예제 #1
def update_hdf5(data, path, prefix="/"):
    # ToDo: drop this wrapper
    assert isinstance(path, (str, Path, hdf5.h5py.File))
    if isinstance(path, hdf5.h5py.File):
        hdf5.update_hdf5(data, path, path=prefix)
        path = normalize_path(normalize_path, as_str=True, allow_fd=False)
        hdf5.update_hdf5(data, path, path=prefix)
예제 #2
def dump(
    mkdir_exist_ok=False,  # Should this be an option? Should the default be True?
    unsafe=False,  # Should this be an option? Should the default be True?
    # atomic=False,  ToDo: Add atomic support
    A generic dump function to write the obj to path.

    Infer the dump protocol (e.g. json, pickle, ...) from the path name.

    Supported formats:
     - Text:
       - json
       - yaml
     - Binary:
       - pkl: pickle
       - dill
       - h5: HDF5
       - wav
       - mat: MATLAB
       - npy: Numpy
       - npz: Numpy compressed
       - pth: Pickle with Pytorch support
     - Compressed:
       - json.gz
       - pkl.gz
       - npy.gz

        obj: Arbitrary object that is supported from the dump protocol.
        path: str or pathlib.Path
            Whether to make an mkdir id the parent dir of path does not exist.
            Allow unsafe dump protocol. This option is more relevant for load.
            Forwarded arguments to the particular dump function.
            Should rarely be used, because when a special property of the dump
            function/protocol is used, use directly that dump function.


    path = normalize_path(path, allow_fd=False)
    if mkdir:
        if mkdir_exist_ok:
            # Assume that in most cases the dir exists.
            # -> try first to reduce io requests
                return dump(obj, path, unsafe=unsafe, **kwargs)
            except FileNotFoundError:
        path.parent.mkdir(parents=mkdir_parents, exist_ok=mkdir_exist_ok)

    if str(path).endswith(".json"):
        from paderbox.io import dump_json
        dump_json(obj, path, **kwargs)
    elif str(path).endswith(".pkl"):
        assert unsafe, (unsafe, path)
        with path.open("wb") as fp:
            pickle.dump(obj, fp, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, **kwargs)
    elif str(path).endswith(".dill"):
        assert unsafe, (unsafe, path)
        with path.open("wb") as fp:
            import dill
            dill.dump(obj, fp, **kwargs)
    elif str(path).endswith(".h5"):
        from paderbox.io.hdf5 import dump_hdf5
        dump_hdf5(obj, path, **kwargs)
    elif str(path).endswith(".yaml"):
        if unsafe:
            from paderbox.io.yaml_module import dump_yaml_unsafe
            dump_yaml_unsafe(obj, path, **kwargs)
            from paderbox.io.yaml_module import dump_yaml
            dump_yaml(obj, path, **kwargs)
    elif str(path).endswith(".gz"):
        assert len(kwargs) == 0, kwargs
        with gzip.GzipFile(path, 'wb', compresslevel=1) as f:
            if str(path).endswith(".json.gz"):
            elif str(path).endswith(".pkl.gz"):
                assert unsafe, (unsafe, path)
                pickle.dump(obj, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
            elif str(path).endswith(".npy.gz"):
                np.save(f, obj, allow_pickle=unsafe)
                raise ValueError(path)
    elif str(path).endswith(".wav"):
        from paderbox.io import dump_audio
        if np.ndim(obj) == 1:
        elif np.ndim(obj) == 2:
            assert np.shape(obj)[0] < 20, (np.shape(obj), obj)
            raise AssertionError(('Expect ndim in [1, 2]', np.shape(obj), obj))
        with path.open("wb") as fp:  # Throws better exception msg
            dump_audio(obj, fp, **kwargs)
    elif str(path).endswith('.mat'):
        import scipy.io as sio
        sio.savemat(path, obj, **kwargs)
    elif str(path).endswith('.npy'):
        np.save(str(path), obj, allow_pickle=unsafe, **kwargs)
    elif str(path).endswith('.npz'):
        assert unsafe, (unsafe, path)
        assert len(kwargs) == 0, kwargs
        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            np.savez(str(path), **obj)
            np.savez(str(path), obj)
    elif str(path).endswith('.pth'):
        assert unsafe, (unsafe, path)
        import torch
        torch.save(obj, str(path), **kwargs)
        raise ValueError('Unsupported suffix:', path)
예제 #3
def load_audio(
    WIP will deprecate audioread in the future

    Difference to soundfile.read:
     - Default: Return only signal
     - With the argument "unit" the unit of frames, start and stop can be
       changed (stop currently unsupported).
     - With given expected_sample_rate an assert is included (recommended)

    soundfile.read doc text and some examples:

    Provide audio data from a sound file as NumPy array.

