예제 #1
파일: run_tracker.py 프로젝트: benjyw/pants
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    :API: public
    super(RunTracker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self._run_timestamp = time.time()
    self._cmd_line = ' '.join(['pants'] + sys.argv[1:])

    # Initialized in `initialize()`.
    self.run_info_dir = None
    self.run_info = None
    self.cumulative_timings = None
    self.self_timings = None
    self.artifact_cache_stats = None
    self.pantsd_stats = None

    # Initialized in `start()`.
    self.report = None
    self._main_root_workunit = None

    # A lock to ensure that adding to stats at the end of a workunit
    # operates thread-safely.
    self._stats_lock = threading.Lock()

    # Log of success/failure/aborted for each workunit.
    self.outcomes = {}

    # Number of threads for foreground work.
    self._num_foreground_workers = self.get_options().num_foreground_workers

    # Number of threads for background work.
    self._num_background_workers = self.get_options().num_background_workers

    # self._threadlocal.current_workunit contains the current workunit for the calling thread.
    # Note that multiple threads may share a name (e.g., all the threads in a pool).
    self._threadlocal = threading.local()

    # For background work.  Created lazily if needed.
    self._background_worker_pool = None
    self._background_root_workunit = None

    # Trigger subproc pool init while our memory image is still clean (see SubprocPool docstring).

    self._aborted = False

    # Data will be organized first by target and then scope.
    # Eg:
    # {
    #   'target/address:name': {
    #     'running_scope': {
    #       'run_duration': 356.09
    #     },
    #     'GLOBAL': {
    #       'target_type': 'pants.test'
    #     }
    #   }
    # }
    self._target_to_data = {}
예제 #2
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    :API: public
    super(RunTracker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self._run_timestamp = time.time()
    self._cmd_line = ' '.join(['pants'] + sys.argv[1:])

    # Initialized in `initialize()`.
    self.run_info_dir = None
    self.run_info = None
    self.cumulative_timings = None
    self.self_timings = None
    self.artifact_cache_stats = None

    # Initialized in `start()`.
    self.report = None
    self._main_root_workunit = None

    # A lock to ensure that adding to stats at the end of a workunit
    # operates thread-safely.
    self._stats_lock = threading.Lock()

    # Log of success/failure/aborted for each workunit.
    self.outcomes = {}

    # Number of threads for foreground work.
    self._num_foreground_workers = self.get_options().num_foreground_workers

    # Number of threads for background work.
    self._num_background_workers = self.get_options().num_background_workers

    # self._threadlocal.current_workunit contains the current workunit for the calling thread.
    # Note that multiple threads may share a name (e.g., all the threads in a pool).
    self._threadlocal = threading.local()

    # For background work.  Created lazily if needed.
    self._background_worker_pool = None
    self._background_root_workunit = None

    # Trigger subproc pool init while our memory image is still clean (see SubprocPool docstring).

    self._aborted = False

    # Data will be organized first by target and then scope.
    # Eg:
    # {
    #   'target/address:name': {
    #     'running_scope': {
    #       'run_duration': 356.09
    #     },
    #     'GLOBAL': {
    #       'target_type': 'pants.test'
    #     }
    #   }
    # }
    self._target_to_data = {}
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        :API: public
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._run_timestamp = time.time()
        self._cmd_line = " ".join(["pants"] + sys.argv[1:])
        self._v2_goal_rule_names: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple()

        self.run_uuid = uuid.uuid4().hex
        # Select a globally unique ID for the run, that sorts by time.
        millis = int((self._run_timestamp * 1000) % 1000)
        # run_uuid is used as a part of run_id and also as a trace_id for Zipkin tracing
        str_time = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S",
        self.run_id = f"pants_run_{str_time}_{millis}_{self.run_uuid}"

        # Initialized in `initialize()`.
        self.run_info_dir = None
        self.run_info = None
        self.cumulative_timings = None
        self.self_timings = None

        # Initialized in `start()`.
        self.report = None
        self._main_root_workunit = None
        self._all_options = None

        # A lock to ensure that adding to stats at the end of a workunit
        # operates thread-safely.
        self._stats_lock = threading.Lock()

