예제 #1
def process(meta):
    """Saves metadata fields in global variables and returns a few
    computed fields."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global capitalize
    global captionname
    global use_cleveref_default
    global plusname
    global starname
    global numbersections

    # Read in the metadata fields and do some checking

    if 'tablenos-caption-name' in meta:
        captionname = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-caption-name')
        assert type(captionname) in STRTYPES

    for name in ['tablenos-cleveref', 'xnos-cleveref', 'cleveref']:
        # 'xnos-cleveref' enables cleveref in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        # 'cleveref' is deprecated
        if name in meta:
            use_cleveref_default = get_meta(meta, name)
            assert use_cleveref_default in [True, False]

    for name in [
            'tablenos-capitalize', 'tablenos-capitalise', 'xnos-capitalize',
        # 'tablenos-capitalise' is an alternative spelling
        # 'xnos-capitalise' enables capitalise in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        # 'xnos-capitalize' is an alternative spelling
        if name in meta:
            capitalize = get_meta(meta, name)
            assert capitalize in [True, False]

    if 'tablenos-plus-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-plus-name')
        if type(tmp) is list:
            plusname = tmp
            plusname[0] = tmp
        assert len(plusname) == 2
        for name in plusname:
            assert type(name) in STRTYPES

    if 'tablenos-star-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-star-name')
        if type(tmp) is list:
            starname = tmp
            starname[0] = tmp
        assert len(starname) == 2
        for name in starname:
            assert type(name) in STRTYPES

    if 'xnos-number-sections' in meta and meta['xnos-number-sections']['c']:
        numbersections = True
예제 #2
def process(meta):
    """Saves metadata fields in global variables and returns a few
    computed fields."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global capitalize
    global use_cleveref_default
    global plusname
    global starname
    global numbersections

    # Read in the metadata fields and do some checking

    for name in ['eqnos-cleveref', 'xnos-cleveref', 'cleveref']:
        # 'xnos-cleveref' enables cleveref in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        # 'cleveref' is deprecated
        if name in meta:
            use_cleveref_default = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    for name in [
            'eqnos-capitalize', 'eqnos-capitalise', 'xnos-capitalize',
        # 'eqnos-capitalise' is an alternative spelling
        # 'xnos-capitalise' enables capitalise in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        # 'xnos-capitalize' is an alternative spelling
        if name in meta:
            capitalize = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    if 'eqnos-plus-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'eqnos-plus-name')
        if isinstance(tmp, list):
            plusname = tmp
            plusname[0] = tmp
        assert len(plusname) == 2
        for name in plusname:
            assert isinstance(name, STRTYPES)

    if 'eqnos-star-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'eqnos-star-name')
        if isinstance(tmp, list):
            starname = tmp
            starname[0] = tmp
        assert len(starname) == 2
        for name in starname:
            assert isinstance(name, STRTYPES)

    if 'xnos-number-sections' in meta:
        numbersections = check_bool(get_meta(meta, 'xnos-number-sections'))
def action(key, value, fmt, meta):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    """Processes elements."""

    global replaced_figure_env  # pylint: disable=global-statement

    if is_figure(key, value):

        attrs = PandocAttributes(value[0]['c'][0], 'pandoc')

        # Convert figures with `marginfigure` class to marginfigures
        if 'marginfigure' in attrs.classes:

            if 'documentclass' in meta and \
              get_meta(meta, 'documentclass') in \
              ['tufte-book', 'tufte-handout']:

                replaced_figure_env = True

                # Get the marginfigure options
                offset = attrs['offset'] if 'offset' in attrs else '0pt'

                # LaTeX used to apply the environment
                pre = RawBlock('tex', r'\begin{marginfigure_}[%s]' % offset)
                post = RawBlock('tex', r'\end{marginfigure_}')

                return [pre, Para(value), post]

            if warninglevel:

    return None
예제 #4
def action(key, value, fmt, meta):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    """Processes elements."""

