def makeBundle(startDir):
    fstartDir = Filename.fromOsSpecific(startDir)

    # Search for panda3d_mac along $PATH.
    path = DSearchPath()
    if 'PATH' in os.environ:
    panda3d_mac = path.findFile('panda3d_mac')
    if not panda3d_mac:
        raise StandardError, "Couldn't find panda3d_mac on path."

    # Construct a search path to look for the images.
    search = DSearchPath()

    # First on the path: an explicit $PLUGIN_IMAGES env var.
    if ExecutionEnvironment.hasEnvironmentVariable('PLUGIN_IMAGES'):

    # Next on the path: the models/plugin_images directory within the
    # current directory.

    # Finally on the path: models/plugin_images within the model
    # search path.
    for dir in getModelPath().getDirectories():
        search.appendDirectory(Filename(dir, 'plugin_images'))

    # Now find the icon file on the above search path.
    icons = search.findFile('panda3d.icns')
    if not icons:
        raise StandardError, "Couldn't find panda3d.icns on model-path."

    # Generate the bundle directory structure
    rootFilename = Filename(fstartDir)
    bundleFilename = Filename(rootFilename, '')
    if os.path.exists(bundleFilename.toOsSpecific()):

    plistFilename = Filename(bundleFilename, 'Contents/Info.plist')
    exeFilename = Filename(bundleFilename, 'Contents/MacOS/panda3d_mac')
    iconFilename = Filename(bundleFilename, 'Contents/Resources/panda3d.icns')

    # Copy in Info.plist, the icon file, and the compiled executable.
        Filename(fstartDir, "panda3d_mac.plist").toOsSpecific(),
    shutil.copyfile(icons.toOsSpecific(), iconFilename.toOsSpecific())
    print panda3d_mac, exeFilename
    shutil.copyfile(panda3d_mac.toOsSpecific(), exeFilename.toOsSpecific())
    os.chmod(exeFilename.toOsSpecific(), 0755)

    # All done!
    print bundleFilename.toOsSpecific()
예제 #2
def dummyAppRunner(tokens=[], argv=None):
    """ This function creates a dummy global AppRunner object, which
    is useful for testing running in a packaged environment without
    actually bothering to package up the application.  Call this at
    the start of your application to enable it.

    It places the current working directory under /mf, as if it were
    mounted from a packed multifile.  It doesn't convert egg files to
    bam files, of course; and there are other minor differences from
    running in an actual packaged environment.  But it can be a useful
    first-look sanity check. """

    if AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner:
        print "Already have AppRunner, not creating a new one."
        return AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner

    appRunner = AppRunner()
    appRunner.dummy = True
    AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner = appRunner

    platform = PandaSystem.getPlatform()
    version = PandaSystem.getPackageVersionString()
    hostUrl = PandaSystem.getPackageHostUrl()

    if platform.startswith('win'):
        rootDir = Filename(Filename.getUserAppdataDirectory(), 'Panda3D')
    elif platform.startswith('osx'):
        rootDir = Filename(Filename.getHomeDirectory(),
        rootDir = Filename(Filename.getHomeDirectory(), '.panda3d')

    appRunner.rootDir = rootDir
    appRunner.logDirectory = Filename(rootDir, 'log')

    # Of course we will have the panda3d application loaded.
    appRunner.addPackageInfo('panda3d', platform, version, hostUrl)

    appRunner.tokens = tokens
    appRunner.tokenDict = dict(tokens)
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
    appRunner.argv = argv
    appRunner.altHost = appRunner.tokenDict.get('alt_host', None)

    appRunner.p3dInfo = None
    appRunner.p3dPackage = None

    # Mount the current directory under the multifileRoot, as if it
    # were coming from a multifile.
    cwd = ExecutionEnvironment.getCwd()
    vfs = VirtualFileSystem.getGlobalPtr()
    vfs.mount(cwd, appRunner.multifileRoot, vfs.MFReadOnly)


    return appRunner
예제 #3
    def initPackedAppEnvironment(self):
        """ This function sets up the Python environment suitably for
        running a packed app.  It should only run once in any given
        session (and it includes logic to ensure this). """

        if self.packedAppEnvironmentInitialized:

        self.packedAppEnvironmentInitialized = True

        vfs = VirtualFileSystem.getGlobalPtr()

