예제 #1
    def convert_png_to_jpg_rgb(self, tex_path):
        tex_basename = os.path.splitext(tex_path)[0]
        img = PNMImage()
        self.load_img_with_retry(img, tex_path)

        jpg_path = tex_basename + '.jpg'

        x_size = img.get_x_size()
        y_size = img.get_y_size()
        output_img = PNMImage(x_size, y_size, 3)
        output_img.copy_sub_image(img, 0, 0, 0, 0, x_size, y_size)

        jpg_path = tex_basename + '.jpg'

        print(f'Writing JPG {jpg_path}...')

        if img.num_channels == 4:
            alpha_image = PNMImage(x_size, y_size, 1)

            # Copy alpha channel from source image
            for i in range(x_size):
                for j in range(y_size):
                    alpha_image.set_gray(i, j, img.get_alpha(i, j))

            rgb_path = tex_basename + '_a.rgb'

            print(f'Writing RGB {rgb_path}...')
예제 #2
class AtlasEntry:

    def __init__(self, verbose_name, source_path):
        self.name = verbose_name
        self.path = source_path
        self.tex = PNMImage(source_path)
        self.w = self.tex.get_x_size()
        self.h = self.tex.get_y_size()
        self.area = self.w * self.h
        self.assigned_pos = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name
예제 #3
def loadTerrain(name, widthScale = 0.5, heightScale = 10.0):
    """load terrain stuff"""

    global app, terrain, terrainRootNetPos
    steerMgr = OSSteerManager.get_global_ptr()

    terrain = GeoMipTerrain("terrain")
    heightField = PNMImage(Filename(dataDir + "/heightfield.png"))
    # sizing
    environmentWidthX = (heightField.get_x_size() - 1) * widthScale
    environmentWidthY = (heightField.get_y_size() - 1) * widthScale
    environmentWidth = (environmentWidthX + environmentWidthY) / 2.0
    # set other terrain's properties
    blockSize, minimumLevel = (64, 0)
    nearPercent, farPercent = (0.1, 0.7)
    terrainLODmin = min(minimumLevel, terrain.get_max_level())
    flattenMode = GeoMipTerrain.AFM_off
    terrain.set_near(nearPercent * environmentWidth)
    terrain.set_far(farPercent * environmentWidth)
    # terrain texturing
    textureStage0 = TextureStage("TextureStage0")
    textureImage = TexturePool.load_texture(Filename("terrain.png"))
    terrain.get_root().set_tex_scale(textureStage0, 1.0, 1.0)
    terrain.get_root().set_texture(textureStage0, textureImage, 1)
    # reparent this Terrain node path to the object node path
    # brute force generation
    bruteForce = True
    # Generate the terrain
    # check if terrain needs update or not
    if not bruteForce:
        # save the net pos of terrain root
        terrainRootNetPos = terrain.get_root().get_net_transform().get_pos()
        # Add a task to keep updating the terrain
        app.taskMgr.add(terrainUpdate, "terrainUpdate", appendTask=True)
    return terrain.get_root()
예제 #4
    def load_3d_texture(cls, fname, tile_size_x, tile_size_y=None, num_tiles=None):
        """ Loads a texture from the given filename and dimensions. If only
        one dimensions is specified, the other dimensions are assumed to be
        equal. This internally loads the texture into ram, splits it into smaller
        sub-images, and then calls the load_3d_texture from the Panda loader """

        # Generate a unique name to prevent caching
        tempfile_name = "$$SliceLoaderTemp-" + str(time.time()) + "/"

        # For quaddratic textures
        tile_size_y = tile_size_x if tile_size_y is None else tile_size_y
        num_tiles = tile_size_x if num_tiles is None else num_tiles

        # Load sliced image from disk
        source = PNMImage(fname)
        width = source.get_x_size()

        # Find slice properties
        num_cols = width // tile_size_x
        temp = PNMImage(
            tile_size_x, tile_size_y, source.get_num_channels(), source.get_maxval())

        # Construct a ramdisk to write the files to
        vfs = VirtualFileSystem.get_global_ptr()
        ramdisk = VirtualFileMountRamdisk()
        vfs.mount(ramdisk, tempfile_name, 0)

        # Extract all slices and write them to the virtual disk
        for z_slice in range(num_tiles):
            slice_x = (z_slice % num_cols) * tile_size_x
            slice_y = (z_slice // num_cols) * tile_size_y
            temp.copy_sub_image(source, 0, 0, slice_x, slice_y, tile_size_x, tile_size_y)
            temp.write(tempfile_name + str(z_slice) + ".png")

        # Load the de-sliced texture from the ramdisk
        texture_handle = Globals.loader.load3DTexture(tempfile_name + "/#.png")

        # This should never trigger, but can't hurt to have
        assert texture_handle.get_x_size() == tile_size_x
        assert texture_handle.get_y_size() == tile_size_y
        assert texture_handle.get_z_size() == num_tiles

