예제 #1
파일: period.py 프로젝트: afonit/pandas
def _quarter_to_myear(year, quarter, freq):
    if quarter is not None:
        mnum = _month_numbers[_freq_mod._get_rule_month(freq)] + 1
        month = (mnum + (quarter - 1) * 3) % 12 + 1
        if month > mnum:
            year -= 1

    return year, month
예제 #2
파일: period.py 프로젝트: afonit/pandas
def _to_quarterly(year, month, freq='Q-DEC'):
    fmonth = _freq_mod._month_numbers[_freq_mod._get_rule_month(freq)] + 1
    print fmonth
    mdiff = (month - fmonth) % 12
    if month >= fmonth:
        mdiff += 12

    ordin = 1 + (year - 1) * 4 + (mdiff - 1) / 3
    return Period(ordin, freq=freq)
예제 #3
def _quarter_to_myear(year, quarter, freq):
    if quarter is not None:
        if quarter <= 0 or quarter > 4:
            raise ValueError('Quarter must be 1 <= q <= 4')

        mnum = _month_numbers[_freq_mod._get_rule_month(freq)] + 1
        month = (mnum + (quarter - 1) * 3) % 12 + 1
        if month > mnum:
            year -= 1

    return year, month
예제 #4
파일: tools.py 프로젝트: andreas-h/pandas
def parse_time_string(arg, freq=None):
    Try hard to parse datetime string, leveraging dateutil plus some extra
    goodies like quarter recognition.

    arg : basestring
    freq : str or DateOffset, default None
        Helps with interpreting time string if supplied

    datetime, datetime/dateutil.parser._result, str
    from pandas.core.format import print_config
    from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset
    from pandas.tseries.frequencies import (_get_rule_month, _month_numbers,

    if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
        return arg

    arg = arg.upper()
        default = datetime(1,1,1).replace(hour=0, minute=0,
                                          second=0, microsecond=0)

        # special handling for possibilities eg, 2Q2005, 2Q05, 2005Q1, 05Q1
        if len(arg) in [4, 6]:
            add_century = False
            if len(arg) == 4:
                add_century = True
                qpats = [(qpat1, 1), (qpat2, 0)]
                qpats = [(qpat1full, 1), (qpat2full, 0)]

            for pat, yfirst in qpats:
                qparse = pat.match(arg)
                if qparse is not None:
                    if yfirst:
                        yi, qi = 1, 2
                        yi, qi = 2, 1
                    q = int(qparse.group(yi))
                    y_str = qparse.group(qi)
                    y = int(y_str)
                    if add_century:
                        y += 2000

                    if freq is not None:
                        # hack attack, #1228
                        mnum = _month_numbers[_get_rule_month(freq)] + 1
                        month = (mnum + (q - 1) * 3) % 12 + 1
                        if month > mnum:
                            y -= 1
                        month = (q - 1) * 3 + 1

                    ret = default.replace(year=y, month=month)
                    return ret, ret, 'quarter'

            is_mo_str = freq is not None and freq == 'M'
            is_mo_off = getattr(freq, 'rule_code', None) == 'M'
            is_monthly = is_mo_str or is_mo_off
            if len(arg) == 6 and is_monthly:
                    ret = _try_parse_monthly(arg)
                    if ret is not None:
                        return ret, ret, 'month'
                except Exception:

        dayfirst = print_config.date_dayfirst
        yearfirst = print_config.date_yearfirst

        parsed = _dtparser._parse(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst, yearfirst=yearfirst)
        if parsed is None:
            raise DateParseError("Could not parse %s" % arg)

        repl = {}
        reso = 'year'
        stopped = False
        for attr in ["year", "month", "day", "hour",
                     "minute", "second", "microsecond"]:
            can_be_zero = ['hour', 'minute', 'second', 'microsecond']
            value = getattr(parsed, attr)
            if value is not None and (value != 0 or attr in can_be_zero):
                repl[attr] = value
                if not stopped:
                    reso = attr
                    raise DateParseError("Missing attribute before %s" % attr)
                stopped = True
        ret = default.replace(**repl)
        return ret, parsed, reso  # datetime, resolution
    except Exception, e:
        raise DateParseError(e)
예제 #5
파일: tools.py 프로젝트: B-Rich/pandas
def parse_time_string(arg, freq=None, dayfirst=None, yearfirst=None):
    Try hard to parse datetime string, leveraging dateutil plus some extra
    goodies like quarter recognition.

