def configure(self, widget, _event): """Handles window configuration event.""" self.pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( self.window, self.window_width, self.window_height) graphics_context = widget.get_style().black_gc self.pixmap.draw_rectangle(graphics_context, True, 0, 0, self.window_width, self.window_height) center_x, center_y = ((self.window_width - self.new_w)/2, (self.window_height-self.new_h)/2) self.pixmap.draw_pixbuf(graphics_context, self.pixbuf, 0, 0, center_x, center_y, self.new_w, self.new_h) context = self.create_pango_context() fsize = context.get_font_description().get_size()*3/2 font = context.get_font_description() font.set_size(fsize) context.set_font_description(font) layout = pango.Layout(context) layout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_CENTER) layout.set_markup(self.p_title+'\n'+self.p_credit) psize_x, _unused_psize_y = layout.get_pixel_size() self.pixmap.draw_layout(graphics_context, (self.window_width-psize_x)/2, center_y+23, layout) self.pixmap.draw_layout(widget.get_style().white_gc, (self.window_width-psize_x)/2-3, center_y+20, layout)
def redraw_rect(self, widget, r): style = widget.get_style() (w, h) = (widget.allocation.width, widget.allocation.height) xc = w // 2 yc = h // 2 radius = min(w, h) // 2 - 1 # text context = widget.get_pango_context() layout = pango.Layout(context) # some pygtk versions want 2 args, some want 1. sigh try: layout.set_text(self.text) except TypeError: layout.set_text(self.text, len(self.text)) (text_width, text_height) = layout.get_pixel_size() style.paint_layout(widget.window, widget.state, True, r, widget, "", xc - text_width // 2, yc - text_height // 2, layout) # outer circle gc = style.fg_gc[widget.state] widget.window.draw_arc(gc, False, xc - radius, yc - radius, radius * 2 - 1, radius * 2 - 1, 0, 360 * 64) # inner circle indicating current angle angle = self.get_current_angle() (ptr_xc, ptr_yc) = self.pointer_coords(radius, angle) widget.window.draw_arc(gc, True, int(xc + ptr_xc - T.ptr_radius), int(yc + ptr_yc - T.ptr_radius), T.ptr_radius * 2 - 1, T.ptr_radius * 2 - 1, 0, 360 * 64)
def drawLegend(self): widget = self.wTree.get_widget("drawingarea2") lyt = pango.Layout(gtk.Widget.create_pango_context(widget)) background = Color(red=35535, green=35535, blue=35535) maxI = 0 for i in xrange(len(self.wls)): maxI = i #self.drawHorizontalWall( 10, i*30, i, widget ) x = 0 y = i * 30 + 10 for a in xrange(self.borderSize): widget.window.draw_line(self.wall_colors[i], x, y + a, x + self.rectSize, y + a) lyt.set_text(self.wls[i]) widget.window.draw_layout(self.wall_colors[0], 0, i * 30 + 20, lyt, None, background) maxI += 1 widget.window.draw_rectangle(self.gcRed, 0, 1, maxI * 30 + 20, self.rectSize - 1, self.rectSize - 1) lyt.set_text("Red deploy") widget.window.draw_layout(self.wall_colors[0], 0, maxI * 30 + 41, lyt, None, background) widget.window.draw_rectangle(self.gcBlue, 0, 1, maxI * 30 + 60, self.rectSize - 1, self.rectSize - 1) lyt.set_text("Blue deploy") widget.window.draw_layout(self.wall_colors[0], 0, maxI * 30 + 81, lyt, None, background)
def display_license_window(self, licenses): dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(self.parent(), 0, gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, gtk.BUTTONS_NONE, _("You must agree to the licenses " "covering this software before " "installing it.")) license_texts = string.join(licenses, "\n" + "#"*79 + "\n") text = gtk.TextView() text.set_editable(0) text.set_cursor_visible(0) text.