예제 #1
    def _get_wfs(self):
        """Calculate wavefunctions for all surfaces"""
        # Get wavefunctions and sort them
        wfs = self._get_wfs_raw()
        wfs = [wfs[i] for i in self.idx]

        # Fix phase and ordering 
        wfsold = self.wfs
        S = get_overlaps(wfs, wfsold)

        if self.switch:
            # See if surfaces have switched places
            this_permutation = np.abs(np.array(S.round(), dtype=int))
            if world.rank == MASTER:
                print '# DEBUG ######################'
                print 'S:', S.reshape(-1)
                print 'perm:', this_permutation.reshape(-1)
            assert np.abs(np.linalg.det(this_permutation)) == 1
            # Save the redordered index for later use 
            self.idx = np.dot(this_permutation,
            self.data['idx'] = self.idx.copy()
            self.permutation_matrix = np.dot(this_permutation,
            self.data['permutation_matrix'] = self.permutation_matrix.copy()

            # Re-sort if necessary
            this_idx = np.dot(this_permutation,
                              np.arange(len(self.idx), dtype=int))
            wfs = [wfs[i] for i in this_idx]
            S_permuted = np.dot(this_permutation, S)
            S = get_overlaps(wfs, wfsold)
            assert np.max(np.abs(S - S_permuted)) < 1e-3

        # Change sign of wavefunctions if overlaps with itself is negative
        for i in range(S.shape[0]):
            if S[i, i] < 0.0:
                wfs[i] *= -1
                S = get_overlaps(wfs, wfsold)
        self.data['S'] = S.copy()

        return wfs
예제 #2
    def set_position(self, x):
        """Set position"""
        ParticleOnPES.set_position(self, x)

        wfsold = self.wfs
        wfs = self._get_wfs()

        # <psi_i|d/dt|psi_j>
        ddt_wfs = []
        for i in range(len(wfs)):
            ddt_wf = (wfs[i] - wfsold[i]) / self.dt
        V = get_overlaps(wfs, ddt_wfs)
        self.data['V'] = V.copy()

        # Energies
        Epes = []
        for i in self.idx:
            pes = self.peslist[i]
        self.data['Epes'] = Epes

        # Hamiltonian
        H = np.diag(Epes) - 1.0j * V
        self.data['H'] = H.copy()

        # Propagate expansion coefficients
        cold = self.c.copy()

        if not self.newint:
            ### Old integration
            c = -1.0j / hbar * np.dot(H, cold) * self.dt + cold
            ### New integration
            #   d             d
            # i -- c = H c => -- c = -i H c
            #   dt            dt
            # e_i, v_i is eigenvals/vectors of (-i H)
            # then
            # c(t) = k_1 v_1 exp(e_2 t) + k_2 v_2 exp(e_2 t)
            # b.c: v k = c => k = v\c
            if world.rank == MASTER:
                print 'New integration'
            e, v = np.linalg.eig(-1.0j * H / hbar)
            k = np.linalg.solve(v, cold)
            c = k[0] * v[:, 0] * np.exp(e[0] * self.dt) + \
                k[1] * v[:, 1] * np.exp(e[1] * self.dt)
        self.data['c'] = c.copy()

        c /= np.linalg.norm(c)
        self.data['cnorm'] = c.copy()
        self.c = c.copy()

        # Save wavefunctions for later
        self.wfs = wfs

        # Stuff done for logging purposes
        self.data['nlist'] = self.nlist[:]
        self.data['eigenvalues'] = \
                [self.calc.get_eigenvalues()[n] for n in self.nlist]
        self.data['potential_energy'] = self.calc.get_potential_energy()