예제 #1
파일: history.py 프로젝트: cbgp/diyabc
 def detparam(self,s,category):
     s1 = s
     ss = []
     while len(s1)>0 :
         plus = s1.find("+")
         minus= s1.find("-")
         if (plus == -1)and(minus == -1) :
             s1 = ""
         else :
             if plus>=0 : posigne = plus;
             else      : posigne = minus;
             s1 = s1[posigne+1:]
     for j in range(len(ss)) :
         if not isaninteger(ss[j]):
             pr = param.HistParameter()
             pr.category,pr.prior = category, None
             pr.name, pr.value = ss[j], None
             if len(self.parameters) >0 :
                 trouve = False
                 i = -1
                 while (not trouve) and (i<len(self.parameters)-1) :
                     i +=1
                     trouve = pr.name == self.parameters[i].name
                     if trouve and (self.parameters[i].category != category):
                         raise IOScreenError, "%s is used as a %s parameter and %s parameter"%(pr.name,param.HistParameter.categorydict[category],param.HistParameter.categorydict[self.parameters[i].category] )
                 if not trouve : self.parameters.append(pr)
             else :
예제 #2
파일: history.py 프로젝트: cbgp/diyabc
    def checkread(self,textarray,data=None):
        if len(self.parameters)>0 :
            self.parametersbackup = copy.deepcopy(self.parameters)
            self.parameters = []
        else : self.parametersbackup = []
        ligne0 = textarray[0]   #take the first line of the scenario
        ligne  =ligne0.upper()  #put it in uppercase
        if ligne.find('SAMPLE')+ligne.find('REFSAMPLE')+ligne.find('MERGE')+ligne.find('VARNE')+ligne.find('SPLIT')+ligne.find('SEXUAL')>-4:
            raise IOScreenError, "The first line must provide effective population sizes"
        ls = ligne0.split()
        self.npop = len(ls)
        self.history = History()
        for l in ls :
            NN = Ne0()
            NNc = Ne0()
            if isaninteger(l): NN.name, NN.val, NNc.name, NNc.val = str(l),int(l),str(l),int(l)
            else                          : NN.name, NN.val, NNc.name, NNc.val = l, None, l, None
            if NN.val == None : self.detparam(NN.name,"N")
        self.nsamp = 0
        self.nrefsamp = 0
        nevent = 0
        pat = re.compile(r'\s+')
        for i,li_n_c in enumerate(textarray[1:]):
            li = pat.sub(' ',li_n_c)
            if li.upper().find('SAMPLE')+li.upper().find('REFSAMPLE') > -1 :
                if li.upper().find('REFSAMPLE') > -1 :
                    self.dicoPopRefNindRef[int(li.strip().split(' ')[-3])] = int(li.strip().split(' ')[-1]) + int(li.strip().split(' ')[-2])
                if (len(li.strip().split(' ')) < 3)or(len(li.strip().split(' ')) == 4):
                    raise IOScreenError, "At line %i, the number of words is incorrect"%(i+2)
                # verif que le nombre apres "sample" est bien inférieur ou egal au nombre de pop (len(Ncur))
                if (li.upper().find(' SAMPLE')>-1) and (int(li.strip().split(' ')[2]) > len(Ncur)):
                    raise IOScreenError, "At line %i, the population number (%s) is higher than the number of population (%s) defined at line 1"%((i+2),li.split(' ')[-1],len(Ncur))

                if (li.upper().find('REFSAMPLE')>-1) and (int(li.strip().split(' ')[2]) > len(Ncur)):
                    raise IOScreenError, "At line %i, the population number (%s) is higher than the number of population (%s) defined at line 1"%((i+2),li.split(' ')[-1],len(Ncur))
        if self.nsamp<1 :
            raise IOScreenError, "You must indicate when samples are taken"
        if data!=None:
            #print self.nsamp,"========", data.nsample
            if self.nsamp != data.nsample+self.nrefsamp :
                raise IOScreenError, "The number of samples in scenario %s does not match the data file"%(self.number)
        if len(textarray)>1 :
            for ili0 in range(0,len(textarray)-1) :
                for ili1 in range(ili0+1,len(textarray)) :
                    li0tem = textarray[ili0].split()
                    li1tem = textarray[ili1].split()
                    idem = False
                    if len(li0tem) == len(li1tem) :
                        idem = True
                        j = 0
                        while idem and (j<len(li0tem)) :
                            idem = (li0tem[j] == li1tem[j])
                            j +=1
                    if idem :
                        raise IOScreenError,"Lines %s and %s of scenario %s are identical"%(ili0+1,ili1+1,self.number)
            j,ns = 0, 0
            for jli0 in range(1,len(textarray)):
                if len(textarray[jli0])>0:
                    j +=1
                    li = textarray[jli0]
                    Li = li.upper()
                    litem = li.split()
                    nitems = len(litem)