        # Finally unmount the ramdisk

        return texture_handle
    def load_sliced_3d_texture(cls,
        """ Loads a texture from the given filename and dimensions. If only
        one dimensions is specified, the other dimensions are assumed to be
        equal. This internally loads the texture into ram, splits it into smaller
        sub-images, and then calls the load_3d_texture from the Panda loader """

        tempfile_name = "/$$slice_loader_temp-" + str(time.time()) + "/"
        tile_size_y = tile_size_x if tile_size_y is None else tile_size_y
        num_tiles = tile_size_x if num_tiles is None else num_tiles

        # Load sliced image from disk
        tex_handle = cls.load_texture(fname)
        source = PNMImage()
        width = source.get_x_size()

        # Find slice properties
        num_cols = width // tile_size_x
        temp_img = PNMImage(tile_size_x, tile_size_y,
                            source.get_num_channels(), source.get_maxval())

        # Construct a ramdisk to write the files to
        vfs = VirtualFileSystem.get_global_ptr()
        ramdisk = VirtualFileMountRamdisk()
        vfs.mount(ramdisk, tempfile_name, 0)

        # Extract all slices and write them to the virtual disk
        for z_slice in range(num_tiles):
            slice_x = (z_slice % num_cols) * tile_size_x
            slice_y = (z_slice // num_cols) * tile_size_y
            temp_img.copy_sub_image(source, 0, 0, slice_x, slice_y,
                                    tile_size_x, tile_size_y)
            temp_img.write(tempfile_name + str(z_slice) + ".png")

        # Load the de-sliced texture from the ramdisk
        texture_handle = cls.load_3d_texture(tempfile_name + "/#.png")

        return texture_handle
예제 #6
    def load_sliced_3d_texture(cls, fname, tile_size_x, tile_size_y=None, num_tiles=None):
        """ Loads a texture from the given filename and dimensions. If only
        one dimensions is specified, the other dimensions are assumed to be
        equal. This internally loads the texture into ram, splits it into smaller
        sub-images, and then calls the load_3d_texture from the Panda loader """

        tempfile_name = "/$$slice_loader_temp-" + str(time.time()) + "/"
        tile_size_y = tile_size_x if tile_size_y is None else tile_size_y
        num_tiles = tile_size_x if num_tiles is None else num_tiles

        # Load sliced image from disk
        source = PNMImage(fname)
        width = source.get_x_size()

        # Find slice properties
        num_cols = width // tile_size_x
        temp_img = PNMImage(
            tile_size_x, tile_size_y, source.get_num_channels(), source.get_maxval())

        # Construct a ramdisk to write the files to
        vfs = VirtualFileSystem.get_global_ptr()
        ramdisk = VirtualFileMountRamdisk()
        vfs.mount(ramdisk, tempfile_name, 0)

        # Extract all slices and write them to the virtual disk
        for z_slice in range(num_tiles):
            slice_x = (z_slice % num_cols) * tile_size_x
            slice_y = (z_slice // num_cols) * tile_size_y
            temp_img.copy_sub_image(source, 0, 0, slice_x, slice_y, tile_size_x, tile_size_y)
            temp_img.write(tempfile_name + str(z_slice) + ".png")

        # Load the de-sliced texture from the ramdisk
        texture_handle = cls.load_3d_texture(tempfile_name + "/#.png")

        return texture_handle
예제 #7
    def convert_texture(self, texture, model_path=None):
        if not self.model_path:
            self.print_exc('ERROR: No model path specified in ImageConverter.')

        tex_path = texture[0]
        tex_basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(tex_path))[0]

        if not os.path.isabs(tex_path):
            if '../' in tex_path and model_path:
                # This texture path is using relative paths.
                # We assume that the working directory is the model's directory
                tex_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(model_path), tex_path)
                tex_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, tex_path)

        tex_path = tex_path.replace('\\', os.sep).replace('/', os.sep)

        if not os.path.exists(tex_path):
            self.print_exc('ERROR: Could not convert {}: Missing RGB texture!'.format(tex_path))

        png_tex_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tex_path), tex_basename + '.png')
        png_tex_path = png_tex_path.replace('\\', os.sep).replace('/', os.sep)

        print('Converting to PNG...', png_tex_path)

        if len(texture) == 1:
            # Only one texture, we can save this immediately
            if tex_path.lower().endswith('.rgb'):
                output_img = PNMImage()

                if output_img.num_channels in (1, 2) and 'golf_ball' not in tex_path and 'roll-o-dex' not in tex_path: # HACK: Toontown

                    for i in range(output_img.get_x_size()):
                        for j in range(output_img.get_y_size()):
                            output_img.set_alpha(i, j, output_img.get_gray(i, j))
                output_img = self.read_texture(tex_path, alpha=False)
        elif len(texture) == 2:
            img = self.read_texture(tex_path, alpha=True)

