예제 #1
        def elbo_h_gaussian_x_bernoulli(d,

            if not test:
                mask_sum = T.sum(mask, axis=1)
                # We some over output_dim and we take the mean over batch_size and sequence_length
                log_p_x_given_h = log_bernoulli(
                    x=x, p=p_out,
                    eps=settings.tolerance_softmax) * mask.dimshuffle(
                        0, 1, 'x')
                log_p_x_given_h = log_p_x_given_h.sum(axis=(1, 2)) / mask_sum
                log_p_x_given_h_tot = log_p_x_given_h.mean()

                kl_divergence = kl_normal2_normal2(mean_q, log_var_q,
                                                   mean_prior, log_var_prior)

                # kl_divergence has size (batch_size, sequence_length, output_dim)
                kl_divergence_tmp = kl_divergence * mask.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
                kl_divergence_tmp = kl_divergence_tmp.sum(axis=(1,
                                                                2)) / mask_sum
                kl_divergence_tot = T.mean(kl_divergence_tmp)

                lower_bound = log_p_x_given_h_tot - temperature_KL * kl_divergence_tot

                return lower_bound

                mask_sum = T.sum(mask, axis=1)
                log_p_x_given_h = log_bernoulli(
                    x=x, p=p_out,
                    eps=settings.tolerance_softmax) * mask.dimshuffle(
                        0, 1, 'x')
                log_p_x_given_h_tot = log_p_x_given_h.sum(axis=(1,
                                                                2)) / mask_sum

                kl_divergence = kl_normal2_normal2(mean_q, log_var_q,
                                                   mean_prior, log_var_prior)
                # kl_divergence has size (batch_size, sequence_length, output_dim)

                kl_divergence_seq = T.reshape(
                    (settings.batch_size, -1, settings.latent_size_z))
                kl_divergence_seq = kl_divergence_seq * mask.dimshuffle(
                    0, 1, 'x')
                kl_divergence_tot = kl_divergence_seq.sum(axis=(1,
                                                                2)) / mask_sum

                lower_bound = log_p_x_given_h_tot - temperature_KL * kl_divergence_tot

                return lower_bound
 def log_likelihood(z, z_mu, z_log_var, x_mu, x, analytic_kl_term):
     if analytic_kl_term:
         kl_term = kl_normal2_stdnormal(z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis = 1)
         log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu,  eps = 1e-6).sum(axis = 1)
         LL = T.mean(-kl_term + log_px_given_z)
         log_qz_given_x = log_normal2(z, z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis = 1)
         log_pz = log_stdnormal(z).sum(axis = 1)
         log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu,  eps = 1e-6).sum(axis = 1)
         LL = T.mean(log_pz + log_px_given_z - log_qz_given_x)
     return LL
예제 #3
def latent_gaussian_x_bernoulli(z, z_mu, psi_u_list, z_log_var, x_mu, x, eq_samples, iw_samples, epsilon=1e-6):
    Latent z       : gaussian with standard normal prior
    decoder output : bernoulli

    When the output is bernoulli then the output from the decoder
    should be sigmoid. The sizes of the inputs are
    z: (batch_size*Eq_samples*ivae_samples*nsamples, num_latent)
    z_mu: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_log_var: (batch_size, num_latent)
    x_mu: (batch_size*Eq_samples*ivae_samples*nsamples, num_latent)
    x: (batch_size, num_features)

    Reference: Burda et. al. 2015 "Importance Weighted Autoencoders"


    # reshape the variables so batch_size, eq_samples and iw_samples are separate dimensions
    z = z.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples,  latent_size))
    x_mu = x_mu.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples,  num_features))

    # dimshuffle x since we need to broadcast it when calculationg the binary
    # cross-entropy
    x = x.dimshuffle(0,'x','x',1) # x: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)

    for i in range(len(psi_u_list)):
        psi_u_list[i] = psi_u_list[i].reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples))

    #calculate LL components, note that we sum over the feature/num_unit dimension
    z_mu = z_mu.dimshuffle(0,'x','x',1) # mean: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_log_var = z_log_var.dimshuffle(0,'x','x',1) # logvar: (batch_size, num_latent)
    log_qz_given_x = log_normal2(z, z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=3)
    log_pz = log_stdnormal(z).sum(axis=3)
    log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, T.clip(x_mu,epsilon,1-epsilon)).sum(axis=3)

