def get_msg_provenance(buffer, honeyNodeID): """ Keep track of the IP addresses of the sender of the protocol messages :param buffer: :param honeyNodeID: :return: """ try: with open(honeyNodeID + '/Dict/activePeers.txt', 'r') as jsonPeer: activePeers = json.load(jsonPeer) except IOError: activePeers = {} outputGETADDR = open(honeyNodeID + "/GETADDRResults.txt", "a") outputINV = open(honeyNodeID + "/INVResults.txt", "a") for line in buffer: if "Added" in line: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) version, ip, port = parse.get_ip_port(line) addr = ip + ":" + port activePeers[id] = addr if "disconnecting peer" in line: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) if id in activePeers.keys(): activePeers.pop(id) if 'received: getaddr' in line or '"getaddr"' in line: v, ip, id = parse.get_ip_port(line) if ip: outputGETADDR.write("".join(line)) else: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) addr = activePeers[id] line = line.strip('\n') outputGETADDR.write("".join(line) + " IP:Port=" + "".join(addr) + "\n") if 'received: inv' in line: v, ip, id = parse.get_ip_port(line) if ip: outputINV.write("".join(line)) else: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) addr = activePeers[id] line = line.strip('\n') outputINV.write("".join(line) + " IP:Port=" + "".join(addr) + "\n") with open(honeyNodeID + '/Dict/activePeers.txt', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(activePeers, outfile)
def message_list_format(honeyNodeLocation, msgtype): """ :param honeyNodeLocation: :param msgtype: :return: """ res = honeyNodeLocation + '/' + msgtype + 'Results.txt' msgResult = open(res, 'r+') x = [] y = [] dict = {} suspect = {} for line in msgResult: if 'received:' in line: date = parse.get_date(line) version, ip, port = parse.get_ip_port(line) if date not in dict.keys(): dict[date] = 1 suspect[date] = {} suspect[date] = {ip: 1} else: i = dict[date] i = i + 1 dict[date] = i if ip not in suspect[date].keys(): suspect[date][ip] = 1 else: n = suspect[date][ip] n = n + 1 suspect[date][ip] = n for key in sorted(dict): x.append(key) y.append(dict[key]) return [x, y, suspect]
def message_process(buffer, dictADDR, honeyNodeID): """ Check for unsolicited ADDR msg :param buffer: lines of parsed log file to be processed :param dictADDR: contains for each peer the current number of GETADDR and ADDR messages received or sent :param honeyNodeID: the ID of the honeynode the data is coming from :return: """ try: with open(honeyNodeID + '/Dict/activePeersADDR.txt', 'r') as jsonPeer: activePeers = json.load(jsonPeer) except IOError: activePeers = {} outputUnsolicitedADDR = open(honeyNodeID + "/unsolicitedADDRmsgResult.txt", "a") outputADDR = open(honeyNodeID + "/ADDRResults.txt", "a") for line in buffer: if "Added" in line: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) version, ip, port = parse.get_ip_port(line) addr = ip + ":" + port activePeers[id] = addr elif "disconnecting peer" in line: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) if id in activePeers.keys(): activePeers.pop(id) if id in dictADDR.keys(): dictADDR.pop(id) elif "sending" in line: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) dictADDR[id] = 0 elif "received:" in line: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) if id in dictADDR.keys(): size = parse.get_size(line) if (dictADDR[id] < 3) and ( int(size) > 301 ): # peer can responds with up to 3 ADDR on an GETADDR i = dictADDR[id] i = i + 1 dictADDR[id] = i else: size = parse.get_size(line) date = parse.get_date(line) time = parse.get_time(line) id = parse.get_peer_id(line) addr = activePeers[id] if int(size) > 301: #size of 10 addresses outputUnsolicitedADDR.write( date + " " + time + " received unsolicited ADDR msg, more than three responses from size: " + str(int(size) / 30) + " messages peer=" + "".join(id) + " IP:Port=" + "".join(addr) + "\n") elif int(size) <= 301: line = line.strip('\n') outputADDR.write("".join(line) + " IP:Port=" + "".join(addr) + "\n") else: size = parse.get_size(line) date = parse.get_date(line) time = parse.get_time(line) id = parse.get_peer_id(line) print activePeers addr = activePeers[id] if int( size ) > 301: # size of 10 addresses. It is normal to send unsolicited ADDR msg containng less than 10 addresses outputUnsolicitedADDR.write( date + " " + time + " received unsolicited ADDR msg from size: " + str(int(size) / 30) + " messages peer=" + "".join(id) + " IP:Port=" + "".join(addr) + "\n") else: line = line.strip('\n') outputADDR.write("".join(line) + " IP:Port=" + "".join(addr) + "\n") with open(honeyNodeID + '/Dict/activePeersADDR.txt', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(activePeers, outfile) with open(honeyNodeID + '/Dict/dictADDR.txt', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(dictADDR, outfile)