        # Log of success/failure/aborted for each workunit.
        self.outcomes = {}

        # Number of threads for foreground work.
        self._num_foreground_workers = self.options.num_foreground_workers

        # Number of threads for background work.
        self._num_background_workers = self.options.num_background_workers

        # self._threadlocal.current_workunit contains the current workunit for the calling thread.
        # Note that multiple threads may share a name (e.g., all the threads in a pool).
        self._threadlocal = threading.local()

        # For background work.  Created lazily if needed.
        self._background_root_workunit = None

        # Trigger subproc pool init while our memory image is still clean (see SubprocPool docstring).

        self._aborted = False

        self._end_memoized_result: Optional[ExitCode] = None

        self.native = Native()

        self.run_logs_file: Optional[Path] = None
예제 #4
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(RunTracker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    run_timestamp = time.time()
    cmd_line = ' '.join(['pants'] + sys.argv[1:])

    # run_id is safe for use in paths.
    millis = int((run_timestamp * 1000) % 1000)
    run_id = 'pants_run_{}_{}_{}'.format(
               time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S', time.localtime(run_timestamp)), millis,

    info_dir = os.path.join(self.get_options().pants_workdir, self.options_scope)
    self.run_info_dir = os.path.join(info_dir, run_id)
    self.run_info = RunInfo(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'info'))
    self.run_info.add_basic_info(run_id, run_timestamp)
    self.run_info.add_info('cmd_line', cmd_line)

    # Create a 'latest' symlink, after we add_infos, so we're guaranteed that the file exists.
    link_to_latest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.run_info_dir), 'latest')

    relative_symlink(self.run_info_dir, link_to_latest)

    # Time spent in a workunit, including its children.
    self.cumulative_timings = AggregatedTimings(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir,

    # Time spent in a workunit, not including its children.
    self.self_timings = AggregatedTimings(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'self_timings'))

    # Hit/miss stats for the artifact cache.
    self.artifact_cache_stats = \
      ArtifactCacheStats(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'artifact_cache_stats'))

    # Number of threads for foreground work.
    self._num_foreground_workers = self.get_options().num_foreground_workers

    # Number of threads for background work.
    self._num_background_workers = self.get_options().num_background_workers

    # We report to this Report.
    self.report = None

    # self._threadlocal.current_workunit contains the current workunit for the calling thread.
    # Note that multiple threads may share a name (e.g., all the threads in a pool).
    self._threadlocal = threading.local()

    # For main thread work. Created on start().
    self._main_root_workunit = None

    # For background work.  Created lazily if needed.
    self._background_worker_pool = None
    self._background_root_workunit = None

    # Trigger subproc pool init while our memory image is still clean (see SubprocPool docstring).

    self._aborted = False
예제 #5
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(RunTracker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    run_timestamp = time.time()
    cmd_line = ' '.join(['pants'] + sys.argv[1:])

    # run_id is safe for use in paths.
    millis = int((run_timestamp * 1000) % 1000)
    run_id = 'pants_run_{}_{}_{}'.format(
               time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S', time.localtime(run_timestamp)), millis,

    info_dir = os.path.join(self.get_options().pants_workdir, self.options_scope)
    self.run_info_dir = os.path.join(info_dir, run_id)
    self.run_info = RunInfo(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'info'))
    self.run_info.add_basic_info(run_id, run_timestamp)
    self.run_info.add_info('cmd_line', cmd_line)

    # Create a 'latest' symlink, after we add_infos, so we're guaranteed that the file exists.
    link_to_latest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.run_info_dir), 'latest')

    relative_symlink(self.run_info_dir, link_to_latest)

    # Time spent in a workunit, including its children.
    self.cumulative_timings = AggregatedTimings(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir,

    # Time spent in a workunit, not including its children.
    self.self_timings = AggregatedTimings(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'self_timings'))

    # Hit/miss stats for the artifact cache.
    self.artifact_cache_stats = \
      ArtifactCacheStats(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'artifact_cache_stats'))

    # Number of threads for foreground work.
    self._num_foreground_workers = self.get_options().num_foreground_workers

    # Number of threads for background work.
    self._num_background_workers = self.get_options().num_background_workers

    # We report to this Report.
    self.report = None

    # self._threadlocal.current_workunit contains the current workunit for the calling thread.
    # Note that multiple threads may share a name (e.g., all the threads in a pool).
    self._threadlocal = threading.local()

    # For main thread work. Created on start().
    self._main_root_workunit = None

    # For background work.  Created lazily if needed.
    self._background_worker_pool = None
    self._background_root_workunit = None

    # Trigger subproc pool init while our memory image is still clean (see SubprocPool docstring).

    self._aborted = False
예제 #6
파일: context.py 프로젝트: amedina/pants
  def subproc_map(self, f, items):
    """Map function `f` over `items` in subprocesses and return the result.

