqueeze(1) + paddle.arange(4)

            reg_col_inds = reg_col_inds.reshape([-1, 1])
            reg_inds = paddle.concat([reg_row_inds, reg_col_inds], axis=1)

            reg_delta = paddle.gather(deltas, fg_inds)
            reg_delta = paddle.gather_nd(reg_delta, reg_inds).reshape([-1, 4])
        rois = paddle.concat(rois) if len(rois) > 1 else rois[0]
        tgt_bboxes = paddle.concat(
            tgt_bboxes) if len(tgt_bboxes) > 1 else tgt_bboxes[0]

        reg_target = bbox2delta(rois, tgt_bboxes, bbox_weight)
        reg_target = paddle.gather(reg_target, fg_inds)
        reg_target.stop_gradient = True

        loss_bbox_reg = paddle.abs(reg_delta -
                                   reg_target).sum() / tgt_labels.shape[0]

        loss_bbox[cls_name] = loss_bbox_cls
        loss_bbox[reg_name] = loss_bbox_reg

        return loss_bbox
    def forward(self,
        assert self.num_classes == 1, 'JDE only support sindle class MOT.'
        assert len(identify_feats) == self.anchor_levels
        ide_outs = []
        for feat, ide_head in zip(identify_feats, self.identify_outputs):

        if self.training:
            assert len(loss_confs) == len(loss_boxes) == self.anchor_levels
            loss_ides = self.emb_loss(ide_outs, targets, self.emb_scale,
            jde_losses = self.jde_loss(loss_confs, loss_boxes, loss_ides,
                                       self.loss_params_ide, targets)
            return jde_losses
            assert bboxes is not None
            assert boxes_idx is not None
            assert nms_keep_idx is not None

            emb_outs = self.get_emb_outs(ide_outs)
            emb_valid = paddle.gather_nd(emb_outs, boxes_idx)
            pred_embs = paddle.gather_nd(emb_valid, nms_keep_idx)

            input_shape = targets['image'].shape[2:]
            # input_shape: [h, w], before data transforms, set in model config
            im_shape = targets['im_shape'][0].numpy()
            # im_shape: [new_h, new_w], after data transforms
            scale_factor = targets['scale_factor'][0].numpy()
            bboxes[:, 2:] = self.scale_coords(bboxes[:, 2:], input_shape,
                                              im_shape, scale_factor)
            # tlwhs, scores, cls_ids
            pred_dets = paddle.concat(
                (bboxes[:, 2:], bboxes[:, 1:2], bboxes[:, 0:1]), axis=1)
            return pred_dets, pred_embs
예제 #15
    def forward(self, inputs, lengths):
        Computes the normalization in a linear-chain CRF. See http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~mcollins/fb.pdf for reference.
        $$ F = logZ(x) = log\\sum_y exp(score(x,y)) $$
        $$ score(x,y) = \\sum_i Emit(x_i,y_i) + Trans(y_{i-1}, y_i) $$
        mark $$ p(y_i) = Emit(x_i,y_i), T(y_{i-1}, y_i)=Trans(y_{i-1}, y_i) $$
        then we can get
        $$ F(1) = log\\sum_{y1} exp(p(y_1) + T([START], y1)) $$
        $$ F(2) = log\\sum_{y1}\\sum_{y2} exp(p(y_1) + T([START], y1) + p(y_2) + T(y_1,y_2)) =  log\\sum_{y2} exp(F(1) + p(y_2) + T(y_1,y_2)) $$
        $$ F(...) = ... $$
        A recursive formula.

            inputs (Tensor): The input tensor with shape `[batch_size, sequence_length, num_tags]`.
            lengths (Tensor): The input length with shape `[batch_size]`.