        # Now set up Python to import this stuff.

        # Make sure that $MAIN_DIR is set to the p3d root before we
        # start executing the code in this file.

        # Put our root directory on the model-path, too.

        if not self.trueFileIO:
            # Replace the builtin open and file symbols so user code will get
            # our versions by default, which can open and read files out of
            # the multifile.
            __builtin__.file = file.file
            __builtin__.execfile = file.execfile
            os.listdir = file.listdir
            os.walk = file.walk
            os.path.join = file.join
            os.path.isfile = file.isfile
            os.path.isdir = file.isdir
            os.path.exists = file.exists
            os.path.lexists = file.lexists
            os.path.getmtime = file.getmtime
            os.path.getsize = file.getsize
            sys.modules['glob'] = glob

예제 #4
def dummyAppRunner(tokens = [], argv = None):
    """ This function creates a dummy global AppRunner object, which
    is useful for testing running in a packaged environment without
    actually bothering to package up the application.  Call this at
    the start of your application to enable it.

    It places the current working directory under /mf, as if it were
    mounted from a packed multifile.  It doesn't convert egg files to
    bam files, of course; and there are other minor differences from
    running in an actual packaged environment.  But it can be a useful
    first-look sanity check. """

    if AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner:
        print "Already have AppRunner, not creating a new one."
        return AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner

    appRunner = AppRunner()
    appRunner.dummy = True
    AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner = appRunner

    platform = PandaSystem.getPlatform()
    version = PandaSystem.getPackageVersionString()
    hostUrl = PandaSystem.getPackageHostUrl()

    if platform.startswith('win'):
        rootDir = Filename(Filename.getUserAppdataDirectory(), 'Panda3D')
    elif platform.startswith('osx'):
        rootDir = Filename(Filename.getHomeDirectory(), 'Library/Caches/Panda3D')
        rootDir = Filename(Filename.getHomeDirectory(), '.panda3d')

    appRunner.rootDir = rootDir
    appRunner.logDirectory = Filename(rootDir, 'log')

    # Of course we will have the panda3d application loaded.
    appRunner.addPackageInfo('panda3d', platform, version, hostUrl)

    appRunner.tokens = tokens
    appRunner.tokenDict = dict(tokens)
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
    appRunner.argv = argv
    appRunner.altHost = appRunner.tokenDict.get('alt_host', None)

    appRunner.p3dInfo = None
    appRunner.p3dPackage = None

    # Mount the current directory under the multifileRoot, as if it
    # were coming from a multifile.
    cwd = ExecutionEnvironment.getCwd()
    vfs = VirtualFileSystem.getGlobalPtr()
    vfs.mount(cwd, appRunner.multifileRoot, vfs.MFReadOnly)


    return appRunner
def makeBundle(startDir):
    fstartDir = Filename.fromOsSpecific(startDir)

    # Search for panda3d_mac along $PATH.
    path = DSearchPath()
    if 'PATH' in os.environ:
    panda3d_mac = path.findFile('panda3d_mac')
    if not panda3d_mac:
        raise StandardError, "Couldn't find panda3d_mac on path."

    # Construct a search path to look for the images.
    search = DSearchPath()

    # First on the path: an explicit $PLUGIN_IMAGES env var.
    if ExecutionEnvironment.hasEnvironmentVariable('PLUGIN_IMAGES'):

    # Next on the path: the models/plugin_images directory within the
    # current directory.

    # Finally on the path: models/plugin_images within the model
    # search path.
    for dir in getModelPath().getDirectories():
        search.appendDirectory(Filename(dir, 'plugin_images'))

    # Now find the icon file on the above search path.
    icons = search.findFile('panda3d.icns')
    if not icons:
        raise StandardError, "Couldn't find panda3d.icns on model-path."

