예제 #1
    def __init__(self):

        # This disables the default mouse based camera control used by panda. This default control is awkward, and won't be used. 
        # Gives the camera an initial position and rotation. 
        # Sets up variables for storing the mouse coordinates 
        # A boolean variable for specifying whether the camera is in orbiting mode. Orbiting mode refers to when the camera is being moved 
        # because the user is holding down the right mouse button. 
        # sets up a vector variable for the camera's target. The target will be the coordinates that the camera is currently focusing on. 
        self.camDist = 40 
        # A variable that will determine how far the camera is from it's target focus 
        self.panRateDivisor = 20 
        # This variable is used as a divisor when calculating how far to move the camera when panning. Higher numbers will yield slower panning 
        # and lower numbers will yield faster panning. This must not be set to 0. 
        self.panZoneSize = .15 
        # This variable controls how close the mouse cursor needs to be to the edge of the screen to start panning the camera. It must be less than 1, 
        # and I recommend keeping it less than .2 
        self.panLimitsX = Vec2(-20, 20) 
        self.panLimitsY = Vec2(-20, 20) 
        # These two vairables will serve as limits for how far the camera can pan, so you don't scroll away from the map. 

        # calls the setTarget function to set the current target position to the origin. 
        # calls the turnCameraAroundPoint function with a turn amount of 0 to set the camera position based on the target and camera distance 
        # sets up the camrea handler to accept a right mouse click and start the "drag" mode. 
        # sets up the camrea handler to understand when the right mouse button has been released, and ends the "drag" mode when 
        # the release is detected. 
        # The next pair of lines use lambda, which creates an on-the-spot one-shot function. 
        self.accept("wheel_up",lambda : self.adjustCamDist(0.9)) 
        # sets up the camera handler to detet when the mouse wheel is rolled upwards and uses a lambda function to call the 
        # adjustCamDist function  with the argument 0.9 
        self.accept("wheel_down",lambda : self.adjustCamDist(1.1)) 
        # sets up the camera handler to detet when the mouse wheel is rolled upwards and uses a lambda function to call the 
        # adjustCamDist function  with the argument 1.1 
예제 #2
    def restart(self):
        """Start or restart the plugin."""

        self.draw = Draw() # Utility for drawing 2D lines and shapes in 3-space
        path = Path([Vec2(40,40),Vec2(40,-40),Vec2(-40,40),Vec2(-40,-40)])
        for vehicle in self.vehicles[:3]:
            vehicle._pos = SteerVec((random.random()-0.5)*100,(random.random()-0.5)*100)
            vehicle._velocity = SteerVec((random.random()-0.5)*2,(random.random()-0.5)*2)
        path = Path([Vec2(-40,-40),Vec2(40,-40),Vec2(-40,40),Vec2(40,40)])
        for vehicle in self.vehicles[3:]:
            vehicle._pos = SteerVec((random.random()-0.5)*100,(random.random()-0.5)*100)
            vehicle._velocity = SteerVec((random.random()-0.5)*2,(random.random()-0.5)*2)
        for vehicle in self.vehicles:
            vehicle.avoidObstacles = True
            vehicle.avoidVehicles = True
            vehicle.maxforce = 0.1
            vehicle.maxspeed = 0.5 + (random.random()/2)            
        node = self.draw.create()
        np = NodePath(node)   
예제 #3
 def _drawHole(self, x, y):
     center = Vec2(x, y)
     ul = center - Vec2(self._radius, self._radius)
     lr = center + Vec2(self._radius, self._radius)
     x = int(ul[0])
     while x <= lr[0]:
         y = int(ul[1])
         while y <= lr[1]:
             if x > 0 and y > 0 and x < self._maskResolution and y < self._maskResolution:
                 self._revealFunctions[self._revealFunction](x, y, center)
             y += 1
         x += 1
     self.mask.setTexture(self.maskTexture, 1)
예제 #4
def grassTexture(imgSize=(256,256)):
    """Return a green, 'grassy' texture (PNMImage) of the given image size,
    produced using 2D Perlin noise."""