    if key == 'Div':

        attrs = PandocAttributes(value[0], 'pandoc')

        if 'marginnote' in attrs.classes:
            offset = attrs['offset'] if 'offset' in attrs else '0pt'

            if 'documentclass' in meta and \
              get_meta(meta, 'documentclass') in \
              ['tufte-book', 'tufte-handout']:

                pre = RawInline('tex', r'\marginnote[%s]{'%offset)
                post = RawInline('tex', r'}')

                assert value[1][0]['t'] == 'Para'
                assert value[1][-1]['t'] == 'Para'

                value[1][0]['c'].insert(0, pre)

            elif warninglevel:
예제 #5
def main():
    """Main program"""

    # Read the command-line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pandoc latex extensions.')
    version = '%(prog)s {version}'.format(version=__version__)
    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=version)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Get the output format and document
    fmt = args.fmt
    doc = json.loads(STDIN.read())

    # This filter only operates on latex documents
    if fmt != 'latex':
        json.dump(doc, STDOUT)

    # Chop up the doc
    meta = doc['meta']
    blocks = doc['blocks']

    # Get the warning level
    warninglevel = 2  # 0 - no warnings; 1 - some warnings; 2 - all warnings
    for name in [
            'pandoc-latex-extensions-warning-level', 'xnos-warning-level'
        if name in meta:
            warninglevel = int(get_meta(meta, name))

    # Set the warninglevel in each plugin
    for plugin in PLUGINS:
        plugin.warninglevel = warninglevel

    # Apply the actions
    altered = functools.reduce(lambda x, action: walk(x, action, fmt, meta),
                               ACTIONS, blocks)
    # Apply the processors
    if warninglevel == 2:
        msg = textwrap.dedent("""\
                 pandoc-latex-extensions: Wrote the following blocks to
                 header-includes.  If you use pandoc's
                  --include-in-header option then you will need to
                  manually include these yourself.
    for processor in PROCESSORS:
        processor(meta, altered)

    # Finish up
    doc['blocks'] = altered
    json.dump(doc, STDOUT)
예제 #6
def process(meta):
    """Saves metadata fields in global variables and returns a few
    computed fields."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global captionname, cleveref_default, plusname, starname, numbersections

    # Read in the metadata fields and do some checking

    if 'tablenos-caption-name' in meta:
        captionname = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-caption-name')
        assert type(captionname) in STRTYPES

    if 'cleveref' in meta:
        cleveref_default = get_meta(meta, 'cleveref')
        assert cleveref_default in [True, False]

    if 'tablenos-cleveref' in meta:
        cleveref_default = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-cleveref')
        assert cleveref_default in [True, False]

    if 'tablenos-plus-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-plus-name')
        if type(tmp) is list:
            plusname = tmp
            plusname[0] = tmp
        assert len(plusname) == 2
        for name in plusname:
            assert type(name) in STRTYPES

    if 'tablenos-star-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-star-name')
        if type(tmp) is list:
            starname = tmp
            starname[0] = tmp
        assert len(starname) == 2
        for name in starname:
            assert type(name) in STRTYPES

    if 'xnos-number-sections' in meta and meta['xnos-number-sections']['c']:
        numbersections = True
예제 #7
def process(meta):
    """Saves metadata fields in global variables and returns a few
    computed fields."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global captionname, cleveref_default, plusname, starname

    # Read in the metadata fields and do some checking

    if 'tablenos-caption-name' in meta:
        captionname = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-caption-name')
        assert type(captionname) in STRTYPES

    if 'cleveref' in meta:
        cleveref_default = get_meta(meta, 'cleveref')
        assert cleveref_default in [True, False]

    if 'tablenos-cleveref' in meta:
        cleveref_default = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-cleveref')
        assert cleveref_default in [True, False]

    if 'tablenos-plus-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-plus-name')
        if type(tmp) is list:
            plusname = tmp
            plusname[0] = tmp
        assert len(plusname) == 2
        for name in plusname:
            assert type(name) in STRTYPES

    if 'tablenos-star-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-star-name')
        if type(tmp) is list:
            starname = tmp
            starname[0] = tmp
        assert len(starname) == 2
        for name in starname:
            assert type(name) in STRTYPES
예제 #8
def process(meta):
    """Saves metadata fields in global variables and returns a few
    computed fields."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global capitalize
    global captionname
    global use_cleveref_default
    global plusname
    global starname
    global numbersections