    # Generate the bundle directory structure
    rootFilename = Filename(fstartDir)
    bundleFilename = Filename(rootFilename, '')
    if os.path.exists(bundleFilename.toOsSpecific()):

    plistFilename = Filename(bundleFilename, 'Contents/Info.plist')
    exeFilename = Filename(bundleFilename, 'Contents/MacOS/panda3d_mac')
    iconFilename = Filename(bundleFilename, 'Contents/Resources/panda3d.icns')

    # Copy in Info.plist, the icon file, and the compiled executable.
    shutil.copyfile(Filename(fstartDir, "panda3d_mac.plist").toOsSpecific(), plistFilename.toOsSpecific())
    shutil.copyfile(icons.toOsSpecific(), iconFilename.toOsSpecific())
    print panda3d_mac, exeFilename
    shutil.copyfile(panda3d_mac.toOsSpecific(), exeFilename.toOsSpecific())
    os.chmod(exeFilename.toOsSpecific(), 0755)

    # All done!
    print bundleFilename.toOsSpecific()
예제 #6
    def initPackedAppEnvironment(self):
        """ This function sets up the Python environment suitably for
        running a packed app.  It should only run once in any given
        session (and it includes logic to ensure this). """

        if self.packedAppEnvironmentInitialized:

        self.packedAppEnvironmentInitialized = True

        vfs = VirtualFileSystem.getGlobalPtr()

        # Now set up Python to import this stuff.

        # Make sure that $MAIN_DIR is set to the p3d root before we
        # start executing the code in this file.
        ExecutionEnvironment.setEnvironmentVariable("MAIN_DIR", Filename(self.multifileRoot).toOsSpecific())

        # Put our root directory on the model-path, too.

        if not self.trueFileIO:
            # Replace the builtin open and file symbols so user code will get
            # our versions by default, which can open and read files out of
            # the multifile.
            __builtin__.file = file.file
            __builtin__.execfile = file.execfile
            os.listdir = file.listdir
            os.walk = file.walk
            os.path.join = file.join
            os.path.isfile = file.isfile
            os.path.isdir = file.isdir
            os.path.exists = file.exists
            os.path.lexists = file.lexists
            os.path.getmtime = file.getmtime
            os.path.getsize = file.getsize
            sys.modules['glob'] = glob

예제 #7
    def __init__(self):

        # We direct both our stdout and stderr objects onto Panda's
        # Notify stream.  This ensures that unadorned print statements
        # made within Python will get routed into the log properly.
        stream = StreamWriter(Notify.out(), False)
        sys.stdout = stream
        sys.stderr = stream

        # This is set true by dummyAppRunner(), below.
        self.dummy = False

        # These will be set from the application flags when
        # setP3DFilename() is called.
        self.allowPythonDev = False
        self.guiApp = False
        self.interactiveConsole = False
        self.initialAppImport = False
        self.trueFileIO = False

        self.verifyContents = self.P3DVCNone

        self.sessionId = 0
        self.packedAppEnvironmentInitialized = False
        self.gotWindow = False
        self.gotP3DFilename = False
        self.started = False
        self.windowOpened = False
        self.windowPrc = None

        self.http = None
        if hasattr(PandaModules, 'HTTPClient'):
            self.http = PandaModules.HTTPClient.getGlobalPtr()

        self.Undefined = Undefined
        self.ConcreteStruct = ConcreteStruct

        # This is per session.
        self.nextScriptId = 0

        # TODO: we need one of these per instance, not per session.
        self.instanceId = None

        # The root Panda3D install directory.  This is filled in when
        # the instance starts up.
        self.rootDir = None

        # The log directory.  Also filled in when the instance starts.
        self.logDirectory = None

        # self.superMirrorUrl, if nonempty, is the "super mirror" URL
        # that should be contacted first before trying the actual
        # host.  This is primarily used for "downloading" from a
        # locally-stored Panda3D installation.  This is also filled in
        # when the instance starts up.
        self.superMirrorUrl = None

