예제 #1
파일: test_series.py 프로젝트: BRGM/Pic-EAU
    def test_standard_colors(self):
        for c in ['r', 'red', 'green', '#FF0000']:
            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(1, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(1, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(3, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(3, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)
예제 #2
    def test_standard_colors(self):
        for c in ['r', 'red', 'green', '#FF0000']:
            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(1, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(1, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(3, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(3, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)
예제 #3
    def test_standard_colors(self):
        for c in ["r", "red", "green", "#FF0000"]:
            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(1, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(1, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(3, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(3, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)
예제 #4
파일: test_series.py 프로젝트: BRGM/Pic-EAU
    def test_standard_colors_all(self):
        import matplotlib.colors as colors

        # multiple colors like mediumaquamarine
        for c in colors.cnames:
            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

        # single letter colors like k
        for c in colors.ColorConverter.colors:
            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)
예제 #5
    def test_standard_colors_all(self):
        import matplotlib.colors as colors

        # multiple colors like mediumaquamarine
        for c in colors.cnames:
            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

        # single letter colors like k
        for c in colors.ColorConverter.colors:
            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=1, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c])

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=c)
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)

            result = plotting._get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, color=[c])
            self.assertEqual(result, [c] * 3)
예제 #6
 def g_colors(self, count):
     color_values = []
     for rgb in _get_standard_colors(count, None, 'random'):
     return color_values
예제 #7
def g_colors(count, color):
    color_values = _get_standard_colors(count, None, 'random', color)
    return color_values
예제 #8
def g_colors(count, color):
    color_values = _get_standard_colors(count, None, 'random', color)
    return color_values
예제 #9
def andrews_curves(data, class_column, ax=None, samples=200, colormap=None,
    data : DataFrame
        Data to be plotted, preferably normalized to (0.0, 1.0)
    class_column : Name of the column containing class names
    ax : matplotlib axes object, default None
    samples : Number of points to plot in each curve
    colormap : str or matplotlib colormap object, default None
        Colormap to select colors from. If string, load colormap with that name
        from matplotlib.
    kwds : Optional plotting arguments to be passed to matplotlib

    ax: Matplotlib axis object

    from math import sqrt, pi, sin, cos
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    def function(amplitudes):
        def f(x):
            x1 = amplitudes[0]
            result = x1 / sqrt(2.0)
            harmonic = 1.0
            for x_even, x_odd in zip(amplitudes[1::2], amplitudes[2::2]):
                result += (x_even * sin(harmonic * x) +
                           x_odd * cos(harmonic * x))
                harmonic += 1.0
            if len(amplitudes) % 2 != 0:
                result += amplitudes[-1] * sin(harmonic * x)
            return result
        return f

    n = len(data)
    class_col = data[class_column]
    uniq_class = class_col.drop_duplicates()
    columns = [data[col] for col in data.columns if (col != class_column)]
    x = [-pi + 2.0 * pi * (t / float(samples)) for t in range(samples)]
    used_legends = set([])

    colors = _get_standard_colors(num_colors=len(uniq_class), colormap=colormap,
                                  color_type='random', color=kwds.get('color'))
    col_dict = dict([(klass, col) for klass, col in zip(uniq_class, colors)])
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca(xlim=(-pi, pi))
    for i in range(n):
        row = [columns[c].iloc[i] for c in range(len(columns))]
        f = function(row)
        y = [f(t) for t in x]
        label = None
        if com.pprint_thing(class_col.iloc[i]) not in used_legends:
            label = com.pprint_thing(class_col.iloc[i])
            ax.plot(x, y, color=col_dict[class_col.iloc[i]], label=label, **kwds)
            ax.plot(x, y, color=col_dict[class_col.iloc[i]], **kwds)

