예제 #1
{'    '*tab}}}
    return template

def _vis_nodes(node):
    s = "\n"
    for nd in node.children:
        s = s + f"    {id(node)} -> {id(nd)};\n"
        s = s + _vis_nodes(nd)
    return s

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Visualise graphs')
    parser.add_argument('graph_id', help='name of the query graph')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    g = parse.get_graph(args.graph_id)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
    visualise_graph(g, ax)

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
    visualise_sec_tree(q18.sectree, ax)

    # fig.show()
    # input("press")

    sectree.get_SEC(g, 1)
예제 #2
def main():

	""" type of graph """
	if GRAPH_TYPE is 'scale_free':
		graph = nx.scale_free_graph(n)
		graph = nx.Graph(graph)
	elif GRAPH_TYPE is 'isp':
		nodes, edges = parse.get_graph('../../speedy/data/visualizations/sample_topologies/BtNorthAmerica.gv')
		graph = nx.Graph()
		n = len(graph.nodes())
		print "Error! Graph type invalid."
	adj_mat = nx.adjacency_matrix(graph)

	""" type of demand matrix """
	if SRC_TYPE is 'uniform':
		""" uniform load """
		demand_mat = np.ones([n, n]) 
		np.fill_diagonal(demand_mat, 0.0)
		demand_mat = demand_mat/np.sum(demand_mat)
		demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE
	elif SRC_TYPE is 'skew':
		""" skewed load """
		exp_load = np.exp(np.arange(0, -n, -1) * SKEW_RATE)
		exp_load = exp_load.reshape([n, 1])
		demand_mat = exp_load * np.ones([1, n])
		np.fill_diagonal(demand_mat, 0.0)
		demand_mat = demand_mat/np.sum(demand_mat)
		demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE
		print "Error! Source type invalid."			

	""" credits on links, delay and number of paths to consider """
	credit_mat = np.ones([n, n]) * CREDIT_AMT
	credit_mat = credit_mat / 2.
	credit_mat = adj_mat.multiply(credit_mat).todense()
	delay = .5
	max_num_paths = MAX_NUM_PATHS

	""" initialize payment network """
	network = payment_network(graph, demand_mat, credit_mat, delay, max_num_paths)

	""" initialize logs """
	total_flow_values = np.zeros([1, NUM_ITERATIONS])
	cs_err_l = np.zeros([1, NUM_ITERATIONS])
	cs_err_y = np.zeros([1, NUM_ITERATIONS])
	cs_err_z = np.zeros([1, NUM_ITERATIONS])
	pc_err_d = np.zeros([1, NUM_ITERATIONS])
	pc_err_c = np.zeros([1, NUM_ITERATIONS])
	pc_err_b = np.zeros([1, NUM_ITERATIONS])

	""" run distributed algorithm """
	for step in range(NUM_ITERATIONS):
		total_flow_values[0, step] = network.print_total_flow_value()

		err_l, err_y, err_z, err_d, err_c, err_b = network.print_errors()
		cs_err_l[0, step] = err_l
		cs_err_y[0, step] = err_y
		cs_err_z[0, step] = err_z
		pc_err_d[0, step] = err_d
		pc_err_c[0, step] = err_c 
		pc_err_b[0, step] = err_b 

	print total_flow_values/np.sum(demand_mat)

	# network.print_link_prices()
	# network.print_flows()
	# network.print_path_prices()

	""" save logs """
	np.save('./total_flow_values.npy', total_flow_values)	
	np.save('./cs_err_l.npy', cs_err_l)
	np.save('./cs_err_y.npy', cs_err_y)
	np.save('./cs_err_z.npy', cs_err_z)
	np.save('./pc_err_d.npy', pc_err_d)
	np.save('./pc_err_c.npy', pc_err_c)
	np.save('./pc_err_b.npy', pc_err_b)
	np.save('./demand_mat.npy', demand_mat)
def main():
    """ read credit amount """
    credit_amt = CREDIT_AMT
    """ construct graph """
    if GRAPH_TYPE is 'test':
        graph = nx.Graph()
        graph.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2, 3])
        graph.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)])
        n = len(graph.nodes())

    elif GRAPH_TYPE is 'scale_free':
        n = GRAPH_SIZE
        graph = nx.scale_free_graph(n, seed=RAND_SEED)
        graph = nx.Graph(graph)

    elif GRAPH_TYPE is 'erdos_renyi':
        n = GRAPH_SIZE
        graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, 0.2, seed=RAND_SEED)

    elif GRAPH_TYPE is 'isp':
        nodes, edges = parse.get_graph(
        graph = nx.Graph()
        n = len(graph.nodes())

        print "Error! Graph type invalid."