def connection_monitor(buffer, dictPeer, dictNbPeer, currentNb, totalNb, honeyNodeID): """ Monitor the connection behaviour of the peers: - logs the connection duration of the peers - log the reason of disconnected peers - keep track of the current number of connected peers :param buffer: lines of parsed log file to be processed :param dictPeer: dictionary that keeps information about the current connected peers :param dictNbPeer: dictionary that keeps track of the number of connected peers :param currentNb: current number of connected peers :param totalNb: total number of connected peers of the day :param honeyNodeID: the ID of the honeynode the data is coming from :return: """ reason = 'x' feelerIP = 'x' feelerPort = 'x' for line in buffer: if "Added connection" in line: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) # If proper node restarts if id == '0': # Reset peerList if dictPeer: for peerid in dictPeer.keys(): ip = dictPeer[peerid]['ip'] connectiontime = dictPeer[peerid]['conntime'] deconnectiontime = parse.get_time(line) deconnectionday = parse.get_date(line) enter = datetime.datetime.strptime( connectiontime, '%H:%M:%S') exit = datetime.datetime.strptime( deconnectiontime, '%H:%M:%S') delta = exit - enter outputConnection = open( honeyNodeID + "/ConnectionResults.txt", "a") outputConnection.write( deconnectionday + " " + deconnectiontime + " peer=" + peerid + " : " + ip + " connection time:" + "".join(str(delta)) + " reason: disconnection proper node\n") dictPeer = {} currentNb = 0 # Monitor restarting of node outputRestart = open(honeyNodeID + "/RestartingNode.txt", "a") restartingTime = parse.get_time(line) restartingDay = parse.get_date(line) outputRestart.write('Node restarts at : ' + "".join(restartingDay) + " " + "".join(restartingTime) + "\n") # If new connection with a peer is made version, ip, port = parse.get_ip_port(line) dictPeer[id] = {} dictPeer[id]['ip'] = ip dictPeer[id]['conntime'] = parse.get_time(line) dictPeer[id]['connday'] = parse.get_date(line) dictPeer[id]['reason'] = 'x' # Check if connection is a feeler connecion if feelerIP == ip and feelerPort == port: dictPeer[id]['type'] = "feeler" else: dictPeer[id]['type'] = "peer" fulltime = datetime.datetime.strptime( parse.get_date(line) + "-" + parse.get_time(line), "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S") formattedTime = fulltime.isoformat() + "+02:00" currentNb += 1 totalNb += 1 dictNbPeer[formattedTime] = currentNb elif "Making feeler connection" in line: version, ip, port = parse.get_ip_port(line) feelerIP = ip feelerPort = port elif "socket closed" in line: reason = 'closed socket' elif "socket send error" in line: reason = 'socket error' elif "socket recv error Connection reset by peer" in line: reason = 'connection reset by peer' elif "socket recv error Connection timed out" in line: reason = 'socket inactivity' elif "socket sending timeout:" in line: reason = 'socket inactivity' elif "socket receive timeout:" in line: reason = 'socket inactivity' elif "socket no message in first" in line: reason = 'inactivity in first 60sec' elif "ping timeout:" in line: reason = "ping inactivity" elif "Inactivity" in line: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) if id in dictPeer.keys(): dictPeer[id]['reason'] = 'inactivity' # If node disconnect with a peer elif "disconnecting" in line: id = parse.get_peer_id(line) # Update peerList and monitor the duration of connection if id in dictPeer.keys(): if reason == 'x': reason = dictPeer[id]['reason'] if 'does not offer the expected services' in line: reason = 'unexpected services' if "is stalling block" in line: reason = 'stalling block download' if "Timeout downloading block" in line: reason = 'Timeout downloading block' if "using obsolete version" in line: reason = "using obsolete version" if "connected to self at" in line: reason = "connect to ourself" if dictPeer[id]['type'] == "feeler": reason = "feeler" connectiontime = dictPeer[id]['conntime'] connectionday = dictPeer[id]['connday'] ip = dictPeer[id]['ip'] deconnectiontime = parse.get_time(line) deconnectionday = parse.get_date(line) enter = datetime.datetime.strptime(connectiontime, '%H:%M:%S') exit = datetime.datetime.strptime(deconnectiontime, '%H:%M:%S') delta = exit - enter if connectionday != deconnectionday: start = datetime.datetime.strptime(connectionday, '%Y-%m-%d') stop = datetime.datetime.strptime(deconnectionday, '%Y-%m-%d') days = stop - start delta = delta + days outputConnection = open(honeyNodeID + "/ConnectionResults.txt", "a") outputConnection.write(deconnectionday + " " + deconnectiontime + " peer=" + id + " : " + ip + " connection time:" + "".join(str(delta)) + " reason:" + reason + "\n") if dictPeer[id]['type'] == "peer": fulltime = datetime.datetime.strptime( deconnectionday + "-" + deconnectiontime, "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S") formattedTime = fulltime.isoformat() + "+02:00" currentNb -= 1 dictNbPeer[formattedTime] = currentNb dictPeer.pop(id) reason = 'x' feelerIP = 'x' feelerPort = 'x' with open(honeyNodeID + '/currentNb.txt', 'w') as cnb: json.dump(currentNb, cnb) with open(honeyNodeID + '/totalNb.txt', 'w') as cnb: json.dump(totalNb, cnb) with open(honeyNodeID + '/Dict/dictConnectionNb.txt', 'w') as nb: json.dump(dictNbPeer, nb) with open(honeyNodeID + '/Dict/dictPeer.txt', 'w') as nb: json.dump(dictPeer, nb) lastTimeGetPeerInfo = time.time() lastTimeSnapshot = time.time() while 1: where = bitcoinLog.tell() # Current position of the file line = bitcoinLog.readline() if not line: time.sleep(1) else: # PARSING LOG LINES # filter IP-addresses propagation if 'IP' in line and 'Port' in line and 'Added' in line: # Check if IP is not on wrong port version, ip, port = parse.get_ip_port(line) if ip: API.check_port(ip, port) # getpeerinfo every 2 min if ((time.time() - lastTimeGetPeerInfo) >= 120): lastTimeGetPeerInfo = time.time() print("Process time: " ) print # Collect stats about peers print("Collect peerinfo ") getpeerinfo.log_peerinfo() # process snapshot once a day