        # A list of the Panda3D packages that have been loaded.
        self.installedPackages = []

        # A list of the Panda3D packages that in the queue to be
        # downloaded.
        self.downloadingPackages = []

        # A dictionary of HostInfo objects for the various download
        # hosts we have imported packages from.
        self.hosts = {}

        # The altHost string that is in effect from the HTML tokens,
        # if any, and the dictionary of URL remapping: orig host url
        # -> alt host url.
        self.altHost = None
        self.altHostMap = {}

        # The URL from which Panda itself should be downloaded.
        self.pandaHostUrl = PandaSystem.getPackageHostUrl()

        # Application code can assign a callable object here; if so,
        # it will be invoked when an uncaught exception propagates to
        # the top of the loop.
        self.exceptionHandler = None

        # Managing packages for runtime download.
        self.downloadingPackages = []
        self.downloadTask = None

        # The mount point for the multifile.  For now, this is always
        # the current working directory, for convenience; but when we
        # move to multiple-instance sessions, it may have to be
        # different for each instance.
        self.multifileRoot = ExecutionEnvironment.getCwd().cStr()

        # The "main" object will be exposed to the DOM as a property
        # of the plugin object; that is, document.pluginobject.main in
        # JavaScript will be appRunner.main here.  This may be
        # replaced with a direct reference to the JavaScript object
        # later, in setInstanceInfo().
        self.main = ScriptAttributes()

        # By default, we publish a stop() method so the browser can
        # easy stop the plugin.  A particular application can remove
        # this if it chooses.
        self.main.stop = self.stop

        # This will be the browser's toplevel window DOM object;
        # e.g. self.dom.document will be the document.
        self.dom = None

        # This is the list of expressions we will evaluate when
        # self.dom gets assigned.
        self.deferredEvals = []

        # This is the default requestFunc that is installed if we
        # never call setRequestFunc().
        def defaultRequestFunc(*args):
            if args[1] == 'notify':
                # Quietly ignore notifies.
  "Ignoring request: %s" % (args, ))

        self.requestFunc = defaultRequestFunc

        # This will be filled in with the default WindowProperties for
        # this instance, e.g. the WindowProperties necessary to
        # re-embed a window in the browser frame.
        self.windowProperties = None

        # Store our pointer so DirectStart-based apps can find us.
        if AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner is None:
            AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner = self

        # We use this messenger hook to dispatch this __startIfReady()
        # call back to the main thread.
        self.accept('AppRunner_startIfReady', self.__startIfReady)
예제 #8
    def __init__(self):

        # We direct both our stdout and stderr objects onto Panda's
        # Notify stream.  This ensures that unadorned print statements
        # made within Python will get routed into the log properly.
        stream = StreamWriter(Notify.out(), False)
        sys.stdout = stream
        sys.stderr = stream

        # This is set true by dummyAppRunner(), below.
        self.dummy = False

        # These will be set from the application flags when
        # setP3DFilename() is called.
        self.allowPythonDev = False
        self.guiApp = False
        self.interactiveConsole = False
        self.initialAppImport = False
        self.trueFileIO = False

        self.verifyContents = self.P3DVCNone

        self.sessionId = 0
        self.packedAppEnvironmentInitialized = False
        self.gotWindow = False
        self.gotP3DFilename = False
        self.started = False
        self.windowOpened = False
        self.windowPrc = None

        self.http = None
        if hasattr(PandaModules, 'HTTPClient'):
            self.http = PandaModules.HTTPClient.getGlobalPtr()

        self.Undefined = Undefined
        self.ConcreteStruct = ConcreteStruct

        # This is per session.
        self.nextScriptId = 0

        # TODO: we need one of these per instance, not per session.
        self.instanceId = None

        # The root Panda3D install directory.  This is filled in when
        # the instance starts up.
        self.rootDir = None

