def setup_parser(cls, option_group, args, mkflag): NailgunTask.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag) flag = mkflag('override') option_group.add_option(flag, action='append', dest='ivy_resolve_overrides', help="""Specifies a jar dependency override in the form: [org]#[name]=(revision|url) For example, to specify 2 overrides: %(flag) \\ %(flag)s=com.baz#spam=file:///tmp/spam.jar """ % dict(flag=flag)) report = mkflag("report") option_group.add_option(report, mkflag("report", negate=True), dest = "ivy_resolve_report", action="callback", callback=mkflag.set_bool, default=False, help = "[%default] Generate an ivy resolve html report") option_group.add_option(mkflag("open"), mkflag("open", negate=True), dest="ivy_resolve_open", default=False, action="callback", callback=mkflag.set_bool, help="[%%default] Attempt to open the generated ivy resolve report " "in a browser (implies %s)." % report) option_group.add_option(mkflag("outdir"), dest="ivy_resolve_outdir", help="Emit ivy report outputs in to this directory.") option_group.add_option(mkflag("args"), dest="ivy_args", action="append", default=[], help = "Pass these extra args to ivy.") option_group.add_option(mkflag("mutable-pattern"), dest="ivy_mutable_pattern", help="If specified, all artifact revisions matching this pattern will " "be treated as mutable unless a matching artifact explicitly " "marks mutable as False.")
def setup_parser(cls, option_group, args, mkflag): NailgunTask.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag) option_group.add_option(mkflag("skip"), mkflag("skip", negate=True), dest="scalastyle_skip", default=False, action="callback", callback=mkflag.set_bool, help="[%default] Skip scalastyle.")
def __init__(self, context): CodeGen.__init__(self, context) NailgunTask.__init__(self, context) # TODO(John Sirois): kill if not needed by prepare_gen self._classpath_by_compiler = {} active_compilers = set(map(lambda t: t.compiler, context.targets(predicate=self.is_gentarget))) for compiler, tools in self._all_possible_antlr_bootstrap_tools(): if compiler in active_compilers: self._jvm_tool_bootstrapper.register_jvm_tool(compiler, tools)
def __init__(self, context): NailgunTask.__init__(self, context) self._scalastyle_config = self.context.config.get_required( Scalastyle._CONFIG_SECTION, 'config') if not os.path.exists(self._scalastyle_config): raise Config.ConfigError( 'Scalastyle config file does not exist: %s' % self._scalastyle_config) excludes_file = self.context.config.get(Scalastyle._CONFIG_SECTION, 'excludes') self._excludes = set() if excludes_file: if not os.path.exists(excludes_file): raise Config.ConfigError('Scalastyle excludes file does not exist: %s' % excludes_file) self.context.log.debug('Using scalastyle excludes file %s' % excludes_file) with open(excludes_file) as fh: for pattern in fh.readlines(): self._excludes.add(re.compile(pattern.strip())) self._scalastyle_bootstrap_key = 'scalastyle' self.register_jvm_tool(self._scalastyle_bootstrap_key, [':scalastyle'])
def setup_parser(subcls, option_group, args, mkflag): NailgunTask.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag) option_group.add_option(mkflag('warnings'), mkflag('warnings', negate=True), dest=subcls._language+'_compile_warnings', default=True, action='callback', callback=mkflag.set_bool, help='[%default] Compile with all configured warnings enabled.') option_group.add_option(mkflag('partition-size-hint'), dest=subcls._language+'_partition_size_hint', action='store', type='int', default=-1, help='Roughly how many source files to attempt to compile together. ' 'Set to a large number to compile all sources together. Set this ' 'to 0 to compile target-by-target. Default is set in pants.ini.') option_group.add_option(mkflag('missing-deps'), dest=subcls._language+'_missing_deps', choices=['off', 'warn', 'fatal'], default='warn', help='[%default] One of off, warn, fatal. ' 'Check for missing dependencies in ' + subcls._language + 'code. ' 'Reports actual dependencies A -> B where there is no ' 'transitive BUILD file dependency path from A to B.' 'If fatal, missing deps are treated as a build error.') option_group.add_option(mkflag('missing-direct-deps'), dest=subcls._language+'_missing_direct_deps', choices=['off', 'warn', 'fatal'], default='off', help='[%default] One of off, warn, fatal. ' 'Check for missing direct dependencies in ' + subcls._language + ' code. Reports actual dependencies A -> B where there is no ' 'direct BUILD file dependency path from A to B. This is a very ' 'strict check, as in practice it is common to rely on transitive, ' 'non-direct dependencies, e.g., due to type inference or when the ' 'main target in a BUILD file is modified to depend on other ' 'targets in the same BUILD file as an implementation detail. It ' 'may still be useful to set it to fatal temorarily, to detect ' 'these.') option_group.add_option(mkflag('unnecessary-deps'), dest=subcls._language+'_unnecessary_deps', choices=['off', 'warn', 'fatal'], default='off', help='[%default] One of off, warn, fatal. Check for declared ' 'dependencies in ' + subcls._language + ' code that are not ' 'needed. This is a very strict check. For example, generated code ' 'will often legitimately have BUILD dependencies that are unused ' 'in practice.') option_group.add_option(mkflag('delete-scratch'), mkflag('delete-scratch', negate=True), dest=subcls._language+'_delete_scratch', default=True, action='callback', callback=mkflag.set_bool, help='[%default] Leave intermediate scratch files around, ' 'for debugging build problems.')
def _run(): """ To add additional paths to sys.path, add a block to the config similar to the following: [main] roots: ['src/python/pants_internal/test/',] """ version = get_version() if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == _VERSION_OPTION: _do_exit(version) root_dir = get_buildroot() if not os.path.exists(root_dir): _exit_and_fail('PANTS_BUILD_ROOT does not point to a valid path: %s' % root_dir) if len(sys.argv) < 2 or (len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] in _HELP_ALIASES): _help(version, root_dir) command_class, command_args = _parse_command(root_dir, sys.argv[1:]) parser = optparse.OptionParser(version=version) RcFile.install_disable_rc_option(parser) parser.add_option(_LOG_EXIT_OPTION, action='store_true', default=False, dest='log_exit', help = 'Log an exit message on success or failure.') config = Config.load() # TODO: This can be replaced once extensions are enabled with # roots = config.getlist('parse', 'roots', default=[]) sys.path.extend(map(lambda root: os.path.join(root_dir, root), roots)) # XXX(wickman) This should be in the command goal, not un! run_tracker = RunTracker.from_config(config) report = initial_reporting(config, run_tracker) run_tracker.start(report) url = run_tracker.run_info.get_info('report_url') if url: run_tracker.log(Report.INFO, 'See a report at: %s' % url) else: run_tracker.log(Report.INFO, '(To run a reporting server: ./pants server)') command = command_class(run_tracker, root_dir, parser, command_args) try: if command.serialized(): def onwait(pid): print('Waiting on pants process %s to complete' % _process_info(pid), file=sys.stderr) return True runfile = os.path.join(root_dir, '') lock = Lock.acquire(runfile, onwait=onwait) else: lock = Lock.unlocked() try: result = _do_exit(result) except KeyboardInterrupt: command.cleanup() raise finally: lock.release() finally: run_tracker.end() # Must kill nailguns only after run_tracker.end() is called, because there may still # be pending background work that needs a nailgun. if (hasattr(command.options, 'cleanup_nailguns') and command.options.cleanup_nailguns) \ or config.get('nailgun', 'autokill', default=False): NailgunTask.killall(None)
def execute(self, targets): NailgunTask.killall(everywhere=self.context.options.ng_killall_everywhere)