    # Read in the metadata fields and do some checking

    if 'tablenos-caption-name' in meta:
        captionname = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-caption-name')
        assert isinstance(captionname, STRTYPES)

    for name in ['tablenos-cleveref', 'xnos-cleveref', 'cleveref']:
        # 'xnos-cleveref' enables cleveref in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        # 'cleveref' is deprecated
        if name in meta:
            use_cleveref_default = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    for name in ['tablenos-capitalize', 'tablenos-capitalise',
                 'xnos-capitalize', 'xnos-capitalise']:
        # 'tablenos-capitalise' is an alternative spelling
        # 'xnos-capitalise' enables capitalise in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        # 'xnos-capitalize' is an alternative spelling
        if name in meta:
            capitalize = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    if 'tablenos-plus-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-plus-name')
        if isinstance(tmp, list):
            plusname = tmp
            plusname[0] = tmp
        assert len(plusname) == 2
        for name in plusname:
            assert isinstance(name, STRTYPES)

    if 'tablenos-star-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'tablenos-star-name')
        if isinstance(tmp, list):
            starname = tmp
            starname[0] = tmp
        assert len(starname) == 2
        for name in starname:
            assert isinstance(name, STRTYPES)

    if 'xnos-number-sections' in meta:
        numbersections = check_bool(get_meta(meta, 'xnos-number-sections'))
예제 #9
파일: test.py 프로젝트: tomduck/pandoc-xnos
    def test_get_meta_1(self):
        """Tests get_meta() #1."""

        ## test.md empty

        # Command: pandoc test.md -t json -M foo=bar
        src = eval(r'''{"meta":{"foo":{"t":"MetaString","c":"bar"}},"blocks":[],"pandoc-api-version":[1,17,5,1]}''')

        # Check src against current pandoc
        md = subprocess.Popen(('echo', ''), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        output = eval(subprocess.check_output(
            'pandoc -t json -M foo=bar'.split(), stdin=md.stdout).strip())
        self.assertEqual(src, output)

        expected = 'bar'

        # Make the comparison
        self.assertEqual(get_meta(src['meta'], 'foo'), expected)
예제 #10
    def test_get_meta_1(self):
        """Tests get_meta() #1."""

        ## test.md empty

        # Command: pandoc test.md -t json -M foo=bar
        src = eval(r'''{"meta":{"foo":{"t":"MetaString","c":"bar"}},"blocks":[],"pandoc-api-version":[%s]}'''%PANDOC_API_VERSION)

        # Check src against current pandoc
        md = subprocess.Popen(('echo', ''), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        output = eval(subprocess.check_output(
            'pandoc -t json -M foo=bar'.split(), stdin=md.stdout).strip())
        self.assertEqual(src, output)

        expected = 'bar'

        # Make the comparison
        self.assertEqual(get_meta(src['meta'], 'foo'), expected)
예제 #11
    def test_get_meta_3(self):
        """Tests get_meta() #3."""

        ## test.md: ---\nfoo:\n  - bar\n  - baz\n... ##

        # Command: pandoc test.md -t json
        src = eval(r'''{"meta":{"foo":{"t":"MetaList","c":[{"t":"MetaInlines","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]},{"t":"MetaInlines","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"baz"}]}]}},"blocks":[],"pandoc-api-version":[%s]}'''%PANDOC_API_VERSION)

        # Check src against current pandoc
        md = subprocess.Popen(('echo', '---\nfoo:\n  - bar\n  - baz\n...'),
        output = eval(subprocess.check_output(
            'pandoc -t json'.split(), stdin=md.stdout).strip())
        self.assertEqual(src, output)

        expected = ['bar', 'baz']

        # Make the comparison
        self.assertEqual(get_meta(src['meta'], 'foo'), expected)
예제 #12
파일: test.py 프로젝트: tomduck/pandoc-xnos
    def test_get_meta_3(self):
        """Tests get_meta() #3."""

