예제 #1
    def draw(self, console):
        bar_width = int(self.current_value / self.max_value * self.width) - 1
        display_text = ' {}/{}'.format(int(self.current_value), self.max_value)

        percentage = self.current_value / self.max_value

        if percentage > 1.0:
            self.color = palette.BRIGHT_BLUE
        elif percentage > 0.75:
            self.color = palette.BRIGHT_GREEN
        elif percentage > 0.5:
            self.color = palette.BRIGHT_YELLOW
        elif percentage > 0.25:
            self.color = palette.get_nearest((255, 163, 0))
            self.color = palette.BRIGHT_RED

        if percentage > 0 and bar_width == 0:
            bar_width = 1

        for i in range(self.width):
            c = ' '
            if i < len(display_text) and self.show_text:
                c = display_text[i]

            bg = 0, 0, 0
            if i <= bar_width:
                bg = self.color

            console.draw_char(self.x + i, self.y, c, bg=bg)
예제 #2
    def draw(self, console):
        for x, y in self.data:
            ch, fg, bg = self.data.get_char(x, y)

            if (x, y) in self.seen_tiles or game.Game.args.no_fog == 'true':
                if (x, y) in self.visible_tiles:
                    #fg = palette.WHITE
                    #fg = color_table[chr(ch)][True]

                    fg = palette.get_nearest((95, 87, 79))

                ox, oy = utils.math.add(self.position, (x, y))
                console.draw_char(ox, oy, ch, fg, bg)

        for child in self.children:
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, char='+', position=(0, 0)):
     super().__init__(char, position, fg=palette.get_nearest((171, 82, 54)))
     self.blocks_visibility = True
     self.fog_color = palette.get_nearest((95, 87, 79))
예제 #4
def generate_level(width, height, player_count):
    new_entities = []
    new_level = level.Level(0, 0, width, height)

    new_level.data.draw_str(0, 0, 'X' * width * height)

    TOP = 0b0001
    RIGHT = 0b0010
    BOTTOM = 0b0100
    LEFT = 0b1000
    MASK = 0b1111
    STAIRDOWN = 0b010000
    STAIRUP = 0b100000

    floor = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]

    cursor = random.randint(0, 2)
    floor[cursor] |= STAIRUP

    def up():
        nonlocal floor
        nonlocal cursor
        if cursor >= 3:
            floor[cursor] |= TOP
            cursor -= 3
            floor[cursor] |= BOTTOM

            return cursor

        return None

    def down():
        nonlocal floor
        nonlocal cursor
        if cursor <= 5:
            floor[cursor] |= BOTTOM
            cursor += 3
            floor[cursor] |= TOP
            return cursor

        return None

    def right():
        nonlocal floor
        nonlocal cursor
        if cursor not in [2, 5, 8]:
            floor[cursor] |= RIGHT
            cursor += 1
            floor[cursor] |= LEFT
            return cursor
        return None

    def left():
        nonlocal floor
        nonlocal cursor
        if cursor not in [0, 3, 6]:
            floor[cursor] |= LEFT
            cursor -= 1
            floor[cursor] |= RIGHT
            return cursor
        return None

    possible_moves = [up, down, left, right]

    moves = random.randint(8, 20)
    while moves > 0:
        current_cursor = random.choice(possible_moves)()
        if current_cursor:
            moves -= 1

    floor[cursor] |= STAIRDOWN

    # Build out floor
    for i, m in enumerate(floor):
        x = i % 3 * 9 + 1
        y = i // 3 * 7

        current_room = tdl.Console(9, 7)
        templates = room_templates[m & MASK]
        room = templates[random.randint(0, len(templates) - 1)]
        current_room.draw_str(0, 0, room)

        new_level.data.blit(current_room, x, y)

        if m & STAIRUP:
            rect = utils.rect(x, y, 9, 7)
            potential_coords = []
            for point in rect:
                ch, fg, bg = new_level.data.get_char(*point)
                if ch == ord('.'):

            coord = potential_coords[random.randint(0,
                                                    len(potential_coords) - 1)]

            ent = stairs.Stairs(position=coord)

        if m & STAIRDOWN:
            rect = utils.rect(x, y, 9, 7)
            potential_coords = []
            for point in rect:
                ch, fg, bg = new_level.data.get_char(*point)
                if ch == ord('.'):

            coord = potential_coords[random.randint(0,
                                                    len(potential_coords) - 1)]

            ent = stairs.StairsDown(position=coord)

    color_table = {
        '#': palette.WHITE,
        'X': palette.get_nearest((171, 82, 54)),
        '.': palette.BRIGHT_BLACK

    #temp_level = new_level.data.__copy__()