            Tensor: The normalizers tensor, with shape `[batch_size]`.
        batch_size, seq_len, n_labels = inputs.shape
        inputs_t_exp = inputs.transpose([1, 0, 2]).unsqueeze(-1).expand(
            [seq_len, batch_size, n_labels, n_labels])
        # trans_exp: batch_size, num_tags, num_tags
        trans_exp = self.transitions.unsqueeze(0).expand(
            [batch_size, n_labels, n_labels])

        all_alpha = []
        if self.with_start_stop_tag:
            alpha = self._initialize_alpha(batch_size)

        for i, input_exp in enumerate(inputs_t_exp):
            # input_exp: batch_size, num_tags, num_tags
            # alpha_exp: batch_size, num_tags, num_tags
            if i == 0 and not self.with_start_stop_tag:
                mat = input_exp
                alpha_exp = alpha.unsqueeze(1).expand(
                    [batch_size, n_labels, n_labels])
                # F(n) = logsumexp(F(n-1) + p(y_n) + T(y_{n-1}, y_n))
                mat = input_exp + trans_exp + alpha_exp
            alpha = paddle.logsumexp(mat, 2)

        # Get the valid alpha
        all_alpha = paddle.stack(all_alpha).transpose([1, 0, 2])
        batch_index = self._get_batch_index(batch_size)
        last_index = lengths - 1
        idxs = paddle.stack([batch_index, last_index], axis=1)
        alpha = paddle.gather_nd(all_alpha, idxs)

        if self.with_start_stop_tag:
            # The last one step
            alpha += self.transitions[self.stop_idx].unsqueeze(0)
        norm_score = paddle.logsumexp(alpha, 1)
        return norm_score
예제 #16
파일: wavenet.py 프로젝트: gkbxs/Parakeet
    def sample_from_mog(self, y):
        """Sample from the output distribution when the output distribution 
        is a mixture of Gaussian distributions.
        y : Tensor [shape=(B, T, C_output)]
            The parameterd of the output distribution. It is the concatenation 
            of 3 parts, the logits of every distribution, the mean of each 
            distribution and the log standard deviation of each distribution. 
            Each part's shape is (B, T, n_mixture), where ``n_mixture`` means 
            the number of Gaussians in the mixture.

        Tensor: [shape=(B, T)]
            Waveform sampled from the output distribution.
        batch_size, time_steps, output_dim = y.shape
        n_mixture = output_dim // 3

        w, mu, log_std = paddle.split(y, 3, -1)

        reshaped_w = paddle.reshape(w, (batch_size * time_steps, n_mixture))
        prob_ids = paddle.fluid.layers.sampling_id(F.softmax(reshaped_w))
        prob_ids = paddle.reshape(prob_ids, (batch_size, time_steps))
        prob_ids = prob_ids.numpy()

        # do it
        index = np.array([[[b, t, prob_ids[b, t]] for t in range(time_steps)]
                          for b in range(batch_size)]).astype("int32")
        index_var = paddle.to_tensor(index)

        mu_ = paddle.gather_nd(mu, index_var)
        log_std_ = paddle.gather_nd(log_std, index_var)

        dist = D.Normal(mu_, paddle.exp(log_std_))
        samples = dist.sample(shape=[])
        samples = paddle.clip(samples, min=-1., max=1.)
        return samples
예제 #17
def flat_words(words, pad_index=0):
    mask = words != pad_index
    lens = paddle.sum(paddle.cast(mask, "int64"), axis=-1)
    position = paddle.cumsum(
        lens + paddle.cast((lens == 0), "int64"), axis=1) - 1
    select = paddle.nonzero(mask)
    words = paddle.gather_nd(words, select)
    lens = paddle.sum(lens, axis=-1)
    words = pad_sequence_paddle(words, lens, pad_index)
    max_len = words.shape[1]
    position = mask_fill(position, position >= max_len, max_len - 1)
    return words, position
예제 #18
    def process_by_class(self, bboxes, embedding, bbox_inds, topk_clses):
        pred_dets, pred_embs = [], []
        for cls_id in range(self.num_classes):
            inds_masks = topk_clses == cls_id
            inds_masks = paddle.cast(inds_masks, 'float32')

            pos_num = inds_masks.sum().numpy()
            if pos_num == 0:

