예제 #1
def _get_data_one(sym, start, end, interval, retry_count, pause):
    Get historical data for the given name from google.
    Date format is datetime

    Returns a DataFrame.
    start, end = _sanitize_dates(start, end)

    # www.google.com/finance/historical?q=GOOG&startdate=Jun+9%2C+2011&enddate=Jun+8%2C+2013&output=csv
    url = "%s%s" % (_URL,
                    urlencode({"q": sym,
                               "startdate": start.strftime('%b %d, ' '%Y'),
                               "enddate": end.strftime('%b %d, %Y'),
                               "output": "csv"}))
    return _retry_read_url(url, retry_count, pause, 'Google')
예제 #2
def _get_data_one(sym, start, end, interval, retry_count, pause):
    Get historical data for the given name from yahoo.
    Date format is datetime

    Returns a DataFrame.
    start, end = _sanitize_dates(start, end)
    url = (_URL + 's=%s' % sym +
           '&a=%s' % (start.month - 1) +
           '&b=%s' % start.day +
           '&c=%s' % start.year +
           '&d=%s' % (end.month - 1) +
           '&e=%s' % end.day +
           '&f=%s' % end.year +
           '&g=%s' % interval +
    return _retry_read_url(url, retry_count, pause, 'Yahoo!')
예제 #3
def _get_data_one(sym, start, end, interval, retry_count, pause):
    Get historical data for the given name from yahoo.
    Date format is datetime

    Returns a DataFrame.
    start, end = _sanitize_dates(start, end)
    params = {
        's': sym,
        'a': start.month - 1,
        'b': start.day,
        'c': start.year,
        'd': end.month - 1,
        'e': end.day,
        'f': end.year,
        'g': interval,
        'ignore': '.csv'
    url = _encode_url(_URL, params)
    return _retry_read_url(url, retry_count, pause, 'Yahoo!')