    # Colorize tiles
    for x, y in new_level.data:
        char, fg, bg = new_level.data.get_char(x, y)

        if chr(char) == '+':
            char = ord('.')

            coords = helpers.DirectionHelper.directions
            coords = [utils.math.add(c, (x, y)) for c in coords]
            chars = [
                new_level.data.get_char(*c)[0] for c in coords
                if c in new_level.data

            if ord('+') not in chars:
                d = door.Door(position=(x, y))

        fg = color_table.get(chr(char))
        if not fg:
            fg = palette.WHITE

        new_level.data.draw_char(x, y, char, fg, bg)

    # Placing Entities
    for (x, y) in new_level.data:
        ch, fg, bg = new_level.data.get_char(x, y)
        if ch == ord('.'):
            if random.random() < 1 / 25 * max(1.0, player_count / 3):
                MonsterClass = registry.Registry.get('monster')
                mon = MonsterClass(position=(x, y))

            elif random.random() < 1 / 80:
                WeaponClass = registry.Registry.get('weapon')
                weapon = WeaponClass(position=(x, y))

            elif random.random() < 1 / 80:
                ItemClass = registry.Registry.get('item')
                item = ItemClass(position=(x, y))

    return new_level, new_entities
예제 #5
def generate_level(width, height, player_count, scene_info):
    new_entities = []
    new_level = level.Level(0, 0, width, height)

    new_level.data.draw_str(0, 0, 'X' * width * height)

    TOP = 0b0001
    RIGHT = 0b0010
    BOTTOM = 0b0100
    LEFT = 0b1000
    MASK = 0b1111
    STAIRDOWN = 0b010000
    STAIRUP = 0b100000

    floor = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]

    cursor = random.randint(0, 2)
    start_cursor = cursor
    floor[cursor] |= STAIRUP

    def up():
        nonlocal floor
        nonlocal cursor
        if cursor >= 3:
            floor[cursor] |= TOP
            cursor -= 3
            floor[cursor] |= BOTTOM

            return cursor

        return None

    def down():
        nonlocal floor
        nonlocal cursor
        if cursor <= 5:
            floor[cursor] |= BOTTOM
            cursor += 3
            floor[cursor] |= TOP
            return cursor

        return None

    def right():
        nonlocal floor
        nonlocal cursor
        if cursor not in [2, 5, 8]:
            floor[cursor] |= RIGHT
            cursor += 1
            floor[cursor] |= LEFT
            return cursor
        return None

    def left():
        nonlocal floor
        nonlocal cursor
        if cursor not in [0, 3, 6]:
            floor[cursor] |= LEFT
            cursor -= 1
            floor[cursor] |= RIGHT
            return cursor
        return None

    possible_moves = [up, down, left, right]

    moves = random.randint(8, 20)
    while moves > 0:
        current_cursor = random.choice(possible_moves)()
        if current_cursor and current_cursor != start_cursor:
            moves -= 1

    floor[cursor] |= STAIRDOWN

    dont_place_monsters_here = []

    # Build out floor
    for i, m in enumerate(floor):
        x = i % 3 * 9 + 1
        y = i // 3 * 7

        current_room = tdl.Console(9, 7)
        templates = room_templates[m & MASK]
        room = templates[random.randint(0, len(templates) - 1)]
        current_room.draw_str(0, 0, room)

        new_level.data.blit(current_room, x, y)

        if m & STAIRUP:
            rect = utils.rect(x, y, 9, 7)
            dont_place_monsters_here = rect
            potential_coords = []
            for point in rect:
                ch, fg, bg = new_level.data.get_char(*point)
                if ch == ord('.'):

            coord = potential_coords[random.randint(0,
                                                    len(potential_coords) - 1)]

            ent = stairs.Stairs(position=coord)

        if m & STAIRDOWN:
            rect = utils.rect(x, y, 9, 7)
            potential_coords = []
            for point in rect:
                ch, fg, bg = new_level.data.get_char(*point)
                if ch == ord('.'):

            coord = potential_coords[random.randint(0,
                                                    len(potential_coords) - 1)]

            ent = stairs.StairsDown(position=coord)

    color_table = {
        '#': palette.WHITE,
        'X': palette.get_nearest((171, 82, 54)),
        '.': palette.BRIGHT_BLACK

    # Colorize tiles
    for x, y in new_level.data:
        char, fg, bg = new_level.data.get_char(x, y)

        if chr(char) == '+':
            char = ord('.')

