예제 #1
파일: circuit.py 프로젝트: cechrist/cardoon
    def set_attributes(self):
        Set parameters as attributes. 

        Priority is as follows: first manually set parameters, then
        manually set parameters in model (if any) and finally default
        # Ambient temperature (temp) initially set to global
        # temperature, but may be overriden by the model or the
        # element line attributes
        self.temp = glVar.temp
        # Set overrides first
        if self.dotModel:
            ParamSet.set_attributes(self, useDefaults = False)
            # Get other attributes from model
            ParamSet.set_attributes(self, useDefaults = True)
예제 #2
    def set_attributes(self):
        Set parameters as attributes. 

        Priority is as follows: first manually set parameters, then
        manually set parameters in model (if any) and finally default
        # Ambient temperature (temp) initially set to global
        # temperature, but may be overriden by the model or the
        # element line attributes
        self.temp = glVar.temp
        # Set overrides first
        if self.dotModel:
            ParamSet.set_attributes(self, useDefaults = False)
            # Get other attributes from model
            ParamSet.set_attributes(self, useDefaults = True)
예제 #3
    k = ('Boltzmann constant', 'J K^{-1}', float, 1.3806488e-23),
    q = ('Elementary charge', 'C', float, 1.602176565e-19),
    epsilon0 = ('Permittivity of free space', 'F m^{-1}', 
     float, 8.854187817e-12),
    mu0 = ('Permeability of free space', 'H m^{-1}', float,
    c0 = ('Speed of light in free space', 'm s^{-1}', float, 2.99792458e8),
    T0 = ('Zero degree Celsius temperature', 'K', float, 273.15),
    epSi = ('Permitivity of silicon', '', float, 104.5e-12),
    epOx = ('Permitivity of silicon oxide', '', float, 34.5e-12),
    Np2dB = ('Neper to dB conversion constant', 'dB/Np', 
             float, 8.6858896380650368)

const = ParamSet(constDict)

globDict = dict(
    temp = ('Ambient temperature', 'C', float, 27.),
    abstol = ('Absolute tolerance for nodal variables', 'nodal unit', 
              float, 1e-7),
    reltol = ('Relative tolerance for nodal variables', '', float, 1e-4),
    maxiter = ('Maximum number of Newton iterations', '', int, 20),
    maxdelta = ('Maximum allowed change in one Newton iteration', 
                'nodal unit', float, 20.),
    errfunc = ("Enable additional test for error function in Newton's method", 
               'bool', bool, False),
    sparse = ("Use sparse matrices in analyses if possible", 'bool', 
              bool, True),
    gyr = ('Default gain in internal gyrators', 'S', float, 1e-3)