        # The log directory.  Also filled in when the instance starts.
        self.logDirectory = None

        # self.superMirrorUrl, if nonempty, is the "super mirror" URL
        # that should be contacted first before trying the actual
        # host.  This is primarily used for "downloading" from a
        # locally-stored Panda3D installation.  This is also filled in
        # when the instance starts up.
        self.superMirrorUrl = None

        # A list of the Panda3D packages that have been loaded.
        self.installedPackages = []

        # A list of the Panda3D packages that in the queue to be
        # downloaded.
        self.downloadingPackages = []

        # A dictionary of HostInfo objects for the various download
        # hosts we have imported packages from.
        self.hosts = {}

        # The altHost string that is in effect from the HTML tokens,
        # if any, and the dictionary of URL remapping: orig host url
        # -> alt host url.
        self.altHost = None
        self.altHostMap = {}

        # The URL from which Panda itself should be downloaded.
        self.pandaHostUrl = PandaSystem.getPackageHostUrl()

        # Application code can assign a callable object here; if so,
        # it will be invoked when an uncaught exception propagates to
        # the top of the loop.
        self.exceptionHandler = None

        # Managing packages for runtime download.
        self.downloadingPackages = []
        self.downloadTask = None

        # The mount point for the multifile.  For now, this is always
        # the current working directory, for convenience; but when we
        # move to multiple-instance sessions, it may have to be
        # different for each instance.
        self.multifileRoot = ExecutionEnvironment.getCwd().cStr()

        # The "main" object will be exposed to the DOM as a property
        # of the plugin object; that is, document.pluginobject.main in
        # JavaScript will be appRunner.main here.  This may be
        # replaced with a direct reference to the JavaScript object
        # later, in setInstanceInfo().
        self.main = ScriptAttributes()

        # By default, we publish a stop() method so the browser can
        # easy stop the plugin.  A particular application can remove
        # this if it chooses.
        self.main.stop = self.stop

        # This will be the browser's toplevel window DOM object;
        # e.g. self.dom.document will be the document.
        self.dom = None

        # This is the list of expressions we will evaluate when
        # self.dom gets assigned.
        self.deferredEvals = []

        # This is the default requestFunc that is installed if we
        # never call setRequestFunc().
        def defaultRequestFunc(*args):
            if args[1] == 'notify':
                # Quietly ignore notifies.
  "Ignoring request: %s" % (args,))
        self.requestFunc = defaultRequestFunc

        # This will be filled in with the default WindowProperties for
        # this instance, e.g. the WindowProperties necessary to
        # re-embed a window in the browser frame.
        self.windowProperties = None

        # Store our pointer so DirectStart-based apps can find us.
        if AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner is None:
            AppRunnerGlobal.appRunner = self

        # We use this messenger hook to dispatch this __startIfReady()
        # call back to the main thread.
        self.accept('AppRunner_startIfReady', self.__startIfReady)
예제 #9
    def installPackage(self, appRunner):
        """ Mounts the package and sets up system paths so it becomes
        available for use.  Returns true on success, false on failure. """

        assert self.hasPackage
        if self.installed:
            # Already installed.
            return True
        assert self not in appRunner.installedPackages

        mfPathname = Filename(self.getPackageDir(),
        mf = Multifile()
        if not mf.openRead(mfPathname):
            self.notify.warning("Couldn't open %s" % (mfPathname))
            return False

        # We mount it under its actual location on disk.
        root = self.getPackageDir().cStr()

        vfs = VirtualFileSystem.getGlobalPtr()
        vfs.mount(mf, root, vfs.MFReadOnly)

        # Add this to the Python search path, if it's not already
        # there.  We have to take a bit of care to check if it's
        # already there, since there can be some ambiguity in
        # os-specific path strings.
        osRoot = self.getPackageDir().toOsSpecific()
        foundOnPath = False
        for p in sys.path:
            if osRoot == p:
                # Already here, exactly.
                foundOnPath = True
            elif osRoot == Filename.fromOsSpecific(p).toOsSpecific():
                # Already here, with some futzing.
                foundOnPath = True

        if not foundOnPath:
            # Not already here; add it.

