def list_backups() -> None: """List all backups in the repository.""" backups = g.repo.all_backups p = Pager() for b in backups: if not p.print(b): break
def index(): article_qry=cms.Article.query().order(-cms.Article.created) pager = Pager(query=article_qry, page=util.param('page') or 1) article_dbs, _, _ = pager.paginate(page_size=PAGESIZE) return flask.render_template( theme_file('index.html'), cates=cate_list(), data=article_dbs, pager=pager)
def __init__(self, filename): self.pager = Pager(filename) self.root_page_num = 0 # If this is a new database file: initialize the root node if self.pager.num_pages == 0: root_node = Leaf_Node(self.pager.get_page(self.root_page_num)) root_node.is_root = True self.pager.insert_new_page(root_node)
def image_view(ind=None): table = read_table(TABLE_FILE) pager = Pager(len(table)) if ind >= pager.count: return render_template("404.html"), 404 else: pager.current = ind return render_template('imageview.html', index=ind, pager=pager, data=table[ind])
def list_all_files() -> None: """List all files in the open backup. We really don't need this, since "list '*'" does the same thing. """ if g.backup == NO_BKUP: util.msg("You must 'use' a backup first.") else: p = Pager() count = 0 for f in g.repo.next_file(g.backup): count += 1 if not p.print(normalize(f.fname)): break print('Files found:', count)
def tag(tag): tag_dbs = [t for t in cms.Tag.alltags() if == tag.lower()] if tag_dbs: tag_db = tag_dbs[0] article_qry = cms.Article.query(cms.Article.tags==tag).order(-cms.Article.created) pager = Pager(query=article_qry, page=util.param('page') or 1) article_dbs, _, _ = pager.paginate(page_size=PAGESIZE) else: pager, article_db, tag_db = None, [], None return flask.render_template( theme_file('index.html'), obj=tag_db, cates=cate_list(), data=article_dbs, pager=pager)
def category(category): cate_dbs = [c for c in cms.Category.allcates() if == category.lower()] if cate_dbs: cate_db = cate_dbs[0] article_qry = cms.Article.query(cms.Article.category==cate_db.key).order(-cms.Article.created) pager = Pager(query=article_qry, page=util.param('page') or 1) article_dbs, _, _ = pager.paginate(page_size=PAGESIZE) else: pager, article_dbs, cate_db = None, None, None return flask.render_template( theme_file('index.html'), obj=cate_db, cates=cate_list(), data=article_dbs, pager=pager)
def list_files(pattern: str, backup: str) -> None: """List files in 'backup' that match 'pattern'.""" xpat = fnmatch.translate(pattern) try: pat = re.compile(xpat) count = 0 p = Pager() for f in g.repo.next_file(backup): fname = normalize(f.fname) if pat.match(fname): if not p.print(fname): break count += 1 # print('Files found:', count) except re.error: util.error('Bad search pattern')
def image_view(sess=None, ind=None): if sess not in SESSIONS.keys(): return render_template("404.html"), 404 table = read_table(SESSIONS[sess]) # print(len(table)) pager = Pager(len(table)) if ind >= pager.count: return render_template("404.html"), 404 else: pager.current = ind return render_template('imageview.html', index=ind, pager=pager, cluster=table[ind]['cluster'], sess=sess)
def run(self, params=None): ''' Sets up the pager and go into infinity serving loop. '''"OpenFirePager daemon running with PID: %s" % str( self.pager = Pager(params)
class PagerDaemon(DaemonBase): """ PagerDaemon class inherits from DaemonBase to build a Unix daemon """ def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' super(PagerDaemon, self).__init__("/tmp/") def setupLogging(self, params): ''' Logging setup. ''' if params is None: raise Exception("Missing arguments for logging setup.") return if params.loglevel == "debug" or params.verbose: loglevel = logging.DEBUG else: loglevel = logging.INFO if params.verbose: logfile = None else: logfile = "/tmp/firepagerd.log" # setup logging logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, filemode="w", level=loglevel, format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s") logging.debug("OpenFirePager logging enabled with loglevel: DEBUG") def start(self, params, daemonize=True): ''' Runs the server. ''' self.setupLogging(params) super(PagerDaemon, self).start(params, daemonize) def run(self, params=None): ''' Sets up the pager and go into infinity serving loop. '''"OpenFirePager daemon running with PID: %s" % str( self.pager = Pager(params)
def find_files(pattern: str) -> None: """Search all backups for files matching 'pattern'.""" p = Pager() try: xpat = fnmatch.translate(pattern) pat = re.compile(xpat) stop = False for b in g.repo.all_backups: if not stop: for f in g.repo.next_file(b): fname = normalize(f.fname) if pat.match(fname): mtime = time.ctime(float(f.mtime)) if not p.print(f'{b}\t{mtime}\t{fname}'): stop = True break except re.error: util.error('Bad search pattern')
def molIn(): global table, pager if ((request.form['smiles'] != '') and (getmol.ReadMolFromSmile(request.form['smiles']) is not None)): add_table(TABLE_FILE, request.form['smiles']) table = read_table(TABLE_FILE) pager = Pager(len(table)) else: flash("Not a valid SMILE") return redirect('/')
def __init__(self, filename): # type: (Text) -> None self.filename = filename self.pager =, max_pages=Table.MAX_PAGES) self.root_page_num = 0 if self.pager.num_pages == 0: # new db file root_node_page = self.pager.get_page(0) root_node = Node.initialize_root_node() nodes[id(root_node)] = root_node