        ## test.md: ---\nfoo:\n  - bar\n  - baz\n... ##

        # Command: pandoc test.md -t json
        src = eval(r'''{"meta":{"foo":{"t":"MetaList","c":[{"t":"MetaInlines","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"bar"}]},{"t":"MetaInlines","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"baz"}]}]}},"blocks":[],"pandoc-api-version":[1,17,5,1]}''')

        # Check src against current pandoc
        md = subprocess.Popen(('echo', '---\nfoo:\n  - bar\n  - baz\n...'),
        output = eval(subprocess.check_output(
            'pandoc -t json'.split(), stdin=md.stdout).strip())
        self.assertEqual(src, output)

        expected = ['bar', 'baz']

        # Make the comparison
        self.assertEqual(get_meta(src['meta'], 'foo'), expected)
예제 #13
파일: test.py 프로젝트: tomduck/pandoc-xnos
    def test_get_meta_4(self):
        """Tests get_meta() #4."""

        ## test.md: ---\nfoo: True\n... ##

        # Command: pandoc test.md -t json
        src = eval(r'''{"blocks": [], "pandoc-api-version": [1, 17, 5, 1], "meta": {"foo": {"t": "MetaBool", "c": True}}}''')

        # Check src against current pandoc
        md = subprocess.Popen(('echo', '---\nfoo: True\n...'),
        output = eval(subprocess.check_output(
            'pandoc -t json'.split(),
            stdin=md.stdout).strip().decode("utf-8").replace('true', 'True'))
        self.assertEqual(src, output)

        expected = True

        # Make the comparison
        self.assertEqual(get_meta(src['meta'], 'foo'), expected)
예제 #14
def action(key, value, fmt, meta):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    """Processes elements."""

    if key == 'Span':

        attrs = PandocAttributes(value[0], 'pandoc')

        if 'newthought' in attrs.classes:
            if 'documentclass' in meta and \
              get_meta(meta, 'documentclass') in \
              ['tufte-book', 'tufte-handout']:

                pre = RawInline('tex', r'\newthought{')
                post = RawInline('tex', r'}')

                value[1].insert(0, pre)

            elif warninglevel:
예제 #15
    def test_get_meta_4(self):
        """Tests get_meta() #4."""

        ## test.md: ---\nfoo: True\n... ##

        # Command: pandoc test.md -t json
        src = eval(r'''{"blocks": [], "pandoc-api-version": [1, 17, 5, 4], "meta": {"foo": {"t": "MetaBool", "c": True}}}''')

        # Check src against current pandoc
        md = subprocess.Popen(('echo', '---\nfoo: True\n...'),
        output = eval(subprocess.check_output(
            'pandoc -t json'.split(),
            stdin=md.stdout).strip().decode("utf-8").replace('true', 'True'))
        self.assertEqual(src, output)

        expected = True

        # Make the comparison
        self.assertEqual(get_meta(src['meta'], 'foo'), expected)
예제 #16
    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global capitalize
    global use_cleveref_default
    global plusname
    global starname
    global numbersections
	global use_eqref

    # Read in the metadata fields and do some checking

    for name in ['eqnos-cleveref', 'xnos-cleveref', 'cleveref']:
        # 'xnos-cleveref' enables cleveref in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        # 'cleveref' is deprecated
        if name in meta:
            use_cleveref_default = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    for name in ['eqnos-capitalize', 'eqnos-capitalise',
                 'xnos-capitalize', 'xnos-capitalise']:
        # 'eqnos-capitalise' is an alternative spelling
        # 'xnos-capitalise' enables capitalise in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        # 'xnos-capitalize' is an alternative spelling
        if name in meta:
            capitalize = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    if 'eqnos-plus-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'eqnos-plus-name')
        if isinstance(tmp, list):
            plusname = tmp
예제 #17
def process(meta):
    """Saves metadata fields in global variables and returns a few
    computed fields."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global captionname  # The caption name
    global separator  # The caption separator
    global cleveref  # Flags that clever references should be used
    global capitalise  # Flags that plusname should be capitalised
    global plusname  # Sets names for mid-sentence references
    global starname  # Sets names for references at sentence start
    global numbersections  # Flags that sections should be numbered by section
    global secoffset  # Section number offset
    global warninglevel  # 0 - no warnings; 1 - some; 2 - all
    global captionname_changed  # Flags the caption name changed
    global separator_changed  # Flags the caption separator changed
    global plusname_changed  # Flags that the plus name changed
    global starname_changed  # Flags that the star name changed

