예제 #1
    def setupChasKeyRound(self, stp_file, rnd, v0_in, v1_in, v2_in, v3_in,
                          v0_out, v1_out, v2_out, v3_out, w0, w1, wordsize):
        Half a round of ChasKey

        a0 = (v1 + v0) <<< 32
        a1 = (v1 + v0) ^ (v1 <<< 13)
        a2 = (v2 + v3)
        a3 = (v2 + v3) ^ (v3 <<< 16)
        command = ""

        if (rnd % 2) == 0:
            rot_one = self.rot_v1_up
            rot_two = self.rot_v3_up
            rot_three = self.rot_v0_up
            rot_one = self.rot_v1_down
            rot_two = self.rot_v3_down
            rot_three = self.rot_v0_down

        #Assert intermediate values
        #Rotate right to get correct output value

        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(v2_in, v3_in, v0_out, wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            v1_out, rotl(v1_in, rot_one, wordsize),
            rotr(v2_out, rot_three, wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(v1_in, v0_in,
                                            rotr(v2_out, rot_three, wordsize),
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            v3_out, rotl(v3_in, rot_two, wordsize), v0_out)

        # Compute Weights for modular addition
        # Lipmaa and Moriai

        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w0)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(v1_in, v0_in,
                                           rotr(v2_out, rot_three, wordsize))
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w1)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(v2_in, v3_in, v0_out)
        command += ");\n"

예제 #2
    def setupChasKeyRound(
        self, stp_file, rnd, v0_in, v1_in, v2_in, v3_in, v0_out, v1_out, v2_out, v3_out, w0, w1, wordsize

        Half a round of ChasKey

        a0 = (v1 + v0) <<< 32
        a1 = (v1 + v0) ^ (v1 <<< 13)
        a2 = (v2 + v3)
        a3 = (v2 + v3) ^ (v3 <<< 16)
        command = ""

        if (rnd % 2) == 0:
            rot_one = 5
            rot_two = 8
            rot_one = 7
            rot_two = 13

        # Assert intermediate values
        # Rotate right to get correct output value

        # v0_out
        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(v2_in, v3_in, v0_out, wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        # v1_out
        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            v1_out, rotl(v1_in, rot_one, wordsize), rotr(v2_out, 16, wordsize)

        # v2_out
        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(v1_in, v0_in, rotr(v2_out, 16, wordsize), wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        # v3_out
        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(v3_out, rotl(v3_in, rot_two, wordsize), v0_out)

        # Compute Weights for modular addition
        # Lipmaa and Moriai

        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w0)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(v1_in, v0_in, rotr(v2_out, 16, wordsize))
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w1)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(v2_in, v3_in, v0_out)
        command += ");\n"

예제 #3
    def setupQuarterRound(self, stp_file, a, tmp, c, w, wordsize):
        ChaCha quarter round:
            (c0, c1, c2, c3) = Quarterround(a0, a1, a2, a3)
        command = ""
        # a += b
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(a[0], a[1], tmp[0], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(w[0],
            stpcommands.getStringEq(a[0], a[1], tmp[0]))

        # d ^= a; d <<<= 16; (a = tmp[0] after last step)
        d = rotl("BVXOR({}, {})".format(tmp[0], a[3]), 16, wordsize)

        # c += d;
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(a[2], d, tmp[1], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(w[1],
            stpcommands.getStringEq(a[2], d, tmp[1]))

        # b ^= c; b <<<= 12; (c = tmp[1] after last step)
        b = rotl("BVXOR({}, {})".format(a[1], tmp[1]), 12, wordsize)

        # a += b;
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(tmp[0], b, tmp[2], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(w[2],
            stpcommands.getStringEq(tmp[0], b, tmp[2]))

        # d ^= a; d <<<= 8; (a = tmp[2] after last step)
        d = rotl("BVXOR({}, {})".format(tmp[2], d), 8, wordsize)

        # c += d
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(tmp[1], d, tmp[3], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(w[1],
            stpcommands.getStringEq(tmp[1], d, tmp[3]))