def map_view(map_ind): global groupPager global photoPager global table_group if map_ind >= groupPager.count: return render_template("404.html"), 404 else: time_group = filter_cluster(timestamps, map_ind, cluster_labels) table_group = sort_cluster( filter_cluster(table, map_ind, cluster_labels), time_group) # set photo pager to only page through images contained in group photoPager = Pager(len(table_group)) photoPager.current = 0 groupPager.current = map_ind group_locs = filter_cluster(locations, map_ind, cluster_labels) group_colors = filter_cluster(cluster_colors, map_ind, cluster_labels) folium_map = get_map(group_locs, save=True, colors=group_colors) return render_template('map_view.html', groupPager=groupPager, photoPager=photoPager)
def cluster(): global cluster_labels global colors_dict global cluster_colors global groupPager cluster_labels = get_labels(locations, float(request.form['clusterdistance']), timestamps) colors_dict = get_label_colors(cluster_labels) cluster_colors = [colors_dict[i] for i in cluster_labels] groupPager = Pager(max(cluster_labels) + 1) return redirect('/')
class Table: def __init__(self, filename): self.pager = Pager(filename) self.root_page_num = 0 # If this is a new database file: initialize the root node if self.pager.num_pages == 0: root_node = Leaf_Node(self.pager.get_page(self.root_page_num)) root_node.is_root = True self.pager.insert_new_page(root_node) def get_page(self, page_num): return self.pager.get_page(page_num) def get_root_page(self): return self.get_page(self.root_page_num) # save pages to the file def flush(self): for page_num in range(0, self.pager.num_pages): self.pager.flush_page(page_num) self.pager.file.close()
def molCsvIn(): global table, pager if ((request.form['path'] != '') and (os.path.isfile(request.form['path']) is not False)): df_inp = pd.read_csv(request.form['path']) for i, smile in enumerate(df_inp['SMILES']): if getmol.ReadMolFromSmile(smile) is not None: add_table(TABLE_FILE, smile) else: flash(str(i) + ' ' + smile + " is Not a valid SMILE") # percent = (i + 1) * 100 // len(df_inp) # render_template('progress.html', percent=percent) table = read_table(TABLE_FILE) pager = Pager(len(table)) else: flash("Not a valid CSV path") return redirect('/')
def image_view(ind=None, ind2=None): pager = Pager( db.engine.execute('select count(cameraid) from cameras').scalar()) data = Camera.query.filter_by(cameraid=ind).first() images = Image.query.filter_by(cameraid=ind).order_by( Image.curr_time.asc()).all() pager2 = Pager(len(images)) #new way #need to get filepath --> 19/19_20180625_132516.jpg main_path = "./static/images/" + str(ind).zfill(8) all_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(main_path) if isfile(join(main_path, f)) ] print("File list:") print(all_files[:5]) try: if ind2 >= pager2.count or ind >= pager.count: flash('Image did not exist') return render_template('dirview.html', index=ind, pager=pager) else: pager.current = ind pager2.current = ind2 filepath = str(ind).zfill(8) + "/" + all_files[ ind2] #getting the next image print("Indexs: " + str(ind) + " " + str(ind2)) print("Filepath: " + filepath) return render_template('imageview.html', index=ind2, pager=pager, pager2=pager2, data2=images[ind2], data=data, filepath=filepath) except IndexError as e: return render_template('404.html')
def __init__(self, name, model, view, ids=[], domain=[], context={}, **kw): super(List, self).__init__(name=name, model=model, ids=ids) self.context = context or {} self.domain = domain or [] if name.endswith('/'): self._name = name[:-1] if name != '_terp_list': self.source ='/', '/') or None self.selectable = kw.get('selectable', 0) self.editable = kw.get('editable', False) self.pageable = kw.get('pageable', True) self.offset = kw.get('offset', 0) self.limit = kw.get('limit', 0) self.count = kw.get('count', 0) = kw.get('nolinks', 1) self.attr_limit = 0 self.m2m = False self.concurrency_info = None self.selector = None if self.selectable == 1: self.selector = 'radio' if self.selectable == 2: self.selector = 'checkbox' fields = view['fields'] dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(view['arch'].encode('utf-8')) root = dom.childNodes[0] attrs = tools.node_attributes(root) self.string = attrs.get('string', '') # is relational field (M2M/O2M) if self.source: self.attr_limit =['openerp-web'].get( 'child.listgrid.limit', 20) self.attr_limit = int(attrs.get('limit', self.attr_limit)) else: self.min_rows = 5 try: self.min_rows = int(attrs.get('min_rows')) except: pass try: if self.limit == 0: self.limit = self.attr_limit except: pass self.colors = {} for color_spec in attrs.get('colors', '').split(';'): if color_spec: colour, test = color_spec.split(':') self.colors[colour] = test proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model) if ids == None: if self.limit > 0: ids =, self.offset, self.limit, 0, context) else: ids =, 0, 0, 0, context) self.count = proxy.search_count(domain, context) self.data_dict = {} data = [] if ids and not isinstance(ids, list): ids = [ids] if ids and len(ids) > 0: ctx = rpc.session.context.copy() ctx.update(context) if self.limit and len(ids) > self.limit and self.limit != -1: new_ids = ids[self.offset:self.offset + self.limit] data =, fields.keys() + ['__last_update'], ctx) else: data =, fields.keys() + ['__last_update'], ctx) self._update_concurrency_info(self.model, data) self.concurrency_info = ConcurrencyInfo(self.model, ids) for item