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD) buf = text.get_buffer() buf.set_text(license_texts) context = text.get_pango_context() font_desc = context.get_font_description() font_desc.set_family("monospace") # Try to estimate the size of the window we want. # "W" being the widest glyph. s = ("W"*82 + "\n")*20 layout = pango.Layout(context) layout.set_font_description(font_desc) layout.set_text(s) width, height = layout.get_pixel_size() text.set_size_request(width, height) # Create a tag with our monospace font tag = buf.create_tag() tag.set_property("font-desc", font_desc) buf.apply_tag(tag, buf.get_start_iter(), buf.get_end_iter()) # Get a mark to the start of the buffer and then scroll there iter = buf.get_start_iter() mark = buf.create_mark("start", iter, left_gravity=1) text.scroll_to_mark(mark, 0.0) sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) sw.add(text) sw.show_all() dialog.vbox.pack_start(sw, expand=1, fill=1) dialog.add_button(_("I Agree"), gtk.RESPONSE_OK) dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) gtk.threads_enter() response = dialog.destroy() gtk.threads_leave() if response != gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.pop() return 0 return 1
def prepare_stringed(self, rows, cols): # We use a Pixmap as offscreen drawing canvas cm = gtk.gdk.colormap_get_system() pm = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(None, self.width, self.height, cm.get_visual().depth) #pangolayout = pm.create_pango_layout("") font_size = int(self.width / cols / 4) l = gtk.Label() pangolayout = pango.Layout(l.create_pango_context()) pangolayout.set_font_description( pango.FontDescription("sans bold %i" % font_size)) gc = pm.new_gc() gc.set_colormap(gtk.gdk.colormap_get_system()) color = cm.alloc_color('white') gc.set_foreground(color) pm.draw_rectangle(gc, True, 0, 0, self.width, self.height) color = cm.alloc_color('black') gc.set_foreground(color) sw, sh = (self.width / cols), (self.height / rows) item = iter(self.tlist) for r in range(rows): for c in range(cols): px = sw * c py = sh * r #if c > 0 and r > 0: # pm.draw_line(gc, px, 0, px, self.height-1) # pm.draw_line(gc, 0, py, self.width-1, py) pangolayout.set_text(str( pe = pangolayout.get_pixel_extents() pe = pe[1][2] / 2, pe[1][3] / 2
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset): self.do_layout() dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize] m = (self.m_xpos1 + self.m_xpos2) / 2 if self.m_direction == const.UP or self.m_direction == const.BOTH: y = min(staff_yoffset - dim.linespacing * 3, staff_yoffset + self.m_t * dim.linespacing / 2) d = 1 else: # == const.DOWN y = max(staff_yoffset + dim.linespacing * 5, staff_yoffset + self.m_b * dim.linespacing / 2) d = -1 if len(self.m_stems) > 1: # left horiz widget.window.draw_line(gc, self.m_xpos1, y, m - 6, y) # right horiz widget.window.draw_line(gc, m + 6, y, self.m_xpos2, y) # left vertic widget.window.draw_line(gc, self.m_xpos1, y, self.m_xpos1, y + 5 * d) # right vertic widget.window.draw_line(gc, self.m_xpos2, y, self.m_xpos2, y + 5 * d) cc = widget.create_pango_context() ll = pango.Layout(cc) ll.set_text(str(self.m_ratio.m_den)) ll.set_font_description(pango.FontDescription("Sans 10")) sx, sy = [i / pango.SCALE for i in ll.get_size()] widget.window.draw_layout(gc, m - sx / 2, y - sy / 2, ll)
def recalc_text_edges(self): if (not hasattr(self, "layout")): return del self.layout show_text = self.attrs_changed() r, g, b = utils.selected_colors["fill"] r *= 65536 g *= 65536 b *= 65536 if self.index > self.end_index: bgsel = pango.AttrBackground(int(r), int(g), int(b), self.end_index, self.index) else: bgsel = pango.AttrBackground(int(r), int(g), int(b), self.index, self.end_index) self.attrlist.insert(bgsel) self.layout = pango.Layout(self.pango_context) self.layout.set_text(show_text) self.layout.set_attributes(self.attrlist) margin = utils.margin_required(utils.STYLE_NORMAL) text_w, text_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size() text_w += margin[0] + margin[2] text_h += margin[1] + margin[3] self.width = max(self.width, text_w) self.height = max(self.height, text_h) self.min_x = self.ul[0] + (self.width - text_w) / 2 + margin[0] self.min_y = self.ul[1] + (self.height - text_h) / 2 + margin[1] self.max_x = self.min_x + text_w self.max_y = self.min_y + text_h """