            cls_inds_mask = inds_masks > 0

            bbox_mask = paddle.nonzero(cls_inds_mask)
            cls_bboxes = paddle.gather_nd(bboxes, bbox_mask)

            cls_inds = paddle.masked_select(bbox_inds, cls_inds_mask)
            cls_inds = cls_inds.unsqueeze(-1)
            cls_embedding = paddle.gather_nd(embedding, cls_inds)

        return paddle.concat(pred_dets), paddle.concat(pred_embs)
예제 #19
    def get_loss(self, mask_logits, mask_label, mask_target, mask_weight):
        mask_label = F.one_hot(mask_label, self.num_classes).unsqueeze([2, 3])
        mask_label = paddle.expand_as(mask_label, mask_logits)
        mask_label.stop_gradient = True
        mask_pred = paddle.gather_nd(mask_logits, paddle.nonzero(mask_label))
        shape = mask_logits.shape
        mask_pred = paddle.reshape(mask_pred, [shape[0], shape[2], shape[3]])

        mask_target = mask_target.cast('float32')
        mask_weight = mask_weight.unsqueeze([1, 2])
        loss_mask = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            mask_pred, mask_target, weight=mask_weight, reduction="mean")
        return loss_mask
예제 #20
def __getitem__(self, idx):
    is_bool = False
    if self.dtype == paddle_dtypes.t_bool:
        self = self.cast("int32")
        is_bool = True
    if isinstance(idx, paddle.Tensor) and len(idx.shape) == 1:
        out = paddle.gather(self, idx)
        return out.cast("bool") if is_bool else out
    elif isinstance(idx, paddle.Tensor) and idx.dtype == paddle_dtypes.t_bool:
        idx = paddle.cast(idx, "int32")
        idx = paddle.nonzero(idx)
        out = paddle.gather_nd(self, idx)
        return out.cast("bool") if is_bool else out
    elif isinstance(idx, tuple):
        if is_condition_one(idx):
            first_idx = idx[0]
            first_idx = paddle.cast(first_idx, "int32")
            first_idx = paddle.nonzero(first_idx)
            out = paddle.gather_nd(self, first_idx)
            return out.cast("bool") if is_bool else out
        elif is_condition_two(idx):
            new_idx = list()
            for i in range(len(self.shape) - 1):
                new_idx.append(slice(None, None, None))
            out = self.tmp(tuple(new_idx))
            return out.cast("bool") if is_bool else out
            out = self.tmp(idx)
            return out.cast("bool") if is_bool else out
        # TODO(syf): 出来为(slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, None), 0)
        out = self.tmp(idx)
        if out.shape == [1]:
            return out.numpy()[0]
            return out
예제 #21
def index_sample(x, index):
    Select input value according to index
        input: input matrix
        index: index matrix
    >>> input
        [1, 2, 3],
        [4, 5, 6]
    >>> index
        [1, 2],
        [0, 1]
    >>> index_sample(input, index)
        [2, 3],
        [4, 5]
    x_s = x.shape
    dim = len(index.shape) - 1
    assert x_s[:dim] == index.shape[:dim]

    if len(x_s) == 3 and dim == 1:
        r_x = paddle.reshape(x, shape=[-1, x_s[1], x_s[-1]])
        r_x = paddle.reshape(x, shape=[-1, x_s[-1]])

