class FreshAndShiny(BaseTheme): """The FreshAndShiny theme is ... """ """ >>> theme = FreshAndShiny() >>> theme.mood['h1.color'] 'hilite2' >>> theme.selectMood('dark') # Select another mode >>> theme.mood['h1.color'] 'hilite2' """ NAME = 'Fresh and Shiny' THEME_COLORS = dict( #logo1 #logo2 #logo3 main=spotColor('coolgray11u'), accent=spotColor('rhodamineredu'), alt1=spotColor(265), alt2=spotColor(3005), support1=spotColor(375), support2=spotColor('red032u'), )
class FreshAndShiny(BaseTheme): """The FreshAndShiny theme is ... """ """ >>> theme = FreshAndShiny() >>> theme.mood['h1.color'] 'hilite2' >>> theme.selectMood('dark') # Select another mode >>> theme.mood['h1.color'] 'hilite2' """ NAME = 'Fresh and Shiny' BASE_COLORS = dict( base0=spotColor('coolgray11u'), base1=spotColor('rhodamineredu'), base2=spotColor(265), base3=spotColor(3005), base4=spotColor(375), # Supporter1 base5=rgbColor('red'), #spotColor('red032u'), )
class BackToTheCity(BaseTheme): """The BackToTheCity theme is ...""" NAME = 'Back to the City' BASE_COLORS = dict( base0=spotColor(476), base1=spotColor(1405), base2=spotColor(139), base3=spotColor(480), base4=spotColor(421), # Supporter1 base5=spotColor(157), )
class SomethingInTheAir(BaseTheme): """The SomethingInTheAir theme is ...""" NAME = 'Something in the Air' BASE_COLORS = dict( base0=spotColor('reflexblueu'), base1=spotColor(540), base2=spotColor(542), base3=spotColor(306), base4=spotColor(245), # Supporter1 base5=spotColor(190), )
class FairyTales(BaseTheme): """The FairyTales theme is ...""" NAME = 'Fairy Tales' BASE_COLORS = dict( base0=spotColor(425), base1=spotColor(237), base2=spotColor(278), base3=spotColor(373), base4=spotColor(422), # Supporter1 base5=spotColor(473), )
class BusinessAsUsual(BaseTheme): """The BusinessAsUsual theme is a generic “woody cool gray” theme, with settings that can be used in environments when functionality is more important than “arty” appearance.""" NAME = 'Business as Usual' BASE_COLORS = dict( base0=spotColor('blacku'), base1=spotColor(404), base2=spotColor(541), base3=spotColor(542), base4=spotColor(139), # Supporter1 base5=spotColor(877), )
class SeasoningTheDish(BaseTheme): """The SeasoningTheDish theme is ...""" NAME = 'Seasoning the Dish' BASE_COLORS = dict( base0=spotColor(412), base1=spotColor(214), base2=spotColor(369), base3=spotColor(389), base4=spotColor(401), # Supporter1 base5=spotColor(103), ) BASE_TYPE = dict( familyName='Georgia', )
class FairyTales(BaseTheme): """The FairyTales theme is ...""" NAME = 'Fairy Tales' THEME_COLORS = dict( #logo1 #logo2 #logo3 main=spotColor(425), accent=spotColor(237), alt1=spotColor(278), alt2=spotColor(373), support1=spotColor(422), support2=spotColor(473), )
class WordlyWise(BaseTheme): """The WordlyWise theme is ... >>> theme = WordlyWise() """ NAME = 'Wordly Wise' BASE_COLORS = dict( base0=spotColor('warmgray8u'), base1=spotColor(286), base2=spotColor(265), base3=spotColor(258), base4=spotColor(278), # Supporter1 base5=spotColor(270), )
class SomethingInTheAir(BaseTheme): """The SomethingInTheAir theme is ...""" NAME = 'Something in the Air' THEME_COLORS = dict( #logo1 #logo2 #logo3 main=spotColor('reflexblueu'), accent=spotColor(540), alt1=spotColor(542), alt2=spotColor(306), support1=spotColor(245), support2=spotColor(190), )
class IntoTheWoods(BaseTheme): """The IntoTheWoods theme is ... >>> theme = IntoTheWoods """ NAME = 'Into the Woods' BASE_COLORS = dict( base0=spotColor('gray10u'), base1=spotColor(348), base2=spotColor(376), base3=spotColor(381), base4=spotColor(392), # Supporter1 base5=spotColor(398), )
class BackToTheCity(BaseTheme): """The BackToTheCity theme is ...""" NAME = 'Back to the City' THEME_COLORS = dict( #logo1 #logo2 #logo3 main=spotColor(476), accent=spotColor(1405), alt1=spotColor(139), alt2=spotColor(480), support1=spotColor(421), support2=spotColor(157), )
class IntoTheWoods(BaseTheme): """The IntoTheWoods theme is ... >>> theme = IntoTheWoods() """ NAME = 'Into the Woods' THEME_COLORS = dict( # Example logo colors, to be modified by an inheriting class. logo1=spotColor(300), logo2=color(1, 0, 0), logo3=color(0, 1, 0), # Theme colors main=spotColor('gray10u'), accent=spotColor(348), alt1=spotColor(376), alt2=spotColor(381), support1=spotColor(392), support2=spotColor(398), )
class BusinessAsUsual(BaseTheme): """The BusinessAsUsual theme is a generic “woody cool gray” theme, with settings that can be used in environments when functionality is more important than “arty” appearance.""" NAME = 'Business as Usual' THEME_COLORS = dict( #logo1 #logo2 #logo3 main=spotColor('blacku'), accent=spotColor(404), alt1=spotColor(541), alt2=spotColor(542), support1=spotColor(139), support2=spotColor(877), )
class SeasoningTheDish(BaseTheme): """The SeasoningTheDish theme is ...""" NAME = 'Seasoning the Dish' THEME_COLORS = dict( #logo1 #logo2 #logo3 main=spotColor(412), accent=spotColor(214), alt1=spotColor(369), alt2=spotColor(389), support1=spotColor(401), support2=spotColor(103), ) BASE_TYPE = dict( familyName='Georgia', )