    # Read in the metadata fields and do some checking

    for name in ['fignos-warning-level', 'xnos-warning-level']:
        if name in meta:
            warninglevel = int(get_meta(meta, name))

    metanames = [
        'fignos-warning-level', 'xnos-warning-level', 'fignos-caption-name',
        'fignos-caption-separator', 'xnos-caption-separator',
        'fignos-cleveref', 'xnos-cleveref', 'xnos-capitalise',
        'xnos-capitalize', 'fignos-plus-name', 'fignos-star-name',
        'fignos-number-by-section', 'xnos-number-by-section',

    if warninglevel:
        for name in meta:
            if (name.startswith('fignos') or name.startswith('xnos')) and \
              name not in metanames:
                msg = textwrap.dedent("""
                          pandoc-fignos: unknown meta variable "%s"
                      """ % name)

    if 'fignos-caption-name' in meta:
        old_captionname = captionname
        captionname = get_meta(meta, 'fignos-caption-name')
        captionname_changed = captionname != old_captionname
        assert isinstance(captionname, STRTYPES)

    for name in ['fignos-caption-separator', 'xnos-caption-separator']:
        if name in meta:
            old_separator = separator
            separator = get_meta(meta, name)
            if separator not in \
              ['none', 'colon', 'period', 'space', 'quad', 'newline']:
                msg = textwrap.dedent("""
                          pandoc-fignos: caption separator must be one of
                          none, colon, period, space, quad, or newline.
                      """ % name)
            separator_changed = separator != old_separator

    for name in ['fignos-cleveref', 'xnos-cleveref']:
        # 'xnos-cleveref' enables cleveref in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        if name in meta:
            cleveref = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    for name in ['xnos-capitalise', 'xnos-capitalize']:
        # 'xnos-capitalise' enables capitalise in all 3 of
        # fignos/eqnos/tablenos.  Since this uses an option in the caption
        # package, it is not possible to select between the three (use
        # 'fignos-plus-name' instead.  'xnos-capitalize' is an alternative
        # spelling
        if name in meta:
            capitalise = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    if 'fignos-plus-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'fignos-plus-name')
        old_plusname = copy.deepcopy(plusname)
        if isinstance(tmp, list):  # The singular and plural forms were given
            plusname = tmp
        else:  # Only the singular form was given
            plusname[0] = tmp
        plusname_changed = plusname != old_plusname
        assert len(plusname) == 2
        for name in plusname:
            assert isinstance(name, STRTYPES)
        if plusname_changed:
            starname = [name.title() for name in plusname]

    if 'fignos-star-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'fignos-star-name')
        old_starname = copy.deepcopy(starname)
        if isinstance(tmp, list):
            starname = tmp
            starname[0] = tmp
        starname_changed = starname != old_starname
        assert len(starname) == 2
        for name in starname:
            assert isinstance(name, STRTYPES)

    for name in ['fignos-number-by-section', 'xnos-number-by-section']:
        if name in meta:
            numbersections = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    if 'xnos-number-offset' in meta:
        secoffset = int(get_meta(meta, 'xnos-number-offset'))
예제 #18
def process(meta):
    """Saves metadata fields in global variables and returns a few
    computed fields."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global cleveref  # Flags that clever references should be used
    global capitalise  # Flags that plusname should be capitalised
    global names  # Sets theorem types and names
    global warninglevel  # 0 - no warnings; 1 - some; 2 - all
    global LABEL_PATTERN
    global numbersections
    global secoffset
    global sharedcounter