    By default, the whole file is read from the beginning, but the
    position to start reading can be specified with `start` and the
    number of frames to read can be specified with `frames`.
    Alternatively, a range can be specified with `start` and `stop`.

    If there is less data left in the file than requested, the rest of
    the frames are filled with `fill_value`.
    If no `fill_value` is specified, a smaller array is returned.

    path : str or int or file-like object
        The file to read from.  See :class:`SoundFile` for details.
    frames : int, optional
        The number of frames to read. If `frames` is negative, the whole
        rest of the file is read.  Not allowed if `stop` is given.
    start : int, optional
        Where to start reading.  A negative value counts from the end.
    stop : int, optional
        The index after the last frame to be read.  A negative value
        counts from the end.  Not allowed if `frames` is given.
    dtype : {'float64', 'float32', 'int32', 'int16'}, optional
        Data type of the returned array, by default ``'float64'``.
        Floating point audio data is typically in the range from
        ``-1.0`` to ``1.0``.  Integer data is in the range from
        ``-2**15`` to ``2**15-1`` for ``'int16'`` and from ``-2**31`` to
        ``2**31-1`` for ``'int32'``.

        .. note:: Reading int values from a float file will *not*
            scale the data to [-1.0, 1.0). If the file contains
            ``np.array([42.6], dtype='float32')``, you will read
            ``np.array([43], dtype='int32')`` for ``dtype='int32'``.

    audiodata : numpy.ndarray or type(out)
        A two-dimensional (frames x channels) NumPy array is returned.
        If the sound file has only one channel, a one-dimensional array
        is returned.  Use ``always_2d=True`` to return a two-dimensional
        array anyway.

        If `out` was specified, it is returned.  If `out` has more
        frames than available in the file (or if `frames` is smaller
        than the length of `out`) and no `fill_value` is given, then
        only a part of `out` is overwritten and a view containing all
        valid frames is returned.

    Other Parameters
    always_2d : bool, optional
        By default, reading a mono sound file will return a
        one-dimensional array.  With ``always_2d=True``, audio data is
        always returned as a two-dimensional array, even if the audio
        file has only one channel.
    fill_value : float, optional
        If more frames are requested than available in the file, the
        rest of the output is be filled with `fill_value`.  If
        `fill_value` is not specified, a smaller array is returned.
    out : numpy.ndarray or subclass, optional
        If `out` is specified, the data is written into the given array
        instead of creating a new array.  In this case, the arguments
        `dtype` and `always_2d` are silently ignored!  If `frames` is
        not given, it is obtained from the length of `out`.
    samplerate, channels, format, subtype, endian, closefd
        See :class:`SoundFile`.

    >>> from paderbox.io import load_audio
    >>> from paderbox.testing.testfile_fetcher import get_file_path
    >>> path = get_file_path('speech.wav')
    >>> data = load_audio(path)
    >>> data.shape

    Say you load audio examples from a very long audio, you can provide a
    start position and a duration in samples or seconds.

    >>> path = get_file_path('speech.wav')
    >>> signal = load_audio(path, start=0, frames=16_000)
    >>> signal.shape
    >>> signal = load_audio(path, start=0, frames=1, unit='seconds')
    >>> signal.shape

    If the audio file is to short, only return the defined part:

    >>> signal = load_audio(path, start=0, frames=160_000)
    >>> signal.shape

    >>> path = get_file_path('123_1pcbe_shn.sph')
    >>> load_audio(path)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    RuntimeError: Wrong suffix .sph in .../123_1pcbe_shn.sph.
    File format:
    .../123_1pcbe_shn.sph: NIST SPHERE file