    ax.legend(loc='upper right')
    return ax
예제 #10
파일: plot.py 프로젝트: vlmorgan93/Rhodium
def parallel_coordinates(model, data, c=None, cols=None, ax=None, colors=None,
                     use_columns=False, xticks=None, colormap=None,
                     target="top", brush=None, zorder=None, **kwds):
    if "axes.facecolor" in mpl.rcParams:
        orig_facecolor = mpl.rcParams["axes.facecolor"]
        mpl.rcParams["axes.facecolor"] = "white"
    df = data.as_dataframe(_combine_keys(model.responses.keys(), cols, c)) #, exclude_dtypes=["object"])
    if brush is not None:
        brush_set = BrushSet(brush)
        assignment = apply_brush(brush_set, data)
        color_map = brush_color_map(brush_set, assignment)
        class_col = pd.DataFrame({"class" : assignment})["class"]
        is_class = True
        if c is None:
            c = df.columns.values[-1]
        class_col = df[c]
        is_class = df.dtypes[c].name == "object"
        color_map = None
        if is_class:
            df = df.drop(c, axis=1)
            if c in cols:
            class_min = class_col.min()
            class_max = class_col.max()
    if cols is not None:
        df = df[cols]
    df_min = df.min()
    df_max = df.max()
    df = (df - df_min) / (df_max - df_min)
    n = len(df)

    used_legends = set([])

    ncols = len(df.columns)
    for i in range(ncols):
        if target == "top":
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE:
                df.ix[:,i] = 1-df.ix[:,i]
        elif target == "bottom":
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MAXIMIZE:
                df.ix[:,i] = 1-df.ix[:,i]

    # determine values to use for xticks
    if use_columns is True:
        if not np.all(np.isreal(list(df.columns))):
            raise ValueError('Columns must be numeric to be used as xticks')
        x = df.columns
    elif xticks is not None:
        if not np.all(np.isreal(xticks)):
            raise ValueError('xticks specified must be numeric')
        elif len(xticks) != ncols:
            raise ValueError('Length of xticks must match number of columns')
        x = xticks
        x = range(ncols)

    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.gca()
        fig = ax.get_figure()

    cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
    if is_class:
        if color_map is None:
            if isinstance(colors, dict):
                cmap = colors
                from pandas.tools.plotting import _get_standard_colors
                classes = class_col.drop_duplicates()
                color_values = _get_standard_colors(num_colors=len(classes),
                                                colormap=colormap, color_type='random',
                cmap = dict(zip(classes, color_values))
            cmap = color_map
    if zorder is None:
        indices = range(n)
        indices = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(df[zorder]), key=lambda x : x[1])]

    for i in indices:
        y = df.iloc[i].values
        kls = class_col.iat[i]
        if is_class:
            label = str(kls)
            if label not in used_legends:
                ax.plot(x, y, label=label, color=cmap[kls], **kwds)
                ax.plot(x, y, color=cmap[kls], **kwds)
            ax.plot(x, y, color=cmap((kls - class_min)/(class_max-class_min)), **kwds)

    for i in x:
        ax.axvline(i, linewidth=2, color='black')
        format = "%.2f"
        if target == "top":
            value = df_min[i] if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE else df_max[i]
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir != Response.INFO:
                format = format + "*"
        elif target == "bottom":
            value = df_max[i] if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE else df_min[i]
            value = df_max[i]
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MAXIMIZE:
                format = format + "*"
        ax.text(i, 1.001, format % value, ha="center", fontsize=10)
        format = "%.2f"
        if target == "top":
            value = df_max[i] if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE else df_min[i]
        elif target == "bottom":
            value = df_min[i] if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE else df_max[i]
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir != Response.INFO:
                format = format + "*"
            value = df_min[i]
            if model.responses[df.columns.values[i]].dir == Response.MINIMIZE:
                format = format + "*"
        ax.text(i, -0.001, format % value, ha="center", va="top", fontsize=10)

    ax.set_xticklabels(df.columns, {"weight" : "bold", "size" : 12})
    ax.set_xlim(x[0]-0.1, x[-1]+0.1)
    ax.tick_params(direction="out", pad=10)
    bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="rarrow,pad=0.3", fc="white", ec="black", lw=2)
    if target == "top":
        ax.text(-0.05, 0.5, "Target", ha="center", va="center", rotation=90, bbox=bbox_props, transform=ax.transAxes)
    elif target == "bottom":
        ax.text(-0.05, 0.5, "Target", ha="center", va="center", rotation=-90, bbox=bbox_props, transform=ax.transAxes)

