예제 #1
    def estimate(self, eppci: ExtendedPPCI, **kwargs):
        # matrix calculation object
        sem = BaseAlgebra(eppci)

        current_error, cur_it = 100., 0
        # invert covariance matrix
        r_inv = csr_matrix(np.diagflat(1 / eppci.r_cov**2))
        E = eppci.E
        while current_error > self.tolerance and cur_it < self.max_iterations:
            self.logger.debug("Starting iteration {:d}".format(1 + cur_it))
                # residual r
                r = csr_matrix(sem.create_rx(E)).T

                # jacobian matrix H
                H = csr_matrix(sem.create_hx_jacobian(E))

                # gain matrix G_m
                # G_m = H^t * R^-1 * H
                G_m = H.T * (r_inv * H)

                # state vector difference d_E
                # d_E = G_m^-1 * (H' * R^-1 * r)
                d_E = spsolve(G_m, H.T * (r_inv * r))

                # Update E with d_E
                E += d_E.ravel()

                # prepare next iteration
                cur_it += 1
                current_error = np.max(np.abs(d_E))
                    "Current error: {:.7f}".format(current_error))
            except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
                    "A problem appeared while using the linear algebra methods."
                    "Check and change the measurement set.")
                return False

        # check if the estimation is successfull
        self.check_result(current_error, cur_it)
        if self.successful:
            # store variables required for chi^2 and r_N_max test:
            self.R_inv = r_inv.toarray()
            self.Gm = G_m.toarray()
            self.r = r.toarray()
            self.H = H.toarray()
            # create h(x) for the current iteration
            self.hx = sem.create_hx(eppci.E)
        return eppci
예제 #2
    def estimate(self, eppci: ExtendedPPCI, estimator="wls", verbose=True, **kwargs):
        opt_method = DEFAULT_OPT_METHOD if 'opt_method' not in kwargs else kwargs['opt_method']

        # matrix calculation object
        estm = get_estimator(BaseEstimatorOpt, estimator)(eppci, **kwargs)

        jac = estm.create_cost_jacobian
        res = minimize(estm.cost_function, x0=eppci.E,
                       method=opt_method, jac=jac, tol=self.tolerance,
                       options={"disp": verbose})

        self.successful = res.success
        if self.successful:
            E = res.x
            return eppci
            raise Exception("Optimiaztion failed! State Estimation not successful!")
예제 #3
    def estimate(self, eppci: ExtendedPPCI, estimator="wls", **kwargs):

        # matrix calculation object
        sem = get_estimator(BaseEstimatorIRWLS, estimator)(eppci, **kwargs)

        current_error, cur_it = 100., 0
        E = eppci.E
        while current_error > self.tolerance and cur_it < self.max_iterations:
            self.logger.debug("Starting iteration {:d}".format(1 + cur_it))
                # residual r
                r = csr_matrix(sem.create_rx(E)).T

                # jacobian matrix H
                H = csr_matrix(sem.create_hx_jacobian(E))

                # gain matrix G_m
                # G_m = H^t * Phi * H
                phi = csr_matrix(sem.create_phi(E))
                G_m = H.T * (phi * H)

                # state vector difference d_E and update E
                d_E = spsolve(G_m, H.T * (phi * r))
                E += d_E.ravel()

                # prepare next iteration
                cur_it += 1
                current_error = np.max(np.abs(d_E))
                    "Current error: {:.7f}".format(current_error))
            except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
                    "A problem appeared while using the linear algebra methods."
                    "Check and change the measurement set.")
                return False

        # check if the estimation is successfull
        self.check_result(current_error, cur_it)
        # update V/delta
        return eppci
예제 #4
    def estimate(self, eppci: ExtendedPPCI, with_ortools=True, **kwargs):
        if "estimator" in kwargs and kwargs["estimator"].lower() != "lav":  # pragma: no cover
            self.logger.warning("LP Algorithm supports only LAV Estimator!! Set to LAV!!")