        # b ^= c; b <<<= 7; (c = tmp[3] after last step)
        b = rotl("BVXOR({}, {})".format(b, tmp[3]), 7, wordsize)

        # Output
        command += "ASSERT({} = {});\n".format(c[0], tmp[2])
        command += "ASSERT({} = {});\n".format(c[1], b)
        command += "ASSERT({} = {});\n".format(c[2], tmp[3])
        command += "ASSERT({} = {});\n".format(c[3], d)

예제 #4
파일: salsa.py 프로젝트: jamella/cryptosmt
    def setupQuarterRound(self, stp_file, a, b, c, w, wordsize):
        Salsa quarter round:
            (c0, c1, c2, c3) = Quarterround(a0, a1, a2, a3)
            b0, b1, b2 and b3 are used for the modular addition.
        command = ""
        # First addition
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(a[0], a[3], b[0], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(w[0],
            stpcommands.getStringEq(a[0], a[3], b[0]))

        # Second addition
        tmp_xor0 = "BVXOR({}, {})".format(rotl(b[0], 7, wordsize), a[1])
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(a[0], tmp_xor0, b[1], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(w[1],
            stpcommands.getStringEq(a[0], tmp_xor0, b[1]))

        # Third addition
        tmp_xor1 = "BVXOR({}, {})".format(rotl(b[1], 9, wordsize), a[2])
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(tmp_xor0, tmp_xor1, b[2], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(w[2],
            stpcommands.getStringEq(tmp_xor0, tmp_xor1, b[2]))

        # Fourth addition
        tmp_xor2 = "BVXOR({}, {})".format(rotl(b[2], 13, wordsize), a[3])
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(tmp_xor1, tmp_xor2, b[3], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(w[3],
            stpcommands.getStringEq(tmp_xor1, tmp_xor2, b[3]))

        # Outputs
        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(c[0], a[0], rotl(b[3], 18, wordsize))
        command += "ASSERT({} = {});\n".format(c[1], tmp_xor0)
        command += "ASSERT({} = {});\n".format(c[2], tmp_xor1)
        command += "ASSERT({} = {});\n".format(c[3], tmp_xor2)

예제 #5
    def setupSPECKEYRound(self, stp_file, x_in, y_in, x_out, y_out, w,
        Model for the ARX box (round) function of SPARX which is the
        same as SPECKEY.
        command = ""

        #Assert((x_in >>> 7) + y_in = x_out)
        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(rotr(x_in, 7, wordsize), y_in,
                                            x_out, wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        #Assert(x_out xor (y_in <<< 2) = y_out)
        command += "ASSERT(" + y_out + " = "
        command += "BVXOR(" + x_out + ","
        command += rotl(y_in, 2, wordsize)
        command += "));\n"

        #For weight computation
        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(rotr(x_in, 7, wordsize), y_in,
        command += ");\n"

예제 #6
파일: speck.py 프로젝트: jamella/cryptosmt
    def setupSpeckRound(self, stp_file, x_in, y_in, x_out, y_out, w, wordsize):
        Model for differential behaviour of one round SPECK
        command = ""

        #Assert(x_in >>> self.rot_alpha + y_in = x_out)
        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(rotr(x_in, self.rot_alpha, wordsize),
                                            y_in, x_out, wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        #Assert(x_out xor (y_in <<< self.rot_beta) = x_in)
        command += "ASSERT(" + y_out + " = "
        command += "BVXOR(" + x_out + ","
        command += rotl(y_in, self.rot_beta, wordsize)
        command += "));\n"

        #For weight computation
        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(rotr(x_in, self.rot_alpha, wordsize),
                                           y_in, x_out)
        command += ");\n"

예제 #7
    def A(self, x_in, y_in, x_out, y_out, w, wordsize):
        Model for the ARX box (round) function of SPARX. A^a denotes a 
        rounds of SPECKEY.
        command = ""