            # Two textures: the second one should be a RGB file
            alpha_path = texture[1]

            if not os.path.isabs(alpha_path):
                if '../' in alpha_path and model_path:
                    # This texture path is using relative paths.
                    # We assume that the working directory is the model's directory
                    alpha_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(model_path), alpha_path)
                    alpha_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, alpha_path)

            alpha_path = alpha_path.replace('\\', os.sep).replace('/', os.sep)

            if not os.path.exists(alpha_path):
                self.print_exc('ERROR: Could not convert {} with alpha {}: Missing alpha texture!'.format(tex_path, alpha_path))

            alpha_img = PNMImage()

            alpha_img = self.resize_image(alpha_img, img.get_x_size(), img.get_y_size())

            output_img = PNMImage(img.get_x_size(), img.get_y_size(), 4)

            output_img.copy_sub_image(img, 0, 0, 0, 0, img.get_x_size(), img.get_y_size())

            for i in range(img.get_x_size()):
                for j in range(img.get_y_size()):
                    output_img.set_alpha(i, j, alpha_img.get_gray(i, j))

        # run mitsuba
        print("Running mitsuba for ior =", ior, "( index =", pass_index,")")
        with open("res/scene" + config["template_suffix"] + ".templ.xml", "r") as handle:
            content = handle.read()

        content = content.replace("%IOR%", str(ior))
        content = content.replace("%SAMPLES%", str(config["samples"]))

        with open("res/scene.xml", "w") as handle:


        img = PNMImage("scene.png")
        source_w = img.get_x_size()

        print("Converting ..")

        indices = []
        nxv_values = []

        # Generate nonlinear NxV sequence
        for i in xrange(source_w):
            v = 1 - i / float(source_w)
            NxV = math.sqrt(1 - v*v)

        # Generate lerp indices and weights
        for x in xrange(dest_size):
            NxV = (x) / float(dest_size)
예제 #9

from __future__ import print_function

from panda3d.core import PNMImage

source_a = "scene.png"
source_b = "scene-rp.png"

write_diff_img = False

img_a = PNMImage(source_a)
img_b = PNMImage(source_b)

w, h = img_a.get_x_size(), img_a.get_y_size()
img_dest = PNMImage(w, h, 3)

error_scale = 10.0

total_diff = 0.0

for x in xrange(w):
    for y in xrange(h):
        val_a = img_a.get_xel(x, y)
        val_b = img_b.get_xel(x, y)

        abs_diff = (val_a - val_b) * error_scale
        r, g, b = abs(abs_diff.x), abs(abs_diff.y), abs(abs_diff.z)

        img_dest.set_xel(x, y, r, g, b)
예제 #10
from panda3d.core import Filename, PNMImage

jpgFile = raw_input("JPEG file: ")
aFile = raw_input("Alpha file: ")

fn = Filename.fromOsSpecific(jpgFile)
fnrgb = Filename.fromOsSpecific(aFile)

fnout = Filename(fn.getFullpathWoExtension() + ".png")
image = PNMImage(fn)

imagergb = PNMImage(fnrgb)
for x in xrange(image.get_x_size()):
    for y in xrange(image.get_y_size()):
        image.set_channel(x, y, 3, imagergb.getChannel(x, y, 0))
        # run mitsuba
        print("Running mitsuba for ior =", ior, "( index =", pass_index, ")")
        with open("res/scene" + config["template_suffix"] + ".templ.xml",
                  "r") as handle:
            content = handle.read()

        content = content.replace("%IOR%", str(ior))
        content = content.replace("%SAMPLES%", str(config["samples"]))

        with open("res/scene.xml", "w") as handle:


        img = PNMImage("scene.png")
        source_w = img.get_x_size()

        print("Converting ..")

        indices = []
        nxv_values = []

        # Generate nonlinear NxV sequence
        for i in xrange(source_w):
            v = 1 - i / float(source_w)
            NxV = math.sqrt(1 - v * v)

        # Generate lerp indices and weights
        for x in xrange(dest_size):
            NxV = (x) / float(dest_size)
예제 #12

from __future__ import print_function

from panda3d.core import PNMImage

source_a = "scene.png"
source_b = "scene-rp.png"

write_diff_img = False

img_a = PNMImage(source_a)
img_b = PNMImage(source_b)

w, h = img_a.get_x_size(), img_a.get_y_size()
img_dest = PNMImage(w, h, 3)

error_scale = 10.0

total_diff = 0.0

for x in xrange(w):
    for y in xrange(h):
        val_a = img_a.get_xel(x, y)
        val_b = img_b.get_xel(x, y)

        abs_diff = (val_a - val_b) * error_scale
        r, g, b = abs(abs_diff.x), abs(abs_diff.y), abs(abs_diff.z)

        img_dest.set_xel(x, y, r, g, b)