def run_once(self): wallets = get_wallets() my_usd = int(wallets['USD']['Balance']['value_int']) my_btc = int(wallets['BTC']['Balance']['value_int']) curr_ask = current_ask_price() curr_bid = current_bid_price() self.prices.append(pd.DataFrame([curr_ask, curr_bid], columns=['ask', 'bid'])) if pd.rolling_count(self.prices['ask']) < self.lookback: print 'only ', pd.rolling_count(self.prices['ask']), ' observations so far' return means = pd.rolling_mean(self.prices, self.lookback, min_periods = self.lookback) stddev = pd.rolling_std(self.prices, self.lookback, min_periods = self.lookback) lower = means - stddev upper = means + stddev normalized = (close - means) / stddev timestamps = self.prices.index # should we sell? bollinger_ask_now = normalized['ask'].ix[ldt_timestamps[len(timestamps) - 1]] bollinger_ask_last = normalized['ask'].ix[ldt_timestamps[len(timestamps) - 2]] if bollinger_ask_now <= -2.0 and bollinger_ask_last >= -2.0: print now(), 'begin sell ', my_btc print 'sell result', sell(my_btc) # should we buy? bollinger_bid_now = normalized['bid'].ix[ldt_timestamps[len(timestamps) - 1]] bollinger_bid_last = normalized['bid'].ix[ldt_timestamps[len(timestamps) - 2]] if bollinger_bid_now >= 2.0 and bollinger_bid_last <= 2.0: amount = int(my_usd / curr_bid) print now(), 'begin buy ', amount print 'sell result', buy(amount)
def a_counter(grouped): se = grouped.set_index('ACCIDENT_DT')['DEGREE_INJURY_CD'] # se is the time series of accident dates restricted to a single MINE_ID se = se.resample("D") df = pd.DataFrame({'degree_injury_cd':se, 'a90':pd.rolling_count(se, 90), 'a30':pd.rolling_count(se, 30)}) # TODO: include a sum of injury counts by day return df
def test_filter_1(self): df = self.fetcher.fetch_window('close', DATES[ self.ei+1]) df = pd.rolling_sum(df.fillna(0), window) > 2 * pd.rolling_count(df, window) df1 = df.shift(1).iloc[window:].astype(bool) df2 = self.filter.filter(self.startdate, self.enddate) print 'bm', df1.sum(axis=1) self.assertTrue(frames_equal(df1, df2))
def rolling_functions_tests(p, d): # Old-fashioned rolling API assert_eq(pd.rolling_count(p, 3), dd.rolling_count(d, 3)) assert_eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3)) assert_eq(pd.rolling_mean(p, 3), dd.rolling_mean(d, 3)) assert_eq(pd.rolling_median(p, 3), dd.rolling_median(d, 3)) assert_eq(pd.rolling_min(p, 3), dd.rolling_min(d, 3)) assert_eq(pd.rolling_max(p, 3), dd.rolling_max(d, 3)) assert_eq(pd.rolling_std(p, 3), dd.rolling_std(d, 3)) assert_eq(pd.rolling_var(p, 3), dd.rolling_var(d, 3)) # see note around test_rolling_dataframe for logic concerning precision assert_eq(pd.rolling_skew(p, 3), dd.rolling_skew(d, 3), check_less_precise=True) assert_eq(pd.rolling_kurt(p, 3), dd.rolling_kurt(d, 3), check_less_precise=True) assert_eq(pd.rolling_quantile(p, 3, 0.5), dd.rolling_quantile(d, 3, 0.5)) assert_eq(pd.rolling_apply(p, 3, mad), dd.rolling_apply(d, 3, mad)) with ignoring(ImportError): assert_eq(pd.rolling_window(p, 3, 'boxcar'), dd.rolling_window(d, 3, 'boxcar')) # Test with edge-case window sizes assert_eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 0), dd.rolling_sum(d, 0)) assert_eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 1), dd.rolling_sum(d, 1)) # Test with kwargs assert_eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3, min_periods=3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3, min_periods=3))
def collection_freq(breath_df, win): print(breath_df.columns) for ds_type in ['ds', 'pl', 'pvt', 'ie']: breath_df['{0}_rolling'.format(ds_type)] = pd.rolling_sum(breath_df['analysis.' + ds_type], window = 60 * win, center = True, min_periods = 1) breath_df[ds_type + '_tot_rolling'] = pd.rolling_count(breath_df['analysis.' + ds_type], window = 60 * win, center = True) breath_df[ds_type + '_freq'] = breath_df[ds_type + '_rolling'] / breath_df[ds_type + '_tot_rolling'] # add rolling average for Fio2, PEEP, p_mean try: breath_df['peep_rolling'] = pd.rolling_mean(breath_df['vent_settings.PEEP'], window = 60 * win, center = True, min_periods = 1) except KeyError: pass try: breath_df['p_mean_rolling'] = pd.rolling_mean(breath_df['vent_settings.p_mean'], window = 60 * win, center = True, min_periods = 1) except KeyError: pass try: breath_df['fio2_rolling'] = pd.rolling_mean(breath_df['vent_settings.FiO2'], window = 60 * win, center = True, min_periods = 1) except KeyError: pass return breath_df