    # soundfile does not support pathlib.Path.
    # ToDo: Is this sill True?
    path = normalize_path(path, as_str=True)

    if unit == 'samples':
    elif unit == 'seconds':
        if stop is not None:
            if stop < 0:
                raise NotImplementedError(unit, stop)
        with soundfile.SoundFile(path) as f:
            # total_samples = len(f)
            samplerate = f.samplerate
        start = int(np.round(start * samplerate))
        if frames > 0:
            frames = int(np.round(frames * samplerate))
        if stop is not None and stop > 0:
            stop = int(np.round(stop * samplerate))
        raise ValueError(unit)

        if isinstance(path, (str, Path)) and (Path(path).suffix == '.m4a'):
            import audioread
            assert (start == 0 and stop is None), \
                'audioread does not support partial loading of audio files'
            with audioread.audio_open(path) as f:
                samplerate = f.samplerate
                duration = f.duration
                data = []
                scale = 1. / float(1 << (15))
                for buf in f:
                        np.frombuffer(buf, "<i2").astype(np.float64) * scale)
                signal = np.concatenate(data)
            with soundfile.SoundFile(
            ) as f:
                if dtype is None:
                    from paderbox.utils.mapping import Dispatcher
                    mapping = Dispatcher({
                        'PCM_16': np.int16,
                        'FLOAT': np.float32,
                        'DOUBLE': np.float64,
                    dtype = mapping[f.subtype]

                frames = f._prepare_read(start=start, stop=stop, frames=frames)
                data = f.read(frames=frames,
            signal, sample_rate = data, f.samplerate
    except RuntimeError as e:
        if isinstance(path, (Path, str)):
            from paderbox.utils.process_caller import run_process
            cp = run_process(['file', f'{path}'])
            stdout = cp.stdout
            if Path(path).suffix == '.wav':
                # Improve exception msg for NIST SPHERE files.
                raise RuntimeError(f'Could not read {path}.\n'
                                   f'File format:\n{stdout}') from e
                path = Path(path)
                raise RuntimeError(f'Wrong suffix {path.suffix} in {path}.\n'
                                   f'File format:\n{stdout}') from e

    if expected_sample_rate is not None:
        if expected_sample_rate != sample_rate:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Requested sampling rate is {expected_sample_rate} but the '
                f'audiofile has {sample_rate}')

    # When signal is multichannel, than soundfile return (samples, channels)
    # At NT it is more common to have the shape (channels, samples)
    # => transpose
    signal = signal.T

    if return_sample_rate:
        return signal, sample_rate
        return signal
예제 #4
def dump_audio(
    If normalize is False and the dytpe is float, the values of obj should be in
    the range [-1, 1).

        obj: Shape (channels, samples) or (samples,)
            The dtype of the written file. Default is integer with 16 bit.
            Offset to write in an existing file. Can be used for block
            processing algorithms that use overlap save.
            bool, if the audio stream should be normalized to be in the range
            -1 to 1.
            Special option. See soundfile.SoundFile.__init__ for details.

    >>> from paderbox.utils.process_caller import run_process
    >>> from paderbox.io import load_audio
    >>> from paderbox.io.cache_dir import get_cache_dir
    >>> a = np.array([1, 2, -4, 4], dtype=np.int16)
    >>> import io, os
    >>> # file = io.BytesIO()
    >>> file = get_cache_dir() / 'tmp_audio_data.wav'
    >>> dump_audio(a, file, normalize=False)
    >>> load_audio(file) * 2**15
    array([ 1.,  2., -4.,  4.])
    >>> print('stdout:', run_process(f'file {file}').stdout)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    stdout: .../tmp_audio_data.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 16000 Hz
    >>> dump_audio(a, file, normalize=True)
    >>> load_audio(file)
    array([ 0.24996948,  0.49996948, -0.99996948,  0.99996948])
    >>> print('stdout:', run_process(f'file {file}').stdout)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    stdout: .../tmp_audio_data.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 16000 Hz

