예제 #1
class Metrics(object):
    """Class that maintains evaluation metrics over dialog."""
    def __init__(self, opt):
        self.metrics = {}
        self.metrics['cnt'] = 0
        self.metrics_list = set()
        optional_metrics_list = []
        metrics_arg = opt.get('metrics', 'default')
        if metrics_arg == 'default':
            optional_metrics_list = DEFAULT_METRICS
        elif metrics_arg == 'all':
            optional_metrics_list = ALL_METRICS
            optional_metrics_list = set(metrics_arg.split(','))
        for each_m in optional_metrics_list:
            if each_m.startswith('rouge'):
                if rouge is not None:
                    # only compute rouge if rouge is available
            elif each_m == 'bleu' and nltkbleu is None:
                # only compute bleu if bleu is available
        metrics_list = (self.metrics_list if 'rouge' not in self.metrics_list
                        else self.metrics_list | ROUGE_METRICS)
        for k in metrics_list:
            self.metrics[k] = 0.0
            self.metrics[k + '_cnt'] = 0
        self.eval_pr = [1, 5, 10, 100]
        for k in self.eval_pr:
            self.metrics['hits@' + str(k)] = 0
        self.metrics['hits@_cnt'] = 0
        self.flags = {
            'has_text_cands': False,
            'print_prediction_metrics': False
        if opt.get('numthreads', 1) > 1:
            self.metrics = SharedTable(self.metrics)
            self.flags = SharedTable(self.flags)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.metrics)

    def __repr__(self):
        representation = super().__repr__()
        return representation.replace('>', ': {}>'.format(repr(self.metrics)))

    def _lock(self):
        if hasattr(self.metrics, 'get_lock'):
            # use the shared_table's lock
            return self.metrics.get_lock()
            # otherwise do nothing
            return no_lock()

    def _update_ranking_metrics(self, observation, labels):
        text_cands = observation.get('text_candidates', None)
        if text_cands is None:
            # Now loop through text candidates, assuming they are sorted.
            # If any of them is a label then score a point.
            # maintain hits@1, 5, 10, 50, 100,  etc.
            label_set = set(normalize_answer(l) for l in labels)
            cnts = {k: 0 for k in self.eval_pr}
            cnt = 0
            for c in text_cands:
                cnt += 1
                if normalize_answer(c) in label_set:
                    for k in self.eval_pr:
                        if cnt <= k:
                            cnts[k] += 1
            # hits metric is 1 if cnts[k] > 0.
            # (other metrics such as p@k and r@k take
            # the value of cnt into account.)
            with self._lock():
                self.flags['has_text_cands'] = True
                for k in self.eval_pr:
                    if cnts[k] > 0:
                        self.metrics['hits@' + str(k)] += 1
                self.metrics['hits@_cnt'] += 1

    def update(self, observation, labels):
        """Update metrics based on an observation and true labels."""
        with self._lock():
            self.metrics['cnt'] += 1

        # Exact match metric.
        correct = 0
        prediction = observation.get('text', None)
        if prediction is not None:
            if _exact_match(prediction, labels):
                correct = 1
            with self._lock():
                self.flags['print_prediction_metrics'] = True
                self.metrics['correct'] += correct
                self.metrics['correct_cnt'] += 1

            # F1 and BLEU metrics.
            if 'f1' in self.metrics_list:
                f1 = _f1_score(prediction, labels)
            if 'bleu' in self.metrics_list:
                bleu = _bleu(prediction, labels)
            if 'rouge' in self.metrics_list:
                rouge1, rouge2, rougeL = _rouge(prediction, labels)

            with self._lock():
                if 'f1' in self.metrics:
                    self.metrics['f1'] += f1
                    self.metrics['f1_cnt'] += 1
                if 'bleu' in self.metrics:
                    self.metrics['bleu'] += bleu
                    self.metrics['bleu_cnt'] += 1
                if 'rouge-L' in self.metrics and rouge1 is not None:
                    self.metrics['rouge-1'] += rouge1
                    self.metrics['rouge-1_cnt'] += 1
                    self.metrics['rouge-2'] += rouge2
                    self.metrics['rouge-2_cnt'] += 1
                    self.metrics['rouge-L'] += rougeL
                    self.metrics['rouge-L_cnt'] += 1

        # Ranking metrics.
        self._update_ranking_metrics(observation, labels)

        # User-reported metrics
        if 'metrics' in observation:
            for k, v in observation['metrics'].items():
                if k not in ALL_METRICS and k != 'rouge':
                    if k in self.metrics_list:
                        with self._lock():
                            self.metrics[k] += v
                            self.metrics[k + '_cnt'] += 1
                        if type(self.metrics) is SharedTable:
                            # can't share custom metrics during hogwild
                            # no need to lock because not SharedTable
                            if k not in self.metrics:
                                self.metrics[k] = v
                                self.metrics[k + '_cnt'] = 1.0
                                self.metrics[k] += v