def configure_event(widget, event): x, y, w, h = widget.get_allocation() self.pix_map = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(widget.window, w, h) # make colors self.gc = dict() for name, color in (('black', (0, 0, 0)), ('red', (32000, 0, 0)), ('blue', (0, 0, 32000)), ('green', (0, 32000, 0))): self.gc[name] = self.pix_map.new_gc() self.gc[name].set_rgb_fg_color( gtk.gdk.Color(red=color[0], green=color[1], blue=color[2])) self.layout = pango.Layout(widget.create_pango_context()) self.canvas_width = w self.canvas_height = h self.x_max = eval(x_max, {"__builtins__": {}}, safe_dict) self.x_min = eval(x_min, {"__builtins__": {}}, safe_dict) self.x_scale = eval(x_scale, {"__builtins__": {}}, safe_dict) self.y_max = eval(y_max, {"__builtins__": {}}, safe_dict) self.y_min = eval(y_min, {"__builtins__": {}}, safe_dict) self.y_scale = eval(y_scale, {"__builtins__": {}}, safe_dict) self.previousMouseX = 0 self.previousMouseY = 0 self.plot() return True
def draw_text_box_centered(ctx, widget, w_width, w_height, text, font_desc=None, add_progress=None): style = widget.rc_get_style() text_color = style.text[gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT] red, green, blue =,, text_color = [float(x)/65535. for x in (red, green, blue)] text_color.append(.5) if font_desc is None: font_desc = style.font_desc font_desc.set_size(14*pango.SCALE) pango_context = widget.create_pango_context() layout = pango.Layout(pango_context) layout.set_font_description(font_desc) layout.set_text(text) width, height = layout.get_pixel_size() ctx.move_to(w_width/2-width/2, w_height/2-height/2) ctx.set_source_rgba(*text_color) ctx.show_layout(layout) # Draw an optional progress bar below the text (same width) if add_progress is not None: bar_height = 10 ctx.set_source_rgba(*text_color) ctx.set_line_width(1.) rounded_rectangle(ctx, w_width/2-width/2-.5, w_height/2+height-.5, width+1, bar_height+1) ctx.stroke() rounded_rectangle(ctx, w_width/2-width/2, w_height/2+height, int(width*add_progress)+.5, bar_height) ctx.fill()
def __init__(self, context, parsed_elements_list=None, color=None, override_color=None, scaling=1.0): pango.Layout.__init__(self, context) self._width = -1 self._ellipsize = True self._elayout = pango.Layout(context) self._elayout.set_text('___') #… self._elayout.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self._elayout.set_width(0) self._in_override = False # color override mode, used for selected text self._base_to_center = 0 self._text_height = 0 self._smilies = {} # key: (index_pos), value(pixbuf) self._base_attrlist = None # no color self._attrlist = None # with color self._override_attrlist = None # with override color self.angle = 0 self._color = color self._override_color = override_color self._smilies_scaled = {} # key: (index_pos), value(pixbuf) self._scaling = scaling # relative to ascent + desent, -1 for natural self._is_rtl = False self.set_element_list(parsed_elements_list) self._update_layout()
def render_to_job(job): pc = job.get_context() width, height = gnomeprint.job_get_page_size_from_config(job.get_config()) ## <<<begin drawing>>> pc.beginpage("1") pc.setlinewidth(3.0) x1 = width*.1 x2 = width*.9 y1 = height*.1 y2 = height*.9 pc.rect_stroked(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1) for l in l1, l2: pc.moveto(l[0], 600 - l[1]) for i in xrange(len(l)/2): x = l[i*2] y = 600 - l[i*2 + 1] pc.lineto(x, y) pc.stroke() ## Draw a text paragraph using pango paraContext = gnomeprint.pango_create_context(gnomeprint.pango_get_default_font_map()) para = pango.Layout(paraContext) para.set_font_description(pango.FontDescription("Sans 36")) para.set_markup("♪ Hello <b>World</b> ♪") w, h = para.get_size() w /= pango.SCALE h /= pango.SCALE pc.moveto(width - w, height - h) pc.pango_layout(para) pc.showpage() ## <<<end drawing>>> job.close()