    # Initialuse the PNMImage object
    img = PNMImage(*imgSize)

    # Initalise 4 PerlinNoise2 objects to produce noise at different scales
    noise1 = PerlinNoise2()
    noise2 = PerlinNoise2()
    noise3 = PerlinNoise2()
    noise4 = PerlinNoise2()

    # For each pixel in the image, set the red and blue values of the pixel to
    # constant values, and set the green value of the pixel using all 4
    # PerlinNoise2 objects.
    red = 0.125 # Colour values in PNMImage are doubles in the range [0.0,1.0]
    blue = 0.0625
    for x in xrange(imgSize[0]):
        for y in xrange(imgSize[1]):
            pos = Vec2(1.0/32*x, 1.0/32*y)
            img.setGreen(x,y,(0.5 + noise1(pos)*0.0625 + noise2(pos)*0.0625 +
                              noise3(pos)*0.125 + noise4(pos)*0.0625))

    return img
예제 #5
파일: editorCamera.py 프로젝트: Derfies/p3d
    def OnUpdate(self, task):
        Task to control mouse events. Gets called every frame and will update
        the scene accordingly.
        p3d.Camera.OnUpdate(self, task)

        # Return if no mouse is found or alt not down
        if not self.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse(
        ) or not p3d.MOUSE_ALT in self.mouse.modifiers:

        # ORBIT - If left mouse down
        if self.mouse.buttons[0]:
                Vec2(self.mouse.dx * self.speed, self.mouse.dy * self.speed))

        # DOLLY - If middle mouse down
        elif self.mouse.buttons[1]:
                Vec3(self.mouse.dx * self.speed, 0,
                     -self.mouse.dy * self.speed))

        # ZOOM - If right mouse down
        elif self.mouse.buttons[2]:
            self.Move(Vec3(0, -self.mouse.dx * self.speed, 0))
예제 #6
파일: MazeMapGui.py 프로젝트: z010155/c0d3
 def _revealSmoothCircle(self, x, y, center):
     length = (Vec2(x, y) - center).length()
     goalAlpha = max(0.0, length / float(self._radius) - 0.5)
         x, y,
         VBase4D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                 min(self._maskImage.getAlpha(x, y), goalAlpha * 2.0)))
    def setPolygonalNeighbors(self, prev, next):
        vecToPrev = prev.pos - self.pos
        vecToNext = next.pos - self.pos

        angle = vecToPrev.signedAngleDeg(vecToNext)
        angle %= 360  # Convert this to an unsigned angle.

        self.prevPolyNeighbor = prev
        self.nextPolyNeighbor = next
        self.interiorAngle = angle

        prevAngle = Vec2(1, 0).signedAngleDeg(vecToPrev)
        extrudeAngle = prevAngle + self.interiorAngle / 2.0 + 180
        extrudeAngle *= math.pi / 180  # Degrees to radians

        self.extrudeVector = Vec2(math.cos(extrudeAngle),
    def wander(self, elapsed):
        pos = Vec2(self.getPos().xy)
        r = elapsed * self.maxSpeed * 3
        if (pos - self.startPosition).length() > self.wanderRadius:
            change = self.startPosition - pos
            change *= r
            change = Vec2(random.uniform(-r, r), random.uniform(-r, r))

        desiredVelocity = self.wanderVelocity + change

        desiredVelocity *= self.maxSpeed
        self.wanderVelocity = desiredVelocity

        desiredHeading = math.degrees(
            math.atan2(desiredVelocity.y, desiredVelocity.x)) + 90
        desiredVelocity = Vec3(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.y, 0)
        #logging.info( desiredVelocity)
        self.move(desiredVelocity, desiredHeading, elapsed)
예제 #9
    def __init__(self, parent):
        wx.Window.__init__(self, parent)
        self.points = []
        self.curvepoints = []
        self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255))

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.onPaint)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onLeftDown)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.onLeftUp)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.onAddPoint)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self.onZoom)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.onSize)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.onMotion)

        self.active_point = None

        self.max_value = 50

        self.points = [Vec2(-10, -20), Vec2(0, 20), Vec2(10, -20)]

예제 #10
def greenNoise(imgSize=(32,32),scale=0.25):
    """Return a PNMImage of the given size containing Perlin noise at the given
    scale in the green colour values of the image pixels."""