    arg : compat.string_types
    freq : str or DateOffset, default None
        Helps with interpreting time string if supplied
    dayfirst : bool, default None
        If None uses default from print_config
    yearfirst : bool, default None
        If None uses default from print_config

    datetime, datetime/dateutil.parser._result, str
    from pandas.core.config import get_option
    from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset
    from pandas.tseries.frequencies import _get_rule_month, _month_numbers, _get_freq_str

    if not isinstance(arg, compat.string_types):
        return arg

    arg = arg.upper()

    default = datetime(1, 1, 1).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)

    # special handling for possibilities eg, 2Q2005, 2Q05, 2005Q1, 05Q1
    if len(arg) in [4, 6]:
        m = ypat.match(arg)
        if m:
            ret = default.replace(year=int(m.group(1)))
            return ret, ret, "year"

        add_century = False
        if len(arg) == 4:
            add_century = True
            qpats = [(qpat1, 1), (qpat2, 0)]
            qpats = [(qpat1full, 1), (qpat2full, 0)]

        for pat, yfirst in qpats:
            qparse = pat.match(arg)
            if qparse is not None:
                if yfirst:
                    yi, qi = 1, 2
                    yi, qi = 2, 1
                q = int(qparse.group(yi))
                y_str = qparse.group(qi)
                y = int(y_str)
                if add_century:
                    y += 2000

                if freq is not None:
                    # hack attack, #1228
                    mnum = _month_numbers[_get_rule_month(freq)] + 1
                    month = (mnum + (q - 1) * 3) % 12 + 1
                    if month > mnum:
                        y -= 1
                    month = (q - 1) * 3 + 1

                ret = default.replace(year=y, month=month)
                return ret, ret, "quarter"

        is_mo_str = freq is not None and freq == "M"
        is_mo_off = getattr(freq, "rule_code", None) == "M"
        is_monthly = is_mo_str or is_mo_off
        if len(arg) == 6 and is_monthly:
                ret = _try_parse_monthly(arg)
                if ret is not None:
                    return ret, ret, "month"
            except Exception:

    # montly f7u12
    mresult = _attempt_monthly(arg)
    if mresult:
        return mresult

    if dayfirst is None:
        dayfirst = get_option("display.date_dayfirst")
    if yearfirst is None:
        yearfirst = get_option("display.date_yearfirst")

        parsed, reso = dateutil_parse(arg, default, dayfirst=dayfirst, yearfirst=yearfirst)
    except Exception as e:
        # TODO: allow raise of errors within instead
        raise DateParseError(e)

    if parsed is None:
        raise DateParseError("Could not parse %s" % arg)

    return parsed, parsed, reso  # datetime, resolution
예제 #6
def parse_time_string(arg, freq=None):
    Try hard to parse datetime string, leveraging dateutil plus some extra
    goodies like quarter recognition.

    arg : basestring
    freq : str or DateOffset, default None
        Helps with interpreting time string if supplied

    datetime, datetime/dateutil.parser._result, str
    from pandas.core.format import print_config
    from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset
    from pandas.tseries.frequencies import _get_rule_month, _month_numbers, _get_freq_str

    if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
        return arg

    arg = arg.upper()

    default = datetime(1, 1, 1).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)