def render(self, text, antialias, color, background=None): """Render the font onto a new Surface and return it. We ignore 'antialias' and use system settings. NOTE: Due to a retarded implementation problem you cannot use transparent colors. Alpha is ignored (set to 255).""" # create layout layout = pango.Layout(gtk.gdk.pango_context_get()) layout.set_font_description(self.fd) layout.set_text(text) # determine pixel size (logical, ink) = layout.get_pixel_extents() ink = pygame.rect.Rect(ink) # Create a new Cairo ImageSurface csrf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, ink.w, ink.h) cctx = pangocairo.CairoContext(cairo.Context(csrf)) # Mangle the colors on little-endian machines. The reason for this # is that Cairo writes native-endian 32-bit ARGB values whereas # Pygame expects endian-independent values in whatever format. So we # tell our users not to expect transparency here (avoiding the A issue) # and we swizzle all the colors around. big_endian = ((1, ) == struct.unpack("=i", "\0\0\0\001")) def mangle_color(color): if len(color) not in [3, 4]: raise ArgumentError( "expected a 3- or 4-integer-tuple for color") if big_endian: # Big-endian; leave return (color[0] / 255.0, color[1] / 255.0, color[2] / 255.0, 1.0) else: # Little-endian; swizzle return (color[2] / 255.0, color[1] / 255.0, color[0] / 255.0, 1.0) # render onto it if background is not None: cctx.set_source_rgba(*mangle_color(background)) cctx.paint() cctx.new_path() cctx.layout_path(layout) cctx.set_source_rgba(*mangle_color(color)) cctx.fill() # Create and return a new Pygame Image derived from the Cairo Surface if big_endian: # You see, in big-endian-world, we can just use the RGB values format = "ARGB" else: # But with little endian, we've already swapped R and B in # mangle_color, so now just move the A format = "RGBA" return pygame.image.fromstring(str(csrf.get_data()), (ink.w, ink.h), format)
def print_pango_markup(self, context, markup): "Print some markup to the supplied context" ## need to use pango.Layout to format paragraphs ## for each block of text paraContext = gnomeprint.pango_create_context(gnomeprint.pango_get_default_font_map()) para = pango.Layout(paraContext) para.set_markup(markup) context.pango_layout(para)
def __init__(self, context, font, color, shadow): self.layout = pango.Layout(context) self.layout.set_wrap(pango.WRAP_WORD_CHAR) self.font = font self.color = color self.layout.set_font_description(font.description.copy()) self.width = self.height = None self.shadow = shadow
def __init__(self, antialias): G15Text.__init__(self, antialias) pangocairo.context_set_font_options(pango_context, self._create_font_options()) self.__pango_cairo_context = None self.__layout = None self.valign = pango.ALIGN_CENTER self.__layout = pango.Layout(pango_context)
def calculate_required_text_size(self, max_len): # "W" being the widest glyph. s = "W" * max_len layout = pango.Layout(gtk.Label("").get_pango_context()) layout.set_text(s) (width, height) = layout.get_pixel_size() return (width, height)
def stringSize(self, s, font=None): if font is None: font = self.defaultFont if self.pango_context is None: self.pango_context = self.area.get_pango_context() layout = pango.Layout(self.pango_context) layout.set_markup(self.createPangoMarkup(s, font)) return layout.get_pixel_size()
