예제 #1
	def __init__(self, format, inputPath):
		Constructs the bioinformatics file using the inputPath

		The input file will have these minimum requirements:
		- rsID
		- chromosome
		- position
		- sample genotype

		If input filetype is not specified, then send through parseNstream to predict filetype? 
		if os.path.exists(inputPath):
			self.inputPath = inputPath
			self.referencePath = '/Volumes/teyden/BIOINFORMATICS/23andme2vcf/23andme_v4_hg19_ref.txt'
			self.genome = parseNstream._23andmeObject(self.inputPath, sortOption='CHROMOSOME')  ## 
			self.chrList = [ '%s' % i for i in range(1,26)] # + ['X', 'Y', 'MT']
예제 #2
		133275309, 114364328, 107043718, 101991189, 90338345, 83257441, \
		80373285, 58617616, 64444167, 46709983, 50818468, 156040895, 57227415, 16569]

		self.positions = []
		self.minSNP = 0
		self.maxSNP = 0

	def size(self):
		return self.chrLengths[self.num-1]

	def totalSNPs(self):
		return len(self.positions)

ChromosomeDict = _23andmeObject("../../BIO_DATA/raw23andme_SNPs_teyden.txt", 'CHROMOSOME')
ChromosomePositions = {}
Chromosomes = {}	# Dictionary of Chromosome objects

### (1) One list of SNP positions for every chromosome (1-22, X, Y, MT)
ChromosomePositions['1'] = a list of positions for chromosome 1
... etc.

# Make dict of all SNP positions. Keys = Chromosome #, Values = lst of positions
for chrom in ChromosomeDict:
	ChromosomePositions[chrom] = ChromosomeDict[chrom].keys()
	ChromosomePositions[chrom].sort()  # Could go without
	Chromosomes[chrom] = Chromosome(chrom=chrom)
	Chromosomes[chrom].positions = ChromosomePositions[chrom]
예제 #3
def concatenateSNPs(RefSNPFile, UserSNPFile):
	Structure of RefSNPdict and UserSNPdict:
		key = chromosome string as '1', '2', ..., '23' (X), '24' (Y), '25', (MT/M)

	(*) Reference allele is only ONE letter. 

	- Genotype is a string of len=2, the original allele representations from the 23andme file

	- Variant(s) represents any letters different from the Reference, if none then given '-'

	- Match Score (0,1,2): the SNP is given a score of ...
			- 2 (homozygous) if both letters are the same as the Reference
			- 1 (heterozygous) if one letter is the same as the Reference
			- 0 (recessive) if neither match the reference 

	(*) Variants given a match score of 0 may need to be switched to the 
	opposite letters (A to T, C to G and vice versa); must check to 
	confirm which are minus vs. plus strands)

	#chrNum 	position 	Ref 	Genotype	Variant 	Matches(0,1,2)
	1			1000		A 		AA 			-			

	RETURNS: none, streams to file... 
	RefSNPdict = parseNstream._referenceObject(RefSNPFile, 'CHROMOSOME')
	UserSNPdict = parseNstream._23andmeObject(UserSNPFile, 'CHROMOSOME')

	nonMatchedRSIDs = []
	numMatchedRSIDs = 0
	snpsConcatenated = 0
	indel = {}

	for chr in parseNstream.CHROMOSOME_LIST:
		positions = RefSNPdict[chr].keys()
		indel[chr] = {}
		for pos in positions:
			refAllele = RefSNPdict[chr][pos][GENOTYPE].upper()
			rsid = RefSNPdict[chr][pos][RSID]

			# Check allele cases for ref in the user's snps
			if pos in UserSNPdict[chr]:
				if rsid != UserSNPdict[chr][pos][RSID]:
					nonMatchedRSIDs += [(rsid, UserSNPdict[chr][pos][RSID])]

				if isIndel(UserSNPdict[chr][pos][GENOTYPE]):
					indel[chr][pos] = {
						RSID: UserSNPdict[chr][pos][RSID], 
						GENOTYPE: UserSNPdict[chr][pos][GENOTYPE]

					numMatchedRSIDs += 1
					sampleAllele = UserSNPdict[chr][pos][GENOTYPE]		# 3

					# Chromosomes 1-22 will have an allele pair, hence str len of 2
					if len(sampleAllele) == 2:
						if sampleAllele[0] == '-' and sampleAllele[1] == '-':
							variant = '-'
							score = '-'
						elif sampleAllele[0].lower() == refAllele.lower() and sampleAllele[1].lower() == refAllele.lower():
							variant = '-'
							score = 2
						elif sampleAllele[0].lower() == refAllele.lower():
							variant = sampleAllele[1]
							score = 1
						elif sampleAllele[1].lower() == refAllele.lower():
							variant = sampleAllele[0]
							score = 1
							variant = sampleAllele
							score = 0

					# Mitochondria, X, and Y chromosome alleles are of length 1
					elif len(sampleAllele) == 1:
						if sampleAllele == '-':
							variant = '-'
							score = '-'
						elif sampleAllele.lower() == refAllele.lower():
							variant = '-'
							score = 1
							variant = sampleAllele
							score = 0

					if score != '-':
						snpsConcatenated += 1

						if variant == '-':
							F.write('%s' % sampleAllele[0])

