def test_that_firebug_authors_is_correct(self, base_url, selenium):

        # get authors from browser
        firebug_page = Details(base_url, selenium, self.firebug)
        browser_authors = firebug_page.authors

        # get authors from xml
        addons_xml = AddonsAPI(base_url, self.firebug)
        xml_authors = addons_xml.get_list_of_addon_author_names()

        # check that both lists have the same number of authors
        assert len(browser_authors) == len(xml_authors)

        # cross check both lists with each other
        for i in range(len(xml_authors)):
            assert xml_authors[i] == browser_authors[i]
    def test_that_firebug_authors_is_correct(self, mozwebqa):

        # get authors from browser
        firebug_page = Details(mozwebqa, self.firebug)
        browser_authors = firebug_page.authors

        # get authors from xml
        addons_xml = AddonsAPI(mozwebqa, self.firebug)
        xml_authors = addons_xml.get_list_of_addon_author_names()

        # check that both lists have the same number of authors
        Assert.equal(len(browser_authors), len(xml_authors))

        # cross check both lists with each other
        for i in range(len(xml_authors)):
            Assert.equal(xml_authors[i], browser_authors[i])
    def test_that_firebug_authors_is_correct(self, base_url, selenium):

        # get authors from browser
        firebug_page = Details(base_url, selenium, self.firebug)
        browser_authors = firebug_page.authors

        # get authors from xml
        addons_xml = AddonsAPI(base_url, self.firebug)
        xml_authors = addons_xml.get_list_of_addon_author_names()

        # check that both lists have the same number of authors
        assert len(browser_authors) == len(xml_authors)

        # cross check both lists with each other
        for i in range(len(xml_authors)):
            assert xml_authors[i] == browser_authors[i]
    def test_that_firebug_authors_is_correct(self, mozwebqa):

        # get authors from browser
        firebug_page = Details(mozwebqa, self.firebug)
        browser_authors = firebug_page.authors

        # get authors from xml
        addons_xml = AddonsAPI(mozwebqa, self.firebug)
        xml_authors = addons_xml.get_list_of_addon_author_names()

        # check that both lists have the same number of authors
        Assert.equal(len(browser_authors), len(xml_authors))

        # cross check both lists with each other
        for i in range(len(xml_authors)):
            Assert.equal(xml_authors[i], browser_authors[i])