예제 #1
def _generate_range_overflow_safe_signed(endpoint: int, periods: int,
                                         stride: int, side: str) -> int:
    A special case for _generate_range_overflow_safe where `periods * stride`
    can be calculated without overflowing int64 bounds.
    assert side in ["start", "end"]
    if side == "end":
        stride *= -1

    with np.errstate(over="raise"):
        addend = np.int64(periods) * np.int64(stride)
            # easy case with no overflows
            result = np.int64(endpoint) + addend
            if result == iNaT:
                # Putting this into a DatetimeArray/TimedeltaArray
                #  would incorrectly be interpreted as NaT
                raise OverflowError
            # error: Incompatible return value type (got "signedinteger[_64Bit]",
            # expected "int")
            return result  # type: ignore[return-value]
        except (FloatingPointError, OverflowError):
            # with endpoint negative and addend positive we risk
            #  FloatingPointError; with reversed signed we risk OverflowError

        # if stride and endpoint had opposite signs, then endpoint + addend
        #  should never overflow.  so they must have the same signs
        assert (stride > 0 and endpoint >= 0) or (stride < 0 and endpoint <= 0)

        if stride > 0:
            # watch out for very special case in which we just slightly
            #  exceed implementation bounds, but when passing the result to
            #  np.arange will get a result slightly within the bounds

            # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
            # "unsignedinteger[_64Bit]", variable has type "signedinteger[_64Bit]")
            result = np.uint64(endpoint) + np.uint64(
                addend)  # type: ignore[assignment]
            i64max = np.uint64(np.iinfo(np.int64).max)
            assert result > i64max
            if result <= i64max + np.uint64(stride):
                # error: Incompatible return value type (got "unsignedinteger", expected
                # "int")
                return result  # type: ignore[return-value]

    raise OutOfBoundsDatetime(
        f"Cannot generate range with {side}={endpoint} and periods={periods}")
예제 #2
def _generate_range_overflow_safe_signed(endpoint: int, periods: int,
                                         stride: int, side: str) -> int:
    A special case for _generate_range_overflow_safe where `periods * stride`
    can be calculated without overflowing int64 bounds.
    assert side in ['start', 'end']
    if side == 'end':
        stride *= -1

    with np.errstate(over="raise"):
        addend = np.int64(periods) * np.int64(stride)
            # easy case with no overflows
            return np.int64(endpoint) + addend
        except (FloatingPointError, OverflowError):
            # with endpoint negative and addend positive we risk
            #  FloatingPointError; with reversed signed we risk OverflowError

        # if stride and endpoint had opposite signs, then endpoint + addend
        #  should never overflow.  so they must have the same signs
        assert (stride > 0 and endpoint >= 0) or (stride < 0 and endpoint <= 0)

        if stride > 0:
            # watch out for very special case in which we just slightly
            #  exceed implementation bounds, but when passing the result to
            #  np.arange will get a result slightly within the bounds
            assert endpoint >= 0
            result = np.uint64(endpoint) + np.uint64(addend)
            i64max = np.uint64(np.iinfo(np.int64).max)
            assert result > i64max
            if result <= i64max + np.uint64(stride):
                return result

    raise OutOfBoundsDatetime('Cannot generate range with '
                              '{side}={endpoint} and '
예제 #3
def _adjust_to_origin(arg, origin, unit):
    Helper function for to_datetime.
    Adjust input argument to the specified origin

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be adjusted
    origin : 'julian' or Timestamp
        origin offset for the arg
    unit : str
        passed unit from to_datetime, must be 'D'

    ndarray or scalar of adjusted date(s)
    if origin == "julian":
        original = arg
        j0 = Timestamp(0).to_julian_date()
        if unit != "D":
            raise ValueError("unit must be 'D' for origin='julian'")
            arg = arg - j0
        except TypeError as err:
            raise ValueError(
                "incompatible 'arg' type for given 'origin'='julian'") from err

        # preemptively check this for a nice range
        j_max = Timestamp.max.to_julian_date() - j0
        j_min = Timestamp.min.to_julian_date() - j0
        if np.any(arg > j_max) or np.any(arg < j_min):
            raise OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                f"{original} is Out of Bounds for origin='julian'")
        # arg must be numeric
        if not ((is_scalar(arg) and (is_integer(arg) or is_float(arg)))
                or is_numeric_dtype(np.asarray(arg))):
            raise ValueError(
                f"'{arg}' is not compatible with origin='{origin}'; "
                "it must be numeric with a unit specified")

        # we are going to offset back to unix / epoch time
            offset = Timestamp(origin)
        except OutOfBoundsDatetime as err:
            raise OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                f"origin {origin} is Out of Bounds") from err
        except ValueError as err:
            raise ValueError(
                f"origin {origin} cannot be converted to a Timestamp") from err

        if offset.tz is not None:
            raise ValueError(f"origin offset {offset} must be tz-naive")
        td_offset = offset - Timestamp(0)

        # convert the offset to the unit of the arg
        # this should be lossless in terms of precision
        ioffset = td_offset // Timedelta(1, unit=unit)

        # scalars & ndarray-like can handle the addition
        if is_list_like(arg) and not isinstance(
                arg, (ABCSeries, Index, np.ndarray)):
            arg = np.asarray(arg)
        arg = arg + ioffset
    return arg
예제 #4
def _generate_range_overflow_safe(endpoint: int,
                                  periods: int,
                                  stride: int,
                                  side: str = "start") -> int:
    Calculate the second endpoint for passing to np.arange, checking
    to avoid an integer overflow.  Catch OverflowError and re-raise
    as OutOfBoundsDatetime.

    endpoint : int
        nanosecond timestamp of the known endpoint of the desired range
    periods : int
        number of periods in the desired range
    stride : int
        nanoseconds between periods in the desired range
    side : {'start', 'end'}
        which end of the range `endpoint` refers to

    other_end : int

    # GH#14187 raise instead of incorrectly wrapping around
    assert side in ["start", "end"]

    i64max = np.uint64(np.iinfo(np.int64).max)
    msg = f"Cannot generate range with {side}={endpoint} and periods={periods}"

    with np.errstate(over="raise"):
        # if periods * strides cannot be multiplied within the *uint64* bounds,
        #  we cannot salvage the operation by recursing, so raise
            addend = np.uint64(periods) * np.uint64(np.abs(stride))
        except FloatingPointError as err:
            raise OutOfBoundsDatetime(msg) from err

    if np.abs(addend) <= i64max:
        # relatively easy case without casting concerns
        return _generate_range_overflow_safe_signed(endpoint, periods, stride,

    elif (endpoint > 0 and side == "start"
          and stride > 0) or (endpoint < 0 and side == "end" and stride > 0):
        # no chance of not-overflowing
        raise OutOfBoundsDatetime(msg)

    elif side == "end" and endpoint > i64max and endpoint - stride <= i64max:
        # in _generate_regular_range we added `stride` thereby overflowing
        #  the bounds.  Adjust to fix this.
        return _generate_range_overflow_safe(endpoint - stride, periods - 1,
                                             stride, side)

    # split into smaller pieces
    mid_periods = periods // 2
    remaining = periods - mid_periods
    assert 0 < remaining < periods, (remaining, periods, endpoint, stride)

    midpoint = _generate_range_overflow_safe(endpoint, mid_periods, stride,
    return _generate_range_overflow_safe(midpoint, remaining, stride, side)