def __get_width(self): if not (self.flags() & gtk.REALIZED): return 80 layout = pango.Layout(self.get_pango_context()) letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" layout.set_text(letters) pix_width = layout.get_pixel_size()[0] return self.allocation.width * len(letters) / pix_width
def getTopExents(self, attr_list, text): c = pango.FontMap.create_context( pangocairo.cairo_font_map_get_default()) l = pango.Layout(c) l.set_attributes(attr_list) l.set_text(text) line = l.get_line(0) return (line.get_pixel_extents()[1][3] - line.get_pixel_extents()[0][3] ) * (self.input_resolution / self.output_resolution)
def widget_get_char_height(widget): """ Return maximum height in pixels of a single character. We create a Pango Layout, put in a line of lowercase+uppercase letters and read the height of the line.""" pango_layout = pango.Layout(widget.get_pango_context()) pango_layout.set_text(sys.modules['string'].ascii_letters) extents = pango_layout.get_line(0).get_pixel_extents() return int(extents[0][3] - extents[0][1])
def __init__(self, suggested_items, *args, **kwargs): self._minimum_width_chars = kwargs.pop("minimum_width_chars", -1) self._maximum_width_chars = kwargs.pop("maximum_width_chars", -1) self._default_item_value = kwargs.pop("default_item", None) self._suggested_fields = _get_suggested_fields(suggested_items) suggested_item_values = [item[1] for item in suggested_items] if (self._default_item_value is not None and self._default_item_value not in suggested_item_values): raise ValueError( 'default item "{0}" not in the list of suggested items: {1}'. format(self._default_item_value, suggested_item_values)) kwargs["placeholder_text"] = ( suggested_items[suggested_item_values.index( self._default_item_value)][0] if self._default_item_value is not None else None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cursor_position = 0 self._cursor_position_before_assigning_from_row = None self._reset_cursor_position_before_assigning_from_row = True self._last_field_name_with_tooltip = "" self._pango_layout = pango.Layout(self.get_pango_context()) self._minimum_width = -1 self._maximum_width = -1 self.set_width_chars(self._minimum_width_chars) self._popup = pggui_entrypopup.EntryPopup(self, self._COLUMN_TYPES, suggested_items) self._popup.filter_rows_func = self._filter_suggested_items self._popup.on_assign_from_selected_row = self._on_assign_from_selected_row self._popup.on_assign_last_value = self._assign_last_value self._popup.on_row_left_mouse_button_press = self._on_row_left_mouse_button_press self._popup.on_entry_changed_show_popup_condition = self._on_entry_changed_condition self._popup.on_entry_key_press = self._on_entry_key_press self._popup.on_entry_after_assign_by_key_press = ( self._on_entry_after_assign_by_key_press) self._create_field_tooltip() self._add_columns() self.connect("insert-text", self._on_entry_insert_text) self.connect("delete-text", self._on_entry_delete_text) self.connect("notify::cursor-position", self._on_entry_cursor_position_changed) self.connect("changed", self._on_entry_changed) self.connect("focus-out-event", self._on_entry_focus_out_event) self.connect("size-allocate", self._on_entry_size_allocate)
def __init__(self, text, context, font, pressed, disabled=False): self.layout = pango.Layout(context) self.font = font self.layout.set_font_description(font.description.copy()) self.layout.set_text(text) self.min_width = 0 self.pressed = pressed self.disabled = disabled self.icon = None
def __init__(self): ''' Init. ''' self.font = self.get_font() self.linear_pos = LINEAR_POS self.pango_context = gtk.gdk.pango_context_get() self.pango_layout = pango.Layout(self.pango_context) self.text = "" self.linear_colors = LINEAR_COLORS self.update_font()
def _get_pango_layout(self, text, single_paragraph_mode): layout = self._pango_layout if not layout: layout = pango.Layout(_pango_context) layout.set_font_description(self._pango_description) self._pango_layout = layout layout.set_single_paragraph_mode(single_paragraph_mode) layout.set_text(text) return layout
