예제 #1
def assert_exp_length(ast, length):
    if len(ast) > length:
        msg = "Malformed %s, too many arguments: %s" % (ast[0], unparse(ast))
        raise LispError(msg)
    elif len(ast) < length:
        msg = "Malformed %s, too few arguments: %s" % (ast[0], unparse(ast))
        raise LispError(msg)
예제 #2
def source(ast, env):
  assert_exp_length(ast, 1)
  symbol = ast[0]

  if symbol in forms:
    return "<form/%s>" % symbol
    val = env.lookup(symbol)

    if is_closure(val):
      return "(lambda %s %s)" % (unparse(val.params), unparse(val.body))
      return val
예제 #3
파일: evaluator.py 프로젝트: a-roy/diy-lisp
def evaluate(ast, env):
    """Evaluate an Abstract Syntax Tree in the specified environment."""
    if is_boolean(ast) or is_integer(ast):
        return ast
    elif is_symbol(ast):
        return env.lookup(ast)

    if not is_atom(ast[0]):
        ast[0] = evaluate(ast[0], env)
    elif is_symbol(ast[0]):
        if ast[0] in keywords:
            return keywords[ast[0]](ast, env)
        elif ast[0] in math_operators:
            return eval_math(ast, env)
            ast[0] = env.lookup(ast[0])

    if is_closure(ast[0]):
        args = [evaluate(x, env) for x in ast[1:]]
        num_args = len(args)
        num_params = len(ast[0].params)
        if num_args != num_params:
            raise LispError('wrong number of arguments, expected %d got %d'
                    % (num_params, num_args))
        bindings = dict(zip(ast[0].params, args))
        return evaluate(ast[0].body, ast[0].env.extend(bindings))

    raise LispError('not a function: %s' % unparse(ast[0]))
예제 #4
def assert_list(rest, env):
  rest = evaluate(rest, env)

  if is_list(rest):
    return rest
    raise LispError("Expected list, got: %s" % unparse(rest))
예제 #5
def evaluate(ast, env):
    """Evaluate an Abstract Syntax Tree in the specified environment."""
    if is_symbol(ast): return env[ast]
    elif is_atom(ast): return ast
    elif is_list(ast):
        if ast[0] == 'atom': return eval_atom(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'eq': return eval_eq(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'macro': return eval_macro(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'expand': return eval_expand(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'expand-1': return eval_expand_1(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'cond': return eval_cond(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'let': return eval_let(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'eval': return eval_eval(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'set!': return eval_set(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'quote': return eval_quote(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'quasiquote': return eval_quasiquote(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] in ('lambda', 'λ'): return eval_lambda(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'begin': return eval_begin(ast, env)
        elif ast[0] == 'define': return eval_define(ast, env)
            fn = evaluate(ast[0], env)
            if is_macro(fn): 
                return apply_macro(ast, env)
            elif is_lambda(fn): 
                return apply_lambda(ast, env)
            elif is_builtin(fn): 
                return apply_builtin(ast, env)
                raise LispTypeError("Call to: " + unparse(ast[0]))
        raise LispSyntaxError(ast)
예제 #6
def fn(ast, env):
  if len(ast) != 2:
      raise LispError("Wrong number of arguments for function definition: %s" % len(ast))

  params = ast[0]

  if not isinstance(params, list):
      raise LispError("Parameters must be a list, got: %s" % unparse(params))
    for p in params:
      if not isinstance(p, str):
        raise LispError("Parameter must be a symbol, got: %s" % unparse(p))

  body = ast[1]

  return Closure(env, params, body)
예제 #7
def solve_and_display(path="sudoku.txt",
    if fastest:
        graph_display, iterate = False

    timestamp_unparsed = time.time()

    # Opening file
    to_solve = open(path, "r")
    S_init = ""
    for line in to_solve:
        S_init += line

    time_message = "\nSudoku solving speed:\n"
    S_init = parse(S_init)
    timestamp_parsed = time.time()
    time_parsing = int((timestamp_parsed - timestamp_unparsed) * 10000) / 10000
    time_message += "Parsing... {} seconds\n".format(time_parsing)