    # Read in the metadata fields and do some checking

    for name in ['theoremnos-warning-level', 'xnos-warning-level']:
        if name in meta:
            warninglevel = int(get_meta(meta, name))

    metanames = [
        'xnos-caption-separator',  # Used by pandoc-fignos/tablenos

    if warninglevel:
        for name in meta:
            if (name.startswith('theoremnos') or name.startswith('xnos')) and \
              name not in metanames:
                msg = textwrap.dedent("""
                          pandoc-theoremnos: unknown meta variable "%s"\n
                      """ % name)

    for name in ['theoremnos-cleveref', 'xnos-cleveref']:
        # 'xnos-cleveref' enables cleveref in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        if name in meta:
            cleveref = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    for name in ['xnos-capitalise', 'xnos-capitalize']:
        # 'xnos-capitalise' enables capitalise in all 4 of
        # fignos/eqnos/tablenos/theoremonos.  Since this uses an option in
        # the caption package, it is not possible to select between the four.
        # 'xnos-capitalize' is an alternative spelling
        if name in meta:
            capitalise = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    for name in ['theoremnos-number-by-section', 'xnos-number-by-section']:
        if name in meta:
            numbersections = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    if 'xnos-number-offset' in meta:
        secoffset = int(get_meta(meta, 'xnos-number-offset'))

    if 'theoremnos-shared-counter' in meta:
        sharedcounter = check_bool(get_meta(meta, 'theoremnos-shared-counter'))

    if 'theoremnos-names' in meta:
        assert meta['theoremnos-names']['t'] == 'MetaList'
        for entry in get_meta(meta, 'theoremnos-names'):
            assert isinstance(entry, dict), "%s is of type %s" % \
              (entry, type(entry))
            assert 'id' in entry and isinstance(entry['id'], STRTYPES)
            assert 'name' in entry and isinstance(entry['name'], STRTYPES)
            names[entry['id']] = entry['name']
            Ntargets[entry['id']] = 0

        Ntargets['shared'] = 0

    if names:
        LABEL_PATTERN = \
          re.compile("(%s):%s" % ('|'.join(names.keys()), r'[\w/-]*'))
예제 #19
def process(meta):
    """Saves metadata fields in global variables and returns a few
    computed fields."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global cleveref      # Flags that clever references should be used
    global capitalise    # Flags that plusname should be capitalised
    global plusname      # Sets names for mid-sentence references
    global starname      # Sets names for references at sentence start
    global secoffset     # Section number offset
    global warninglevel  # 0 - no warnings; 1 - some; 2 - all

    # Read in the metadata fields and do some checking

    for name in ['secnos-warning-level', 'xnos-warning-level']:
        if name in meta:
            warninglevel = int(get_meta(meta, name))

    metanames = ['secnos-warning-level', 'xnos-warning-level',
                 'secnos-cleveref', 'xnos-cleveref',
                 'xnos-capitalise', 'xnos-capitalize',
                 'xnos-caption-separator', # Used by pandoc-fignos/tablenos
                 'secnos-plus-name', 'secnos-star-name',
                 'xnos-number-by-section', 'xnos-number-offset']

    if warninglevel:
        for name in meta:
            if (name.startswith('secnos') or name.startswith('xnos')) and \
              name not in metanames:
                msg = textwrap.dedent("""
                          pandoc-secnos: unknown meta variable "%s"\n
                      """ % name)

    for name in ['secnos-cleveref', 'xnos-cleveref']:
        # 'xnos-cleveref' enables cleveref in all four of
        # fignos/eqnos/tablenos/secnos
        if name in meta:
            cleveref = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    for name in ['xnos-capitalise', 'xnos-capitalize']:
        # 'xnos-capitalise' enables capitalise in all four of
        # fignos/eqnos/tablenos/secnos.  Since this uses an option in the
        # caption package, it is not possible to select between the three (use
        # 'secnos-plus-name' instead.  'xnos-capitalize' is an alternative
        # spelling
        if name in meta:
            capitalise = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    if 'secnos-plus-name' in meta:

        value = get_meta(meta, 'secnos-plus-name')