                    if Li.find(" SAMPLE")+ Li.find("REFSAMPLE")>-1:
                        if (nitems<3)or(nitems==4):
                            raise IOScreenError, "Line %s of scenario %s is incomplete"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        self.cevent = Event()
                        self.cevent.numevent0 = nevent
                        nevent +=1
                        if Li.find(" SAMPLE")>-1 :
                            self.cevent.action = "SAMPLE"
                        if Li.find("REFSAMPLE")>-1 :
                            self.cevent.action = "REFSAMPLE"
                        self.cevent.stime = litem[0]
                        if isaninteger(litem[0]) : self.cevent.time = int(litem[0])
                        else : self.detparam(litem[0],"T")
                        if isaninteger(litem[2]):
                            self.cevent.pop = int(litem[2])
                        else :
                            raise IOScreenError, "Unable to read population number on line %s of scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        ns +=1
                        self.cevent.sample = ns
                        if (nitems==5):
                            if isaninteger(litem[3]):
                                self.cevent.nindMref = int(litem[3])
                            else :
                                raise IOScreenError, "Unable to read number of males on line %s of scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                            if isaninteger(litem[4]):
                                self.cevent.nindFref = int(litem[4])
                            else :
                                raise IOScreenError, "Unable to read number of females on line %s of scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                            #print self.cevent.nindMref,"   ",self.cevent.nindFref
                            #print "                 ",data.nind[0]
                            if Li.find(" SAMPLE") != -1 and (data!=None):
                                if self.cevent.nindMref+self.cevent.nindFref > data.nind[self.cevent.pop-1] :
                                    raise IOScreenError, "The total number of reference individuals (%s) is larger than that of the data set (%s) on line %s of scenario %s"%(self.cevent.nindMref+self.cevent.nindFref,data.nind[self.cevent.pop-1],jli0+1,self.number)

                    elif Li.find("VARNE")>-1:
                        if nitems<4:
                            raise IOScreenError, "Line %s of scenario %s is incomplete"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        self.cevent = Event()
                        self.cevent.numevent0 = nevent
                        nevent +=1
                        self.cevent.action = "VARNE"
                        self.cevent.stime = litem[0]
                        if isaninteger(litem[0]) : self.cevent.time = int(litem[0])
                        else : self.detparam(litem[0],"T")
                        if isaninteger(litem[2]):
                            self.cevent.pop = int(litem[2])
                        else :
                            raise IOScreenError, "Unable to read population number on line %s of scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        if isaninteger(litem[3]):
                            self.cevent.Ne = int(litem[3]);self.cevent.sNe = None
                        else :
                            self.cevent.sNe = litem[3];self.cevent.Ne = None
                    elif Li.find("MERGE")>-1:
                        if nitems<4:
                            raise IOScreenError, "Line %s of scenario %s is incomplete"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        if nitems>4:
                            raise IOScreenError, "At line %i, the number of words is incorrect"%(i+2)
                        self.cevent = Event()
                        self.cevent.numevent0 = nevent
                        nevent +=1
                        self.cevent.action = "MERGE"
                        self.cevent.stime = litem[0]
                        if isaninteger(litem[0]) : self.cevent.time = int(litem[0])
                        else : self.detparam(litem[0],"T")
                        if isaninteger(litem[2]):
                            self.cevent.pop = int(litem[2])
                        else :
                            raise IOScreenError, "Unable to read the first population number on line %s of scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        if isaninteger(litem[3]):
                            self.cevent.pop1 = int(litem[3])
                        else :
                            raise IOScreenError, "Unable to read the second population number on line %s of scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                    elif Li.find("SPLIT")>-1:
                        if nitems<6:
                            raise IOScreenError, "Line %s of scenario %s is incomplete"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        self.cevent = Event()
                        self.cevent.numevent0 = nevent
                        nevent +=1
                        self.cevent.action = "SPLIT"
                        self.cevent.stime = litem[0]
                        if isaninteger(litem[0]) : self.cevent.time = int(litem[0])
                        else : self.detparam(litem[0],"T")
                        if isaninteger(litem[2]):
                            self.cevent.pop = int(litem[2])
                        else :
                            raise IOScreenError, "Unable to read the first population number on line %s of scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        if isaninteger(litem[3]):
                            self.cevent.pop1 = int(litem[3])
                        else :
                            raise IOScreenError, "Unable to read the second population number on line %s of scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        if isaninteger(litem[4]):
                            self.cevent.pop2 = int(litem[4])
                        else :
                            raise IOScreenError, "Unable to read the third population number on line %s of scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        if isafloat(litem[5]):
                            self.cevent.admixrate = float(litem[5])
                        else :
                            self.cevent.sadmixrate = litem[5]
                    elif Li.find("SEXUAL")>-1:
                        if nitems<3:
                            raise IOScreenError, "Line %s of scenario %s is incomplete"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        self.cevent = Event()
                        self.cevent.numevent0 = nevent
                        nevent +=1
                        self.cevent.action = "SEXUAL"
                        self.cevent.stime = litem[0]
                        if isaninteger(litem[0]) : self.cevent.time = int(litem[0])
                        else : self.detparam(litem[0],"T")
                        if isaninteger(litem[2]):
                            self.cevent.pop = int(litem[2])
                        else :
                            raise IOScreenError, "Unable to read population number on line %s of scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                        ns +=1
                        self.cevent.sample = ns
                    else :
                        raise IOScreenError,"Uninterpretable line %s in scenario %s"%(jli0+1,self.number)
                    if self.cevent.pop>self.popmax : self.popmax=self.cevent.pop
            if len(self.parametersbackup)>0 :
                for pb in self.parametersbackup :
                    trouve = False
                    i = -1
                    while (not trouve)and(i<len(self.parameters)-1) :
                        i +=1
                        p = self.parameters[i]
                        trouve = (pb.name == p.name) and (pb.category == p.category)
                    if trouve : self.parameters[i].value = pb.value