    S = np.copy(S_init)

    timestamp_unsolved = time.time()
    S, meta, init = solve(S, display_iterations=iterate, stats=not (fastest))
    timestamp_solved = time.time()
    time_solving = int((timestamp_solved - timestamp_unsolved) * 1000) / 1000

    pretty_print(S_init, liste_init=init)
    pretty_print(S, liste_init=init)

    # Writing
    # Just checking if there is a .txt extension or not (can disturb Windows dumb users)
    if len(path) > 4:
        if path[-4:] == ".txt":
            path = path[:-4]
    solved = open(path + "_solved.txt", "w")
    s = unparse(S)

    # Displaying
    time_message += "Solving... {} seconds\n".format(time_solving)
    print("Find the answer above or in the " + path + " file!")

    # Pretty things
    if graph_display:
        print("Watch the figure of the solving evolution.")
        plt.plot([_ for _ in map(lambda x: max(meta) - x, meta)])
예제 #8
def interpret(source, env=None):
    Interpret a lisp program statement

    Accepts a program statement as a string, interprets it, and then
    returns the resulting lisp expression as string.
    if env is None:
        env = Environment()

    return unparse(evaluate(parse(source), env))
예제 #9
def apply_lambda(ast, env):
    fn = evaluate(ast[0], env)
    args = ast[1:]

    if len(args) != len(fn.params):
        msg = "Wrong number of arguments, expected %d got %d: %s" \
            % (len(fn.params), len(args), unparse(ast))
        raise LispTypeError(msg)
    args = [evaluate(exp, env) for exp in ast[1:]]
    return evaluate(fn.body, Environment(zip(fn.params, args), env))
예제 #10
def interpret(source, env=None):
    Interpret a lisp program statement

    Accepts a program statement as a string, interprets it, and then
    returns the resulting lisp expression as string.
    if env is None:
        env = Environment()

    return unparse(evaluate(parse(source), env))
예제 #11
def evaluate(ast, env):
    """Evaluate an Abstract Syntax Tree in the specified environment."""
    if is_symbol(ast):
        if ast[0] == '"':
            return ast
        return env.lookup(ast)
    elif is_atom(ast):
        return ast
    elif is_list(ast):
        return eval_list(ast, env)
        raise LispError('Syntax error: %s' % unparse(ast))
예제 #12
def evaluate(ast, env):
    """Evaluate an Abstract Syntax Tree in the specified environment."""
    if is_symbol(ast):
        if ast[0] == '"':
            return ast
        return env.lookup(ast)
    elif is_atom(ast):
        return ast
    elif is_list(ast):
        return eval_list(ast, env)
        raise LispError('Syntax error: %s' % unparse(ast))
예제 #13
def eval_list(ast, env):
    """evaluate all the built-in functions"""
    if ast[0] == 'quote':
        return eval_quote(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'exit':
        return eval_exit(ast)
    elif ast[0] == 'print':
        return eval_print(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'atom':
        return eval_atom(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'let':
        return eval_let(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'def':
        return eval_def(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'lambda':
        return eval_lambda(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'eq':
        return eval_eq(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'set':
        return eval_set(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'if':
        return eval_if(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'cons':
        return eval_cons(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'head':
        return eval_head(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'tail':
        return eval_tail(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'rhead':
        return eval_rhead(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'rtail':
        return eval_rtail(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'empty':
        return eval_empty(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] in [
            '+', '-', '*', '**', '/', 'mod', '<', '<=', '=', '!=', '>=', '>'
        return eval_math(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'random':
        return eval_random()
    elif ast[0] in ['int', 'float', 'str', 'type']:
        return eval_types(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] in ['str_append', 'str_split']:
        return eval_string(ast, env)
    elif is_closure(ast[0]):
        return apply(ast, env)
    elif is_symbol(ast[0]) or is_list(ast[0]):
        return evaluate([evaluate(ast[0], env)] + ast[1:], env)
        raise LispError('%s is not a function' % unparse(ast[0]))
예제 #14
def eval_list(ast, env):
    """evaluate all the built-in functions"""
    if ast[0] == 'quote':
        return eval_quote(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'exit':
        return eval_exit(ast)
    elif ast[0] == 'print':
        return eval_print(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'atom':
        return eval_atom(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'let':
        return eval_let(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'def':
        return eval_def(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'lambda':
        return eval_lambda(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'eq':
        return eval_eq(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'set':
        return eval_set(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'if':
        return eval_if(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'cons':
        return eval_cons(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'head':
        return eval_head(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'tail':
        return eval_tail(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'rhead':
        return eval_rhead(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'rtail':
        return eval_rtail(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'empty':
        return eval_empty(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] in ['+', '-', '*', '**', '/', 'mod', '<', '<=', '=', '!=', '>=', '>']:
        return eval_math(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] == 'random':
        return eval_random()
    elif ast[0] in ['int', 'float', 'str', 'type']:
        return eval_types(ast, env)
    elif ast[0] in ['str_append', 'str_split']:
        return eval_string(ast, env)
    elif is_closure(ast[0]):
        return apply(ast, env)
    elif is_symbol(ast[0]) or is_list(ast[0]):
        return evaluate([evaluate(ast[0], env)] + ast[1:], env)
        raise LispError('%s is not a function' % unparse(ast[0]))
예제 #15
def interpret_file(filename, env=None):
    Interpret a lisp file