in data: self.data_dict[item['id']] = item.copy() self.ids = ids self.values = copy.deepcopy(data) self.headers, self.hiddens,, self.field_total, self.buttons = self.parse( root, fields, data) for k, v in self.field_total.items(): self.field_total[k][1] = self.do_sum(, k) self.columns = len(self.headers) self.columns += (self.selectable or 0) and 1 self.columns += (self.editable or 0) and 2 self.columns += (self.buttons or 0) and 1 if self.pageable: self.pager = Pager(ids=self.ids, offset=self.offset, limit=self.limit, count=self.count, def_limit=self.attr_limit) self.pager._name = # make editors if self.editable and attrs.get('editable') in ('top', 'bottom'): for f, fa in self.headers: k = fa.get('type', 'char') if k not in form.WIDGETS: k = 'char' fa['prefix'] = '_terp_listfields' + ( ( != '_terp_list' or '') and '/' + fa['inline'] = True self.editors[f] = form.WIDGETS[k](**fa) # generate hidden fields for f, fa in self.hiddens: k = fa.get('type', 'char') if k not in form.WIDGETS: k = 'char' fa['prefix'] = '_terp_listfields' + ( ( != '_terp_list' or '') and '/' + self.editors[f] = form.Hidden(**fa) # limit the data if self.pageable and len( > self.limit and self.limit != -1: =[self.offset:] =[:min(self.limit, len(]
if 'children' not in pages[page_name]: pages[page_name]['children'] = {} case = importlib.import_module('apps.' + app + '.' + next_page) test = case.Module(pager, next_page) test.test() else: next_level = level + 1 dispatch(next_page, pages[page_name]['children'], next_level) # localhost = input('Please input the localhost:') localhost = "http://localhost:8080" app = 'zg' # 引入测试用例配置 lib = importlib.import_module('config.' + app) modules = lib.get_modules() # 实例化测试报告类 report = Report(app) # 实例化 web driver 重构类 pager = Pager(report, localhost, modules) pager.get('') print('# # # # # TEST START # # # # #') dispatch('', modules) print('# # # # # TEST COMPLETE # # # # # \n') input(report.file_name)
def initUI(self): QApplication.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create('Cleanlooks')) self.setStyleSheet("QLabel {font: 15pt} QPushButton {font: 15pt}") self.setWindowTitle('Programmer') # Create the actions for the program exitAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/exit.png'), 'Exit Programmer', self) exitAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+Q') exitAction.setStatusTip('Exit application') exitAction.triggered.connect(self.close) refreshAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/refresh.png'), 'Refresh Serial Ports', self) refreshAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+R') refreshAction.setStatusTip('Refresh Serial Port List') refreshAction.triggered.connect(self.refreshPorts) openAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/open.png'), 'Select MX2+ Firmware', self) openAction.setStatusTip('Open MX2+ OTA File.') openAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+O') openAction.triggered.connect(self.onOpenFirmwareFile) openBleAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/open.png'), 'Select BLE Firmware', self) openBleAction.setStatusTip('Open BLE Project File.') openBleAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+B') openBleAction.triggered.connect(self.onOpenBLEProject) aboutAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/about.png'), 'About', self) aboutAction.setStatusTip('About MX2+ Programmer') aboutAction.triggered.connect(self.about) switchInfoAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/info.png'), 'DIP Switch Info', self) switchInfoAction.setStatusTip('MX2+ DIP Switch Info') switchInfoAction.triggered.connect(self.showSwitchInfo) bleInfoAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/info.png'), 'BLE Programmer Info', self) bleInfoAction.setStatusTip('BLE Programmer Info') bleInfoAction.triggered.connect(self.showBLEInfo) # Create the widgets for the program (embeddable in the # toolbar or elsewhere) self.port_selector = QComboBox(self) self.refreshPorts() self.port_selector.activated[str].connect(self.changePort) # Set up the Menus for the program self.menubar_init() self.menubar_add_menu('&File') self.menu_add_action('&File', exitAction) self.menu_add_action('&File', refreshAction) self.menu_add_action('&File', openAction) self.menu_add_action('&File', openBleAction) self.menubar_add_menu('&Help') self.menu_add_action('&Help', aboutAction) self.menu_add_action('&Help', switchInfoAction) self.menu_add_action('&Help', bleInfoAction) # Set up the toolbars for the program self.toolbar_init() self.toolbar_create('toolbar1') self.toolbar_add_action('toolbar1', exitAction) self.toolbar_add_separator('toolbar1') self.toolbar_add_action('toolbar1', refreshAction) self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', QLabel(' Serial Port: ')) self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', self.port_selector) self.toolbar_add_separator('toolbar1') self.toolbar_add_action('toolbar1', openAction) self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', QLabel(' MX2+ Version: ')) self.firmwareLabel = QLabel('<b><i>unknown</i></b>') self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', self.firmwareLabel) self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', QLabel(' crc: ')) self.crcLabel = QLabel('<b><i>unknown</i></b>') self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', self.crcLabel) self.toolbar_add_separator('toolbar1') self.toolbar_add_action('toolbar1', openBleAction) self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', QLabel(' BLE: ')) self.bleLabel = QLabel('<b><i>unknown</i></b>') self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', self.bleLabel) # main UI self.startPage = pages.StartPage() self.bootloaderPage = pages.BootloaderPage() self.firmwarePage = pages.FirmwarePage() self.blePage = pages.BLEPage() self.endPage = pages.EndPage() self.pager = Pager() self.pager.addPage(self.startPage) self.pager.addPage(self.bootloaderPage) self.pager.addPage(self.firmwarePage) self.pager.addPage(self.blePage) self.pager.addPage(self.endPage) # main controls ''' self.scrollArea = QScrollArea(self) self.scrollArea.setWidget(self.pager) self.scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True) self.setCentralWidget(self.scrollArea) ''' self.setCentralWidget(self.pager) self.setGeometry(0, 0, 1200, 1000) #self.setFixedSize(self.size()) # force the user to select OTA file self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setSingleShot(True) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.onOpenFirmwareFile) self.timer.start(500) # force the user to select project.bgproj file self.timer2 = QTimer() self.timer2.setSingleShot(True) self.timer2.setInterval(500) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.onOpenBLEProject) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timer2.start)
class Programmer(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.port = None self.sdthread = None self.sdbtthread = None self.smartDrive = None self.fwFileName = None self.bleFileName = None self.initUI() self.initSD() def initUI(self): QApplication.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create('Cleanlooks')) self.setStyleSheet("QLabel {font: 15pt} QPushButton {font: 15pt}") self.setWindowTitle('Programmer') # Create the actions for the program exitAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/exit.png'), 'Exit Programmer', self) exitAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+Q') exitAction.setStatusTip('Exit application') exitAction.triggered.connect(self.close) refreshAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/refresh.png'), 'Refresh Serial Ports', self) refreshAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+R') refreshAction.setStatusTip('Refresh Serial Port List') refreshAction.triggered.connect(self.refreshPorts) openAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/open.png'), 'Select MX2+ Firmware', self) openAction.setStatusTip('Open MX2+ OTA File.') openAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+O') openAction.triggered.connect(self.onOpenFirmwareFile) openBleAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/open.png'), 'Select BLE Firmware', self) openBleAction.setStatusTip('Open BLE Project File.') openBleAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+B') openBleAction.triggered.connect(self.onOpenBLEProject) aboutAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/about.png'), 'About', self) aboutAction.setStatusTip('About MX2+ Programmer') aboutAction.triggered.connect(self.about) switchInfoAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/info.png'), 'DIP Switch Info', self) switchInfoAction.setStatusTip('MX2+ DIP Switch Info') switchInfoAction.triggered.connect(self.showSwitchInfo) bleInfoAction = Action(resource.path('icons/toolbar/info.png'), 'BLE Programmer Info', self) bleInfoAction.setStatusTip('BLE Programmer Info') bleInfoAction.triggered.connect(self.showBLEInfo) # Create the widgets for the program (embeddable in the # toolbar or elsewhere) self.port_selector = QComboBox(self) self.refreshPorts() self.port_selector.activated[str].connect(self.changePort) # Set up the Menus for the program self.menubar_init() self.menubar_add_menu('&File') self.menu_add_action('&File', exitAction) self.menu_add_action('&File', refreshAction) self.menu_add_action('&File', openAction) self.menu_add_action('&File', openBleAction) self.menubar_add_menu('&Help') self.menu_add_action('&Help', aboutAction) self.menu_add_action('&Help', switchInfoAction) self.menu_add_action('&Help', bleInfoAction) # Set up the toolbars for the program self.toolbar_init() self.toolbar_create('toolbar1') self.toolbar_add_action('toolbar1', exitAction) self.toolbar_add_separator('toolbar1') self.toolbar_add_action('toolbar1', refreshAction) self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', QLabel(' Serial Port: ')) self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', self.port_selector) self.toolbar_add_separator('toolbar1') self.toolbar_add_action('toolbar1', openAction) self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', QLabel(' MX2+ Version: ')) self.firmwareLabel = QLabel('<b><i>unknown</i></b>') self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', self.firmwareLabel) self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', QLabel(' crc: ')) self.crcLabel = QLabel('<b><i>unknown</i></b>') self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', self.crcLabel) self.toolbar_add_separator('toolbar1') self.toolbar_add_action('toolbar1', openBleAction) self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', QLabel(' BLE: ')) self.bleLabel = QLabel('<b><i>unknown</i></b>') self.toolbar_add_widget('toolbar1', self.bleLabel) # main UI self.startPage = pages.StartPage() self.bootloaderPage = pages.BootloaderPage() self.firmwarePage = pages.FirmwarePage() self.blePage = pages.BLEPage() self.endPage = pages.EndPage() self.pager = Pager() self.pager.addPage(self.startPage) self.pager.addPage(self.bootloaderPage) self.pager.addPage(self.firmwarePage) self.pager.addPage(self.blePage) self.pager.addPage(self.endPage) # main controls ''' self.scrollArea = QScrollArea(self) self.scrollArea.setWidget(self.pager) self.scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True) self.setCentralWidget(self.scrollArea) ''' self.setCentralWidget(self.pager) self.setGeometry(0, 0, 1200, 1000) #self.setFixedSize(self.size()) # force the user to select OTA file self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setSingleShot(True) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.onOpenFirmwareFile) self.timer.start(500) # force the user to select project.bgproj file self.timer2 = QTimer() self.timer2.setSingleShot(True) self.timer2.setInterval(500) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.onOpenBLEProject) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timer2.start) def initSD(self): # manage the smartdrive thread self.sdthread = QThread() # create the smartdrive self.smartDrive = SmartDrive(self.port) # move the smartdrive to the thread self.smartDrive.moveToThread(self.sdthread) # manage the smartdrive bluetooth thread self.sdbtthread = QThread() # create the smartdrive bluetooth self.smartDriveBluetooth = SmartDriveBluetooth() # move the smartdrive to the thread self.smartDriveBluetooth.moveToThread(self.sdbtthread) # wire up all the events self.port_selector.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.smartDrive.onPortSelected) self.smartDrive.invalidFirmware.connect(self.onInvalidFirmwareFile) # bootloader page self.smartDrive.bootloaderStatus.connect(self.bootloaderPage.onProgressUpdate) self.smartDrive.bootloaderFailed.connect(self.bootloaderPage.onBootloaderFailed) self.smartDrive.bootloaderFinished.connect(self.bootloaderPage.onBootloaderFinished) self.bootloaderPage.start.connect(self.smartDrive.programBootloader) self.bootloaderPage.stop.connect(self.smartDrive.stop) self.bootloaderPage.finished.connect(self.pager.onNext) # smartdrive page self.smartDrive.firmwareStatus.connect(self.firmwarePage.onProgressUpdate) self.smartDrive.firmwareFinished.connect(self.firmwarePage.onFirmwareFinished) self.smartDrive.firmwareFailed.connect(self.firmwarePage.onFirmwareFailed) self.firmwarePage.start.connect(self.smartDrive.programFirmware) self.firmwarePage.stop.connect(self.smartDrive.stop) self.firmwarePage.finished.connect(self.pager.onNext) # ble page self.smartDriveBluetooth.status.connect(self.blePage.onProgressUpdate) self.smartDriveBluetooth.deviceInfo.connect(self.blePage.onDeviceInfo) self.smartDriveBluetooth.firmwareFinished.connect(self.blePage.onFirmwareFinished) self.smartDriveBluetooth.failed.connect(self.blePage.onFirmwareFailed) self.blePage.start.connect(self.smartDriveBluetooth.start) self.blePage.stop.connect(self.smartDriveBluetooth.stop) self.blePage.finished.connect(self.pager.onNext) self.endPage.finished.connect(self.bootloaderPage.reset) self.endPage.finished.connect(self.firmwarePage.reset) self.endPage.finished.connect(self.blePage.reset) # start the SD thread self.sdthread.start() # start the SDBT thread self.sdbtthread.start() # Functions for serial port control def refreshPorts(self): self.serial_ports = listSerialPorts() self.port_selector.clear() self.port_selector.addItems(self.serial_ports) if self.port is None and len(self.serial_ports): self.port = self.serial_ports[0] if self.port is not None and len(self.serial_ports): self.port_selector.setCurrentIndex( self.serial_ports.index(self.port) ) else: self.port_selector.setCurrentIndex(-1) def changePort(self, newPort): if newPort != self.port: self.port = newPort # functions for selecting the MX2+ firmware file def onInvalidFirmwareFile(self, err): QMessageBox.critical( self, 'OTA File Error', err.replace('\n', '<br>'), QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok) def onOpenFirmwareFile(self): fname, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'Select MX2+ Firmware OTA File', '', 'OTA Files (*.ota)', options=QFileDialog.Options() ) if fname is not None and len(fname) > 0: self.fwFileName = fname self.smartDrive.onFirmwareFileSelected(self.fwFileName) self.firmwareLabel.setText('<b><i>{}</i></b>'.format(self.smartDrive.version)) self.crcLabel.setText('<b><i>{}</i></b>'.format(self.smartDrive.crc)) def onOpenBLEProject(self): fname, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'Select SmartDrive BLE Firmware File', '', 'Firmware Files (*.fw)', options=QFileDialog.Options() ) if fname is not None and len(fname) > 0: self.bleFileName = fname self.smartDriveBluetooth.onFirmwareFileSelected(self.bleFileName) self.bleLabel.setText('<b><i>{}</i></b>'.format(self.bleFileName)) # functions for controlling the programming def stop(self): self.smartDrive.stop() self.sdthread.quit() self.sdthread.wait() self.smartDriveBluetooth.stop() self.sdbtthread.quit() self.sdbtthread.wait() # general functions def about(self): msg = ''' SmartDrive MX2+ Programmer This program walks the user through the programming process for the software on the SmartDrive MX2+. It allows the user to select the serial port on which they've connected the SmartDrive, as well as the specific firmware file they wish to upload to the