    assert nx.is_connected(graph)
    """ construct demand matrix """
    if SRC_TYPE is 'test':
        """ test load """
        demand_mat = np.zeros([n, n])
        demand_mat[0, 1] = 1.
        demand_mat[1, 0] = 1.
        demand_mat[1, 3] = 1.
        demand_mat[3, 1] = 1.
        demand_mat = demand_mat / np.sum(demand_mat)
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE

    elif SRC_TYPE is 'uniform':
        """ uniform load """
        demand_mat = np.ones([n, n])
        np.fill_diagonal(demand_mat, 0.0)
        demand_mat = demand_mat / np.sum(demand_mat)
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE

    elif SRC_TYPE is 'skew':
        """ skewed load """
        exp_load = np.exp(np.arange(0, -n, -1) * SKEW_RATE)
        exp_load = exp_load.reshape([n, 1])
        demand_mat = exp_load * np.ones([1, n])
        np.fill_diagonal(demand_mat, 0.0)
        demand_mat = demand_mat / np.sum(demand_mat)
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE

        print "Error! Source type invalid." ""
    """ construct credit matrix """
    if CREDIT_TYPE is 'uniform':
        credit_mat = np.ones([n, n]) * credit_amt

    elif CREDIT_TYPE is 'random':
        credit_mat = np.triu(np.random.rand(n, n), 1) * 2 * credit_amt
        credit_mat += credit_mat.transpose()

        print "Error! Credit matrix type invalid."

    delay = DELAY
    total_flow_skew_list = [0.]  # np.linspace(0, 2, 20)
    throughput = np.zeros(len(total_flow_skew_list))

    solver = global_optimal_flows(graph, demand_mat, credit_mat, delay)

    for i, total_flow_skew in enumerate(total_flow_skew_list):
        throughput[i] = solver.compute_lp_solution(total_flow_skew)
        # solver.print_lp_solution()

    print throughput / np.sum(demand_mat)

    np.save('./throughput.npy', throughput)
    np.save('./total_flow_skew.npy', total_flow_skew_list)
예제 #4
def main():
    """ construct graph """
    if GRAPH_TYPE == 'test':
        graph = nx.Graph()
        graph.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2, 3])
        graph.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)])
        n = len(graph.nodes())

    elif GRAPH_TYPE == 'scale_free':
        n = GRAPH_SIZE
        graph = nx.scale_free_graph(n, seed=RAND_SEED)
        graph = nx.Graph(graph)

    elif GRAPH_TYPE == 'small_world':
        n = GRAPH_SIZE
        graph = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n, k=8, p=0.01, seed=RAND_SEED)

    elif GRAPH_TYPE == 'erdos_renyi':
        n = GRAPH_SIZE
        graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, 0.2, seed=RAND_SEED)

    elif GRAPH_TYPE == 'isp':
        nodes, edges = parse.get_graph(
        graph = nx.Graph()
        n = len(graph.nodes())

    elif GRAPH_TYPE == 'lnd':
        graph = nx.read_edgelist(
        rename_dict = {v: int(str(v)) for v in graph.nodes()}
        graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, rename_dict)
        for e in graph.edges():
            graph.edges[e]['capacity'] = int(str(graph.edges[e]['capacity']))
        graph = nx.Graph(graph)
        n = nx.number_of_nodes(graph)

        print "Error! Graph type invalid."

    assert nx.is_connected(graph)
    """ construct demand matrix """
    if SRC_TYPE == 'test':
        """ test load """
        demand_mat = np.zeros([n, n])
        demand_mat[0, 1] = 1.
        demand_mat[1, 0] = 1.
        demand_mat[1, 3] = 1.
        demand_mat[3, 1] = 1.
        demand_mat = demand_mat / np.sum(demand_mat)
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE

    elif SRC_TYPE == 'uniform':
        """ uniform load """
        demand_mat = np.ones([n, n])
        np.fill_diagonal(demand_mat, 0.0)
        demand_mat = demand_mat / np.sum(demand_mat)
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE

    elif SRC_TYPE == 'skew':
        """ skewed load """
        exp_load = np.exp(np.arange(0, -n, -1) * SKEW_RATE)
        exp_load = exp_load.reshape([n, 1])
        demand_mat = exp_load * np.ones([1, n])
        np.fill_diagonal(demand_mat, 0.0)
        demand_mat = demand_mat / np.sum(demand_mat)
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE

    elif SRC_TYPE == 'lnd':
        """ lnd load """
        with open('./lnd_demand.pkl', 'rb') as input:
            demand_dict = pickle.load(input)
        demand_mat = np.zeros([n, n])
        for (i, j) in demand_dict.keys():
            demand_mat[i, j] = demand_dict[i, j]
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 10

        print "Error! Source type invalid." ""
    """ construct credit matrix """
    if CREDIT_TYPE == 'uniform':
        credit_mat = np.ones([n, n]) * 10

    elif CREDIT_TYPE == 'random':
        credit_mat = np.triu(np.random.rand(n, n), 1) * 2
        credit_mat += credit_mat.transpose()
        credit_mat = credit_mat.astype(int)

    elif CREDIT_TYPE == 'lnd':
        credit_mat = np.zeros([n, n])
        for e in graph.edges():
            credit_mat[e[0], e[1]] = graph.edges[e]['capacity'] / 1000
            credit_mat[e[1], e[0]] = graph.edges[e]['capacity'] / 1000

        print "Error! Credit matrix type invalid."