        # matrix calculation object
        sem = BaseAlgebra(eppci)

        current_error, cur_it = 100., 0
        E = eppci.E
        while current_error > self.tolerance and cur_it < self.max_iterations:
            self.logger.debug("Starting iteration {:d}".format(1 + cur_it))
                # residual r
                r = sem.create_rx(E)

                # jacobian matrix H
                H = sem.create_hx_jacobian(E)

                # state vector difference d_E
                # d_E = G_m^-1 * (H' * R^-1 * r)
                d_E = self._solve_lp(H, E, r, with_ortools=with_ortools)
                E += d_E

                # prepare next iteration
                cur_it += 1
                current_error = np.max(np.abs(d_E))
                self.logger.debug("Current error: {:.7f}".format(current_error))
            except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:  # pragma: no cover
                self.logger.error("A problem appeared while using the linear algebra methods."
                                  "Check and change the measurement set.")
                return False

        # check if the estimation is successfull
        self.check_result(current_error, cur_it)
        return eppci
예제 #5
    def estimate(self, eppci: ExtendedPPCI, **kwargs):
        # state vector built from delta, |V| and zero injections
        # Find pq bus with zero p,q and shunt admittance
        if not np.any(eppci["bus"][:, bus_cols + ZERO_INJ_FLAG]):
            raise UserWarning(
                "Network has no bus with zero injections! Please use WLS instead!"
        zero_injection_bus = np.argwhere(
            eppci["bus"][:, bus_cols + ZERO_INJ_FLAG] == True).ravel()
            [bus_cols + P, bus_cols + P_STD, bus_cols + Q, bus_cols + Q_STD
             ])] = np.NaN
        # Withn pq buses with zero injection identify those who have also no p or q measurement
        p_zero_injections = zero_injection_bus
        q_zero_injections = zero_injection_bus
        new_states = np.zeros(len(p_zero_injections) + len(q_zero_injections))

        num_bus = eppci["bus"].shape[0]

        # matrix calculation object
        sem = BaseAlgebraZeroInjConstraints(eppci)

        current_error, cur_it = 100., 0
        r_inv = csr_matrix((np.diagflat(1 / eppci.r_cov)**2))
        E = eppci.E
        # update the E matrix
        E_ext = np.r_[eppci.E, new_states]

        while current_error > self.tolerance and cur_it < self.max_iterations:
            self.logger.debug("Starting iteration {:d}".format(1 + cur_it))
                c_x = sem.create_cx(E, p_zero_injections, q_zero_injections)

                # residual r
                r = csr_matrix(sem.create_rx(E)).T
                c_rxh = csr_matrix(c_x).T

                # jacobian matrix H
                H_temp = sem.create_hx_jacobian(E)
                C_temp = sem.create_cx_jacobian(E, p_zero_injections,
                H, C = csr_matrix(H_temp), csr_matrix(C_temp)

                # gain matrix G_m
                # G_m = H^t * R^-1 * H
                G_m = H.T * (r_inv * H)

                # building a new gain matrix for new constraints.
                A_1 = vstack([G_m, C])
                c_ax = hstack([C, np.zeros((C.shape[0], C.shape[0]))])
                c_xT = c_ax.T
                M_tx = csr_matrix(hstack(
                    (A_1, c_xT)))  # again adding to the new gain matrix
                rhs = H.T * (r_inv * r)  # original right hand side
                C_rhs = vstack(
                    (rhs, -c_rxh
                     ))  # creating the righ hand side with new constraints

                # state vector difference d_E and update E
                d_E_ext = spsolve(M_tx, C_rhs)
                E_ext += d_E_ext.ravel()
                E = E_ext[:E.shape[0]]

                # prepare next iteration
                cur_it += 1
                current_error = np.max(
                    np.abs(d_E_ext[:len(eppci.non_slack_buses) + num_bus]))
                    "Current error: {:.7f}".format(current_error))
            except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
                    "A problem appeared while using the linear algebra methods."
                    "Check and change the measurement set.")
                return False

        # check if the estimation is successfull
        self.check_result(current_error, cur_it)
        return eppci