print df1.P0010001.sum()
print df1.P0010001.astype(int).sum()

# <markdowncell>

# **Q22**: Why is `df1.P0010001.sum()` different from `df1.P0010001.astype(int).sum()`? 

# <markdowncell>

# **A22**:
# The data type of `df1.P0010001` is a string.  Hence, performing `sum` on it concatenates the string representation of populations into a longer string.  In contrast, once `df1.P0010001` is converted into integers via `df1.P0010001.astype(int)`, a `sum` operation adds up all the populations into a single integer.

# <codecell>

df1.P0010001 = df1.P0010001.astype(int)
df1[['NAME','P0010001']].sort('P0010001', ascending=True).head()

# <markdowncell>

# **Q23**: Describe the output of the following:
# ```Python
# df1.P0010001 = df1.P0010001.astype(int)
# df1[['NAME','P0010001']].sort('P0010001', ascending=True).head()
# ```

# <markdowncell>

# **A23**:
# A DataFrame (with 5 rows and 2 columns (NAME, P0010001)) listing the 5 least populous states in ascending order by population.  
from itertools import islice


def places(variables="NAME"):
    for state in us.states.STATES:
        print state
        geo = {'for':'place:*', 'in':'state:{s_fips}'.format(s_fips=state.fips)}
        for place in c.sf1.get(variables, geo=geo):
            yield place

r = list(islice(places("NAME,P0010001"), None))
places_df = DataFrame(r)
places_df.P0010001 = places_df.P0010001.astype('int')

places_df['FIPS'] = places_df.apply(lambda s: s['state']+s['place'], axis=1)

print "number of places", len(places_df)
print "total pop", places_df.P0010001.sum()

assert places_df.P0010001.sum() == 228457238
# number of places in 2010 Census
assert len(places_df) == 29261

# <markdowncell>

# # Apply and lambda functions
    # placeholder generator
    # replace with your own code
    for k in []:
        yield k

# <codecell>

# use this code to run your code
# I recommend replacing the None in islice to a small number to make sure you're on
# the right track

r = list(islice(places("NAME,P0010001"), None))
places_df = DataFrame(r)
places_df.P0010001 = places_df.P0010001.astype("int")

places_df["FIPS"] = places_df.apply(lambda s: s["state"] + s["place"], axis=1)

print "number of places", len(places_df)
print "total pop", places_df.P0010001.sum()

# <codecell>

# if you've done this correctly, the following asserts should stop complaining

assert places_df.P0010001.sum() == 228457238
# number of places in 2010 Census
assert len(places_df) == 29261
예제 #4
            'for': 'place:*',
            'in': 'state:{s_fips}'.format(s_fips=state.fips)
        for place in c.sf1.get(variables, geo=geo):
            yield place

# <markdowncell>

# Now we compute a DataFrame for the places: `places_df`

# <codecell>

r = list(islice(places("NAME,P0010001"), None))
places_df = DataFrame(r)
places_df.P0010001 = places_df.P0010001.astype('int')

print "number of places", len(places_df)
print "total pop", places_df.P0010001.sum()

# <markdowncell>

# We display the most populous places from California

# <codecell>

places_df[places_df.state == '06'].sort_index(by='P0010001',

# <markdowncell>
예제 #5
df2 = diversity(r)

# <codecell>


# <codecell>

msas_list = list(islice(msas('NAME,P0010001'),None))

# <codecell>


# <codecell>

df = DataFrame(msas_list)

# <codecell>

df.P0010001 = df.P0010001.astype('int')

# <codecell>

df.groupby('metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area').apply(lambda x:sum(x['P0010001']))

# <codecell>


    for state in us.states.STATES:
        geo = {'for': 'county:*', 'in': 'state:{fips}'.format(fips=state.fips)}
        for county in c.sf1.get(variables, geo=geo):
            yield county

# <codecell>

counties_list = list(counties('NAME,P0010001'))

# <codecell>

# add up the population to make sure we have the total right
counties_df = DataFrame(counties_list)
counties_df.P0010001 = counties_df.P0010001.astype('int')

# <markdowncell>

# One reason for writing all the counties in the form of a Python generator is tha you can easily control the number of counties we work with at any given time -- and then easily scaling out to get all of them.

# <codecell>

# make a list of the first ten counties

from itertools import islice

list(islice(counties2(), 10))

# <headingcell level=1>
예제 #7
def states(variables='NAME'):
    geo = {'for': 'state:*'}

    states_fips = set([state.fips for state in us.states.STATES])
    # need to filter out non-states
    for r in c.sf1.get(variables, geo=geo, year=2010):
        if r['state'] in states_fips:
            yield r

# <codecell>

# make a dataframe from the total populations of states in the 2010 Census

df = DataFrame(states('NAME,P0010001'))
df.P0010001 = df.P0010001.astype('int')

# <codecell>

# check that that we have the right total population

df.P0010001.sum() == 308745538

# <codecell>

# add a column with the first letter
# we'll be grouping states based on the first letter of the state NAME

df['first_letter'] = df.NAME.apply(lambda s: s[0])
    for state in us.states.STATES:
        for county in c.sf1.get(variables, geo=geo):
            yield county

# <codecell>

counties_list = list(counties('NAME,P0010001'))

# <codecell>

# add up the population to make sure we have the total right
counties_df = DataFrame(counties_list)
counties_df.P0010001 = counties_df.P0010001.astype('int')

# <markdowncell>

# One reason for writing all the counties in the form of a Python generator is tha you can easily control the number of counties we work with at any given time -- and then easily scaling out to get all of them. 

# <codecell>

# make a list of the first ten counties

from itertools import islice

# <headingcell level=1>