def run_tests(): error_suggestion = '\n\nIf you intentionally changed the output or tests, please run ./%s --regenerate-reference\n\n' % os.path.relpath( this_file_path) print( 'Running tests against reference values in tests/results/changes/ ...') success = True for test in test_suite: dirname, config_abspath = get_or_make_dir(test) print('Preparing to run test in %s/ ...' % dirname) ref_path = get_reference_path(dirname) assert os.path.exists(ref_path), 'Cannot find ' + os.path.relpath( ref_path) + error_suggestion with open(ref_path, 'rb') as f: ref = pickle.load(f) timeloop.run_timeloop(dirname, config_abspath) stats = parse_timeloop_output.parse_timeloop_stats(dirname) if diff(ref, stats): print('Test failed in %s\n' % dirname) success = False else: print('Test passed in %s' % dirname) print('Done running tests in tests/results/changes/.') if success: print('All tests passed.') else: print('Some tests failed.') print(error_suggestion)
def run_timeloop(self, fitness_obj=['latency'], pool_idx=0): command = [ self._executable, self.arch_path[pool_idx], self.problem_path[pool_idx], self.map_path[pool_idx] ] process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=self.pool_path[pool_idx]) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() process.wait() if stderr: return [-float('Inf')] * len(fitness_obj) else: stats = parse_timeloop_stats(self.pool_path[pool_idx]) fitness = self.judge(stats, fitness_obj) return fitness
def regenerate_reference(): print( 'Overwriting all reference pickle files in tests/results/changes/ ...') for test in test_suite: dirname, config_abspath = get_or_make_dir(test) print('Running test in %s/ ...' % dirname) timeloop.run_timeloop(dirname, config_abspath) stats = parse_timeloop_output.parse_timeloop_stats(dirname) assert not diff(stats, stats) ref_path = get_reference_path(dirname) print('Writing results to %s ...' % ref_path) with open(ref_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(stats, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print('Done writing reference pickle files.')
# Just test that path points to a valid config file. with open(config_abspath, 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f) #config = libconf.load(f) for i in range(0, len(cnn_layers)): problem = cnn_layers[i] print("Preparing to run timeloop for problem index ", i) dirname = 'run/problem_' + str(i) + '/' subprocess.check_call(['mkdir', '-p', dirname]) timeloop.run_timeloop(dirname, configfile=config_abspath, workload_bounds=problem) stats = parse_timeloop_output.parse_timeloop_stats(dirname) if stats == {}: print( "Timeloop couldn't find a mapping for this problem within the search parameters, please check the log for more details." ) else: print( "Run successful, see log for text stats, or use the Python parser to parse the XML stats." ) # print("Stats from run:") # pprint.pprint(stats) print("DONE.")
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run Timeloop') parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', default='../configs/mapper/VGGN.yaml', help='config file') # yaml parser.add_argument('--log', '-l', default='timeloop.log', help='name of log file') parser.add_argument('--output_dir', '-o', default='results', help='name of log file') parser.add_argument( '--fake_eval', nargs='?', type=str2bool, const=True, default=False, help='test evaluation that no actual evalution is performed') # search configuration parser.add_argument( '--net', default='vgg', choices=['vgg', 'wrn', 'dense', 'resnet18', 'mobilenetv2'], help='model name') parser.add_argument('--dataset', default='cifar-10', choices=['cifar-10', 'imagenet'], help='dataset name') parser.add_argument('--batchsize', '-b', type=int, default=64, help='batchsize of the problem') parser.add_argument('--dataflow', default='CN', choices=['CK', 'CN', 'KN', 'CP', 'KP', 'PQ', 'PN'], help='spatial mapping') parser.add_argument('--phase', default='fw', choices=['fw', 'bw', 'wu'], help='Training phase') # , 'wu' # mapper configuration parser.add_argument( '--terminate', nargs='?', type=int, const=1000, help= 'termination condition: number of consecutive suboptimal valid mapping found' ) parser.add_argument('--threads', nargs='?', type=int, const=32, help='number of threads used for mapping search') # synthetic mask parser.add_argument('--synthetic', nargs='?', type=str2bool, const=True, default=False, help='Is data mask synthetic?') parser.add_argument('--sparsity', nargs='?', type=float, const=0.1, help='synthetic sparsity of the