def rollingStats(self, selectCol = [], splitCol=None, sepCol=None, startTime=None, endTime=None, window=60, quantile=0.1, freq='10s', min_periods=5 ): df = self.dfSetup() ## Selects a list of columns to use and splits a column into single type if it contains more than one # eg. if a file contains multiple sensor readings if (len(selectCol) > 0): dfSub = df[selectCol] else: dfSub = df if (splitCol and sepCol): dfSub = dfSub[dfSub[splitCol] == sepCol] ## Converts datetime column to datatime object index, then use it to create time slices # Time format '2015-10-17 09:00:00' May use the dfOther to use other data frames if (startTime and endTime): dfSub = dfSub[ startTime : endTime ] else: dfSub = dfSub if (splitCol): dfSub = dfSub.drop(splitCol, axis=1) # Remove columns used to split entries valueName = dfSub.columns.values[0] outList = [] counts = pd.rolling_count(dfSub,window,freq=freq).rename(columns = {valueName:'rolling_counts'}) outList.append(counts) means = pd.rolling_mean(dfSub, window, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq).rename(columns = {valueName:'rolling_mean'}) outList.append(means) rms = np.sqrt(pd.rolling_mean(dfSub**2, window, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq).rename(columns = {valueName:'rolling_rms'}) ) outList.append(rms) medians = pd.rolling_median(dfSub, window, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq).rename(columns = {valueName:'rolling_median'}) outList.append(medians) stds = pd.rolling_std(dfSub, window, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq).rename(columns = {valueName:'rolling_std'}) outList.append(stds) mins = pd.rolling_min(dfSub, window, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq).rename(columns = {valueName:'rolling_min'}) outList.append(mins) maxs = pd.rolling_max(dfSub, window, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq).rename(columns = {valueName:'rolling_max'}) outList.append(maxs) quants = pd.rolling_quantile(dfSub, window, quantile, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq).rename(columns = {valueName:'rolling_quantile'}) outList.append(quants) dfOut = pd.concat(outList, axis=1) return dfOut
def test_filter_2(self): df = self.fetcher.fetch_window('close', DATES[ self.ei+1]) parent = df.notnull() df = df.shift(1) df[~parent] = None df = pd.rolling_sum(df.fillna(0), window) > 2 * pd.rolling_count(df, window) df[~parent] = False df = df.iloc[window:] self.assertTrue(frames_equal(df, self.filter.filter(self.startdate, self.enddate, parent)))
def calc_stats(timestamps, gain, pol='no polarizarion', windowtime=1200, minsamples=1): """ calculate the Stats needed to evaluate the obsevation""" returntext = [] gain_ts = pandas.Series(gain, pandas.to_datetime(np.round(timestamps), unit='s')).asfreq(freq='1s') mean = pandas.rolling_mean(gain_ts, windowtime, minsamples) std = pandas.rolling_std(gain_ts, windowtime, minsamples) windowgainchange = std / mean * 100 dtrend_std = pandas.rolling_apply(gain_ts, windowtime, detrend, minsamples) #trend_std = pandas.rolling_apply(ts,5,lambda x :[0])*[0]),x,1)[0])),1) detrended_windowgainchange = dtrend_std / mean * 100 timeval = timestamps.max() - timestamps.min() window_occ = pandas.rolling_count(gain_ts, windowtime) / float(windowtime) #rms = np.sqrt((gain**2).mean()) returntext.append( "Total time of obsevation : %f (seconds) with %i accumulations." % (timeval, timestamps.shape[0])) #returntext.append("The mean gain of %s is: %.5f"%(pol,gain.mean())) #returntext.append("The Std. dev of the gain of %s is: %.5f"%(pol,gain.std())) #returntext.append("The RMS of the gain of %s is : %.5f"%(pol,rms)) #returntext.append("The Percentage variation of %s is: %.5f"%(pol,gain.std()/gain.mean()*100)) returntext.append( "The mean Percentage variation over %i seconds of %s is: %.5f (req < 2 )" % (windowtime, pol, windowgainchange.mean())) returntext.append( "The Max Percentage variation