							F.write('%s' % variant)

	parseNstream.printMsg("Completed scoring user SNPs to REF SNPs. Streamed to a .FASTA file (path=%s)" % DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILEPATH)
	parseNstream.printMsg('Number of matched rsid values: %s' % numMatchedRSIDs)
	print "Only the RSID's of the user that existed in the reference data base were used. Also, INDELs were not concatenated."
	parseNstream.printMsg('Number of unmatched rsid values: %s' % len(nonMatchedRSIDs))
	parseNstream.printMsg('Number of SNPs concatenated: %s' % snpsConcatenated)
예제 #4
def scoreAlleles(RefSNPFile, UserSNPFile):
	Structure of RefSNPdict and UserSNPdict:
		key = chromosome string as '1', '2', ..., '23' (X), '24' (Y), '25', (MT/M)

	(*) Reference allele is only ONE letter. 

	- Genotype is a string of len=2, the original allele representations from the 23andme file

	- Variant(s) represents any letters different from the Reference, if none then given '-'

	- Match Score (0,1,2): the SNP is given a score of ...
			- 2 (homozygous) if both letters are the same as the Reference
			- 1 (heterozygous) if one letter is the same as the Reference
			- 0 (recessive) if neither match the reference 

	(*) Variants given a match score of 0 may need to be switched to the 
	opposite letters (A to T, C to G and vice versa); must check to 
	confirm which are minus vs. plus strands)

	#chrNum 	position 	Ref 	Genotype	Variant 	Matches(0,1,2)
	1			1000		A 		AA 			-			

	RETURNS: none, streams to file... 
	RefSNPdict = parseNstream._referenceObject(RefSNPFile, 'CHROMOSOME')
	UserSNPdict = parseNstream._23andmeObject(UserSNPFile, 'CHROMOSOME')

	# Keep track of RSIDs in the  that do not match in position and rsid value in tuples (ref rsid, user rsid)
	nonMatchedRSIDs = []	
	# Count number of RSIDs whose positions in a chr match for both ref and user, and report it at the end. 
	numMatchedRSIDs = 0		
	# Keep track of indels
	indel = {}		

	F.write('#Chrom\tRSID\tPos\tRef\tGenotype\tVariant(s)\tMatch Score\n')
	for chr in parseNstream.CHROMOSOME_LIST:
		positions = RefSNPdict[chr].keys()
		indel[chr] = {}
		for pos in positions:
			refAllele = RefSNPdict[chr][pos][GENOTYPE].upper()
			rsid = RefSNPdict[chr][pos][RSID]

			# Check allele cases for ref in the user's snps
			if pos in UserSNPdict[chr]:
				if rsid != UserSNPdict[chr][pos][RSID]:
					nonMatchedRSIDs += [(rsid, UserSNPdict[chr][pos][RSID])]

				if isIndel(UserSNPdict[chr][pos][GENOTYPE]):
					indel[chr][pos] = {
						RSID: UserSNPdict[chr][pos][RSID], 
						GENOTYPE: UserSNPdict[chr][pos][GENOTYPE]

					numMatchedRSIDs += 1
					sampleAllele = UserSNPdict[chr][pos][GENOTYPE]		# 3

					# Chromosomes 1-22 will have an allele pair, hence str len of 2
					if len(sampleAllele) == 2:

						# No base call at the current rsid. [BLANK]
						if sampleAllele[0] == '-' and sampleAllele[1] == '-': 
							variant = '-'
							score = '-'

						# Score 2, no variants. Both letters are homologous to the reference. [GRAY - default]
						elif sampleAllele[0].lower() == refAllele.lower() and sampleAllele[1].lower() == refAllele.lower():
							variant = '-'
							score = 2

						# Score 1, one variant. Second letter is homologous to the reference. [GREEN - success]
						elif sampleAllele[0].lower() == refAllele.lower():
							variant = sampleAllele[1]
							score = 1

						# Score 1, one variant. First letter is homologous to the reference. [GREEN - success]
						elif sampleAllele[1].lower() == refAllele.lower():
							variant = sampleAllele[0]
							score = 1

						# Score 0, two variants. No homology to the reference. [ORANGE - primary]
							variant = sampleAllele
							score = 0

					# Mitochondria, X, and Y chromosome alleles are of length 1
					elif len(sampleAllele) == 1:
						# No base call at the current rsid. [BLANK]
						if sampleAllele == '-':
							variant = '-'
							score = '-'

						# Score 1, no variants. Only letter is homologous to the reference. [GRAY - default]
						elif sampleAllele.lower() == refAllele.lower():
							variant = '-'
							score = 1
							variant = sampleAllele
							score = 0

					F.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (chr, rsid, pos, refAllele, sampleAllele, variant, score))

	parseNstream.printMsg("Completed scoring user SNPs to REF SNPs. Streamed to a .teyden (LOL) file format (path=%s)" % DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILEPATH)
	parseNstream.printMsg('Number of matched rsid values: %s' % numMatchedRSIDs)
	parseNstream.printMsg('Number of unmatched rsid values: %s' % len(nonMatchedRSIDs))
	return indel