    # special handling for possibilities eg, 2Q2005, 2Q05, 2005Q1, 05Q1
    if len(arg) in [4, 6]:
        add_century = False
        if len(arg) == 4:
            add_century = True
            qpats = [(qpat1, 1), (qpat2, 0)]
            qpats = [(qpat1full, 1), (qpat2full, 0)]

        for pat, yfirst in qpats:
            qparse = pat.match(arg)
            if qparse is not None:
                if yfirst:
                    yi, qi = 1, 2
                    yi, qi = 2, 1
                q = int(qparse.group(yi))
                y_str = qparse.group(qi)
                y = int(y_str)
                if add_century:
                    y += 2000

                if freq is not None:
                    # hack attack, #1228
                    mnum = _month_numbers[_get_rule_month(freq)] + 1
                    month = (mnum + (q - 1) * 3) % 12 + 1
                    if month > mnum:
                        y -= 1
                    month = (q - 1) * 3 + 1

                ret = default.replace(year=y, month=month)
                return ret, ret, "quarter"

        is_mo_str = freq is not None and freq == "M"
        is_mo_off = getattr(freq, "rule_code", None) == "M"
        is_monthly = is_mo_str or is_mo_off
        if len(arg) == 6 and is_monthly:
                ret = _try_parse_monthly(arg)
                if ret is not None:
                    return ret, ret, "month"
            except Exception:

    dayfirst = print_config.date_dayfirst
    yearfirst = print_config.date_yearfirst

        parsed = _dtparser._parse(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst, yearfirst=yearfirst)
    except Exception, e:
        raise DateParseError(e)
예제 #7
def test_get_rule_month():
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('W')
    assert(result == 'DEC')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.Week())
    assert(result == 'DEC')

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('D')
    assert(result == 'DEC')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.Day())
    assert(result == 'DEC')

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('Q')
    assert(result == 'DEC')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.QuarterEnd(startingMonth=12))
    print(result == 'DEC')

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('Q-JAN')
    assert(result == 'JAN')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.QuarterEnd(startingMonth=1))
    assert(result == 'JAN')

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('A-DEC')
    assert(result == 'DEC')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.YearEnd())
    assert(result == 'DEC')

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('A-MAY')
    assert(result == 'MAY')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.YearEnd(month=5))
    assert(result == 'MAY')
예제 #8
def test_get_rule_month():
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month("W")
    assert result == "DEC"
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.Week())
    assert result == "DEC"

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month("D")
    assert result == "DEC"
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.Day())
    assert result == "DEC"

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month("Q")
    assert result == "DEC"
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.QuarterEnd(startingMonth=12))
    print(result == "DEC")

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month("Q-JAN")
    assert result == "JAN"
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.QuarterEnd(startingMonth=1))
    assert result == "JAN"

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month("A-DEC")
    assert result == "DEC"
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.YearEnd())
    assert result == "DEC"

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month("A-MAY")
    assert result == "MAY"
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.YearEnd(month=5))
    assert result == "MAY"
예제 #9
파일: tools.py 프로젝트: nhanitvn/pandas
def parse_time_string(arg, freq=None, dayfirst=None, yearfirst=None):
    Try hard to parse datetime string, leveraging dateutil plus some extra
    goodies like quarter recognition.

    arg : compat.string_types
    freq : str or DateOffset, default None
        Helps with interpreting time string if supplied
    dayfirst : bool, default None
        If None uses default from print_config
    yearfirst : bool, default None
        If None uses default from print_config

    datetime, datetime/dateutil.parser._result, str
    from pandas.core.config import get_option
    from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset
    from pandas.tseries.frequencies import (_get_rule_month, _month_numbers,

    if not isinstance(arg, compat.string_types):
        return arg

    arg = arg.upper()

    default = datetime(1, 1, 1).replace(hour=0,

    # special handling for possibilities eg, 2Q2005, 2Q05, 2005Q1, 05Q1
    if len(arg) in [4, 6]:
        m = ypat.match(arg)
        if m:
            ret = default.replace(year=int(m.group(1)))
            return ret, ret, 'year'

        add_century = False
        if len(arg) == 4:
            add_century = True
            qpats = [(qpat1, 1), (qpat2, 0)]
            qpats = [(qpat1full, 1), (qpat2full, 0)]

        for pat, yfirst in qpats:
            qparse = pat.match(arg)
            if qparse is not None:
                if yfirst:
                    yi, qi = 1, 2
                    yi, qi = 2, 1
                q = int(qparse.group(yi))
                y_str = qparse.group(qi)
                y = int(y_str)
                if add_century:
                    y += 2000

