예제 #1
 def expandMacro(self, opts):
     attributes = parseTagAttributes("expand-macro", opts, [ "name", "vars" ])
     if not "name" in attributes:
       fatal("expand-macro: No macro name given: " + line)
     template = self.get([ "macro" ], attributes["name"])
     if "vars" in attributes:
       keys = parseOption("expand-macro", attributes["vars"])
       keys = {}
     return template.expand(keys)
예제 #2
  def chapterTemplates(self, lines, properties, meta):

    # Figure out what template name to use.
    if "template-chapter" in properties:
      chapterTemplateName = properties["template-chapter"]
      chapterTemplateName = "default"
    if "template-chapter-first" in properties:
      chapterTemplateNameFirst = properties["template-chapter-first"]
      chapterTemplateNameFirst = "default-first"

    dprint(1, "Chapter Template: Using first: " + chapterTemplateNameFirst + \
        ", subsequent: " + chapterTemplateName)

    # Now we can set the globals, since we have now extracted all the metadata

    # Figure out which templates we are going to use.
    tFirst = self.get([ "chapter" ], chapterTemplateNameFirst)
    t = self.get([ "chapter" ], chapterTemplateName)

    regexMacro = re.compile("<expand-macro\s+(.*?)/?>")
    i = 0
    first = True
    while i < len(lines):
      line = lines[i]
      if line.startswith("<chap-head"):
        keys = {}
        opts, keys["chap-head"] = parseLineEntry("chap-head", line)
        j = i+1
        while j < len(lines) and re.match(lines[j], "^\s*$"):
          j += 1
        if j == len(lines):
          fatal("End of file after <chap-head>")
        if opts !=  "":
          attributes = parseTagAttributes("chap-head", opts, [ "vars" ])
          dprint(1, "<chap-head> attributes: " + str(attributes))
          if "vars" in attributes:
            vars = parseOption("chap-head", attributes["vars"])
            dprint(1, "<chap-head> vars: " + str(vars))

        line = lines[j]
        if line.startswith("<sub-head"):
          opts, keys["sub-head"] = parseLineEntry("sub-head", line)
          # Do not eat this line!
          j -= 1

        # If the first we've seen, it starts the book
        if first:
          templ = tFirst
          first = False
          templ = t

        dprint(1, "expand keys: " + str(keys))
        replacement = templ.expand(keys)
        dprint(2, "replace " + str(lines[i:j+1]) + " with " + str(replacement))
        lines[i:j+1] = replacement
        i += len(replacement)

      if line.startswith("<sub-head>"):
        fatal("Found <sub-head> not after a <chap-head>: " + line)

      # What about multiple macro expansions on a line?  Or recursion?
      # Make it simpler for now by just punting: if you expand, then we move on
      # to the next line.
      m = regexMacro.search(line)
      if m:
        opts = m.group(1)
        attributes = parseTagAttributes("expand-macro", opts, [ "name", "vars" ])
        if not "name" in attributes:
          fatal("expand-macro: No macro name given: " + line)
        template = self.get([ "macro" ], attributes["name"])
        if "vars" in attributes:
          keys = parseOption("expand-macro", attributes["vars"])
          keys = {}
        replacement = template.expand(keys)
        prefix = line[:m.start(0)]
        suffix = line[m.end(0):]

        if len(replacement) == 0:
          # If the template returns nothing, then you end up with a single line of
          # the prefix and suffix around the <expand-macro>
          replacement = [ prefix + suffix ]
          # Otherwise the prefix goes on the first line; and the suffix at the end of
          # the last; which might be the same single line.
          replacement[0] = prefix + replacement[0]
          replacement[-1] = replacement[-1] + suffix
        lines[i:i+1] = replacement
        i += len(replacement)

      i += 1