      :param f: A multiproc-friendly (importable) work function.
      :param args: A iterable of pickleable arguments to f.
      # Pool.map (and async_map().get() w/o timeout) can miss SIGINT.
      # See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1408476, http://bugs.python.org/issue8844
      # Instead, we map_async(...), wait *with a timeout* until ready, then .get()
      # NB: in 2.x, wait() with timeout wakes up often to check, burning CPU. Oh well.
      res = SubprocPool.foreground().map_async(f, items)
      while not res.ready():
        res.wait(60) # Repeatedly wait for up to a minute.
        if not res.ready():
          self.log.debug('subproc_map result still not ready...')
      return res.get()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
예제 #7
    def subproc_map(self, f, items):
        """Map function `f` over `items` in subprocesses and return the result.

      :param f: A multiproc-friendly (importable) work function.
      :param items: A iterable of pickleable arguments to f.
            # Pool.map (and async_map().get() w/o timeout) can miss SIGINT.
            # See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1408476, http://bugs.python.org/issue8844
            # Instead, we map_async(...), wait *with a timeout* until ready, then .get()
            # NB: in 2.x, wait() with timeout wakes up often to check, burning CPU. Oh well.
            res = SubprocPool.foreground().map_async(f, items)
            while not res.ready():
                res.wait(60)  # Repeatedly wait for up to a minute.
                if not res.ready():
                    self.log.debug('subproc_map result still not ready...')
            return res.get()
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    :API: public
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._run_timestamp = time.time()
        self._cmd_line = ' '.join(['pants'] + sys.argv[1:])
        self._sorted_goal_infos = tuple()
        self._v2_goal_rule_names = tuple()

        self.run_uuid = uuid.uuid4().hex
        # Select a globally unique ID for the run, that sorts by time.
        millis = int((self._run_timestamp * 1000) % 1000)
        # run_uuid is used as a part of run_id and also as a trace_id for Zipkin tracing
        str_time = time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S',
        self.run_id = f'pants_run_{str_time}_{millis}_{self.run_uuid}'

        # Initialized in `initialize()`.
        self.run_info_dir = None
        self.run_info = None
        self.cumulative_timings = None
        self.self_timings = None
        self.artifact_cache_stats = None
        self.pantsd_stats = None

        # Initialized in `start()`.
        self.report = None
        self.json_reporter = None
        self._main_root_workunit = None
        self._all_options = None

        # A lock to ensure that adding to stats at the end of a workunit
        # operates thread-safely.
        self._stats_lock = threading.Lock()

        # Log of success/failure/aborted for each workunit.
        self.outcomes = {}

        # Number of threads for foreground work.
        self._num_foreground_workers = self.get_options(

        # Number of threads for background work.
        self._num_background_workers = self.get_options(

        # self._threadlocal.current_workunit contains the current workunit for the calling thread.
        # Note that multiple threads may share a name (e.g., all the threads in a pool).
        self._threadlocal = threading.local()

        # A logger facade that logs into this RunTracker.
        self._logger = RunTrackerLogger(self)

        # For background work.  Created lazily if needed.
        self._background_worker_pool = None
        self._background_root_workunit = None

        # Trigger subproc pool init while our memory image is still clean (see SubprocPool docstring).

        self._aborted = False

        # Data will be organized first by target and then scope.
        # Eg:
        # {
        #   'target/address:name': {
        #     'running_scope': {
        #       'run_duration': 356.09
        #     },
        #     'GLOBAL': {
        #       'target_type': 'pants.test'
        #     }
        #   }
        # }
        self._target_to_data = {}

        self._end_memoized_result = None
예제 #9
  def __init__(self,
    self.run_timestamp = time.time()  # A double, so we get subsecond precision for ids.
    cmd_line = ' '.join(['./pants'] + sys.argv[1:])