    #normalizing flow loss
    sum_log_psiu = 0
    for psi_u in psi_u_list:
        sum_log_psiu +=  T.log(T.abs_(1+psi_u))

    #all log_*** should have dimension (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    # Calculate the LL using log-sum-exp to avoid underflow
    a = log_pz + log_px_given_z - log_qz_given_x + sum_log_psiu    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    a_max = T.max(a, axis=2, keepdims=True)                        # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, 1)

    # LL is calculated using Eq (8) in burda et al.
    # Working from inside out of the calculation below:
    # T.exp(a-a_max): (bathc_size, Eq_samples, iw_samples)
    # -> subtract a_max to avoid overflow. a_max is specific for  each set of
    # importance samples and is broadcoasted over the last dimension.
    # T.log( T.mean(T.exp(a-a_max), axis=2): (batch_size, Eq_samples)
    # -> This is the log of the sum over the importance weighted samples
    # Lastly we add T.mean(a_max) to correct for the log-sum-exp trick
    LL = T.mean(a_max) + T.mean( T.log( T.mean(T.exp(a-a_max), axis=2)))

    return LL, T.mean(log_qz_given_x), T.mean(log_pz), T.mean(log_px_given_z)
예제 #4
def latent_gaussian_x_bernoulli(z, z_mu, z_log_var, x, x_mu, analytic_kl_term):
    Latent z       : gaussian with standard normal prior
    decoder output : bernoulli

    When the output is bernoulli then the output from the decoder
    should be sigmoid.
    if analytic_kl_term:
        kl_term = kl_normal2_stdnormal(z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=1)
        log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu).sum(axis=1)
        LL = T.mean(-kl_term + log_px_given_z)
        log_qz_given_x = log_normal2(z, z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=1)
        log_pz = log_stdnormal(z).sum(axis=1)
        log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu).sum(axis=1)
        LL = T.mean(log_pz + log_px_given_z - log_qz_given_x)
    return LL
예제 #5
파일: vimco.py 프로젝트: Ferrine/parmesan
def lower_bound(z, z_mu, x_mu, x, eq_samples, iw_samples, epsilon=1e-6):
    from theano.gradient import disconnected_grad as dg
    # reshape the variables so batch_size, eq_samples and iw_samples are
    # separate dimensions
    z = z.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, latent_size))
    x_mu = x_mu.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features))

    # prepare x, z for broadcasting
    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features)
    x = x.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)

    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)
    z_mu = z_mu.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)

    log_qz_given_x = log_bernoulli(z, z_mu, eps=epsilon).sum(axis=3)
    z_prior = T.ones_like(z)*np.float32(0.5)
    log_pz = log_bernoulli(z, z_prior).sum(axis=3)
    log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu, eps=epsilon).sum(axis=3)

    # Calculate the LL using log-sum-exp to avoid underflow
    log_pxz = log_pz + log_px_given_z

    # L is (bs, mc) See definition of L in appendix eq. 14
    L = log_sum_exp(log_pxz - log_qz_given_x, axis=2) + \
        T.log(1.0/T.cast(iw_samples, 'float32'))

    grads_model = T.grad(-L.mean(), p_params)

    # L_corr should correspond to equation 10 in the paper
    L_corr = L.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') - get_vimco_baseline(
        log_pxz - log_qz_given_x)
    g_lb_inference = T.mean(T.sum(dg(L_corr) * log_qz_given_x) + L)
    grads_inference = T.grad(-g_lb_inference, q_params)

    grads = grads_model + grads_inference
    LL = log_mean_exp(log_pz + log_px_given_z - log_qz_given_x, axis=2)
    return (LL,
            T.mean(log_qz_given_x), T.mean(log_pz), T.mean(log_px_given_z),
예제 #6
파일: iw_vae.py 프로젝트: 2020zyc/parmesan
def latent_gaussian_x_bernoulli(z, z_mu, z_log_var, x_mu, x, eq_samples, iw_samples, epsilon=1e-6):
    Latent z       : gaussian with standard normal prior
    decoder output : bernoulli

    When the output is bernoulli then the output from the decoder
    should be sigmoid. The sizes of the inputs are
    z: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_latent)
    z_mu: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_log_var: (batch_size, num_latent)
    x_mu: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_features)
    x: (batch_size, num_features)