        # Put it on the model-path, too.  We do this indiscriminantly,
        # because the Panda3D runtime won't be adding things to the
        # model-path, so it shouldn't be already there.

        # Set the environment variable to reference the package root.
        envvar = '%s_ROOT' % (self.packageName.upper())
        ExecutionEnvironment.setEnvironmentVariable(envvar, osRoot)

        # Add the package root to the system paths.
        if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
            path = os.environ.get('PATH', '')
            os.environ['PATH'] = "%s;%s" % (osRoot, path)
            path = os.environ.get('PATH', '')
            os.environ['PATH'] = "%s:%s" % (osRoot, path)
            path = os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')
            os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = "%s:%s" % (osRoot, path)

        if sys.platform == "darwin":
            path = os.environ.get('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')
            os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = "%s:%s" % (osRoot, path)

        # Now that the environment variable is set, read all of the
        # prc files in the package.
        appRunner.loadMultifilePrcFiles(mf, self.getPackageDir())

        # Also, find any toplevel Python packages, and add these as
        # shared packages.  This will allow different packages
        # installed in different directories to share Python files as
        # if they were all in the same directory.
        for filename in mf.getSubfileNames():
            if filename.endswith('/__init__.pyc') or \
               filename.endswith('/__init__.pyo') or \
                components = filename.split('/')[:-1]
                moduleName = '.'.join(components)
                VFSImporter.sharedPackages[moduleName] = True

        # Fix up any shared directories so we can load packages from
        # disparate locations.

        self.installed = True


        return True
예제 #10
    def installPackage(self, appRunner):
        """ Mounts the package and sets up system paths so it becomes
        available for use.  Returns true on success, false on failure. """

        assert self.hasPackage
        if self.installed:
            # Already installed.
            return True
        assert self not in appRunner.installedPackages

        mfPathname = Filename(self.getPackageDir(), self.uncompressedArchive.filename)
        mf = Multifile()
        if not mf.openRead(mfPathname):
            self.notify.warning("Couldn't open %s" % (mfPathname))
            return False

        # We mount it under its actual location on disk.
        root = self.getPackageDir().cStr()

        vfs = VirtualFileSystem.getGlobalPtr()
        vfs.mount(mf, root, vfs.MFReadOnly)

        # Add this to the Python search path, if it's not already
        # there.  We have to take a bit of care to check if it's
        # already there, since there can be some ambiguity in
        # os-specific path strings.
        osRoot = self.getPackageDir().toOsSpecific()
        foundOnPath = False
        for p in sys.path:
            if osRoot == p:
                # Already here, exactly.
                foundOnPath = True
            elif osRoot == Filename.fromOsSpecific(p).toOsSpecific():
                # Already here, with some futzing.
                foundOnPath = True

        if not foundOnPath:
            # Not already here; add it.

        # Put it on the model-path, too.  We do this indiscriminantly,
        # because the Panda3D runtime won't be adding things to the
        # model-path, so it shouldn't be already there.

        # Set the environment variable to reference the package root.
        envvar = '%s_ROOT' % (self.packageName.upper())
        ExecutionEnvironment.setEnvironmentVariable(envvar, osRoot)

        # Now that the environment variable is set, read all of the
        # prc files in the package.
        appRunner.loadMultifilePrcFiles(mf, self.getPackageDir())

        # Also, find any toplevel Python packages, and add these as
        # shared packages.  This will allow different packages
        # installed in different directories to share Python files as
        # if they were all in the same directory.
        for filename in mf.getSubfileNames():
            if filename.endswith('/__init__.pyc') or \
               filename.endswith('/__init__.pyo') or \
                components = filename.split('/')[:-1]
                moduleName = '.'.join(components)
                VFSImporter.sharedPackages[moduleName] = True

        # Fix up any shared directories so we can load packages from
        # disparate locations.

        self.installed = True


        return True