    # Initialuse the PNMImage object
    img = PNMImage(*imgSize)

    # Initalise PerlinNoise2 object
    noise = PerlinNoise2()

    # Fill in the pixels of img, setting the red and blue values of each pixel
    # to 0 and the green value to Perlin noise.
    for x in xrange(imgSize[0]):
        for y in xrange(imgSize[1]):
            pos = Vec2(1.0/32*x, 1.0/32*y)

    return img
    def __init__(self, heightFunction, x=0, y=0):

        NodePath.__init__(self, "Creature")
        self.startPosition = Vec2(x, y)
        z = heightFunction(x, y)
        self.setPos(x, y, z)
        #  movement
        self.acceleration = 25
        self.velocity = Vec3(0, 0, 0)
        self.maxSpeed = 10
        self.speed = 0
        self.maxAngularVelocity = 360
        self.turbo = 1
        self.maxStoppingDistance = self.maxSpeed / self.acceleration * 0.5

        self.body = Actor("models/ralph", {
            "run": "models/ralph-run",
            "walk": "models/ralph-walk"
        self.heightFunction = heightFunction
예제 #12
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: xiangy3/Flocking
def directionalVector(rads, speed):
    return Vec2(cos(rads), sin(rads)) * speed
예제 #13
 def getMouseVec(self):
     """ returns mouse vector """
     md = base.win.getPointer(0)
     return Vec2(md.getX(), md.getY())
예제 #14
def directionalVector(heading, speed):
    rads = radians(heading)
    return Vec2(cos(rads), sin(rads)) * speed
예제 #15
    def __init__(self, fov=60.0, pos=(-10, -100, 25), lookAt=(0, 0, 0)):

        # Camera field of view
        self.fov = fov

        # Camera position
        self.pos = Vec3(pos)

        # Point the camera looks at
        self.lookAt = Vec3(lookAt)

        # Camera target. This is what the camera should be looking at
        self.target = Vec3(lookAt)

        camVec = (self.target - self.pos)
        self.camDist = camVec.length()

        #LOG.debug("self.pos = %s, self.target = %s, self.camDist = %s" % (self.pos, self.target, self.camDist))

        # Camera state variables
        self.movingUp = False
        self.movingDown = False
        self.movingLeft = False
        self.movingRight = False
        self.dragging = False

        # The gutter is the area around the border of the screen where
        # the mouse cursor entering this area triggers the panning action
        self.leftgutter = -0.8
        self.rightgutter = 0.8
        self.bottomgutter = -0.8
        self.topgutter = 0.8

        # Mouse position from previous event. Used to calculate distance the
        # mouse has moved.
        self.mx = 0
        self.my = 0
        self.mpos = Vec2(0, 0)

        # Options
        self.gutterdrive = False

        # Factor used to convert mouse movement into world movement
        self.gutterdriveMouseFactor = 100
        self.panMouseFactor = 2000
        self.zoomFactor = 3