    Reference: Burda et al. 2015 "Importance Weighted Autoencoders"

    # reshape the variables so batch_size, eq_samples and iw_samples are separate dimensions
    z = z.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, latent_size))
    x_mu = x_mu.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features))

    # dimshuffle x, z_mu and z_log_var since we need to broadcast them when calculating the pdfs
    x = x.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)                    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features)
    z_mu = z_mu.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)              # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)
    z_log_var = z_log_var.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)

    # calculate LL components, note that the log_xyz() functions return log prob. for indepenedent components separately 
    # so we sum over feature/latent dimensions for multivariate pdfs
    log_qz_given_x = log_normal2(z, z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=3)
    log_pz = log_stdnormal(z).sum(axis=3)
    log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu, eps=epsilon).sum(axis=3)

    #all log_*** should have dimension (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    # Calculate the LL using log-sum-exp to avoid underflow
    a = log_pz + log_px_given_z - log_qz_given_x    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    a_max = T.max(a, axis=2, keepdims=True)         # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, 1)

    # LL is calculated using Eq (8) in Burda et al.
    # Working from inside out of the calculation below:
    # T.exp(a-a_max): (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    # -> subtract a_max to avoid overflow. a_max is specific for  each set of
    # importance samples and is broadcasted over the last dimension.
    # T.log( T.mean(T.exp(a-a_max), axis=2) ): (batch_size, eq_samples)
    # -> This is the log of the sum over the importance weighted samples
    # The outer T.mean() computes the mean over eq_samples and batch_size
    # Lastly we add T.mean(a_max) to correct for the log-sum-exp trick
    LL = T.mean(a_max) + T.mean( T.log( T.mean(T.exp(a-a_max), axis=2) ) )

    return LL, T.mean(log_qz_given_x), T.mean(log_pz), T.mean(log_px_given_z)
예제 #7
def latent_gaussian_x_bernoulli(z, z_mu, z_log_var, x_mu, x, eq_samples, iw_samples, epsilon=1e-6):
    Latent z       : gaussian with standard normal prior
    decoder output : bernoulli

    When the output is bernoulli then the output from the decoder
    should be sigmoid. The sizes of the inputs are
    z: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_latent)
    z_mu: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_log_var: (batch_size, num_latent)
    x_mu: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_features)
    x: (batch_size, num_features)

    Reference: Burda et al. 2015 "Importance Weighted Autoencoders"

    # reshape the variables so batch_size, eq_samples and iw_samples are separate dimensions
    z = z.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, latent_size))
    x_mu = x_mu.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features))

    # dimshuffle x, z_mu and z_log_var since we need to broadcast them when calculating the pdfs
    x = x.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)                    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features)
    z_mu = z_mu.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)              # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)
    z_log_var = z_log_var.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)

    # calculate LL components, note that the log_xyz() functions return log prob. for indepenedent components separately 
    # so we sum over feature/latent dimensions for multivariate pdfs
    log_qz_given_x = log_normal2(z, z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=3)
    log_pz = log_stdnormal(z).sum(axis=3)
    log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, T.clip(x_mu, epsilon, 1 - epsilon)).sum(axis=3)

    #all log_*** should have dimension (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    # Calculate the LL using log-sum-exp to avoid underflow
    a = log_pz + log_px_given_z - log_qz_given_x    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    a_max = T.max(a, axis=2, keepdims=True)         # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, 1)

    # LL is calculated using Eq (8) in Burda et al.
    # Working from inside out of the calculation below:
    # T.exp(a-a_max): (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    # -> subtract a_max to avoid overflow. a_max is specific for  each set of
    # importance samples and is broadcasted over the last dimension.
    # T.log( T.mean(T.exp(a-a_max), axis=2) ): (batch_size, eq_samples)
    # -> This is the log of the sum over the importance weighted samples
    # The outer T.mean() computes the mean over eq_samples and batch_size
    # Lastly we add T.mean(a_max) to correct for the log-sum-exp trick
    LL = T.mean(a_max) + T.mean( T.log( T.mean(T.exp(a-a_max), axis=2) ) )

    return LL, T.mean(log_qz_given_x), T.mean(log_pz), T.mean(log_px_given_z)
예제 #8
def lower_bound(z, z_mu, x_mu, x, eq_samples, iw_samples, epsilon=1e-6):
    from theano.gradient import disconnected_grad as dg
    # reshape the variables so batch_size, eq_samples and iw_samples are
    # separate dimensions
    z = z.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, latent_size))
    x_mu = x_mu.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features))