over %i seconds of %s is: %.5f (req < 2 )" % (windowtime, pol, windowgainchange.max())) returntext.append( "The mean detrended Percentage variation over %i seconds of %s is: %.5f (req < 2 )" % (windowtime, pol, detrended_windowgainchange.mean())) returntext.append( "The Max detrended Percentage variation over %i seconds of %s is: %.5f (req < 2 )" % (windowtime, pol, detrended_windowgainchange.max())) #a - np.round(np.polyfit(b,a.T,1)[0,:,np.newaxis]*b + np.polyfit(b,a.T,1)[1,:,np.newaxis]) pltobj = plt.figure() plt.title('Percentage Variation of %s pol, %i Second sliding Window' % ( pol, windowtime, )) windowgainchange.plot(label='Orignal') detrended_windowgainchange.plot(label='Detrended') window_occ.plot(label='Window Occupancy') plt.hlines(2, timestamps.min(), timestamps.max(), colors='k') plt.ylabel('Percentage Variation') plt.xlabel('Date/Time') plt.legend(loc='best') #plt.title(" %s pol Gain"%(pol)) #plt.plot(windowgainchange.mean(),'b',label='20 Min (std/mean)') #plt.plot(np.ones_like(windowgainchange.mean())*2.0,'r',label=' 2 level') return returntext, pltobj # a plot would be cool
def test_filter_1(self): df = self.fetcher.fetch_window('close', DATES[ - window:self.ei + 1]) df = pd.rolling_sum(df.fillna(0), window) > 2 * pd.rolling_count(df, window) df1 = df.shift(1).iloc[window:].astype(bool) df2 = self.filter.filter(self.startdate, self.enddate) print 'bm', df1.sum(axis=1) self.assertTrue(frames_equal(df1, df2))
def test_filter_2(self): df = self.fetcher.fetch_window('close', DATES[ - window:self.ei + 1]) parent = df.notnull() df = df.shift(1) df[~parent] = None df = pd.rolling_sum(df.fillna(0), window) > 2 * pd.rolling_count(df, window) df[~parent] = False df = df.iloc[window:] self.assertTrue( frames_equal( df, self.filter.filter(self.startdate, self.enddate, parent)))
def rolling_tests(p, d): eq(pd.rolling_count(p, 3), dd.rolling_count(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_mean(p, 3), dd.rolling_mean(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_median(p, 3), dd.rolling_median(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_min(p, 3), dd.rolling_min(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_max(p, 3), dd.rolling_max(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_std(p, 3), dd.rolling_std(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_var(p, 3), dd.rolling_var(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_skew(p, 3), dd.rolling_skew(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_kurt(p, 3), dd.rolling_kurt(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_quantile(p, 3, 0.5), dd.rolling_quantile(d, 3, 0.5)) mad = lambda x: np.fabs(x - x.mean()).mean() eq(pd.rolling_apply(p, 3, mad), dd.rolling_apply(d, 3, mad)) eq(pd.rolling_window(p, 3, 'boxcar'), dd.rolling_window(d, 3, 'boxcar')) # Test with edge-case window sizes eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 0), dd.rolling_sum(d, 0)) eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 1), dd.rolling_sum(d, 1)) # Test with kwargs eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3, min_periods=3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3, min_periods=3))
def rolling_functions_tests(p, d): # Old-fashioned rolling API eq(pd.rolling_count(p, 3), dd.rolling_count(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_mean(p, 3), dd.rolling_mean(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_median(p, 3), dd.rolling_median(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_min(p, 3), dd.rolling_min(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_max(p, 3), dd.rolling_max(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_std(p, 3), dd.rolling_std(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_var(p, 3), dd.rolling_var(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_skew(p, 3), dd.rolling_skew(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_kurt(p, 3), dd.rolling_kurt(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_quantile(p, 3, 0.5), dd.rolling_quantile(d, 3, 0.5)) eq(pd.rolling_apply(p, 3, mad), dd.rolling_apply(d, 3, mad)) with ignoring(ImportError): eq(pd.rolling_window(p, 3, 'boxcar'), dd.rolling_window(d, 3, 'boxcar')) # Test with edge-case window sizes eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 0), dd.rolling_sum(d, 0)) eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 1), dd.rolling_sum(d, 1)) # Test with kwargs eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3, min_periods=3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3, min_periods=3))