        # Return a dict containing the metrics for this specific example.
        # Metrics across all data is stored internally in the class, and
        # can be accessed with the report method.
        loss = {}
        loss['correct'] = correct
        return loss

    def report(self):
        """Report the metrics over all data seen so far."""
        m = {}
        total = self.metrics['cnt']
        m['exs'] = total
        if total > 0:
            if self.flags['print_prediction_metrics']:
                if 'accuracy' in self.metrics_list:
                    m['accuracy'] = round_sigfigs(
                        self.metrics['correct'] /
                        max(1, self.metrics['correct_cnt']), 4)
                if 'f1' in self.metrics_list:
                    m['f1'] = round_sigfigs(
                        self.metrics['f1'] / max(1, self.metrics['f1_cnt']), 4)
            if self.flags['has_text_cands']:
                for k in self.eval_pr:
                    m['hits@' + str(k)] = round_sigfigs(
                        self.metrics['hits@' + str(k)] /
                        max(1, self.metrics['hits@_cnt']),
            for k in self.metrics_list:
                if self.metrics[k +
                                '_cnt'] > 0 and k != 'correct' and k != 'f1':
                    m[k] = round_sigfigs(
                        self.metrics[k] / max(1, self.metrics[k + '_cnt']), 4)
        return m

    def clear(self):
        """Clear all the metrics."""
        # TODO: rename to reset for consistency with rest of ParlAI
        with self._lock():
            self.metrics['cnt'] = 0
            metrics_list = (self.metrics_list if 'rouge'
                            not in self.metrics_list else self.metrics_list
                            | ROUGE_METRICS)
            for k in metrics_list:
                v = self.metrics[k]
                v_typ = type(v)
                if 'Tensor' in str(v_typ):
                if isinstance(v, int):
                    self.metrics[k] = 0
                    self.metrics[k] = 0.0
                self.metrics[k + '_cnt'] = 0
            for k in self.eval_pr:
                self.metrics['hits@' + str(k)] = 0
            self.metrics['hits@_cnt'] = 0
예제 #2
class PerplexityWorld(World):
    Instead of just calling act/observe on each agent, this world just calls act on the
    teacher and then calls `next_word_probability` on the agent.

    The label for each example is parsed by the provided tokenizer, and then
    for each word in the parsed label the model is given the input and all of
    the tokens up to the current word and asked to predict the current word.

    The model must return a probability of any words it thinks are likely in
    the form of a dict mapping words to scores. If the scores do not sum to 1,
    they are normalized to do so. If the correct word is not present or has a
    probablity of zero, it will be assigned a probability of 1e-8.

    The API of the next_word_probability function which agents must implement
    is mentioned in the documentation for this file.
    def __init__(self, opt, agents, shared=None):
        if shared:
            # Create agents based on shared data.
            self.task, self.agent, self.dict = create_agents_from_shared(
            self.metrics = shared['metrics']
            if len(agents) != 3:
                raise RuntimeError('There must be exactly three agents.')
            if opt.get('batchsize', 1) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError('This world only works with bs=1. Try '
                                   'using multiple threads instead, nt>1.')
            self.task, self.agent, self.dict = agents
            if not hasattr(self.agent, 'next_word_probability'):
                raise RuntimeError('Agent must implement function '
            self.metrics = {
                'exs': 0,
                'loss': 0.0,
                'num_tokens': 0,
                'num_unk': 0
            if opt.get('numthreads', 1) > 1:
                self.metrics = SharedTable(self.metrics)
        self.agents = [self.task, self.agent, self.dict]
        self.acts = [None, None]

    def _lock(self):
        if hasattr(self.metrics, 'get_lock'):
            # use the shared_table's lock
            return self.metrics.get_lock()
            # otherwise do nothing
            return no_lock()

    def parley(self):
        action = self.task.act()
        self.acts[0] = action.copy()

        # hide labels from model
        labels = action.get('eval_labels', action.get('labels', None))
        if 'label_candidates' in action:
        if labels is None:
            # empty example, move on

        parsed = self.dict.tokenize(labels[0])
        loss = 0
        num_tokens = 0
        num_unk = 0
        for i in range(len(parsed)):
            if parsed[i] in self.dict:
                # only score words which are in the dictionary
                probs = self.agent.next_word_probability(parsed[:i])
                # get probability of correct answer, divide by total prob mass
                prob_true = probs.get(parsed[i], 0)
                if prob_true > 0:
                    prob_true /= sum(
                        (probs.get(k, 0) for k in self.dict.keys()))
                    loss -= math.log(prob_true)
                    loss = float('inf')
                num_tokens += 1
                num_unk += 1
        with self._lock():
            self.metrics['exs'] += 1
            self.metrics['loss'] += loss
            self.metrics['num_tokens'] += num_tokens
            self.metrics['num_unk'] += num_unk

    def epoch_done(self):
        return self.task.epoch_done()

    def num_examples(self):
        return self.task.num_examples()

    def num_episodes(self):
        return self.task.num_episodes()

    def share(self):
        shared = super().share()
        shared['metrics'] = self.metrics
        return shared

    def reset_metrics(self):
        with self._lock():
            self.metrics['exs'] = 0
            self.metrics['loss'] = 0
            self.metrics['num_tokens'] = 0
            self.metrics['num_unk'] = 0

    def report(self):
        m = {}
        with self._lock():
            m['exs'] = self.metrics['exs']
            if m['exs'] > 0:
                # m['num_unk'] = self.metrics['num_unk']
                # m['num_tokens'] = self.metrics['num_tokens']
                m['loss'] = round_sigfigs(
                    self.metrics['loss'] / self.metrics['num_tokens'], 3)
                m['ppl'] = round_sigfigs(
                    math.exp(self.metrics['loss'] /
                             self.metrics['num_tokens']), 4)
        return m