    # prepare x, z for broadcasting
    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features)
    x = x.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)

    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)
    z_mu = z_mu.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)

    log_qz_given_x = log_bernoulli(z, z_mu, eps=epsilon).sum(axis=3)
    z_prior = T.ones_like(z) * np.float32(0.5)
    log_pz = log_bernoulli(z, z_prior).sum(axis=3)
    log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu, eps=epsilon).sum(axis=3)

    # Calculate the LL using log-sum-exp to avoid underflow
    log_pxz = log_pz + log_px_given_z

    # L is (bs, mc) See definition of L in appendix eq. 14
    L = log_sum_exp(log_pxz - log_qz_given_x, axis=2) + \
        T.log(1.0/T.cast(iw_samples, 'float32'))

    grads_model = T.grad(-L.mean(), p_params)

    # L_corr should correspond to equation 10 in the paper
    L_corr = L.dimshuffle(0, 1,
                          'x') - get_vimco_baseline(log_pxz - log_qz_given_x)
    g_lb_inference = T.mean(T.sum(dg(L_corr) * log_qz_given_x) + L)
    grads_inference = T.grad(-g_lb_inference, q_params)

    grads = grads_model + grads_inference
    LL = log_mean_exp(log_pz + log_px_given_z - log_qz_given_x, axis=2)
    return (LL, T.mean(log_qz_given_x), T.mean(log_pz), T.mean(log_px_given_z),
예제 #9
def latent_gaussian_x_bernoulli(z, z_mu, z_log_var, x_mu, x, analytic_kl_term):
    Latent z       : gaussian with standard normal prior
    decoder output : bernoulli

    When the output is bernoulli then the output from the decoder
    should be sigmoid. The sizes of the inputs are
    z: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_mu: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_log_var: (batch_size, num_latent)
    x_mu: (batch_size, num_features)
    x: (batch_size, num_features)
    if analytic_kl_term:
        kl_term = kl_normal2_stdnormal(z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=1)
        log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu).sum(axis=1)
        LL = T.mean(-kl_term + log_px_given_z)
        log_qz_given_x = log_normal2(z, z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=1)
        log_pz = log_stdnormal(z).sum(axis=1)
        log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu).sum(axis=1)
        LL = T.mean(log_pz + log_px_given_z - log_qz_given_x)
    return LL
예제 #10
def latent_gaussian_x_bernoulli(z, z_mu, z_log_var, x_mu, x, analytic_kl_term):
    Latent z       : gaussian with standard normal prior
    decoder output : bernoulli

    When the output is bernoulli then the output from the decoder
    should be sigmoid. The sizes of the inputs are
    z: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_mu: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_log_var: (batch_size, num_latent)
    x_mu: (batch_size, num_features)
    x: (batch_size, num_features)
    if analytic_kl_term:
        kl_term = kl_normal2_stdnormal(z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=1)
        log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu, eps=1e-6).sum(axis=1)
        LL = T.mean(-kl_term + log_px_given_z)
        log_qz_given_x = log_normal2(z, z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=1)
        log_pz = log_stdnormal(z).sum(axis=1)
        log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu, eps=1e-6).sum(axis=1)
        LL = T.mean(log_pz + log_px_given_z - log_qz_given_x)
    return LL
예제 #11
def latent_gaussian_x_bernoulli(z0, zk, z0_mu, z0_log_var, logdet_J_list, x_mu, x, eq_samples, iw_samples, epsilon=1e-6):
    Latent z       : gaussian with standard normal prior
    decoder output : bernoulli

    When the output is bernoulli then the output from the decoder
    should be sigmoid. The sizes of the inputs are
    z0: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_latent)
	zk: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_latent)
    z0_mu: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z0_log_var: (batch_size, num_latent)
    logdet_J_list: list of `nflows` elements, each with shape (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples)
    x_mu: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_features)
    x: (batch_size, num_features)

    Reference: Burda et al. 2015 "Importance Weighted Autoencoders"