                if freq is not None:
                    # hack attack, #1228
                    mnum = _month_numbers[_get_rule_month(freq)] + 1
                    month = (mnum + (q - 1) * 3) % 12 + 1
                    if month > mnum:
                        y -= 1
                    month = (q - 1) * 3 + 1

                ret = default.replace(year=y, month=month)
                return ret, ret, 'quarter'

        is_mo_str = freq is not None and freq == 'M'
        is_mo_off = getattr(freq, 'rule_code', None) == 'M'
        is_monthly = is_mo_str or is_mo_off
        if len(arg) == 6 and is_monthly:
                ret = _try_parse_monthly(arg)
                if ret is not None:
                    return ret, ret, 'month'
            except Exception:

    # montly f7u12
    mresult = _attempt_monthly(arg)
    if mresult:
        return mresult

    if dayfirst is None:
        dayfirst = get_option("display.date_dayfirst")
    if yearfirst is None:
        yearfirst = get_option("display.date_yearfirst")

        parsed, reso = dateutil_parse(arg,
    except Exception as e:
        # TODO: allow raise of errors within instead
        raise DateParseError(e)

    if parsed is None:
        raise DateParseError("Could not parse %s" % arg)

    return parsed, parsed, reso  # datetime, resolution
def test_get_rule_month():
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('W')
    assert (result == 'DEC')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.Week())
    assert (result == 'DEC')

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('D')
    assert (result == 'DEC')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.Day())
    assert (result == 'DEC')

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('Q')
    assert (result == 'DEC')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.QuarterEnd(startingMonth=12))
    print(result == 'DEC')

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('Q-JAN')
    assert (result == 'JAN')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.QuarterEnd(startingMonth=1))
    assert (result == 'JAN')

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('A-DEC')
    assert (result == 'DEC')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.YearEnd())
    assert (result == 'DEC')

    result = frequencies._get_rule_month('A-MAY')
    assert (result == 'MAY')
    result = frequencies._get_rule_month(offsets.YearEnd(month=5))
    assert (result == 'MAY')
예제 #11
파일: period.py 프로젝트: edmoody/pandas
    def __init__(self, value=None, freq=None, ordinal=None,
                 year=None, month=1, quarter=None, day=1,
                 hour=0, minute=0, second=0):
        Represents an period of time

        value : Period or basestring, default None
            The time period represented (e.g., '4Q2005')
        freq : str, default None
            e.g., 'B' for businessday, ('T', 5) or '5T' for 5 minutes
        year : int, default None
        month : int, default 1
        quarter : int, default None
        day : int, default 1
        hour : int, default 0
        minute : int, default 0
        second : int, default 0
        # freq points to a tuple (base, mult);  base is one of the defined
        # periods such as A, Q, etc. Every five minutes would be, e.g.,
        # ('T', 5) but may be passed in as a string like '5T'

        self.freq = None

        # ordinal is the period offset from the gregorian proleptic epoch
        self.ordinal = None

        if ordinal is not None and value is not None:
            raise ValueError(("Only value or ordinal but not both should be "
                              "given but not both"))
        elif ordinal is not None:
            if not com.is_integer(ordinal):
                raise ValueError("Ordinal must be an integer")
            if freq is None:
                raise ValueError('Must supply freq for ordinal value')
            self.ordinal = ordinal

        elif value is None:
            if freq is None:
                raise ValueError("If value is None, freq cannot be None")

            if year is None:
                raise ValueError("If value is None, year cannot be None")

            base, mult = _gfc(freq)
            if mult != 1:
                raise ValueError('Only mult == 1 supported')

            if quarter is not None:
                mnum = _month_numbers[_freq_mod._get_rule_month(freq)] + 1
                month = (mnum + (quarter - 1) * 3) % 12 + 1
                if month > mnum:
                    year -= 1

            self.ordinal = lib.period_ordinal(year, month, day, hour, minute,
                                              second, base)

        elif isinstance(value, Period):
            other = value
            if freq is None or _gfc(freq) == _gfc(other.freq):
                self.ordinal = other.ordinal
                freq = other.freq
                converted = other.asfreq(freq)
                self.ordinal = converted.ordinal