    >>> data = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) / 32
    >>> data
    array([0.     , 0.03125, 0.0625 , 0.09375, 0.125  , 0.15625, 0.1875 ,
           0.21875, 0.25   , 0.28125])
    >>> dump_audio(data, file, normalize=False)
    >>> load_audio(file)
    array([0.     , 0.03125, 0.0625 , 0.09375, 0.125  , 0.15625, 0.1875 ,
           0.21875, 0.25   , 0.28125])
    >>> print('stdout:', run_process(f'file {file}').stdout)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    stdout: .../tmp_audio_data.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 16000 Hz
    >>> dump_audio(np.array([16, 24]) / 32, file, normalize=False, start=1)
    >>> load_audio(file)
    array([0.     , 0.5    , 0.75   , 0.09375, 0.125  , 0.15625, 0.1875 ,
           0.21875, 0.25   , 0.28125])
    >>> print('stdout:', run_process(f'file {file}').stdout)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    stdout: ...tmp_audio_data.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 16000 Hz
    >>> dump_audio(np.array([16, 24, 24, 24]) / 32, file, normalize=False, start=9)
    >>> load_audio(file)
    array([0.     , 0.5    , 0.75   , 0.09375, 0.125  , 0.15625, 0.1875 ,
           0.21875, 0.25   , 0.5    , 0.75   , 0.75   , 0.75   ])
    >>> load_audio(file).shape
    >>> dump_audio(np.array([16, 24, 24, 24]) / 32, file, normalize=False, start=20)
    >>> load_audio(file)
    array([0.     , 0.5    , 0.75   , 0.09375, 0.125  , 0.15625, 0.1875 ,
           0.21875, 0.25   , 0.5    , 0.75   , 0.75   , 0.75   , 0.     ,
           0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.     , 0.5    ,
           0.75   , 0.75   , 0.75   ])
    >>> load_audio(file).shape
    >>> print('stdout:', run_process(f'file {file}').stdout)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    stdout: .../tmp_audio_data.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 16000 Hz
    >>> os.remove(file)
    >>> dump_audio(np.array([16, 24, 24, 24]) / 32, file, normalize=False, start=20)
    >>> load_audio(file)
    array([0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  ,
           0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.  , 0.5 , 0.75,
           0.75, 0.75])
    >>> load_audio(file).shape
    >>> print('stdout:', run_process(f'file {file}').stdout)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    stdout: .../tmp_audio_data.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 16000 Hz

    >>> data = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) / 32
    >>> data
    array([0.     , 0.03125, 0.0625 , 0.09375, 0.125  , 0.15625, 0.1875 ,
           0.21875, 0.25   , 0.28125])
    >>> dump_audio(data, file, normalize=False, dtype=None)
    >>> load_audio(file)
    array([0.     , 0.03125, 0.0625 , 0.09375, 0.125  , 0.15625, 0.1875 ,
           0.21875, 0.25   , 0.28125])
    >>> print(run_process(f'soxi {file}').stdout)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Input File     : '.../tmp_audio_data.wav'
    Channels       : 1
    Sample Rate    : 16000
    Precision      : 54-bit
    Duration       : 00:00:00.00 = 10 samples ~ 0.046875 CDDA sectors
    File Size      : 160
    Bit Rate       : 2.05M
    Sample Encoding: 64-bit Floating Point PCM
    >>> dump_audio(data.astype(np.float32), file, normalize=False, dtype=None)
    >>> load_audio(file, dtype=None)
    array([0.     , 0.03125, 0.0625 , 0.09375, 0.125  , 0.15625, 0.1875 ,
           0.21875, 0.25   , 0.28125], dtype=float32)
    >>> print(run_process(f'soxi {file}').stdout)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Input File     : '.../tmp_audio_data.wav'
    Channels       : 1
    Sample Rate    : 16000
    Precision      : 25-bit
    Duration       : 00:00:00.00 = 10 samples ~ 0.046875 CDDA sectors
    File Size      : 120
    Bit Rate       : 1.54M
    Sample Encoding: 32-bit Floating Point PCM

    path = normalize_path(path, as_str=True)
    obj = np.asarray(obj)

    if normalize:
        if not obj.dtype.kind in ['f', 'i']:
            raise TypeError(
                'Only float and int is currently supported with normalize. '
                f'Got dtype {obj.dtype}')
        # Normalization can change the type (e.g. int to float).
        # When saving as float, normalize is a bad idea.
        # The normalization is adjusted for int16
        assert dtype == np.int16, (
            'Currently is only normalize allowed for dtype == np.int16'
            f'and not for dtype == {dtype}')
        # Correction, because the allowed values are in the range [-1, 1).
        # => "1" is not a vaild value
        correction = (2**15 - 1) / (2**15)
        obj = obj * (correction / np.amax(np.abs(obj)))