    # run_id is safe for use in paths.
    millis = (self.run_timestamp * 1000) % 1000
    run_id = 'pants_run_%s_%d' % \
             (time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S', time.localtime(self.run_timestamp)), millis)

    self.run_info_dir = os.path.join(info_dir, run_id)
    self.run_info = RunInfo(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'info'))
    self.run_info.add_basic_info(run_id, self.run_timestamp)
    self.run_info.add_info('cmd_line', cmd_line)
    self.stats_url = stats_upload_url
    self.stats_timeout = stats_upload_timeout

    # Create a 'latest' symlink, after we add_infos, so we're guaranteed that the file exists.
    link_to_latest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.run_info_dir), 'latest')

      if os.path.lexists(link_to_latest):
      os.symlink(self.run_info_dir, link_to_latest)
    except OSError as e:
      # Another run may beat us to deletion or creation.
      if not (e.errno == errno.EEXIST or e.errno == errno.ENOENT):

    # Time spent in a workunit, including its children.
    self.cumulative_timings = AggregatedTimings(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir,

    # Time spent in a workunit, not including its children.
    self.self_timings = AggregatedTimings(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'self_timings'))

    # Hit/miss stats for the artifact cache.
    self.artifact_cache_stats = \
      ArtifactCacheStats(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'artifact_cache_stats'))

    # Number of threads for foreground work.
    self._num_foreground_workers = num_foreground_workers

    # Number of threads for background work.
    self._num_background_workers = num_background_workers

    # We report to this Report.
    self.report = None

    # self._threadlocal.current_workunit contains the current workunit for the calling thread.
    # Note that multiple threads may share a name (e.g., all the threads in a pool).
    self._threadlocal = threading.local()

    # For main thread work. Created on start().
    self._main_root_workunit = None

    # For concurrent foreground work.  Created lazily if needed.
    # Associated with the main thread's root workunit.
    self._foreground_worker_pool = None

    # For background work.  Created lazily if needed.
    self._background_worker_pool = None
    self._background_root_workunit = None

    # Trigger subproc pool init while our memory image is still clean (see SubprocPool docstring)

    self._aborted = False
예제 #10
    def __init__(self,
        self.run_timestamp = time.time(
        )  # A double, so we get subsecond precision for ids.
        cmd_line = ' '.join(['./pants'] + sys.argv[1:])

        # run_id is safe for use in paths.
        millis = (self.run_timestamp * 1000) % 1000
        run_id = 'pants_run_%s_%d' % \
                 (time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S', time.localtime(self.run_timestamp)), millis)

        self.run_info_dir = os.path.join(info_dir, run_id)
        self.run_info = RunInfo(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'info'))
        self.run_info.add_basic_info(run_id, self.run_timestamp)
        self.run_info.add_info('cmd_line', cmd_line)
        self.stats_url = stats_upload_url
        self.stats_timeout = stats_upload_timeout

        # Create a 'latest' symlink, after we add_infos, so we're guaranteed that the file exists.
        link_to_latest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.run_info_dir),

            if os.path.lexists(link_to_latest):
            os.symlink(self.run_info_dir, link_to_latest)
        except OSError as e:
            # Another run may beat us to deletion or creation.
            if not (e.errno == errno.EEXIST or e.errno == errno.ENOENT):

        # Time spent in a workunit, including its children.
        self.cumulative_timings = AggregatedTimings(
            os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'cumulative_timings'))

        # Time spent in a workunit, not including its children.
        self.self_timings = AggregatedTimings(
            os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'self_timings'))

        # Hit/miss stats for the artifact cache.
        self.artifact_cache_stats = \
          ArtifactCacheStats(os.path.join(self.run_info_dir, 'artifact_cache_stats'))

        # Number of threads for foreground work.
        self._num_foreground_workers = num_foreground_workers

        # Number of threads for background work.
        self._num_background_workers = num_background_workers

        # We report to this Report.
        self.report = None

        # self._threadlocal.current_workunit contains the current workunit for the calling thread.
        # Note that multiple threads may share a name (e.g., all the threads in a pool).
        self._threadlocal = threading.local()

        # For main thread work. Created on start().
        self._main_root_workunit = None

        # For concurrent foreground work.  Created lazily if needed.
        # Associated with the main thread's root workunit.
        self._foreground_worker_pool = None

        # For background work.  Created lazily if needed.
        self._background_worker_pool = None
        self._background_root_workunit = None

        # Trigger subproc pool init while our memory image is still clean (see SubprocPool docstring)

        self._aborted = False