SmartDrive. ''' QMessageBox.information( self, 'About', msg.replace('\n', '<br>'), QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok) def showSwitchInfo(self): msg = ''' 1. Required for programming bootloader 2. Required for programming SmartDrive 3. Cleans the SmartDrive EEPROM 4. UNUSED 5. Locks the settings on the SD to what they are at that time (or what is saved in the SD EEPROM) 6. UNUSED 7. Limit the max speed to 6 km/h 8. Force boot into bootloader for bluetooth OTA programming (DEBUGGING ONLY) ''' QMessageBox.information( self, 'DIP Switch Info', msg.replace('\n', '<br>'), QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok) def showBLEInfo(self): msg = ''' To program the SmartDrive bluetooth chip you must have BLE SW Update tool installed. Once it is installed, you will need to tell the tool where 'bgbuild.exe' is located on your system. To do this, press the 'BGBuild' menu button in the TOP LEFT of the BLE SW Update Tool and press 'Select manually...' - the bgbuild.exe should be in the folder 'C:\\Bluegiga\\ble-1.5.0-137\\bin' ''' QMessageBox.information( self, 'BLE Programming Info', msg.replace('\n', '<br>'), QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok) # window functions def center(self): qr = self.frameGeometry() cp = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center() qr.moveCenter(cp) self.move(qr.topLeft()) def closeEvent(self, event): reply = QMessageBox.question( self, 'Quit', 'Sure you want to quit?', QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: self.stop() event.accept() else: event.ignore() from menubar import \ menubar_init, \ menubar_add_menu, \ menu_add_action from toolbar import \ toolbar_init, \ toolbar_create, \ toolbar_add_action, \ toolbar_add_widget, \ toolbar_add_separator, \ toolbar_remove from action import \ action_init, \ action_create from context_menu import \ context_menu_init, \ context_menu_create, \ context_menu_add_action
def __init__(self, name, model, view, ids=[], domain=[], context={}, **kw): super(List, self).__init__(name=name, model=model, ids=ids) self.context = context or {} self.domain = domain or [] custom_search_domain = getattr(cherrypy.request, 'custom_search_domain', []) custom_filter_domain = getattr(cherrypy.request, 'custom_filter_domain', []) if name.endswith('/'): self._name = name[:-1] if name != '_terp_list': self.source ='/', '/') or None self.sort_order = kw.get('sort_order', '') self.sort_key = kw.get('sort_key', '') #this Condition is for Dashboard to avoid new, edit, delete operation self.dashboard = 0 self.selectable = kw.get('selectable', 0) self.editable = kw.get('editable', False) self.pageable = kw.get('pageable', True) self.view_mode = kw.get('view_mode', []) self.offset = kw.get('offset', 0) self.limit = kw.get('limit', 0) self.count = kw.get('count', 0) = kw.get('nolinks') self.m2m = kw.get('m2m', 0) self.o2m = kw.get('o2m', 0) self.concurrency_info = None self.selector = None terp_params = getattr(cherrypy.request, 'terp_params', {}) if terp_params: if terp_params.get('_terp_model'): if terp_params[ '_terp_model'] == 'board.board' and terp_params.view_type == 'form': self.dashboard = 1 if terp_params.get('_terp_source'): if (str(terp_params.source) == self.source) or (terp_params.source == '_terp_list' and terp_params.sort_key): self.sort_key = terp_params.sort_key self.sort_order = terp_params.sort_order if self.selectable == 1: self.selector = 'radio' if self.selectable == 2: self.selector = 'checkbox' fields = view['fields'] dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(view['arch'].encode('utf-8')) root = dom.childNodes[0] attrs = node_attributes(root) self.string = attrs.get('string', '') search_param = copy.deepcopy(domain) or [] if custom_search_domain: for elem in custom_search_domain: if elem not in self.domain: search_param.append(elem) for elem in custom_filter_domain: if elem not in self.domain: search_param.append(elem) try: self.limit = int(attrs.get('limit')) except: pass self.colors = {} for color_spec in attrs.get('colors', '').split(';'): if color_spec: colour, test = color_spec.split(':') self.colors[colour] = test proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model) default_data = kw.get('default_data', []) search_text = terp_params.get('_terp_search_text', False) if not self.source: self.source = terp_params.get('_terp_source', None) if not default_data and not self.o2m and not self.m2m: if self.limit > 0: if self.sort_key: ids =, self.offset, self.limit, self.sort_key + ' ' + self.sort_order, context) else: if search_text: if self.source == '_terp_list': ids =, self.offset, self.limit, False, context) else: ids =, self.offset, self.limit, False, context) else: if self.sort_key: ids =, 0, 0, self.sort_key + ' ' + self.sort_order, context) else: ids =, 0, 0, 0, context) if len(ids) < self.limit: if self.offset > 0: self.count = len(ids) + self.offset else: self.count = len(ids) else: self.count = proxy.search_count(search_param, context) if not default_data and self.m2m and not self.view_using_sum_attrs( root): # for many2many we limits 'ids' to be readed only when view is not # using sum, otherwise we need to get all 'ids' to compute sums correctly if ids and self.limit not in (0, -1): ids = self.ids[self.offset:self.offset + self.limit] self.data_dict = {} data = [] if ids and not isinstance(ids, (list, tuple)): ids = [ids] if ids and len(ids) > 0: ctx = rpc.session.context.copy() ctx.update(context) try: data =, fields.keys() + ['__last_update'], ctx) except: pass ConcurrencyInfo.update(self.model, data) cherrypy.response.headers.pop('X-Concurrency-Info', None) self.concurrency_info = ConcurrencyInfo(self.model, ids) order_data = [(d['id'], d) for d in data] orderer = dict(zip(ids, count())) ordering = sorted(order_data, key=lambda object: orderer[object[0]]) data = [i[1] for i in ordering] for item in data: self.data_dict[item['id']] = item.copy() if not self.m2m: # update active 'ids' except for many2many which need to get # all known ids for update to work correctly self.ids = ids elif kw.get('default_data', []): data = kw['default_data'] self.values = copy.deepcopy(data) self.headers, self.hiddens,, self.field_total, self.buttons = self.parse( root, fields, data) for k, v in self.field_total.items(): if (len([test[0] for test in self.hiddens if test[0] == k])) <= 0: self.field_total[k][1] = self.do_sum(, k) self.columns = len(self.headers) self.columns += (self.selectable or 0) and 1 self.columns += (self.editable or 0) and 2 self.columns += (self.buttons or 0) and 1 if self.pageable: self.pager = Pager(ids=self.ids, offset=self.offset, limit=self.limit, count=self.count) self.pager._name = # when view is editable, make sure all fields are correctly prefixed # otherwise they may conflict with parent view fields if self.editable: for f, fa in self.headers + self.hiddens: if not isinstance(fa, int): fa['prefix'] = '_terp_listfields' + ( ( != '_terp_list' or '') and '/' + if self.editable and context.get( 'set_editable' ): #Treeview editable by default or set_editable in context attrs['editable'] = "bottom" # make editors if self.editable and attrs.get('editable') in ('top', 'bottom'): for f, fa in self.headers: if not isinstance(fa, int): fa['prefix'] = '_terp_listfields' + ( ( != '_terp_list' or '') and '/' + fa['inline'] = True if fa.get('type') == 'one2many': self.edit_inline = False self.editors = {} break Widget = get_widget(fa.get('type', 'char')) or get_widget('char') self.editors[f] = Widget(**fa) # generate hidden fields if self.editors: for f, fa in self.hiddens: fa['prefix'] = '_terp_listfields' + ( ( != '_terp_list' or '') and '/' + self.editors[f] = form.Hidden(**fa) # limit the data if self.pageable and len( > self.limit and self.limit != -1: =[self.offset:] =[:min(self.limit, len(]
def __init__(self, name, model, view, ids=[], domain=[], context={}, **kw): self.context = context or {} self.domain = copy.deepcopy(domain) or [] self.group_by_no_leaf = self.context.get('group_by_no_leaf', 0) self.selectable = kw.get('selectable', 0) self.editable = kw.get('editable', False) self.pageable = kw.get('pageable', True) self.offset = kw.get('offset', 0) self.limit = kw.get('limit', 0) self.count = kw.get('count', 0) = kw.get('nolinks') proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model) # adding the piece of code to set limit as 0 to get rid of pager's negative offset error. # Here, we don't change the self.limit as Pager needs -1 to treat Unlimited limit atribute terp_offset, terp_limit = self.offset, self.limit if self.limit < 0: terp_offset, terp_limit = 0, 0 custom_search_domain = getattr(cherrypy.request, 'custom_search_domain', []) custom_filter_domain = getattr(cherrypy.request, 'custom_filter_domain', []) if custom_search_domain: self.domain.extend(i for i in custom_search_domain if i not in domain) elif custom_filter_domain: self.domain.extend(i for i in custom_filter_domain if i not in domain) if ids is None and not self.group_by_no_leaf: ids =, terp_offset, terp_limit, 0, self.context) if len(ids) < self.limit: self.count = len(ids) else: self.count = proxy.search_count(domain, context) if ids and not isinstance(ids, list): ids = [ids] self.ids = ids self.concurrency_info = None self.group_by_ctx = kw.get('group_by_ctx', []) if not isinstance(self.group_by_ctx, list): self.group_by_ctx = [self.group_by_ctx] fields = view['fields'] self.grp_records = [] self.context.update(rpc.session.context.copy()) if self.group_by_no_leaf: self.limit = -1 super(ListGroup, self).__init__(name=name, model=model, view=view, ids=self.ids, domain=self.domain, context=self.context, limit=self.limit, count=self.count, offset=self.offset, editable=self.editable, selectable=self.selectable) if self.group_by_ctx: self.context['group_by'] = self.group_by_ctx else: self.group_by_ctx = self.context.get('group_by', []) self.group_by_ctx, self.hiddens, self.headers = parse( self.group_by_ctx, self.hiddens, self.headers, None, self.group_by_ctx) self.grp_records = proxy.read_group( self.context.get('__domain', []) + (self.domain or []), fields.keys(), self.group_by_ctx, 0, False, self.context) terp_params = getattr(cherrypy.request, 'terp_params', []) if terp_params.sort_key and terp_params.sort_key in self.group_by_ctx and self.group_by_ctx.index( terp_params.sort_key) == 0: if terp_params.sort_order == 'desc': rev = True else: rev = False self.grp_records = sorted(self.grp_records, key=itemgetter(terp_params.sort_key), reverse=rev) for grp_rec in self.grp_records: if not grp_rec.get('__domain'): grp_rec['__domain'] = self.context.get( '__domain', []) + (self.domain or []) if not grp_rec.get('__context'): grp_rec['__context'] = {'group_by': self.group_by_ctx} self.grouped, grp_ids = parse_groups(self.group_by_ctx, self.grp_records, self.headers, self.ids, model, terp_offset, terp_limit, self.context,, self.field_total, fields) if self.pageable: self.count = len(self.grouped) self.pager = Pager(ids=self.ids, offset=self.offset, limit=self.limit, count=self.count) self.pager._name =
