def test_a_users_profile(accounts_base_url, selenium, student): """Login as a student user with a username.""" # GIVEN: a valid student user viewing the Accounts home page home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() # WHEN: they log into Accounts profile = home.log_in(*student) # THEN: the user's profile is displayed # AND: the admin console links are not displayed # AND: the profile shows the name, username (if assigned), emails and log # in methods assert('profile' in profile.location), f'User "{student[0]}" not logged in' assert(profile.content.root.is_displayed()), \ 'profile content not displayed' assert(not profile.console.is_admin), 'User is an administrator' with pytest.raises(AccountsException) as err: profile.console.view_popup_console() assert('not an administrator' in str(err.value)), \ 'pop up console displayed' assert(, "user's name not found" assert(profile.content.has_username), 'no username found' assert(profile.content.emails.emails), 'no email found' assert(profile.content.enabled_providers), 'no log in providers found'
def test_set_the_user_name(accounts_base_url, selenium, student): """Test the user's name field.""" # SETUP: new_name = Utility.random_name() # GIVEN: a logged in student user viewing their profile home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.log_in(*student) name = # WHEN: they changes their name = new_name[Accounts.TITLE] = new_name[Accounts.FIRST] = new_name[Accounts.LAST] = new_name[Accounts.SUFFIX] # THEN: their name is changed assert( == ' '.join(new_name).strip()), \ 'the new name does not match' # WHEN: they resets the changes = name[Accounts.TITLE] = name[Accounts.FIRST] = name[Accounts.LAST] = name[Accounts.SUFFIX] # THEN: their name is reset assert( == ' '.join(name).strip()), \ 'the name did not reset'
def test_get_current_emails_and_status(accounts_base_url, selenium, student): """Test the email fields.""" # GIVEN: a student viewing their profile home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.log_in(*student) # WHEN: they add a new email to the account name = fake_email = Utility.fake_email(name[Accounts.FIRST], name[Accounts.LAST]) profile.content.emails.add_email_address() = fake_email profile.content.emails.new_email.accept() # THEN: The new email is attached to the account status = False for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: status = status or ( == fake_email) assert(status), f'"{fake_email}" not added' # WHEN: The new email is deleted for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: if == fake_email: popup = entry.delete() popup.ok() break # THEN: The email is removed from the account for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: assert( != fake_email), f'"{fake_email}" not removed'
def test_get_and_set_a_username(accounts_base_url, selenium, student): """Test the username field.""" # SETUP: new_username = Utility.random_hex(18, True) # GIVEN: a user with a username viewing their profile home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.log_in(*student) old_username = profile.content.username.username # WHEN: they click their username # AND: enter a new username in the input field # AND: click the checkmark button profile.content.username.change_username() profile.content.username.username = new_username profile.content.username.accept() # THEN: the username field shows the change assert (profile.content.username.username != old_username), \ 'username change failed' # WHEN: they click their username # AND: enter the original username in the input field # AND: click the checkmark button profile.content.username.change_username() profile.content.username.username = old_username profile.content.username.accept() # THEN: the original username is shown assert (profile.content.username.username == old_username), \ 'username reset failed'
def test_attempt_to_log_in_with_a_blank_user(accounts_base_url, selenium): """Blank username error message test.""" # SETUP: user = '' password = '' # GIVEN: a user viewing the Accounts Home page home = Home(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() # WHEN: they click the "Continue" button with pytest.raises(AccountsException) as err: home.log_in(user, password) # THEN: an error message "Email can't be blank" is displayed assert("Email can't be blank" in str(err.value)), \ 'Incorrect error message'
def test_attempt_to_log_in_with_an_invalid_password( accounts_base_url, selenium, student): """Invalid password error message test.""" # SETUP: user = student[0] password = '' # GIVEN: a user viewing the Accounts Home page home = Home(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() # WHEN: they enter the username or e-mail # AND: enters an invalid password # AND: clicks the "Continue" button with pytest.raises(AccountsException) as err: home.log_in(user, password) # THEN: an error message "Password can't be blank" is displayed assert("Password can't be blank" in str(err.value)), \ 'Incorrect error message'
def test_open_the_admin_pop_up_console(accounts_base_url, admin, selenium): """Open the pop up console modal.""" # GIVEN: an admin viewing their profile home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.log_in(*admin) # WHEN: they click the "Popup Console" link popup = profile.console.view_popup_console() # THEN: the pop up console is displayed assert(popup.root.is_displayed()), 'failed to open the popup console.'