        elif isinstance(value, basestring) or com.is_integer(value):
            if com.is_integer(value):
                if value <= 0:
                    raise ValueError('Value must be greater than 0')
                value = str(value)

            value = value.upper()
            dt, parsed, reso = parse_time_string(value, freq)

            if freq is None:
                if reso == 'year':
                    freq = 'A'
                elif reso == 'quarter':
                    freq = 'Q'
                elif reso == 'month':
                    freq = 'M'
                elif reso == 'day':
                    freq = 'D'
                elif reso == 'hour':
                    freq = 'H'
                elif reso == 'minute':
                    freq = 'T'
                elif reso == 'second':
                    freq = 'S'
                    raise ValueError("Could not infer frequency for period")

        elif isinstance(value, datetime):
            dt = value
            if freq is None:
                raise ValueError('Must supply freq for datetime value')
            msg = "Value must be Period, string, integer, or datetime"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        base, mult = _gfc(freq)
        if mult != 1:
            raise ValueError('Only mult == 1 supported')

        if self.ordinal is None:
            self.ordinal = lib.period_ordinal(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
                                              dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,

        self.freq = _freq_mod._get_freq_str(base)
예제 #12
def parse_time_string(arg, freq=None):
    Try hard to parse datetime string, leveraging dateutil plus some extra
    goodies like quarter recognition.

    arg : basestring
    freq : str or DateOffset, default None
        Helps with interpreting time string if supplied

    datetime, datetime/dateutil.parser._result, str
    from pandas.core.format import print_config
    from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset
    from pandas.tseries.frequencies import (_get_rule_month, _month_numbers,

    if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
        return arg

    arg = arg.upper()
        default = datetime(1,1,1).replace(hour=0, minute=0,
                                          second=0, microsecond=0)

        # special handling for possibilities eg, 2Q2005, 2Q05, 2005Q1, 05Q1
        if len(arg) in [4, 6]:
            add_century = False
            if len(arg) == 4:
                add_century = True
                qpats = [(qpat1, 1), (qpat2, 0)]
                qpats = [(qpat1full, 1), (qpat2full, 0)]

            for pat, yfirst in qpats:
                qparse = pat.match(arg)
                if qparse is not None:
                    if yfirst:
                        yi, qi = 1, 2
                        yi, qi = 2, 1
                    q = int(qparse.group(yi))
                    y_str = qparse.group(qi)
                    y = int(y_str)
                    if add_century:
                        y += 2000

                    if freq is not None:
                        # hack attack, #1228
                        mnum = _month_numbers[_get_rule_month(freq)] + 1
                        month = (mnum + (q - 1) * 3) % 12 + 1
                        if month > mnum:
                            y -= 1
                        month = (q - 1) * 3 + 1

                    ret = default.replace(year=y, month=month)
                    return ret, ret, 'quarter'

            is_mo_str = freq is not None and freq == 'M'
            is_mo_off = getattr(freq, 'rule_code', None) == 'M'
            is_monthly = is_mo_str or is_mo_off
            if len(arg) == 6 and is_monthly:
                    ret = _try_parse_monthly(arg)
                    if ret is not None:
                        return ret, ret, 'month'
                except Exception:

        dayfirst = print_config.date_dayfirst
        yearfirst = print_config.date_yearfirst

        parsed = _dtparser._parse(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst, yearfirst=yearfirst)
        if parsed is None:
            raise DateParseError("Could not parse %s" % arg)

        repl = {}
        reso = 'year'
        stopped = False
        for attr in ["year", "month", "day", "hour",
                     "minute", "second", "microsecond"]:
            can_be_zero = ['hour', 'minute', 'second', 'microsecond']
            value = getattr(parsed, attr)
            if value is not None and value != 0: # or attr in can_be_zero):
                repl[attr] = value
                if not stopped:
                    reso = attr
                stopped = True
        ret = default.replace(**repl)
        return ret, parsed, reso  # datetime, resolution
    except Exception, e:
        raise DateParseError(e)