if len(locations) > 0: # TODO: change static min_dist of 5 km to user input cluster_labels = get_labels(locations, 5, timestamps) colors_dict = get_label_colors(cluster_labels) cluster_colors = [colors_dict[i] for i in cluster_labels] else: print("No GPS data could be parsed for provided photos.") exit() # table is equivalent to files but has an easy handover to html table = [{ 'name': os.path.join('images', os.path.basename(p)) } for p in file_names] table_group = table # pagers that help update the page, Pager class defined in photoPager = Pager(len(file_names)) groupPager = Pager(max(cluster_labels) + 1) # Start flask app app = Flask(__name__, static_folder=STATIC_DIR) app.config.update(APPNAME=APPNAME) @app.route('/') def index(): global groupPager global photoPager # reset pagers on return to index groupPager.current = 0 photoPager.current = 0 folium_map = get_map(locations, save=True, colors=cluster_colors)
def setUp(self) -> None: self.dist1 = DistSite('Kidega', 'query', '', 'searcHeadArea.txt', 20, 'page') self.url1 = Url(self.dist1, 'python') self.page1 = Page(self.url1) self.pager1 = Pager(self.page1)
def main(): pager = Pager() while True: pager.loop()
def read_table(url): """Return a list of dict""" # r = requests.get(url) with open(url) as f: return [row for row in csv.DictReader(f.readlines())] APPNAME = "SmartPathology" STATIC_FOLDER = 'examples' TABLE_FILE = "examples/catalog.csv" save_path = 'predicitons/' UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'examples/images/' ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']) table = read_table(TABLE_FILE) pager = Pager(len(table)) filename = "" app = Flask(__name__, static_folder=STATIC_FOLDER) app.config.update(APPNAME=APPNAME, ) app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and \ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS @app.route('/')
STATIC_FOLDER = '' # TABLE_FILE = "example/fakecatalog.csv" diction = open("", 'rb') diction = pickle.load(diction) n = len(diction) print('the length of diction is: ',) asin_array = [] for asin in diction: asin_array.append(asin) # table = read_table(TABLE_FILE) pager = Pager(n) app = Flask(__name__, static_folder=STATIC_FOLDER) app.config.update( APPNAME=APPNAME, ) @app.route('/') def index(): return redirect('/0') @app.route('/<int:ind>/') def image_view(ind=None):
def __init__(self, **attrs): super(M2M, self).__init__(**attrs) ids = None params = getattr(cherrypy.request, 'terp_params', None) if not params: params = TinyDict() params.model = attrs.get('relation', 'model') params.ids = attrs.get('value', []) = attrs.get('name', '') current = params.chain_get( if current and params.source == ids = current.ids self.model = attrs.get('relation', 'model') = attrs.get('link', 1) self.onchange = None # override onchange in js code self.relation = attrs.get('relation', '') self.domain = attrs.get('domain', []) self.context = attrs.get('context', {}) or {} view = attrs.get('views', {}) mode = str(attrs.get('mode', 'tree,form')).split(',') self.view = view view_mode = mode view_type = mode[0] self.switch_to = view_mode[-1] if view_type == view_mode[-1]: self.switch_to = view_mode[0] if ids is None: ids = attrs.get('value', []) id = (ids or None) and ids[0] pprefix = '' if '/' in pprefix =['/')] current = params.chain_get( if not current: current = TinyDict() current.offset = current.offset or 0 current.limit = current.limit or 0 current.count = len(ids or []) if current.view_mode: view_mode = current.view_mode if current.view_type: view_type = current.view_type if current and params.source == id = id = id or None current.model = self.model = id if isinstance(ids, tuple): ids = list(ids) current.ids = ids or [] current.view_mode = view_mode current.view_type = view_type current.domain = current.domain or [] current.context = current.context or {} if isinstance(self.context, basestring): ctx = cherrypy.request.terp_record ctx['current_date'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ctx['time'] = time ctx['context'] = current.context ctx['active_id'] = or False # XXX: parent record for O2M #if self.parent: # ctx['parent'] = EvalEnvironment(self.parent) try: ctx = tools.expr_eval(self.context, ctx) current.context.update(ctx) except: pass if current.view_type == 'tree' and self.readonly: self.editable = False if self.editable is False: selectable = 0 else: selectable = 2 # try to get original input values if creating validation form if not params.filter_action: try: current.ids = eval(cherrypy.request.terp_data.get( except: pass self.screen = Screen(current,, views_preloaded=view, editable=False, readonly=self.editable, selectable=selectable, if view_type == 'tree': limit = 20 if self.screen.widget.attr_limit: limit = self.screen.widget.attr_limit if current.limit == 0: current.limit = limit self.screen.widget.pageable = Pager(ids=current.ids, offset=current.offset, limit=current.limit, count=current.count, def_limit=limit) self.screen.widget.checkbox_name = False self.screen.widget.m2m = True self.validator = validators.many2many()
def cleardb(): global table, pager delete_table() table = read_table(TABLE_FILE) pager = Pager(len(table)) return redirect('/')