    index = paddle.reshape(index, shape=[len(r_x), -1, 1])
    # Generate arange index, shape like index
    arr_index = paddle.arange(start=0, end=len(index), dtype=index.dtype)
    arr_index = paddle.unsqueeze(arr_index, axis=[1, 2])
    arr_index = paddle.expand(arr_index, index.shape)
    # Genrate new index
    new_index = paddle.concat((arr_index, index), -1)
    new_index = paddle.reshape(new_index, (-1, 2))
    # Get output
    out = paddle.gather_nd(r_x, new_index)
    if len(x_s) == 3 and dim == 2:
        out = paddle.reshape(out, shape=[x_s[0], x_s[1], -1])
        out = paddle.reshape(out, shape=[x_s[0], -1])
    return out
예제 #22
 def test_static(self):
     with fluid.program_guard(fluid.Program(), fluid.Program()):
         data1 = fluid.layers.data('data1', shape=[-1, 2], dtype='float64')
         index = fluid.layers.data('index', shape=[-1, 1], dtype='int32')
         out = paddle.gather_nd(data1, index)
         place = fluid.CPUPlace()
         exe = fluid.Executor(place)
         input = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
         index_1 = np.array([[1]])
         result, = exe.run(feed={
             "data1": input,
             "index": index_1
         expected_output = np.array([[3, 4]])
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(result, expected_output))
예제 #23
    def forward(self, x):
        """Forward network"""
        mask = paddle.any(x != self.pad_index, axis=-1)

        lens = paddle.sum(paddle.cast(mask, 'int32'), axis=-1)
        select = paddle.nonzero(mask)
        masked_x = paddle.gather_nd(x, select)
        char_mask = masked_x != self.pad_index
        emb = self.embed(masked_x)
        word_lens = paddle.sum(paddle.cast(char_mask, 'int32'), axis=-1)
        _, (h, _) = self.lstm(emb, sequence_length=word_lens)
        h = paddle.concat(paddle.unstack(h), axis=-1)

        feat_embed = pad_sequence_paddle(h, lens, pad_index=self.pad_index)

        return feat_embed
예제 #24
def batch_gather_2d(var, indices):
    """Gather slices from var in each batch, according to corrensponding
    index in indices. Currently, it only support 2d Tensor.

        var (Variable): with shape [batch_size, ...]
        indices (Variable): with shape [batch_size, max_len]

    Returns: Variable with shape [batch_size]

    Raises: NULL

            [[1, 2, 3],
             [4, 5, 6]]
            [[2, 0], [1, 2]]

            [[3, 1], [5, 6]]

    if len(indices.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError('shape of indices error. it should be a 2-D layers. '
                         'but got shape = %s' % (str(indices.shape), ))

    batch_size = paddle.shape(indices)[0]

    zero = paddle.to_tensor([0], dtype='int64')
    one = paddle.to_tensor([1], dtype='int64')
    end = paddle.cast(batch_size, dtype='int64')
    batch_indices_1d = paddle.unsqueeze(
        paddle.arange(zero, end, one, dtype=indices.dtype), [1])

    seq_len = indices.shape[1]
    batch_indices = paddle.expand(batch_indices_1d, [batch_size, seq_len])

    coord_2d = paddle.concat(
        [paddle.unsqueeze(batch_indices, [2]),
         paddle.unsqueeze(indices, [2])],
    coord_2d.stop_gradient = True
    coord_1d = paddle.reshape(coord_2d, shape=[-1, 2])
    output_1d = paddle.gather_nd(var, coord_1d)
    output_2d = paddle.reshape(output_1d, [batch_size, seq_len, var.shape[-1]])
    return output_2d
예제 #25
def __getitem__(self, idx):
    getitem function
    if isinstance(idx, paddle.Tensor) and len(idx.shape) == 1:
        out = paddle.gather(self, idx)
        return out
    elif isinstance(idx, paddle.Tensor) and str(idx.dtype) == "VarType.BOOL":
        idx = paddle.cast(idx, "int32")
        idx = paddle.nonzero(idx)
        out = paddle.gather_nd(self, idx)
        return out
    elif isinstance(idx, tuple):
        return self.tmp(idx)
        # TODO(syf): 出来为(slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, None), 0)
        return self.tmp(idx)
예제 #26
    def forward(self, head_out, anchors):
        Decode the bbox and do NMS for JDE model. 

            head_out (list): Bbox_pred and cls_prob of bbox_head output.
            anchors (list): Anchors of JDE model.