    Accepts the name of a lisp file containing a series of statements. 
    Returns the value of the last expression of the file.
    if env is None:
        env = Environment()

    with open(filename, 'r') as sourcefile:
        source = "".join(sourcefile.readlines())

    asts = parse_multiple(source)
    results = [evaluate(ast, env) for ast in asts]
    return unparse(results[-1])
예제 #16
def solve_and_display(path="to_solve.txt", display_speed=True):
    # Opening file
    to_solve = open(path, "r")
    S = ""
    for line in to_solve:
        S += line

    time_message = "\nSudoku solving speed:\n"
    if type(S) is str:
        timestamp_unparsed = time.clock()
        S = parse(S)
        timestamp_parsed = time.clock()
        time_parsing = int(
            (timestamp_parsed - timestamp_unparsed) * 1000) / 1000
        time_message += "Parsing... {} seconds\n".format(time_parsing)

    timestamp_unsolved = time.clock()
    timestamp_solved = time.clock()
    time_solving = int((timestamp_solved - timestamp_unsolved) * 1000) / 1000

    # Displaying
    time_message += "Solving... {} seconds\n".format(time_solving)
    print(S)  # Solved!
    if display_speed: print(time_message)
    print("Find the answer in the solved.txt file or above!")

    # Writing
    solved = open("solved.txt", "w")
    s = unparse(S)
예제 #17
def evaluate(ast, env):
    """Evaluate an Abstract Syntax Tree in the specified environment."""

    if is_atom(ast):
      if is_symbol(ast):
        return forms[ast] if ast in forms else env.lookup(ast)
        return ast
      if (len(ast) == 0):
        return []

      fn   = evaluate(ast[0], env)
      args = ast[1:] if len(ast) > 1 else []

      if callable(fn):
        return fn(args, env)
      if is_closure(fn):
        return apply(fn, args, env)
      elif is_list(fn):
        return evaluate([evaluate(fn, env)] + args, env)
        raise LispError("%s is not a function." % unparse(fn))
예제 #18
def test_unparse():
    expected = """
ADD 1 2;
ST 0 2;
SHL 3 0;
LD 1 3;
JMPR 0 1;
IN 3;
OUT 1;"""
    parsed = [
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
        [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
        [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
        [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1],
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1],
        [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1],
    unparsed = [
        parser.unparse(int(''.join(map(str, line)), 2)) for line in parsed
    assert unparsed == [line.strip() for line in expected.split(';') if line]
예제 #19
def interpret_file(filename, env=None):
    Interpret a lisp file