    total_flow_skew_list = [0.]  # np.linspace(0, 2, 20)
    throughput = np.zeros(len(total_flow_skew_list))

    solver = global_optimal_flows(graph, demand_mat, credit_mat, MAX_NUM_PATHS)

    for i, total_flow_skew in enumerate(total_flow_skew_list):
        throughput[i] = solver.compute_lp_solution(total_flow_skew)
        # solver.print_lp_solution()
        # capacity_slack, capacity = solver.compute_capacity_slack()
        # for key in capacity_slack.keys():
        # print key, capacity[key], round(capacity_slack[key], 2)

    # solver.draw_flow_graph()
    print throughput / np.sum(demand_mat)

    np.save('./throughput.npy', throughput)
    np.save('./total_flow_skew.npy', total_flow_skew_list)
예제 #5
def main():
    """ construct graph """
    if GRAPH_TYPE is 'test':
        graph = nx.Graph()
        graph.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2, 3])
        graph.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)])
        n = len(graph.nodes())

    elif GRAPH_TYPE == 'scale_free':
        n = GRAPH_SIZE
        graph = nx.scale_free_graph(n, seed=RAND_SEED)
        graph = nx.Graph(graph)

    elif GRAPH_TYPE == 'small_world':
        n = GRAPH_SIZE
        graph = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(n, 8, 0.25, seed=RAND_SEED)
        graph = nx.Graph(graph)

    elif GRAPH_TYPE is 'isp':
        nodes, edges = parse.get_graph(
        graph = nx.Graph()
        n = len(graph.nodes())

        print "Error! Graph type invalid."
    """ construct demand matrix """
    if SRC_TYPE is 'test':
        """ test load """
        demand_mat = np.zeros([n, n])
        demand_mat[0, 1] = 1.
        demand_mat[1, 0] = 1.
        demand_mat[1, 3] = 1.
        demand_mat[3, 1] = 1.
        np.fill_diagonal(demand_mat, 0.0)
        demand_mat = demand_mat / np.sum(demand_mat)
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE

    elif SRC_TYPE is 'uniform':
        """ uniform load """
        demand_mat = np.ones([n, n])
        np.fill_diagonal(demand_mat, 0.0)
        demand_mat = demand_mat / np.sum(demand_mat)
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE

    elif SRC_TYPE is 'skew':
        """ skewed load """
        exp_load = np.exp(np.arange(0, -n, -1) * SKEW_RATE)
        exp_load = exp_load.reshape([n, 1])
        demand_mat = exp_load * np.ones([1, n])
        np.fill_diagonal(demand_mat, 0.0)
        demand_mat = demand_mat / np.sum(demand_mat)
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 1000 * TXN_VALUE

    elif SRC_TYPE == 'pickle':
        """ pickle load """
        with open('./demands/sw_10_routers_circ0_demand3_demand.pkl',
                  'rb') as input:
            demand_dict = pickle.load(input)
        demand_mat = np.zeros([n, n])
        for (i, j) in demand_dict.keys():
            demand_mat[i, j] = demand_dict[i, j]
        demand_mat = demand_mat * 88 * 3

        print "Error! Source type invalid." ""
    """ construct credit matrix """
    if CREDIT_TYPE is 'uniform':
        credit_mat = np.ones([n, n]) * 1200

        print "Error! Credit matrix type invalid."

    delay = SINGLE_HOP_DELAY
    total_flow_skew_list = [0.]  # np.linspace(0, 200000, 20)
    throughput = np.zeros(len(total_flow_skew_list))

    solver = global_optimal_flows(graph, demand_mat, credit_mat, delay,
                                  MAX_NUM_PATHS, GRAPH_TYPE)

    for i, total_flow_skew in enumerate(total_flow_skew_list):
        throughput[i] = solver.compute_lp_solution(total_flow_skew)

    # solver.draw_flow_graph()
    print throughput / np.sum(demand_mat)
    print solver.problem.status

    np.save('./throughput.npy', throughput)
    np.save('./total_flow_skew.npy', total_flow_skew_list)