    # reshape the variables so batch_size, eq_samples and iw_samples are separate dimensions
    z0 = z0.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, latent_size))
    zk = zk.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, latent_size))
    x_mu = x_mu.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features))

    for i in range(len(logdet_J_list)):
        logdet_J_list[i] = logdet_J_list[i].reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples))

    # dimshuffle x, z_mu and z_log_var since we need to broadcast them when calculating the pdfs
    x = x.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)                    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features)
    z0_mu = z0_mu.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)            # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)
    z0_log_var = z0_log_var.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)  # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)

    # calculate LL components, note that the log_xyz() functions return log prob. for indepenedent components separately 
    # so we sum over feature/latent dimensions for multivariate pdfs
    log_q0z0_given_x = log_normal2(z0, z0_mu, z0_log_var).sum(axis=3)
    log_pzk = log_stdnormal(zk).sum(axis=3)
    log_px_given_zk = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu, epsilon).sum(axis=3)

    #normalizing flow loss
    sum_logdet_J = 0
    for logdet_J_k in logdet_J_list:
        sum_logdet_J += logdet_J_k

    # Calculate the LL using log-sum-exp to avoid underflow                                       all log_***                                       -> shape: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    LL = log_mean_exp(log_pzk + log_px_given_zk - log_q0z0_given_x + sum_logdet_J, axis=2)      # log-mean-exp over iw_samples dimension            -> shape: (batch_size, eq_samples)
    LL = T.mean(LL)                                                                             # average over eq_samples, batch_size dimensions    -> shape: ()

    return LL, T.mean(log_q0z0_given_x), T.mean(sum_logdet_J), T.mean(log_pzk), T.mean(log_px_given_zk)
예제 #12
def ELBO(z, z_mu, z_log_var, x_mu, x):
    Latent z       : gaussian with standard normal prior
    decoder output : bernoulli

    When the output is bernoulli then the output from the decoder
    should be sigmoid. The sizes of the inputs are
    z: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_mu: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_log_var: (batch_size, num_latent)
    x_mu: (batch_size, num_features)
    x: (batch_size, num_features)
    kl_term = kl_normal2_stdnormal(z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=1)
    log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu, eps=1e-6).sum(axis=1)
    LL = T.mean(-kl_term + log_px_given_z)

    return LL
예제 #13
def lowerbound_for_reinforce(z,
    x = x.reshape((-1, num_features))
    x_mu = x_mu.reshape((-1, num_features))

    log_qz_given_xy = log_normal2(z, z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=1)
    log_pz = log_stdnormal(z).sum(axis=1)
    log_py = T.log(1.0 / num_classes)
    log_px_given_zy = log_bernoulli(x, T.clip(x_mu, epsilon,
                                              1 - epsilon)).sum(axis=1)
    ll_xy = log_px_given_zy + log_pz + log_py - log_qz_given_xy
    return ll_xy[num_labelled:]
예제 #14
파일: iw_vae.py 프로젝트: Ferrine/parmesan
def latent_gaussian_x_bernoulli(z, z_mu, z_log_var, x_mu, x, eq_samples, iw_samples, epsilon=1e-6):
    Latent z       : gaussian with standard normal prior
    decoder output : bernoulli

    When the output is bernoulli then the output from the decoder
    should be sigmoid. The sizes of the inputs are
    z: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_latent)
    z_mu: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z_log_var: (batch_size, num_latent)
    x_mu: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_features)
    x: (batch_size, num_features)

    Reference: Burda et al. 2015 "Importance Weighted Autoencoders"

    # reshape the variables so batch_size, eq_samples and iw_samples are separate dimensions
    z = z.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, latent_size))
    x_mu = x_mu.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features))

    # dimshuffle x, z_mu and z_log_var since we need to broadcast them when calculating the pdfs
    x = x.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)                    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features)
    z_mu = z_mu.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)              # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)
    z_log_var = z_log_var.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1)    # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)

    # calculate LL components, note that the log_xyz() functions return log prob. for indepenedent components separately 
    # so we sum over feature/latent dimensions for multivariate pdfs
    log_qz_given_x = log_normal2(z, z_mu, z_log_var).sum(axis=3)
    log_pz = log_stdnormal(z).sum(axis=3)
    log_px_given_z = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu, epsilon).sum(axis=3)

