def __init__(self, gameRef=None): FSMState.__init__(self, gameRef, PanoConstants.STATE_EXPLORE) self.log = logging.getLogger('pano.exploreState') self.activeNode = None self.nodeScript = None # script that controls the currently active node self.activeHotspot = None self.sounds = None self.drawDebugViz = False self.nodeTransition = None # if True then we are transitioning to a new node, we use this flag to reject certain operations # while it is true self.inTransition = False
def __init__(self, gameRef=None): FSMState.__init__(self, gameRef, PanoConstants.STATE_PAUSED) self.log = logging.getLogger('pano.pausedState') self.msgKey = "Game Paused" self.translatedText = "" self.fontName = None self.fgColor = None self.scale = 1.0 self.mousePointerTask = None self.musicTask = None self.wasMusicPlaying = False self.textParent = None self.textNode = None
def __init__(self, gameRef=None): FSMState.__init__(self, gameRef, PanoConstants.STATE_CREDITS) self.log = logging.getLogger('pano.creditsState') self.alphaMask = None self.tex = None # scene root self.scene = None # parent node of self.creditsOST self.textParent = None # filename of the background image self.background = None # OnscreenImage used for background rendering self.backgroundOSI = None # name of the font definition to use self.fontName = None self.fontColor = None # scroll speed in pixels / s self.scrollSpeed = 1.0 # the duration of credits self.scrollTime = 0.0 self.credits = None # OnscreenText object for rendering the credits self.creditsOST = None # positional interval used to scroll the texts self.scrollInterval = None = None self.camNP = None self.displayRegion = None self.playlist = None
def __init__(self, gameRef=None): FSMState.__init__(self, gameRef, PanoConstants.STATE_INVENTORY) self.log = logging.getLogger('pano.inventoryState') self.startSlot = None self.inventory = None self.inventoryView = None
def __init__(self, game, name, node): FSMState.__init__(self, game, name) self.log = logging.getLogger('pano.baseNodeScript') self.node = node
def __init__(self, gameRef): FSMState.__init__(self, gameRef, PanoConstants.STATE_CONSOLE) self.log = logging.getLogger('pano.consoleState')