def test_go_to_the_admins_full_console(accounts_base_url, admin, selenium): """Open the full administrator console.""" # GIVEN: an admin viewing their profile home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.log_in(*admin) # WHEN: they click the "Full Console" link console = profile.console.view_full_console() # THEN: the admin control console is loaded assert('/admin/console' in selenium.current_url), \ 'not at the console page' assert(console.is_displayed()), 'full console not displayed'
def test_reset_a_users_password(accounts_base_url, selenium): """Reset a user's password.""" # SETUP: name = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail(f'{name[1]}.{name[2]}.{Utility.random_hex(6)}'.lower()) email.empty() address = email.address password = Utility.random_hex(length=14, lower=True) reset_password = Utility.random_hex(length=12, lower=True) # GIVEN: a registered user viewing the Accounts Home page home = Home(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.student_signup(first_name=name[1], last_name=name[2], password=password, email=email) home = profile.content.log_out() email.empty() # WHEN: they click the "Forgot your password?" link # AND: enter their email address # AND: click the "Reset my password" button reset = home.content.forgot_your_password().content = address link_sent = reset.reset_my_password() # THEN: a "Password reset email sent" message is displayed assert('Password reset email sent' in link_sent.page_source), \ f'Password reset message not seen ({link_sent.location})' # WHEN: open the "Reset your OpenStax password" e-mail # AND: click the "Click here to reset your OpenStax password." link # AND: a new password is entered in both input boxes # AND: click the "RESET PASSWORD" button # AND: click the "CONTINUE" button email.wait_for_mail() print(email.inbox[0].html) url = email.inbox[0].reset_link selenium.get(url) reset_form = ChangePassword(selenium, accounts_base_url).content reset_form.password = reset_password profile = reset_form.log_in() # THEN: the user's profile is displayed assert('profile' in profile.location), 'User is not logged in' # WHEN: the user logs out # AND: logs in using the new password home = profile.content.log_out() profile = home.log_in(address, reset_password) # THEN: the user's profile is displayed assert('profile' in profile.location), 'User is not logged in'
def test_log_in_as_a_student(accounts_base_url, selenium, student): """Student log in test.""" # GIVEN: a user viewing the Accounts Home page # AND: valid credentials for a student user home = Home(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() # WHEN: the student user logs in profile = home.log_in(*student) # THEN: the student is logged in # AND: the student's profile is displayed assert('profile' in profile.location), f'User "{student[0]}" not logged in' assert(profile.content.title == "My Account"), 'Not viewing a profile'
def test_verify_an_email(accounts_base_url, selenium, student): """Test the email verification process.""" # SETUP: name = Utility.random_hex(19, True) email = RestMail(name) email.empty() address = email.address # GIVEN: a student viewing their profile home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.log_in(*student) # WHEN: they add an email without verifying it # AND: click the email address # AND: click the "Resend confirmation email" link # AND: open the second verification email # AND: click the confirmation link # AND: close the new tab showing "Thank you for confirming your email # address." # AND: reload the profile page profile.content.emails.add_email_address() = address profile.content.emails.new_email.accept() email.wait_for_mail() email.empty() for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: if == address: entry.toggle() entry.resend_confirmation_email() email.wait_for_mail()[-1].confirm_email() profile.reload() # THEN: the new email does not have "unconfirmed" to the right of it for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: if == address: assert(entry.is_confirmed), 'email is not confirmed' break # WHEN: they delete the new email for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: if == address: popup = entry.delete() profile = popup.ok() break # THEN: the email list is restored for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: assert( != address), 'email was not been removed'
def test_get_the_user_name(accounts_base_url, selenium, student): """Test the name fields.""" # GIVEN: a logged in student user viewing their profile home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.log_in(*student) name = # WHEN: they open the name properties getters = [,,,] # THEN: the user's full name matches the various name parts assert(name == ' '.join(getters).strip()), \ 'name does not match'
def test_an_administrators_profile(accounts_base_url, admin, selenium): """Login as an administrative user with a username.""" # GIVEN: a valid administrative user viewing the Accounts home page home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() # WHEN: they log into Accounts profile = home.log_in(*admin) # THEN: the user's profile is displayed # AND: the admin console links are displayed # AND: the profile shows the name, username (if assigned), e-mails and log # in methods assert('profile' in profile.location), f'User "{admin[0]}" not logged in' assert(profile.content.root.is_displayed()), \ 'profile content not displayed' assert(profile.console.is_admin), 'User is not an administrator' assert(, "user's name not found" assert(profile.content.has_username), 'no username found' assert(profile.content.emails.emails), 'no email found' assert(profile.content.enabled_providers), 'no log in providers found'