    # Calculate the LL using log-sum-exp to avoid underflow                   all log_***                                       -> shape: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    LL = log_mean_exp(log_pz + log_px_given_z - log_qz_given_x, axis=2)     # log-mean-exp over iw_samples dimension            -> shape: (batch_size, eq_samples)
    LL = T.mean(LL)                                                         # average over eq_samples, batch_size dimensions    -> shape: ()

    return LL, T.mean(log_qz_given_x), T.mean(log_pz), T.mean(log_px_given_z)
예제 #15
    k_max_indices = mean == k_max

    mean[k_max_indices] += meanOfNegativeBinomialDistribution(
        r[k_max_indices], log_r[k_max_indices])

    return mean

reconstruction_distributions = {
    "bernoulli": {
        "parameters": ["p"],
        "activation functions": {
            "p": sigmoid,
        "function": lambda x, x_theta, eps = 0.0: \
            log_bernoulli(x, x_theta["p"], eps),
        "mean": lambda x_theta: x_theta["p"],
        # TODO Consider switching to Bernouilli sampling
        "preprocess": lambda x: (x != 0).astype('float32')

    "negative_binomial": {
        "parameters": ["p", "log_r"],
        "activation functions": {
            "p": sigmoid,
            "log_r": lambda x: T.clip(x, -10, 10)
        "function": lambda x, x_theta, eps = 0.0: \
            log_negative_binomial(x, x_theta["p"], x_theta["log_r"], eps),
        "mean": lambda x_theta: \
            meanOfNegativeBinomialDistribution(x_theta["p"], x_theta["log_r"]),
예제 #16
def latent_gaussian_x_bernoulli(z0,
    Latent z       : gaussian with standard normal prior
    decoder output : bernoulli

    When the output is bernoulli then the output from the decoder
    should be sigmoid. The sizes of the inputs are
    z0: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_latent)
	zk: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_latent)
    z0_mu: (batch_size, num_latent)
    z0_log_var: (batch_size, num_latent)
    logdet_J_list: list of `nflows` elements, each with shape (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples)
    x_mu: (batch_size*eq_samples*iw_samples, num_features)
    x: (batch_size, num_features)

    Reference: Burda et al. 2015 "Importance Weighted Autoencoders"

    # reshape the variables so batch_size, eq_samples and iw_samples are separate dimensions
    z0 = z0.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, latent_size))
    zk = zk.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, latent_size))
    x_mu = x_mu.reshape((-1, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features))

    for i in range(len(logdet_J_list)):
        logdet_J_list[i] = logdet_J_list[i].reshape(
            (-1, eq_samples, iw_samples))

    # dimshuffle x, z_mu and z_log_var since we need to broadcast them when calculating the pdfs
    x = x.dimshuffle(
        0, 'x', 'x',
        1)  # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_features)
    z0_mu = z0_mu.dimshuffle(
        0, 'x', 'x',
        1)  # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)
    z0_log_var = z0_log_var.dimshuffle(
        0, 'x', 'x',
        1)  # size: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples, num_latent)

    # calculate LL components, note that the log_xyz() functions return log prob. for indepenedent components separately
    # so we sum over feature/latent dimensions for multivariate pdfs
    log_q0z0_given_x = log_normal2(z0, z0_mu, z0_log_var).sum(axis=3)
    log_pzk = log_stdnormal(zk).sum(axis=3)
    log_px_given_zk = log_bernoulli(x, x_mu, epsilon).sum(axis=3)

    #normalizing flow loss
    sum_logdet_J = 0
    for logdet_J_k in logdet_J_list:
        sum_logdet_J += logdet_J_k

    # Calculate the LL using log-sum-exp to avoid underflow                                       all log_***                                       -> shape: (batch_size, eq_samples, iw_samples)
    LL = log_mean_exp(
        log_pzk + log_px_given_zk - log_q0z0_given_x + sum_logdet_J, axis=2
    )  # log-mean-exp over iw_samples dimension            -> shape: (batch_size, eq_samples)
    LL = T.mean(
        LL)  # average over eq_samples, batch_size dimensions    -> shape: ()

    return LL, T.mean(log_q0z0_given_x), T.mean(sum_logdet_J), T.mean(
        log_pzk), T.mean(log_px_given_zk)