예제 #1
def gb4e(lst):
    Convert an example list into a series of gb4e-formatted interlinear

    Because example list references are replaced at parsing by Pandoc, the
    normal syntax of (@foo) cannot be used for labels; instead, a label syntax
    similar to that used for headers (and tables and figures with
    pandoc-crossref) is used, namely a {#ex:foo} inserted after the
    translation, which will be stripped and replaced with a LaTeX label on the
    relevant example.

    latex = "\\begin{exe}\n"
    for li in lst.content:
        lines = break_plain(li.content[0])
        if len(lines) != 3: continue

        orig, gloss, trans = map(partial(pf.stringify, newlines=False), lines)
        gloss = smallcapify(gloss)

        label_match = label_re.search(trans)
        if label_match:
            label = label_match.group(1)
            trans = trans[:label_match.start() - 1]

            latex += gb4e_fmt_labelled.format(orig, gloss, trans, label=label)
            latex += gb4e_fmt.format(orig, gloss, trans)

    latex += "\\end{exe}"
    return pf.RawBlock(latex, format='latex')
예제 #2
def linguex(lst):
    Convert an example list into a series of linguex-formatted interlinear

    Because example list references are replaced at parsing by Pandoc, the
    normal syntax of (@foo) cannot be used for labels; instead, a label syntax
    similar to that used for headers (and tables and figures with
    pandoc-crossref) is used, namely a {#ex:foo} inserted after the
    translation, which will be stripped and replaced with a LaTeX label on the
    relevant example.

    latex = ""
    for li in lst.content:
        lines = break_plain(li.content[0])
        orig = gloss = trans = ""
        this_ex = ""

        if len(lines) == 3:
            orig, gloss, trans = map(partial(pf.stringify, newlines=False),
            this_ex += linguex_fmts["trans"].format(orig, gloss, trans)
        elif len(lines) == 2:
            orig, gloss = map(partial(pf.stringify, newlines=False), lines)
            this_ex += linguex_fmts["gloss"].format(orig, gloss)
            orig = pf.stringify(lines[0], newlines=False)
            this_ex += linguex_fmts["none"].format(orig)

        this_ex = re.sub(label_re, r"\label{ex:\1}", this_ex)
        latex += "\n\n" + this_ex

    return pf.RawBlock(latex, format='latex')
예제 #3
def leipzigjs(lst):
    Convert an example list into a series of div's suitable for use with

    html = ''
    for li in lst.content:
        lines = break_plain(li.content[0])
        if len(lines) != 3: continue

        orig, gloss, trans = map(partial(pf.stringify, newlines=False), lines)
        html += leipzigjs_fmt.format(orig, gloss, trans)

    return pf.RawBlock(html, format='html')