            coords = helpers.DirectionHelper.directions
            coords = [utils.math.add(c, (x, y)) for c in coords]
            chars = [
                new_level.data.get_char(*c)[0] for c in coords
                if c in new_level.data

            if ord('+') not in chars:
                d = door.Door(position=(x, y))

        fg = color_table.get(chr(char))
        if not fg:
            fg = palette.WHITE

        new_level.data.draw_char(x, y, char, fg, bg)

    level_scaling_factor = (scene_info['level'] / 10) + 1
    monster_spawn_rate = 1 / 16 * max(
        1.0, player_count / 3)  #* level_scaling_factor

    uncommon_monster_class = registry.Registry.get('uncommon_monster')
    common_monster_class = registry.Registry.get('common_monster')

    uncommon_monster_statuses = []
    common_monster_statuses = []

    if random.random() < 1 / 2:
        uncommon_monster_statuses = list(
                for _ in range(random.randint(0, 2))
        uncommon_monster_statuses = [_ for _ in uncommon_monster_statuses if _]

    if random.random() < 1 / 2:
        common_monster_statuses = list(
                for _ in range(random.randint(0, 2))
        common_monster_statuses = [_ for _ in common_monster_statuses if _]

    registry.Registry.register(uncommon_monster_class, 'monster_drop_table', 3)
    registry.Registry.register(common_monster_class, 'monster_drop_table', 4)

    scene_info['enemies'] = []
        (uncommon_monster_class, uncommon_monster_statuses))
        (common_monster_class, common_monster_statuses))

    # Placing Entities
    for (x, y) in new_level.data:
        ch, fg, bg = new_level.data.get_char(x, y)
        if ch == ord('.'):
            if random.random() < monster_spawn_rate and (
                    x, y) not in dont_place_monsters_here:
                MonsterClass = registry.Registry.get('monster_drop_table')
                mon = MonsterClass(position=(x, y))

                if MonsterClass is uncommon_monster_class:
                    for status in uncommon_monster_statuses:
                        s = status(mon)

                    for status in common_monster_statuses:
                        s = status(mon)


            elif random.random() < 1 / 80:
                WeaponClass = registry.Registry.get('weapon')
                weapon = WeaponClass(position=(x, y))

            elif random.random() < 1 / 80:
                ItemClass = registry.Registry.get('item')
                item = ItemClass(position=(x, y))

    return new_level, new_entities, dont_place_monsters_here
예제 #6
    def handle_events(self, event):
        current_scene = instances.scene_root

        if event.type == 'TWITCHCHATMESSAGE':
            if event.message:
                if event.message.upper() == '!JOIN':
                    player_names = [e.name for e in current_scene.children if hasattr(e, 'name')]

                    bonus = None

                    if not event.nickname in player_names:
                        # Set player color
                        if 'broadcaster' in event.tags['badges']:
                                player_color = self.get_config_color('BroadcasterColor')

                                player_color = palette.get_nearest((255, 163, 0))

                        elif event.tags['subscriber'] != '0':
                                player_color = self.get_config_color('SubscriberColor')

                                player_color = palette.BRIGHT_BLUE

                            bonus = registry.Registry.get('weapon')()

                        elif event.nickname.lower() in TwitchChatManager.special_viewers:
                                player_color = self.get_config_color('SpecialViewerColor')

                                player_color = palette.BRIGHT_RED

                                player_color = self.get_config_color('ViewerColor')

                                player_color = palette.get_nearest((255, 163, 0))

                        # Add player
                        pos = current_scene.get_location_near_stairs()
                        p = player.Player(event.nickname[0], pos, fg=player_color)
                        p.name = event.nickname

                        if bonus:

                        instances.console.print('{} has joined!'.format(p.display_string))

                elif event.message.upper() == '!LEAVE':
                    for e in current_scene.children:
                        if not e.isinstance('Player'):

                        if e.name == event.nickname:
                            instances.console.print('{} has left.'.format(e.display_string))

                elif event.message.upper().startswith('!CHEER'):
                    s = event.message.split(' ')
                    if len(s) <= 1:

                    player_names = [p.name for p in instances.scene_root.players if p.state != 'EXITED']
                    if event.nickname in player_names:

                    player_name = s[1].lower()
                    if player_name[0] == '@':
                        player_name = player_name[1:]

                    target_player = [p for p in instances.scene_root.players if p.state != 'EXITED' and p.name == player_name]
                    target_player = target_player[0] if target_player else None
                    if target_player:
                        target_player.cheer_counter += 4

                elif event.message.upper() == '!HELP':
                    current_time = time.time()
                    if current_time - self.time_since_last_help_message > 30:
                        help_message = 'Available commands: !join !leave !move [uldr] !move @username !stop !attack [uldr] !throw [uldr] !drop !cheer @username'
                        instances.game.observer.send_message(help_message, instances.game.channel)
                        self.time_since_last_help_message = current_time