예제 #1
 def test_4_misc(self):
     msg = Message(self.__d)
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_int(), 5)
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_mpint(), 0x1122334455L)
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_so_far(), self.__d[:13])
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_remainder(), self.__d[13:])
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_int(), 5)
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_so_far(), self.__d[:4])
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_remainder(), self.__d[4:])
예제 #2
 def test_4_misc(self):
     msg = Message(self.__d)
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_int(), 5)
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_mpint(), 0x1122334455)
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_so_far(), self.__d[:13])
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_remainder(), self.__d[13:])
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_int(), 5)
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_so_far(), self.__d[:4])
     self.assertEquals(msg.get_remainder(), self.__d[4:])
예제 #3
 def test_4_misc(self):
     msg = Message(self.__d)
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_adaptive_int(), 5)
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_adaptive_int(), 0x1122334455)
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_adaptive_int(), 0xf00000000000000000)
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_so_far(), self.__d[:29])
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_remainder(), self.__d[29:])
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_adaptive_int(), 5)
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_so_far(), self.__d[:4])
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_remainder(), self.__d[4:])
예제 #4
 def test_misc(self):
     msg = Message(self.__d)
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_int(), 5)
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_boolean(), True)
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_text(), 'cat')
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_so_far(), self.__d[:12])
     self.assertEqual(msg.get_remainder(), self.__d[12:])
예제 #5
    def _from_message(self, msg):
        Internal fuction to parse the contents of a certificate. There are
        several pieces of information to be parsed specificed by
        PROTOCOL.certkeys in the OpenSSH source code.

        string cert_key_type (i.e. "*****@*****.**")
        string nonce
        various public key data : Fields and types dependent on key type
        uint64 serial
        uint32 type
        string key_id
        string principals : Message containing a list of principals
        uint64 valid_after
        uint64 valid_before
        string critical_options : Message containing various critical options
        string extensions : Mesage containing optional extensions
        string reserved
        string signature_key
        string signature

        :param .Message msg:
            An instance of a paramiko.message.Message containing the
            certificate data.
        cert_key_type = msg.get_text()
        self.nonce = msg.get_binary()

        # Use the _key_parsers dictionary to look up the appropriate key
        # parser to read the key. Then dispatch to that function to do the
        # actual reading of the key data.
        key_parser = self._key_parsers.get(cert_key_type)
        if key_parser is None:
            err = "Unknown cert key type {}".format(cert_key_type)
            raise SSHException(err)
        self.key = key_parser(msg)

        self.serial = msg.get_int64()
        self.type = msg.get_int()
        self.key_id = msg.get_text()

        principals_msg = Message(msg.get_binary())
        while principals_msg.get_remainder():

        self.valid_after = msg.get_int64()
        self.valid_before = msg.get_int64()

        copts_msg = Message(msg.get_binary())
        while copts_msg.get_remainder():
            opt = copts_msg.get_text()
            val_msg = Message(copts_msg.get_binary())
            val = val_msg.get_text()
            self.set_critical_option(opt, val)

        ext_msg = Message(msg.get_binary())
        while ext_msg.get_remainder():
            ext = ext_msg.get_text()
            val = ext_msg.get_binary()
            self.extensions[ext] = val

        self.reserved = msg.get_string()
        self.signature_key = msg.get_binary()
        self._body_bytes = msg.get_so_far()
        self.signature = msg.get_binary()
        self._bytes = msg.get_so_far()
예제 #6
    def _read_private_key_new_format(data, password):
        Read the new OpenSSH SSH2 private key format available
        since OpenSSH version 6.5
        message = Message(data)
        OPENSSH_AUTH_MAGIC = b"openssh-key-v1\x00"
        if message.get_bytes(len(OPENSSH_AUTH_MAGIC)) != OPENSSH_AUTH_MAGIC:
            raise SSHException("unexpected OpenSSH key header encountered")

        cipher = message.get_text()
        kdfname = message.get_text()
        kdfoptions = message.get_binary()
        num_keys = message.get_int()

        if num_keys > 1:
            raise SSHException(
                "unsupported: private keyfile has multiple keys")

        public_data = message.get_binary()
        privkey_blob = message.get_binary()

        pub_keytype = Message(public_data).get_text()

        if kdfname == "none":
            if kdfoptions or cipher != "none":
                raise SSHException("Invalid key options for kdf 'none'")
            private_data = privkey_blob

        elif kdfname == "bcrypt":
            if not password:
                raise PasswordRequiredException(
                    "Private key file is encrypted")
            if cipher == 'aes256-cbc':
                mode = modes.CBC
            elif cipher == 'aes256-ctr':
                mode = modes.CTR
                raise SSHException(
                    "unknown cipher '%s' used in private key file" % cipher)

            kdf = Message(kdfoptions)
            salt = kdf.get_binary()
            rounds = kdf.get_int()

            # run bcrypt kdf to derive key and iv/nonce (desired_key_bytes = 32 + 16 bytes)
            key_iv = bcrypt.kdf(b(password),
            key = key_iv[:32]
            iv = key_iv[32:]
            # decrypt private key blob
            decryptor = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), mode(iv),
            private_data = decryptor.update(
                privkey_blob) + decryptor.finalize()

            raise SSHException(
                "unknown cipher or kdf used in private key file")

        # Unpack private key and verify checkints
        priv_msg = Message(private_data)
        checkint1 = priv_msg.get_int()
        checkint2 = priv_msg.get_int()
        if checkint1 != checkint2:
            raise SSHException(
                'OpenSSH private key file checkints do not match')

        keytype = priv_msg.get_text()
        if pub_keytype != keytype:
            raise SSHException(
                "Inconsistent key types for public and private parts")

        keydata = priv_msg.get_remainder()
        return keytype, _unpad(keydata)