        # Build the camera rotation maticies
        self.leftrightRotationDegrees = 0.5
        self.updownRotationDegrees = 2

        rSin = math.sin(self.leftrightRotationDegrees * RAD_FACTOR)
        rCos = math.cos(self.leftrightRotationDegrees * RAD_FACTOR)
        self.leftMatrix = Mat3(rCos, rSin, 0, -rSin, rCos, 0, 0, 0, 1)
        self.rightMatrix = Mat3(rCos, -rSin, 0, rSin, rCos, 0, 0, 0, 1)
        rSin = math.sin(self.updownRotationDegrees * RAD_FACTOR)
        rCos = math.cos(self.updownRotationDegrees * RAD_FACTOR)
        self.upMatrix = Mat3(rCos, 0, -rSin, 0, 1, 0, rSin, 0, rCos)
        self.downMatrix = Mat3(
예제 #16
    def __init__(self, showbase):
        self.showbase = showbase
        # This disables the default mouse based camera control used by panda. This default control is awkward, and won't be used.

        self.showbase.camera.setPos(0, -150, 200)
        self.showbase.camera.lookAt(0, 0, 0)
        # Gives the camera an initial position and rotation.

        self.mx, self.my = 0, 0
        # Sets up variables for storing the mouse coordinates

        self.orbiting = False
        # A boolean variable for specifying whether the camera is in orbiting mode. Orbiting mode refers to when the camera is being moved
        # because the user is holding down the right mouse button.

        self.target = Vec3()
        # sets up a vector variable for the camera's target. The target will be the coordinates that the camera is currently focusing on.

        self.camDist = 150
        # A variable that will determine how far the camera is from it's target focus

        self.panRateDivisor = 10
        # This variable is used as a divisor when calculating how far to move the camera when panning. Higher numbers will yield slower panning
        # and lower numbers will yield faster panning. This must not be set to 0.

        self.panZoneSize = .1
        # This variable controls how close the mouse cursor needs to be to the edge of the screen to start panning the camera. It must be less than 1,
        # and I recommend keeping it less than .2

        self.panLimitsX = Vec2(-1000, 1000)
        self.panLimitsY = Vec2(-1000, 1000)
        # These two vairables will serve as limits for how far the camera can pan, so you don't scroll away from the map.

        self.maxZoomOut = 500
        self.maxZoomIn = 25
        #These two variables set the max distance a person can zoom in or out

        self.orbitRate = 75
        # This is the rate of speed that the camera will rotate when middle mouse is pressed and mouse moved
        # recommended rate 50-100

        self.setTarget(0, 0, 0)
        # calls the setTarget function to set the current target position to the origin.

        self.turnCameraAroundPoint(0, 0)
        # calls the turnCameraAroundPoint function with a turn amount of 0 to set the camera position based on the target and camera distance

        self.accept("mouse2", self.startOrbit)
        # sets up the camrea handler to accept a right mouse click and start the "drag" mode.

        self.accept("mouse2-up", self.stopOrbit)
        # sets up the camrea handler to understand when the right mouse button has been released, and ends the "drag" mode when
        # the release is detected.

        self.storeX = 0
        self.storeY = 0
        # for storing of the x and y for the orbit

        # The next pair of lines use lambda, which creates an on-the-spot one-shot function.

        self.accept("wheel_up", self.zoomIn)
        # sets up the camera handler to detet when the mouse wheel is rolled upwards and uses a lambda function to call the
        # adjustCamDist function  with the argument 0.9

        self.accept("wheel_down", self.zoomOut)
        # sets up the camera handler to detet when the mouse wheel is rolled upwards and uses a lambda function to call the
        # adjustCamDist function  with the argument 1.1

        # Keys array (down if 1, up if 0)
        self.keys = {"cam-left": 0, "cam-right": 0, "cam-up": 0, "cam-down": 0}

        # Using Arrow Keys
        self.accept("arrow_left", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-left", 1])
        self.accept("arrow_right", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-right", 1])
        self.accept("arrow_up", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-up", 1])
        self.accept("arrow_down", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-down", 1])
        self.accept("arrow_left-up", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-left", 0])
        self.accept("arrow_right-up", self.setValue,
                    [self.keys, "cam-right", 0])
        self.accept("arrow_up-up", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-up", 0])
        self.accept("arrow_down-up", self.setValue, [self.keys, "cam-down", 0])