def rolling_functions_tests(p, d): # Old-fashioned rolling API eq(pd.rolling_count(p, 3), dd.rolling_count(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_mean(p, 3), dd.rolling_mean(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_median(p, 3), dd.rolling_median(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_min(p, 3), dd.rolling_min(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_max(p, 3), dd.rolling_max(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_std(p, 3), dd.rolling_std(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_var(p, 3), dd.rolling_var(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_skew(p, 3), dd.rolling_skew(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_kurt(p, 3), dd.rolling_kurt(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_quantile(p, 3, 0.5), dd.rolling_quantile(d, 3, 0.5)) eq(pd.rolling_apply(p, 3, mad), dd.rolling_apply(d, 3, mad)) with ignoring(ImportError): eq(pd.rolling_window(p, 3, "boxcar"), dd.rolling_window(d, 3, "boxcar")) # Test with edge-case window sizes eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 0), dd.rolling_sum(d, 0)) eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 1), dd.rolling_sum(d, 1)) # Test with kwargs eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3, min_periods=3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3, min_periods=3))
def rolling_tests(p, d): eq(pd.rolling_count(p, 3), dd.rolling_count(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_mean(p, 3), dd.rolling_mean(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_median(p, 3), dd.rolling_median(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_min(p, 3), dd.rolling_min(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_max(p, 3), dd.rolling_max(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_std(p, 3), dd.rolling_std(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_var(p, 3), dd.rolling_var(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_skew(p, 3), dd.rolling_skew(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_kurt(p, 3), dd.rolling_kurt(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_quantile(p, 3, 0.5), dd.rolling_quantile(d, 3, 0.5)) mad = lambda x: np.fabs(x - x.mean()).mean() eq(pd.rolling_apply(p, 3, mad), dd.rolling_apply(d, 3, mad)) with ignoring(ImportError): eq(pd.rolling_window(p, 3, 'boxcar'), dd.rolling_window(d, 3, 'boxcar')) # Test with edge-case window sizes eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 0), dd.rolling_sum(d, 0)) eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 1), dd.rolling_sum(d, 1)) # Test with kwargs eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3, min_periods=3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3, min_periods=3))
def rolling_functions_tests(p, d): # Old-fashioned rolling API eq(pd.rolling_count(p, 3), dd.rolling_count(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_mean(p, 3), dd.rolling_mean(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_median(p, 3), dd.rolling_median(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_min(p, 3), dd.rolling_min(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_max(p, 3), dd.rolling_max(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_std(p, 3), dd.rolling_std(d, 3)) eq(pd.rolling_var(p, 3), dd.rolling_var(d, 3)) # see note around test_rolling_dataframe for logic concerning precision eq(pd.rolling_skew(p, 3), dd.rolling_skew(d, 3), check_less_precise=True) eq(pd.rolling_kurt(p, 3), dd.rolling_kurt(d, 3), check_less_precise=True) eq(pd.rolling_quantile(p, 3, 0.5), dd.rolling_quantile(d, 3, 0.5)) eq(pd.rolling_apply(p, 3, mad), dd.rolling_apply(d, 3, mad)) with ignoring(ImportError): eq(pd.rolling_window(p, 3, 'boxcar'), dd.rolling_window(d, 3, 'boxcar')) # Test with edge-case window sizes eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 0), dd.rolling_sum(d, 0)) eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 1), dd.rolling_sum(d, 1)) # Test with kwargs eq(pd.rolling_sum(p, 3, min_periods=3), dd.rolling_sum(d, 3, min_periods=3))