        #Assert((x_in >>> 7) + y_in = x_out)
        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(rotr(x_in, 7, wordsize), y_in,
                                            x_out, wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        #Assert(x_out xor (y_in <<< 2) = y_out)
        command += "ASSERT(" + y_out + " = "
        command += "BVXOR(" + x_out + ","
        command += rotl(y_in, 2, wordsize)
        command += "));\n"

        #For weight computation
        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(rotr(x_in, 7, wordsize), y_in,
        command += ");\n"

        return command
예제 #8
    def setupSpeckRound(self, stp_file, x_in, y_in, x_out, y_out, w, wordsize):
        Model for differential behaviour of one round SPECK
        command = ""

        #Assert(x_in >>> self.rot_alpha + y_in = x_out)
        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(
            rotr(x_in, self.rot_alpha, wordsize), y_in, x_out, wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        #Assert(x_out xor (y_in <<< self.rot_beta) = x_in)
        command += "ASSERT(" + y_out + " = "
        command += "BVXOR(" + x_out + ","
        command += rotl(y_in, self.rot_beta, wordsize)
        command += "));\n"

        #For weight computation
        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(
            rotr(x_in, self.rot_alpha, wordsize), y_in, x_out)
        command += ");\n"

예제 #9
    def setupQuarterRound(self, stp_file, a, b, c, w, wordsize):
        Salsa quarter round:
            (c0, c1, c2, c3) = Quarterround(a0, a1, a2, a3)
            b0, b1, b2 and b3 are used for the modular addition.
        command = ""
        # First addition
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(a[0], a[3], b[0], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(
            w[0], stpcommands.getStringEq(a[0], a[3], b[0]))

        # Second addition
        tmp_xor0 = "BVXOR({}, {})".format(rotl(b[0], 7, wordsize), a[1])
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(a[0], tmp_xor0, b[1], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(
            w[1], stpcommands.getStringEq(a[0], tmp_xor0, b[1]))

        # Third addition
        tmp_xor1 = "BVXOR({}, {})".format(rotl(b[1], 9, wordsize), a[2])
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(tmp_xor0, tmp_xor1, b[2], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(
            w[2], stpcommands.getStringEq(tmp_xor0, tmp_xor1, b[2]))

        # Fourth addition
        tmp_xor2 = "BVXOR({}, {})".format(rotl(b[2], 13, wordsize), a[3])
        command += "ASSERT({});\n".format(
            stpcommands.getStringAdd(tmp_xor1, tmp_xor2, b[3], wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT({} = ~{});\n".format(
            w[3], stpcommands.getStringEq(tmp_xor1, tmp_xor2, b[3]))

        # Outputs
        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            c[0], a[0], rotl(b[3], 18, wordsize))
        command += "ASSERT({} = {});\n".format(c[1], tmp_xor0)
        command += "ASSERT({} = {});\n".format(c[2], tmp_xor1)
        command += "ASSERT({} = {});\n".format(c[3], tmp_xor2)

예제 #10
    def setupCHAMRound(self, stp_file, x0_in, x1_in, x2_in, x3_in,
                       x0_out, x1_out, x2_out, x3_out, x0x1,
                       rot_x0, rot_x1, w, wordsize):
        Model for differential behaviour of one round CHAM
        command = ""

        # even rounds:
        # X_{i+1}[3] = (X_{i}[0] + (X_{i}[1] << 1)) << 8
        # odd rounds:
        # X_{i+1}[3] = (X_{i}[0] + (X_{i}[1] << 8)) << 1

        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({0} = {1});\n".format(x3_out, rotl(x0x1, rot_x0, wordsize))