    Accepts the name of a lisp file containing a series of statements. 
    Returns the value of the last expression of the file.
    if env is None:
        env = Environment()

    with open(filename, 'r') as sourcefile:
        source = "".join(sourcefile.readlines())

    asts = parse_multiple(source)
    imports = filter(lambda a: a[0] == 'import', asts)
    asts = filter(lambda a: a[0] != 'import', asts)
    results = [evaluate(ast, env) for ast in asts]
    for imp in imports:
        interpret_file(imp[1][1:-1], env)

    # If the Slow Loris file contains only comments or includes, don't fail.
    if len(results) == 0:
        return ''
    return unparse(results[-1])
예제 #20
def assert_boolean(p, exp=None):
    if not is_boolean(p):
        msg = "Boolean required, got '%s'. " % unparse(p)
        if exp is not None:
            msg += "Offending expression: %s" % unparse(exp)
        raise LispTypeError(msg)
예제 #21
def interpret(exp, env=None):
    """Interpret a single Lisp expression"""
    exp = eval(parse(exp), env if env is not None else [])
    return unparse(exp)
예제 #22
파일: asserts.py 프로젝트: mstade/diy-lisp
def assert_symbol(p, exp=None):
    if not is_symbol(p):
        msg = "Symbol required, got '%s'. " % unparse(p)
        if exp is not None:
            msg += "Offending expression: %s" % unparse(exp)
        raise LispError(msg)
예제 #23
        "zrx": "ZRX",
        "augur": "REP",
        "rep": "REP"
    while True:
        # takes in input from command line
        query = input("> ")
        if query == "q":

        parsed_query = parser.parse(query)[0]
        cryptos = parser.parse(query)[1]

        response = cb.respond(parsed_query)

        if parser.unparse(response, cryptos) == "off-topic":
            print("off topic")
        # DEBUG
        # print(response)
        question = response[0]
        crypto = parser.unparse(response, cryptos).strip()
        # DEBUG:
        #print(question, crypto)
        if cryptoDict.get(crypto) != None:
            if question == "price":
                priceOf(crypto, cryptoDict.get(crypto))
            elif question == "cryptointro":
            elif question == "close":
                closeCrypto(crypto, cryptoDict.get(crypto))
예제 #24
def eval_begin(ast, env):
    if len(ast[1:]) == 0:
        raise LispSyntaxError("begin cannot be empty: %s" % unparse(ast))
    results = [evaluate(exp, env) for exp in ast[1:]]
    return results[-1]
예제 #25
def simulation(program, frequency=12):
    if isinstance(program, str):
        program = parser.parse(program)
    RAM.MEM_SIZE = 6
    with new_circuit() as circuit:
        clock = Clock()
        output = clock.lines >> cpu
        iars = tag_outputs(circuit, ["BIT"], "Cpu/IAR")
        irs = tag_outputs(circuit, ["BIT"], "Cpu/IR")
        n_rows = 8
        n_cols = 8
        rams = {(row, col): tag_outputs(circuit, ["BIT"],
                                        f"RAMRegister-{row * n_cols + col}/")
                for row in range(n_rows) for col in range(n_cols)}
        regs = {
            i: tag_outputs(circuit, ["BIT"], f"Cpu/Registers/{i}")
            for i in range(cpu.N_REGISTERS)
        bus = tag_outputs(circuit, ["MAINBUS"])
        stepper = tag_outputs(circuit, ["STEPPER"])
        selectors = tag_outputs(circuit, ["SELECTOR", "CONTROL"])
        enablers = tag_outputs(circuit, ["ENABLER", "CONTROL"])
        mars = tag_outputs(circuit, ["MAROUTPUT"])
        acc = tag_outputs(circuit, ["BIT"], "ACC")
        flags = tag_outputs(circuit, ["FLAG"])
        bootloader_program_ = bootloader_program()
        simulation = {}