            boxes_idx (Tensor): The index of kept bboxes after decode 'JDEBox'. 
            bbox_pred (Tensor): The output is the prediction with shape [N, 6]
                including labels, scores and bboxes.
            bbox_num (Tensor): The number of prediction of each batch with shape [N].
            nms_keep_idx (Tensor): The index of kept bboxes after NMS. 
        boxes_idx, yolo_boxes_scores = self.decode(head_out, anchors)

        if len(boxes_idx) == 0:
            boxes_idx = self.fake_boxes_idx
            yolo_boxes_out = self.fake_yolo_boxes_out
            yolo_scores_out = self.fake_yolo_scores_out
            yolo_boxes = paddle.gather_nd(yolo_boxes_scores, boxes_idx)
            # TODO: only support bs=1 now
            yolo_boxes_out = paddle.reshape(
                yolo_boxes[:, :4], shape=[1, len(boxes_idx), 4])
            yolo_scores_out = paddle.reshape(
                yolo_boxes[:, 4:5], shape=[1, 1, len(boxes_idx)])
            boxes_idx = boxes_idx[:, 1:]

        if self.return_idx:
            bbox_pred, bbox_num, nms_keep_idx = self.nms(
                yolo_boxes_out, yolo_scores_out, self.num_classes)
            if bbox_pred.shape[0] == 0:
                bbox_pred = self.fake_bbox_pred
                bbox_num = self.fake_bbox_num
                nms_keep_idx = self.fake_nms_keep_idx
            return boxes_idx, bbox_pred, bbox_num, nms_keep_idx
            bbox_pred, bbox_num, _ = self.nms(yolo_boxes_out, yolo_scores_out,
            if bbox_pred.shape[0] == 0:
                bbox_pred = self.fake_bbox_pred
                bbox_num = self.fake_bbox_num
            return _, bbox_pred, bbox_num, _
예제 #27
    def train_one_batch(self, batch, iter):

        enc_batch, enc_padding_mask, enc_lens, enc_batch_extend_vocab, extra_zeros, c_t_1, coverage = \
        dec_batch, dec_padding_mask, max_dec_len, dec_lens_var, target_batch = \


        encoder_outputs, encoder_feature, encoder_hidden = self.model.encoder(
            enc_batch, enc_lens)
        s_t_1 = self.model.reduce_state(encoder_hidden)

        step_losses = []
        for di in range(min(max_dec_len, config.max_dec_steps)):
            y_t_1 = dec_batch[:, di]

            final_dist, s_t_1, c_t_1, attn_dist, p_gen, next_coverage = \
                self.model.decoder(y_t_1, s_t_1, encoder_outputs, encoder_feature, enc_padding_mask,
                                   c_t_1, extra_zeros, enc_batch_extend_vocab, coverage, di)

            target = target_batch[:, di]
            add_index = paddle.arange(0, target.shape[0])
            new_index = paddle.stack([add_index, target], axis=1)
            gold_probs = paddle.gather_nd(final_dist, new_index).squeeze()
            step_loss = -paddle.log(gold_probs + config.eps)

            if config.is_coverage:
                step_coverage_loss = paddle.sum(
                    paddle.minimum(attn_dist, coverage), 1)
                step_loss = step_loss + config.cov_loss_wt * step_coverage_loss
                coverage = next_coverage

            step_mask = dec_padding_mask[:, di]
            step_loss = step_loss * step_mask

        sum_losses = paddle.sum(paddle.stack(step_losses, 1), 1)
        batch_avg_loss = sum_losses / dec_lens_var
        loss = paddle.mean(batch_avg_loss)


        return loss.numpy()[0]
예제 #28
    def forward(self, logit, label):
        logit = paddle.reshape(
            logit, [logit.shape[0], logit.shape[1], -1])  # N,C,H,W => N,C,H*W
        logit = paddle.transpose(logit, [0, 2, 1])  # N,C,H*W => N,H*W,C
        logit = paddle.reshape(logit,
                               [-1, logit.shape[2]])  # N,H*W,C => N*H*W,C
        label = paddle.reshape(label, [-1, 1])
        range_ = paddle.arange(0, label.shape[0])
        range_ = paddle.unsqueeze(range_, axis=-1)
        label = paddle.cast(label, dtype='int64')
        label = paddle.concat([range_, label], axis=-1)
        logpt = F.log_softmax(logit)
        logpt = paddle.gather_nd(logpt, label)