        self.keyPanRate = 1.5
        # pan rate for when user presses the arrow keys

        # set up plane for checking collision with for mouse-3d world
        self.plane = Plane(Vec3(0, 0, 1), Point3(0, 0, 0))
예제 #17
파일: GXO.py 프로젝트: crempp/psg
    def _flareTask(self, task):
        #going through the list of lightNodePaths
        #for index in xrange(0, len(self.lightNodes)):

        pos2d = self._get2D(self.sunlight)
        #if the light source is visible from the cam's point of view,
        # display the lens-flare
        if pos2d:
            #print ("Flare visible")

            # The the obscured factor
            obscured = self._getObscured(self.suncardcolor)
            # Scale it to [0,1]
            self.obscured = obscured / 100
            ##print obscured

            # Length is the length of the vector that goes from the screen
            # middle to the pos of the light. The length gets smaller the
            # closer the light is to the screen middle, however, since
            # length is used to calculate the brightness of the effect we
            # actually need an inverse behaviour, since the brightness
            # will be greates when center of screen= pos of light
            length = math.sqrt(pos2d.getX() * pos2d.getX() +
                               pos2d.getY() * pos2d.getY())
            invLength = 1.0 - length * 2
            # Subtract the obscured factor from the inverted distence and
            # we have a value that simulates the power of the flare
            flarePower = invLength - self.obscured
            #print("light pos=%s | length=%s"%(pos2d,length))
            print("obs=%s | length=%s | inv=%s | pow=%s" %
                  (self.obscured, length, invLength, flarePower))

            # Clamp the flare power to some values
            if flarePower < 0 and self.obscured > 0: flarePower = 0.0
            if flarePower < 0 and self.obscured <= 0: flarePower = 0.3
            if flarePower > 1: flarePower = 1

            print("flarepower=%s" % (flarePower))

            if self.obscured >= 0.8:

                #drawing the lens-flare effect...
                r = self.suncolor.getX()
                g = self.suncolor.getY()
                b = self.suncolor.getZ()
                r = math.sqrt(r * r + length * length) * self.strength
                g = math.sqrt(g * g + length * length) * self.strength
                b = math.sqrt(b * b + length * length) * self.strength
                print("%s,%s,%s" % (r, g, b))

                if self.obscured > 0.19:
                    a = self.obscured - 0.2
                    a = 0.4 - flarePower

                if a < 0: a = 0
                if a > 0.8: a = 0.8

                self.hdr.setColor(r, g, b, 0.8 - a)
                self.hdr.setR(90 * length)
                    r, g, b, 0.5 + length)
                self.hdr.setPos(pos2d.getX(), 0, pos2d.getY())
                self.hdr.setScale(8.5 + (5 * length))

                vecMid = Vec2(self.mid2d.getX(), self.mid2d.getZ())
                vec2d = Vec2(vecMid - pos2d)
                vec3d = Vec3(vec2d.getX(), 0, vec2d.getY())

                self.starburst_0.setPos(self.hdr.getPos() - (vec3d * 10))
                self.starburst_1.setPos(self.hdr.getPos() - (vec3d * 5))
                self.starburst_2.setPos(self.hdr.getPos() - (vec3d * 10))
                #print "a",a
            #hide the lens-flare effect for a light source, if it is not visible...

        return Task.cont
예제 #18
파일: MazeMapGui.py 프로젝트: z010155/c0d3
 def _revealHardCircle(self, x, y, center):
     length = (Vec2(x, y) - center).length()
     if length <= self._radius:
         self._maskImage.setXelA(x, y, VBase4D(0, 0, 0, 0))
예제 #19
 def pointAlongLine(self, distance):
     v = Vec2(self.direction)
     return self.pt1 + v * distance
 def setWander(self, radius=50):
     self.wanderVelocity = Vec2(0, 0)
     self.wanderRadius = radius