    if is_class:
        ax.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 0.5))
        cax,_ = mpl.colorbar.make_axes(ax)
        cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cmap, spacing='proportional', norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=class_min, vmax=class_max), format='%.2f')
        cb.set_clim(class_min, class_max)
    mpl.rcParams["axes.facecolor"] = orig_facecolor
    return fig
예제 #11
파일: plot.py 프로젝트: vlmorgan93/Rhodium
def scatter2d(model, data,
           x = None,
           y = None,
           c = None,
           s = None,
           s_range = (10, 50),
           show_colorbar = True,
           show_legend = False,
           interactive = False,
           brush = None,
           is_class = False,
           colors = None,
    df = data.as_dataframe()
    fig = plt.figure(facecolor='white')
    ax = plt.gca()
    if brush is not None:
        brush_set = BrushSet(brush)
        c, color_map = color_brush(brush_set, df)
    if isinstance(x, six.string_types):
        x_label = x
        x = df[x_label]
        x_label = None
    if isinstance(y, six.string_types):
        y_label = y
        y = df[y_label]
        y_label = None
    if isinstance(c, six.string_types):
        c_label = c
        c = df[c_label]
        c_label = None
    if isinstance(s, six.string_types):
        s_label = s
        s = df[s_label]
        s_label = None
    used_keys = set([x_label, y_label, c_label, s_label, None])
    remaining_keys = list(model.responses.keys())

    for key in used_keys:
        if key in remaining_keys:

    for key in remaining_keys:
        if x is None:
            x_label = key
            x = df[x_label]
        elif y is None:
            y_label = key
            y = df[y_label]
        elif c is None:
            c_label = key
            c = df[c_label]
        elif s is None:
            s_label = key
            s = df[s_label]
    if c is None:
        c = 'b'
        show_colorbar = False
    if s is None:
        s = 20
        show_legend = False
        s_min = min(s)
        s_max = max(s)
        s = (s_range[1]-s_range[0]) * ((s-s_min) / (s_max-s_min)) + s_range[0]

    if is_class:
        if isinstance(colors, dict):
            cmap = colors
            from pandas.tools.plotting import _get_standard_colors
            classes = c.drop_duplicates()
            color_values = _get_standard_colors(num_colors=len(classes),
                                                colormap=kwargs["cmap"] if "cmap" in kwargs else None,
            cmap = dict(zip(classes, color_values))
        c = [cmap[c_i] for c_i in c]
        show_colorbar = False
    elif "cmap" not in kwargs:
        kwargs["cmap"] = RhodiumConfig.default_cmap  

    handle = plt.scatter(x = x,
                         y = y,
                         c = c,
                         s = s,
    if show_colorbar:
        if brush is None:
            cb = fig.colorbar(handle, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)
            handle.set_array(np.asarray(color_indices(c, color_map)))
            handle.cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(list(six.itervalues(color_map)))
            off = (len(color_map)-1)/(len(color_map))/2
            height = (len(color_map)-1)-2*off
            ticks = [0] if len(color_map) <= 1 else [(i/(len(color_map)-1) * height + off) for i in range(len(color_map))]
            cb = fig.colorbar(handle, shrink=0.5, aspect=5, ticks=ticks)
    if show_legend:
        proxy = mpatches.Circle((0.5, 0.5), 0.25, fc="b")
                  [s_label + " (" + str(s_min) + " - " + str(s_max) + ")"],
                  handler_map={mpatches.Circle: HandlerSizeLegend()})
    if interactive:  
        def formatter(**kwargs):
            i = kwargs.get("ind")[0]
            point = data[i]
            keys = model.responses.keys()
            label = "Index %d" % i
            for key in keys:
                label += "\n%s: %0.2f" % (key, point[key])
            return label
        mpldatacursor.datacursor(artists=handle, formatter=formatter, hover=True)
    return fig