    # ToDo: better exception when path is file descriptor
    if start is None or not Path(path).exists():
        if obj.ndim == 1:
            channels = 1
            channels = obj.shape[0]

        sf_args = dict(
        sf_args = dict(mode='r+')
    sf_args['format'] = format

    dtype_map = Dispatcher({
        np.int16: 'PCM_16',
        np.dtype('int16'): 'PCM_16',
        np.int32: 'PCM_32',
        np.dtype('int32'): 'PCM_32',
        np.float32: 'FLOAT',
        np.dtype('float32'): 'FLOAT',
        np.float64: 'DOUBLE',
        np.dtype('float64'): 'DOUBLE',

    if dtype in [np.int16]:
    elif dtype in [np.float32, np.float64, np.int32]:
        sf_args['subtype'] = dtype_map[dtype]
    elif dtype is None:
        sf_args['subtype'] = dtype_map[obj.dtype]
        raise TypeError(dtype)

    with soundfile.SoundFile(path, **sf_args) as f:
        if start is not None:
예제 #5
def dump_hdf5(data, path):
    # ToDo: drop this wrapper
    path = normalize_path(path, as_str=True, allow_fd=True)
    return hdf5.dump_hdf5(data, path)
예제 #6
def load_hdf5(path, internal_path="/"):
    # ToDo: drop this wrapper
    path = normalize_path(path, as_str=True, allow_fd=False)
    return hdf5.load_hdf5(path, str(internal_path))
예제 #7
def dump_pickle(data, path):
    path = normalize_path(path, allow_fd=False)
    with path.open("wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(data, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
예제 #8
def load_pickle(path):
    path = normalize_path(path, allow_fd=False)
    with path.open("rb") as f:
        return pickle.load(f)
예제 #9
파일: atomic.py 프로젝트: mdeegen/paderbox
def open_atomic(file, mode, *args, force=False, **kwargs):
    Produce a tempfile aside to the desired file (same filesystem).
    Overwrite the file on successful context (except force is True than always).

    This function is inspiered from:
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2333872/atomic-writing-to-file-with-python

    For replace alternative see
    # http://code.activestate.com/recipes/579097-safely-and-atomically-write-to-a-file/

        This function allows to overwrite a file, while another process still
        read the file. The other process keep a file pointer to the original
        file. The original file is removed from the filesystem when nobody
        reads the file. This is a nice property known from Makefiles.

        A file that is written with this function can only be read, when it is
        fully written (i.e. the context is left).


    Procure a file with some content
    >>> from paderbox.io.cache_dir import get_cache_dir
    >>> file = get_cache_dir() / 'tmp.io.txt'
    >>> with open(file, 'w') as f:
    ...     f.write('test\\nbla')
    >>> with open(file, 'r') as f:
    ...     print(f.read())

    Read the file and write to the file the same content
    (with open_atomic no problem)
    >>> with open(file, 'r') as src:
    ...     with open_atomic(file, 'w') as f:
    ...         for line in src:
    ...             f.write(line)
    ...     src.seek(0)
    ...     with open_atomic(file, 'w') as f:
    ...         for line in src:
    ...             f.write(line + 'second write\\n')
    >>> with open(file, 'r') as f:
    ...     print(f.read())
    second write
    blasecond write

    Read the file and write to the file the same content
    (with open this does not work)
    >>> with open(file, 'r') as src:
    ...     with open(file, 'w') as dst:
    ...         for line in src:
    ...             f.write(line)
    >>> with open(file, 'r') as f:
    ...     print(f.read())
    >>> with open_atomic(file, 'w') as f:
    ...     f.write('test\\nbla')
    ...     f.write('test\\nbla')
    >>> with open(file, 'r') as f:
    ...     print(f.read())

    When an exception occurs do not write anything (except force is True)
    >>> with open_atomic(file, 'w') as f:
    ...     f.write('sdkfg\\nbla')
    ...     raise Exception
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    >>> with open(file, 'r') as f:
    ...     print(f.read())
    >>> with open_atomic(file, 'w', force=True) as f:
    ...     f.write('sdkfg\\nbla')
    ...     raise Exception
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    >>> with open(file, 'r') as f:
    ...     print(f.read())

    >>> with open_atomic(file, 'w') as f:
    ...     print('Name:', f.name)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Name: .../tmp.io.txt...
    file = normalize_path(file, as_str=True, allow_fd=False)

    assert 'w' in mode, mode

    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
            mode, *args, **kwargs, prefix=file, dir=os.getcwd()
    ) as tmp_f:
        def cleanup():
            # os.rename(tmp_f.name, file)  # fails if dst exists
            os.replace(tmp_f.name, file)

            # Disable NamedTemporaryFile.close(), because the file was renamed.
            tmp_f.delete = False
            tmp_f._closer.delete = False
            yield tmp_f
            if not force:
            if force: