예제 #1
    def GET(self):
        u = web.input()
        search_query = u['searchd']
        auth = u['auth'] if 'auth' in u else None
        site = u['site'] if 'site' in u else None

        if 'pg' in u:
            page_num = u['pg']
            page_num = 0

        id_select      = None
        srch_term_sphx = None
        display_term   = None
        num_rows       = None
        time           = None
        limit          = 20

        if not search_query: 
            raise web.seeother('../')

        sc = sphinxapi.SphinxClient()
        sc.SetServer("", 3312)
        sc.SetSortMode(sphinxapi.SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'post_date')
        sc.SetLimits(int(page_num) * 10, limit)

        def get_collected_ids(sq):
            res = sc.Query(sq, index="posts")
            matched_ids = res['matches']
            total_found = res['total_found'] 
            collected_ids = [str(i['id']) for i in matched_ids]
            id_select = ','.join(collected_ids)

            return id_select, total_found

        def getID(cleansed_ids, sql_type=False):
            if sql_type is "site_nm":
                sql_id = """SELECT site_id FROM site WHERE site_nm IN (%(site_select)s)""" % ({'site_select': cleansed_ids})

            if sql_type is "auth_nm":
                sql_id = """SELECT auth_id FROM author WHERE auth_nm IN (%(auth_select)s)""" % ({'auth_select': cleansed_ids})

            id_rows = db.bind.execute(sql_id)
            return [int(i[0]) for i in id_rows]

        def splitify(target_id, key=False):
            if target_id:
                t_id = dict([(i.strip().split(":")[0], i.strip().split(":")[1]) for i in re.split('(@[a-zA-Z]+(:[a-zA-Z,-_|]+))', target_id) if re.search('@(\w+)', i)]) 
                if key in t_id:
                    return t_id[key].split("|")
        search_query = search_query.strip()
        if re.compile('(@[a-zA-Z]+)').findall(search_query):            
            print "advance query"
            srch_terms = re.split('(@[a-zA-Z]+(:[a-zA-Z,-_|]+))', search_query)
            terms = [i.strip() for i in srch_terms if not re.search('(:\w+)', i)]
            terms = [i for i in terms if i]
            terms = terms[0] if terms else ""

            siteid = splitify(site, key="@site")
            authid = splitify(auth, key="@auth")
            #srch_ttle = "@title " + " ".join(srch_hash['@title'].split(",")) if '@title' in srch_hash else None
            #srch_body = "@body " + " ".join(srch_hash['@body'].split(",")) if '@body' in srch_hash else None
            site_ids_db = getID(",".join(["'%s'" % i.upper() for i in siteid]), sql_type="site_nm") if siteid else None
            auth_ids_db = getID(",".join(["'%s'" % i for i in authid]), sql_type="auth_nm") if authid else None
            if siteid and site_ids_db:
                print "filtering by site ids"
                sc.SetFilter('site_id', site_ids_db)
            if authid and auth_ids_db:
                print "filtering by auth ids"
                sc.SetFilter('auth_id', auth_ids_db)

            srch_term_sphx = terms
            display_term = search_query 
            gci = get_collected_ids(srch_term_sphx)
            id_select = gci[0]
            num_rows = gci[1]
            print "basic query"
            srch_term_sphx = search_query
            display_term = search_query
            gci = get_collected_ids(search_query)
            id_select = gci[0]
            num_rows = gci[1]

        pg = Pageset(num_rows, limit)
        pages = pg.pages_in_set()
        first = pg.first_page()
        last  = pg.last_page()                  
        sk = SkuInfo()
        ids_listinfo = sk.sku_info(id_select, srch_term_sphx, sc) if id_select else None
        return ids_listinfo

        return render('search_results.mako', rp=ids_listinfo, search_term=display_term, pages=pages, first=first, last=last, current_page=int(page_num) 
                      , limit=limit, auth=auth, site=site, num_rows=num_rows)
예제 #2
    def GET(self):
        u = web.input()
        pg, sl, with_img = u['pg'] if 'pg' in u else None, u['sl'] if 'sl' in u else None, u['with_img'] if 'with_img' in u else None

        current_page = int(pg) 
        sites_for_now = parts_model.Sites().show_sites() 

        if sl:
            new_sites = []
            for site in sl.split(","):
                new_sites.append("'%s'" % site)

            sites_for_now = new_sites
        site_select = ",".join(sites_for_now)