        # X_{i+1}[2] = X_{i+1}[3]
        # X_{i+1}[1] = X_{i+1}[2]
        # X_{i+1}[0] = X_{i+1}[1]
        command += "ASSERT({0} = {1});\n".format(x2_out, x3_in)
        command += "ASSERT({0} = {1});\n".format(x1_out, x2_in)
        command += "ASSERT({0} = {1});\n".format(x0_out, x1_in)

        #For weight computation
        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(x0_in,
                                           rotl(x1_in, rot_x1, wordsize),
        command += ");\n"

예제 #11
    def getStringForSipRound(self, v0_in, v1_in, v2_in, v3_in, a0, a1, a2, a3,
                             v0_out, v1_out, v2_out, v3_out, w0, w1, w2, w3,
        Returns a string representing SipRound in STP.

        a0 = (v1 + v0) <<< 32
        a1 = (v1 + v0) ^ (v1 <<< 13)
        a2 = (v2 + v3)
        a3 = (v2 + v3) ^ (v3 <<< 16)

        v0_out = (a0 + a3)
        v1_out = (a2 + a1) ^ (a1 <<< 17)
        v2_out = (a2 + a1) <<< 32
        v3_out = (a0 + a3) ^ (a3 <<< 21)
        command = ""

        #Assert intermediate values

        #Rotate right to get correct output value
        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(
            v1_in, v0_in, rotr(a0, 32, wordsize), wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            a1, rotl(v1_in, 13, wordsize), rotr(a0, 32, wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(v2_in, v3_in, a2, wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            a3, rotl(v3_in, 16, wordsize), a2)

        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(a0, a3, v0_out, wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            v1_out, rotl(a1, 17, wordsize), rotr(v2_out, 32, wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(
            a2, a1, rotr(v2_out, 32, wordsize), wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            v3_out, rotl(a3, 21, wordsize), v0_out)

        # Lipmaa and Moriai
        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w0)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(
            v1_in, v0_in, rotr(a0, 32, wordsize))
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w1)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(v2_in, v3_in, a2)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w2)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(a0, a3, v0_out)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w3)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(
            a2, a1, rotr(v2_out, 32, wordsize))
        command += ");\n"

        return command
예제 #12
    def getStringForSipRound(self, v0_in, v1_in, v2_in, v3_in, a0, a1, a2, a3,
                             v0_out, v1_out, v2_out, v3_out, w0, w1, w2, w3,
        Returns a string representing SipRound in STP.

        a0 = (v1 + v0) <<< 32
        a1 = (v1 + v0) ^ (v1 <<< 13)
        a2 = (v2 + v3)
        a3 = (v2 + v3) ^ (v3 <<< 16)

        v0_out = (a0 + a3)
        v1_out = (a2 + a1) ^ (a1 <<< 17)
        v2_out = (a2 + a1) <<< 32
        v3_out = (a0 + a3) ^ (a3 <<< 21)
        command = ""

        #Assert intermediate values

        #Rotate right to get correct output value
        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(v1_in, v0_in,
                                            rotr(a0, 32, wordsize), wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            a1, rotl(v1_in, 13, wordsize), rotr(a0, 32, wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(v2_in, v3_in, a2, wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            a3, rotl(v3_in, 16, wordsize), a2)

        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(a0, a3, v0_out, wordsize)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            v1_out, rotl(a1, 17, wordsize), rotr(v2_out, 32, wordsize))

        command += "ASSERT("
        command += stpcommands.getStringAdd(a2, a1, rotr(v2_out, 32, wordsize),
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({} = BVXOR({}, {}));\n".format(
            v3_out, rotl(a3, 21, wordsize), v0_out)

        # Lipmaa and Moriai
        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w0)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(v1_in, v0_in,
                                           rotr(a0, 32, wordsize))
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w1)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(v2_in, v3_in, a2)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w2)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(a0, a3, v0_out)
        command += ");\n"

        command += "ASSERT({0} = ~".format(w3)
        command += stpcommands.getStringEq(a2, a1, rotr(v2_out, 32, wordsize))
        command += ");\n"

        return command