problem') parser.add_argument('--act_sparsity', default='_act_sparsity.json', help='file suffix for activation sparsity') # usually let's not provide this flag to save some space? parser.add_argument('--save', nargs='?', type=str, const='saved_synthetic_mask', help='name of saved synthetic mask') # naive replication parser.add_argument('--replication', nargs='?', type=str2bool, const=True, default=False, help='do we apply naive replication?') # scability exp parser.add_argument('--array_width', type=int, default=16, help='PE array width') parser.add_argument('--glb_scaling', nargs='?', type=str2bool, const=True, default=False, help='scale GLB based on array_width') # Evaluate Dense Timeloop? parser.add_argument('--dense', nargs='?', type=str2bool, const=True, default=False, help='evaluate use original timeloop') parser.add_argument('--dense_dirname', default='dense-timeloop', help='directory name of dense timeloop') args = parser.parse_args() print(args) with open(args.config, 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) # load yaml use_act_sparsity = False if args.phase == 'wu' and not args.dense: with open( + args.act_sparsity) as f: act_sparsity_data = json.load(f) use_act_sparsity = True target_layers = layer_sizes[args.dataset][] target_names = layer_names[args.dataset][] total_cycles = 0 total_energy = 0 for i in range(0, len(target_names)): problem = target_layers[i] name = target_names[i] # TODO: redesign path # make configuration first, layer last to facilitate potential overall speedup and energy saving # training phase, batchsize, network, and layer dirname = args.output_dir + f'/{args.array_width}_{args.glb_scaling}/{args.phase}_{args.batchsize}/{args.dataset}_{}_{name}/' # which source accelerator we use and spatial dataflow dirname += ('dense' if args.dense else 'sparse') + '_{}'.format( args.dataflow) + ('_replicate/' if args.replication else '/') # synthetic (with target sparsity) or acutal mask dirname += 'synthetic_{}/'.format( args.sparsity) if args.synthetic else 'actual/' subprocess.check_call(['mkdir', '-p', dirname]) print('Problem {} result dir: {}'.format( i, dirname)) # use this to hint the problem we are working on if args.dense: if os.path.isfile(dirname + 'timeloop-mapper.stats.txt'): print('The current dense problem evaluated already, skip!') continue if problem in target_layers[:i]: j = target_layers.index(problem) # repeated index print( 'Same Config as Problem {} layer {}, skip evaluation and copy result' .format(j, target_names[j])) src_dirname = args.output_dir + f'/{args.array_width}_{args.glb_scaling}/{args.phase}_{args.batchsize}/{args.dataset}_{}_{target_names[j]}/' # which source accelerator we use and spatial dataflow src_dirname += ('dense' if args.dense else 'sparse') + '_{}'.format(args.dataflow) + ( '_replicate/' if args.replication else '/') # synthetic (with target sparsity) or acutal mask src_dirname += 'synthetic_{}/'.format( args.sparsity) if args.synthetic else 'actual/' copy_tree(src_dirname, dirname) continue else: if os.path.isfile(dirname + 'timeloop-mapper.stats.txt'): print('The current sparse problem evaluated already, skip!') continue # dump the all configuration to check, also hopefully helps # reproducibility with open(os.path.join(dirname, 'args.json'), 'w') as arg_log: json.dump(vars(args), arg_log) # (Optional): Adapt to Path module env_list = timeloop.rewrite_workload_bounds( src=args.config, dst=os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(args.config)), workload_bounds=problem,, # for actual mask only # datset = args.dataset, # unimplemented layer=name, # for actual mask only batchsize=args.batchsize, dataflow=args.dataflow, phase=args.phase, terminate=args.terminate, threads=args.threads, synthetic=True if use_act_sparsity else args.synthetic, sparsity=act_sparsity_data[name] if use_act_sparsity else args.sparsity,, replication=args.replication, array_width=args.array_width, glb_scaling=args.glb_scaling, dense=args.dense) if args.fake_eval: print( 'in fake eval mode, the problem will be evaluate in actual run' ) continue timeloop.run_timeloop(dirname=dirname, configfile=args.config, logfile=args.log, env_list=env_list, dense=args.dense, dense_dirname=args.dense_dirname) cycle, energy, mac = parse_timeloop_output.parse_timeloop_stats( dirname, args.dense) if energy == {}: print( "Timeloop couldn't find a mapping for this problem within the search parameters, please check the log for more details." ) else: print( "Run successful, see log for text stats, or use the Python parser to parse the XML stats." ) print("DONE.")