        img_post_ids = ""
        if with_img:
            sk = SkuInfo()
            sk.cl.SetLimits(0, 1000)
            res = sk.cl.Query('.jpg')
            img_post = [("'%s'" % i['id']) for i in res['matches']]
            img_post_ids = "AND SUBSTRING_INDEX( SUBSTRING_INDEX(listings_posts.idlistings_posts, ':', 2), ':', -1) IN (" + ",".join(img_post) + ")"

        values = {'site_select': site_select, 'img': img_post_ids} 
        sc = sphinxapi.SphinxClient()
        sc.SetServer("", 3312)
        #sc.SetSortMode(sphinxapi.SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, "post_date")

        sql_id = """SELECT site_id FROM site WHERE site_nm IN (%(site_select)s)""" % ({'site_select': site_select})
        id_rows = db.bind.execute(sql_id)
        site_ids = [int(i[0]) for i in id_rows] 
        limit = 50

        sc.SetFilter('site_id', site_ids)
        #sc.SetLimits(int(pg) * 10, limit)
        res = sc.Query("")
        num_rows = res['total_found'] 

        pg = Pageset(num_rows, limit)

        option_select_key = "%s:%s:%s" % (":".join(sites_for_now), pg.skipped(), pg.entries_per_page())
        option_select_key_browse = "%s:%s:%s:browse" % (":".join(sites_for_now), pg.skipped(), pg.entries_per_page())

        #sk = SkuInfo()
        #ids_list = sk.sku_info(','.join([str(i['id']) for i in res['matches']]), None, sc)
       # d = OrderedDict()
       # for i in ids_list:
       #     d.setdefault(i['date'], [])
       #     d[i['date']].append((i['title'], i['sku']))
        if r_server.get(option_select_key): 
            print "cache_hit:browsedata-date:retrieve"
            date_result = cPickle.loads(str(r_server.get(option_select_key)))
            print "cache_hit:browsedata-date:set"
            date_sql = """
                        dp.list_date AS list_date
                      , dp.list_title AS title
                      , dp.list_sku AS sku 
                      , SUBSTRING_INDEX( SUBSTRING_INDEX(lp.idlistings_posts, ':', 2), ':', -1) AS post_id
                    FROM (
                        WHERE 1=1
                            AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(list_sku, ":", 1) IN (%(site_select)s)
                    ) AS dp
                    INNER JOIN (
                        WHERE 1=1
                            AND list_starter = 1 
                    ) As lp
                         ON lp.list_sku = dp.list_sku 
                    ORDER BY
                        list_date DESC
                    LIMIT %(offset)i, %(limit)i
                    """ % ({'site_select': site_select, 'offset': pg.skipped(), 'limit': pg.entries_per_page()}) 
            date_result = db.bind.execute(date_sql).fetchall()
            r_server.set(option_select_key, cPickle.dumps(date_result))

        pages = pg.pages_in_set()
        first = pg.first_page()
        last  = pg.last_page()          
        sites_alpha = parts_model.Sites().show_sites(with_quotes=False) 
        chosen = []
        if sl:
            chosen = sl.split(',')                    
        if chosen != None:
            remaining = filter(lambda x : x not in chosen, sites_alpha)
            remaining = sites_alpha

        selected = filter(lambda x : x in chosen, sites_alpha)
        connect_str = "" if len(selected) == 1 or len(selected) == 0 else "&sl="
        img_str = "&with_img=1" if with_img else ""
        img_str_sl = "&sl=" if len(selected) > 0 else ""

        if r_server.get(option_select_key_browse): 
            print "cache_hit:browsedata-browse:retrieve"
            d = cPickle.loads(str(r_server.get(option_select_key_browse)))
            print "cache_hit:browsedata-browse:set"
            d = OrderedDict()
            for i in date_result:
                d.setdefault(i[0], [])
                d[i[0]].append((i[1], i[2]))
            r_server.set(option_select_key_browse, cPickle.dumps(d))
        r_server.expire(option_select_key, cache_timeout)        
        r_server.expire(option_select_key_browse, cache_timeout)        

        return render('browse_view.mako', pages=pages, date_result=d, first=first, 
                      last=last, current_page=current_page, sl=sl, with_img=with_img,
                      chosen=chosen, remaining=remaining, selected=selected, connect_str=connect_str, img_str_sl=img_str_sl, img_str=img_str)