def test_listfy_dicts():
    d = dict(a=42)

    d_vals = d.values()
    d_keys = d.keys()

    assert isinstance(listify(d_vals), list)
    assert listify(d_vals) == list(d_vals)

    assert isinstance(listify(d_keys), list)
    assert listify(d_keys) == list(d_keys)

    assert isinstance(listify(d), list)
    assert listify(d) == list(d_vals)
def test_listify():
    assert listify(12) == [12]
    assert listify([1, 2, 3]) == [1, 2, 3]
def test_empty_listify():
    assert listify(None) == []
예제 #4
def load_config(config_files=None,
    """Load configuation information

    This function supports loading of a number of different files. If no options
    are passed to `config_files` then the default `$PANDIR/conf_files/pocs.yaml`
    will be loaded. See Notes for additional information.

    .. note::

        The `config_files` parameter supports a number of options:
        * `config_files` is a list and loaded in order, so the first entry
            will have any values overwritten by similarly named keys in
            the second entry.
        * Entries can be placed in the `$PANDIR/conf_files` folder and
            should be passed as just the file name, e.g.
            [`weather.yaml`, `email.yaml`] for loading
            `$PANDIR/conf_files/weather.yaml` and `$PANDIR/conf_files/email.yaml`
        * The `.yaml` extension will be added if not present, so list can
            be written as just ['weather', 'email'].
        * `config_files` can also be specified by an absolute path, which
            can exist anywhere on the filesystem.
        * Local versions of files can override built-in versions and are
            automatically loaded if placed in the `$PANDIR/conf_files` folder.
            The files have a `<>_local.yaml` name, where `<>` is the built-in
            file. So a `$PANDIR/conf_files/pocs_local.yaml` will override any
            setting in the default `pocs.yaml` file.
        * Local files can be ignored (mostly for testing purposes) with the
            `ignore_local` parameter.

        config_files (list, optional): A list of files to load as config,
            see Notes for details of how to specify files.
        simulator (list, optional): A list of hardware items that should be
            used as a simulator.
        parse (bool, optional): If the config file should attempt to create
            objects such as dates, astropy units, etc.
        ignore_local (bool, optional): If local files should be ignored, see
            Notes for details.

        dict: A dictionary of config items

    # Default to the pocs.yaml file
    if config_files is None:
        config_files = ['pocs']
    config_files = listify(config_files)

    config = dict()

    config_dir = '{}/conf_files'.format(os.getenv('PANDIR'))

    for f in config_files:
        if not f.endswith('.yaml'):
            f = '{}.yaml'.format(f)

        if not f.startswith('/'):
            path = os.path.join(config_dir, f)
            path = f

            _add_to_conf(config, path, parse=parse)
        except Exception as e:
            warn("Problem with config file {}, skipping. {}".format(path, e))

        # Load local version of config
        if ignore_local is False:
            local_version = os.path.join(config_dir, f.replace('.', '_local.'))
            if os.path.exists(local_version):
                    _add_to_conf(config, local_version, parse=parse)
                except Exception:
                    warn("Problem with local config file {}, skipping".format(

    # parse_config currently only corrects directory names.
    if parse:
        config = parse_config(config)

    return config