        if isinstance(value, str):
                value_ = \
                  dict(itemstr.split(':') for itemstr in value.split(','))
                for division in value_:
                    set_name('plus', division, value_[division])
            except ValueError:
                set_name('plus', 'section', value)
        else:  # Dict expected
            for division in value:
                set_name('plus', division, value[division])

    if 'secnos-star-name' in meta:

        value = get_meta(meta, 'secnos-star-name')

        if isinstance(value, str):
                value_ = \
                  dict(itemstr.split(':') for itemstr in value.split(','))
                for division in value_:
                    set_name('star', division, value_[division])
            except ValueError:
                set_name('star', 'section', value)
        else:  # Dict expected
            for division in value:
                set_name('star', division, value[division])

    if 'xnos-number-offset' in meta:
        secoffset = int(get_meta(meta, 'xnos-number-offset'))
예제 #20
def process(meta):
    """Saves metadata fields in global variables and returns a few
    computed fields."""

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global cleveref  # Flags that clever references should be used
    global capitalise  # Flags that plusname should be capitalised
    global plusname  # Sets names for mid-sentence references
    global starname  # Sets names for references at sentence start
    global numbersections  # Flags that sections should be numbered by section
    global secoffset  # Section number offset
    global warninglevel  # 0 - no warnings; 1 - some; 2 - all
    global plusname_changed  # Flags that the plus name changed
    global starname_changed  # Flags that the star name changed
    global eqref  # Flags that \eqref should be used
    global default_env  # Default equations environment

    # Read in the metadata fields and do some checking

    for name in ['eqnos-warning-level', 'xnos-warning-level']:
        if name in meta:
            warninglevel = int(get_meta(meta, name))

    metanames = [
        'xnos-caption-separator',  # Used by pandoc-fignos/tablenos

    if warninglevel:
        for name in meta:
            if (name.startswith('eqnos') or name.startswith('xnos')) and \
                    name not in metanames:
                msg = textwrap.dedent("""
                          pandoc-eqnos: unknown meta variable "%s"\n
                      """ % name)

    for name in ['eqnos-cleveref', 'xnos-cleveref']:
        # 'xnos-cleveref' enables cleveref in all 3 of fignos/eqnos/tablenos
        if name in meta:
            cleveref = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    for name in ['xnos-capitalise', 'xnos-capitalize']:
        # 'xnos-capitalise' enables capitalise in all 3 of
        # fignos/eqnos/tablenos.  Since this uses an option in the caption
        # package, it is not possible to select between the three (use
        # 'eqnos-plus-name' instead.  'xnos-capitalize' is an alternative
        # spelling
        if name in meta:
            capitalise = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    if 'eqnos-plus-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'eqnos-plus-name')
        old_plusname = copy.deepcopy(plusname)
        if isinstance(tmp, list):  # The singular and plural forms were given
            plusname = tmp
        else:  # Only the singular form was given
            plusname[0] = tmp
        plusname_changed = plusname != old_plusname
        assert len(plusname) == 2
        for name in plusname:
            assert isinstance(name, STRTYPES)
        if plusname_changed:
            starname = [name.title() for name in plusname]

    if 'eqnos-star-name' in meta:
        tmp = get_meta(meta, 'eqnos-star-name')
        old_starname = copy.deepcopy(starname)
        if isinstance(tmp, list):
            starname = tmp
            starname[0] = tmp
        starname_changed = starname != old_starname
        assert len(starname) == 2
        for name in starname:
            assert isinstance(name, STRTYPES)

    for name in ['eqnos-number-by-section', 'xnos-number-by-section']:
        if name in meta:
            numbersections = check_bool(get_meta(meta, name))

    if 'xnos-number-offset' in meta:
        secoffset = int(get_meta(meta, 'xnos-number-offset'))

    if 'eqnos-eqref' in meta:
        eqref = check_bool(get_meta(meta, 'eqnos-eqref'))
        # Note: Eqref and cleveref are mutually exclusive.  If both are
        # enabled, then cleveref will be used but with bracketed equation
        # numbers.

    if 'eqnos-default-env' in meta:
        default_env = get_meta(meta, 'eqnos-default-env')