def __init__(self, adjustment=None): gtk.Widget.__init__(self) self.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS) self.offscreen_pixmap = None self.palette = {} self.gc = {} self.cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.CROSS) context = self.create_pango_context() desc = context.get_font_description() desc.set_family("monospace") desc.set_absolute_size(12 * pango.SCALE) self.layout12 = pango.Layout(context) desc.set_absolute_size(10 * pango.SCALE) self.layout10 = pango.Layout(context) desc.set_absolute_size(9 * pango.SCALE) self.layout9 = pango.Layout(context) self.metrics = Metrics(self.layout10) self.adjustment = None self.handler_id_changed = -1 self.handler_id_value_changed = -1 self.player = Player(self) self.audiofile = "" self.caps = None = array.array("b") self.loader_thread_id = -1 self.fr_cut_in = 0 self.fr_cut_out = 8000 * 60 self.x_cue_pos = -1 self.draw_solid = True self.draw_buf = {0: []} self.playback_status = (False, 0) if not adjustment: adjustment = gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 8000 * 60, page_size=8000 * 60) self.set_adjustment(adjustment)
def on_render(self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags): cairo_context = window.cairo_create() x = cell_area.x y = cell_area.y w = cell_area.width h = cell_area.height if x == 0: curve_to = 'start' elif (x + w ) == widget.allocation.width: curve_to = 'end' else: curve_to = None self.render_rect(cairo_context, x, y, w, h, 1, curve_to) pat = cairo.LinearGradient(x, y, x, y + h) color = gtk.gdk.color_parse("#87D8F5") pat.add_color_stop_rgba( 0.0, self.get_cairo_color(, self.get_cairo_color(, self.get_cairo_color(, 1 ) color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(self.get_property('background')) pat.add_color_stop_rgb( 1.0, self.get_cairo_color(, self.get_cairo_color(, self.get_cairo_color( ) #### pat.add_color_stop_rgb( #### 0.8, #### self.get_cairo_color(, #### self.get_cairo_color(, #### self.get_cairo_color( #### ) #### color = gtk.gdk.color_parse("#ffffff") #### pat.add_color_stop_rgba( #### 1.0, #### self.get_cairo_color(, #### self.get_cairo_color(, #### self.get_cairo_color(, #### 1 #### ) cairo_context.set_source(pat) cairo_context.fill() context = widget.get_pango_context() layout = pango.Layout(context) layout.set_text(self.get_property('text')) layout.set_width(cell_area.width), gtk.STATE_NORMAL, True, cell_area, widget, 'footext', cell_area.x, cell_area.y, layout)
def _get_width_for_string(self, text): # Add some extra margin text = text + 'aaaaa' widget = gtk.Label('') context = widget.get_pango_context() layout = pango.Layout(context) layout.set_text(text) width, height_ = layout.get_size() return pango.PIXELS(width)
def get_layout(self, pangocontext): font = pango.FontDescription() font.set_family("sans") font.set_size(self.font_size * pango.SCALE) layout = pango.Layout(pangocontext) layout.set_font_description(font) layout.set_text(self.text) return layout
def _get_pango_layout(): if (not _DEPTH in _pango_layouts): w = gtk.HBox() w.set_colormap(_CMAP) ctx = gtk.HBox().get_pango_context() layout = pango.Layout(ctx) _pango_layouts[_DEPTH] = layout return _pango_layouts[_DEPTH]
def update_line_height(self): pango_context = gtk.gdk.pango_context_get() pango_layout = pango.Layout(pango_context) font_desc = pango.FontDescription(self.get_font()) pango_layout.set_font_description(font_desc) metrics = pango_context.get_metrics(pango_layout.get_font_description()) ascent = metrics.get_ascent() descent = metrics.get_descent() line_height = (ascent + descent) / pango.SCALE + self.line_margin self.__line_height = line_height