def r_count_window(df, windows_size): return rolling_count(df, windows_size)
def count_nans(self, x, n): return n - pd.rolling_count(x, n)
def func(window): return lambda df: pd.rolling_sum(df.fillna(0), window) >= x * pd.rolling_count(df, window)
def func(window): return lambda df: \ (pd.rolling_sum(df.fillna(0), window)/pd.rolling_count(df, window)).\ rank(axis=1, ascending=ascending) <= x
def rolling_smoother(self, data, stype='rolling_mean', win_size=10, win_type='boxcar', center=False, std=0.1, beta=0.1, power=1, width=1): """ Perform a espanding smooting on the data for a complete help refer to :param data: :param stype: :param win_size: :param win_type: :param center: :param std: :param beta: :param power: :param width: :moothing types: ROLLING : rolling_count Number of non-null observations rolling_sum Sum of values rolling_mean Mean of values rolling_median Arithmetic median of values rolling_min Minimum rolling_max Maximum rolling_std Unbiased standard deviation rolling_var Unbiased variance rolling_skew Unbiased skewness (3rd moment) rolling_kurt Unbiased kurtosis (4th moment) rolling_window Moving window function window types: boxcar triang blackman hamming bartlett parzen bohman blackmanharris nuttall barthann kaiser (needs beta) gaussian (needs std) general_gaussian (needs power, width) slepian (needs width) """ if stype == 'count': newy = pd.rolling_count(data, win_size) if stype == 'sum': newy = pd.rolling_sum(data, win_size) if stype == 'mean': newy = pd.rolling_mean(data, win_size) if stype == 'median': newy = pd.rolling_median(data, win_size) if stype == 'min': newy = pd.rolling_min(data, win_size) if stype == 'max': newy = pd.rolling_max(data, win_size) if stype == 'std': newy = pd.rolling_std(data, win_size) if stype == 'var': newy = pd.rolling_var(data, win_size) if stype == 'skew': newy = pd.rolling_skew(data, win_size) if stype == 'kurt': newy = pd.rolling_kurt(data, win_size) if stype == 'window': if win_type == 'kaiser': newy = pd.rolling_window(data, win_size, win_type, center=center, beta=beta) if win_type == 'gaussian': newy = pd.rolling_window(data, win_size, win_type, center=center, std=std) if win_type == 'general_gaussian': newy = pd.rolling_window(data, win_size, win_type, center=center, power=power, width=width) else: newy = pd.rolling_window(data, win_size, win_type, center=center) return newy
def func(window): return lambda df: pd.rolling_count(df, window) >= x * window * 0.01
def ts_countFn(arr, max_periods): if not (max_periods): max_periods = len(arr) return pd.rolling_count(arr, max_periods)
def evaluate(self, table): expr = self.expr val = None if expr is not None: val = expr.evaluate(table) return pd.rolling_count(val, self.window)
def func(window): return lambda df: \ (pd.rolling_sum(df.fillna(0), window)/pd.rolling_count(df, window)).\ rank(axis=1, ascending=ascending).\ div(df.fillna(method='ffill', limit=window).count(axis=1), axis=0) <= x * 0.01
def rolling_count(self, *args, **kwargs): return MySeries(pd.rolling_count(self.x, *args, **kwargs))
def make_busd_column(dataframe,mins_prior): column_name = '%s_min_busd' % mins_prior successfully_made_column = False while not successfully_made_column: dataframe[column_name] = pd.rolling_sum(dataframe.busd,mins_prior, freq='T', min_periods = 1) / pd.rolling_count(dataframe.busd,mins_prior, freq='T') successfully_made_column = assess_column(dataframe, column_name)
def func(window): return lambda df: pd.rolling_sum(df.fillna(0), window ) <= x * pd.rolling_count(df, window)
def i_counter(grouped): se = grouped.set_index('INSPECTION_BEGIN_DT')['EVENT_NO'] # se is the time series of inspection dates restricted to a single MINE_ID se = se.resample("D") df = pd.DataFrame({'event_no':se, 'i90':pd.rolling_count(se, 90), 'i30':pd.rolling_count(se, 30)}) return df