        pt = paddle.exp(logpt.detach())
        loss = -1 * (1 - pt)**self.gamma * logpt
        loss = paddle.mean(loss)
        return loss
예제 #29
    def __call__(self, yolo_head_out, anchors):
        bbox_pred_list = []
        for i, head_out in enumerate(yolo_head_out):
            stride = self.downsample_ratio // 2**i
            anc_w, anc_h = anchors[i][0::2], anchors[i][1::2]
            anchor_vec = np.stack((anc_w, anc_h), axis=1) / stride
            nA = len(anc_w)
            boxes_shape = paddle.shape(head_out)
            boxes_shape.stop_gradient = True
            nB, nGh, nGw = boxes_shape[0], boxes_shape[-2], boxes_shape[-1]

            p = head_out.reshape((nB, nA, self.num_classes + 5, nGh, nGw))
            p = paddle.transpose(p, perm=[0, 1, 3, 4, 2])  # [nB, 4, 19, 34, 6]
            p_box = p[:, :, :, :, :4]  # [nB, 4, 19, 34, 4]
            boxes = self.decode_delta_map(p_box,
                                          anchor_vec)  # [nB, 4*19*34, 4]
            boxes = boxes * stride

            p_conf = paddle.transpose(p[:, :, :, :, 4:6],
                                      perm=[0, 4, 1, 2,
                                            3])  # [nB, 2, 4, 19, 34]
            p_conf = F.softmax(p_conf, axis=1)[:, 1, :, :, :].unsqueeze(
                -1)  # [nB, 4, 19, 34, 1]
            scores = paddle.reshape(p_conf, shape=[nB, -1, 1])

            bbox_pred_list.append(paddle.concat([boxes, scores], axis=-1))

        yolo_boxes_pred = paddle.concat(bbox_pred_list, axis=1)
        boxes_idx = paddle.nonzero(
            yolo_boxes_pred[:, :, -1] > self.conf_thresh)
        boxes_idx.stop_gradient = True
        if boxes_idx.shape[0] == 0:  # TODO: deploy
            boxes_idx = paddle.to_tensor(np.array([[0]], dtype='int64'))
            yolo_boxes_out = paddle.to_tensor(
                np.array([[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]], dtype='float32'))
            yolo_scores_out = paddle.to_tensor(
                np.array([[[0.0]]], dtype='float32'))
            return boxes_idx, yolo_boxes_out, yolo_scores_out

        yolo_boxes = paddle.gather_nd(yolo_boxes_pred, boxes_idx)
        yolo_boxes_out = paddle.reshape(yolo_boxes[:, :4], shape=[nB, -1, 4])
        yolo_scores_out = paddle.reshape(yolo_boxes[:, 4:5], shape=[nB, 1, -1])
        boxes_idx = boxes_idx[:, 1:]
        return boxes_idx, yolo_boxes_out, yolo_scores_out  # [163], [1, 163, 4], [1, 1, 163]
예제 #30
 def _gather_random_key_value(self, blocked_matrix, rand_mask_idx, B, T):
     return random key matrix: [B, H, L-G, R * bs, -1]
     # blocked_matrix: [B, H, L, bs, -1]
     # rand_mask_idx: [H, T]
     G = self.num_global_blocks
     H = self.num_heads
     bs = self.block_size
     L = T // bs
     R = self.num_rand_blocks
     gathered_matrix = paddle.concat([
         paddle.gather_nd(blocked_matrix[b, :], rand_mask_idx)
         for b in range(B)
     gathered_matrix = paddle.reshape(gathered_matrix,
                                      [B, H, L - G, R * bs, -1])
     return gathered_matrix