        def set_lines(lines, vals, prev=None):
            if prev is None:
                prev = {}
            prev.update({l: v for l, v in zip(lines, vals)})
            return prev

        bl_length = 6

        # Stores the Fibonacci sequence in RAM
        my_program = program
        print("MY PROGRAM")
        print("BL PROGRAM")

        def bootload(program):
            return {
                k: v
                for i, program_line in enumerate(program)
                for k, v in set_lines(rams[(i // n_cols, i %
                                            n_cols)], program_line).items()

        fixed_dict = bootload(bootloader_program_)

        def vals(lines, keys=False, show_all=False, decimal=True):
            values = [int(simulation[line]) for line in lines]
            if show_all:
                return [(line.name, value)
                        for line, value in zip(lines, values)]
            if keys:
                return {
                    for line, value in zip(lines, values) if value
            if len(lines) != 8:
                decimal = True
            d_value = int("".join(map(str, values)), 2)
            if decimal:
                return d_value
            return "{0:02x}".format(d_value)

        io_lines = tag_outputs(circuit, ("IO", ("IO", "IN")))
        out_lines = tag_outputs(circuit, ("IO", ("IO", "OUT")))

        def input_dict(step):
            if step == 0:
                return {
                    line: v
                    for line, v in zip(
                        list(map(int, "{0:010b}".format(len(my_program))[2:])))
            step -= 4
            if step < 0:
                return {}
            step //= bl_length
            if step >= len(my_program):
                return {}
            return {line: v for line, v in zip(io_lines, my_program[step])}

        for i in range(100000000):
            feed_dict = clock.step()
            feed_dict.update(input_dict(i // 24))
            simulation.update(simulate(feed_dict, circuit, simulation))
            if i % frequency:
            # pprint(feed_dict)
            out_enablers = set()
            for line in enablers:
                if simulation[line]:
                    for line_type in line.line_types:
                        if not isinstance(line_type, tuple):
                        if line_type[0] == "E":
                            if line_type[1] == 'R':
                        if line_type[0] == "R":
            out_selectors = set()
            for line in selectors:
                if simulation[line]:
                    for line_type in line.line_types:
                        if not isinstance(line_type, tuple):
                        if line_type[0] == "S":
                            if line_type[1] == 'R':
                        if line_type[0] == "R":
            yield {
                "iar": vals(iars),
                "ram": {
                    'data': [[vals(rams[(row, col)]) for col in range(n_cols)]
                             for row in range(n_rows)]
                "ir": {
                    "value": vals(irs),
                    "interpretation": parser.unparse(vals(irs)),
                "registers": [vals(regs[i]) for i in range(len(regs))],
                "steps": {
                    "steps": [bool(simulation[line]) for line in stepper]
                "flags": {
                    {flag.name[-1]: bool(simulation[flag])
                     for flag in flags}
                "input": {
                    "value": vals(io_lines),
                    "interpretation": parser.unparse(vals(io_lines)),
                "bus": {
                    "value": vals(bus),
                    "interpretation": parser.unparse(vals(bus)),
                "enablers": list(out_enablers),
                "selectors": list(out_selectors),
                "output": vals(out_lines),

# for s in simulation(
#         """
#         DATA 0 43; # Starting register to store output in RAM
#         DATA 1 42; # Location of next register to write to
#         ST   1  0; # Store the next output register value in RAM
#         XOR  0  0; # Zero Register 0
#         DATA 1  1; # Store "1" in 1
#         XOR  2  2; # START LOOP(Loc 22) Zero Register 2
#         ADD  0  2; # Reg 2 <- 0 + (Reg 0)
#         ADD  1  2; # Reg 2 <- (Reg 0) + (Reg 1)  [r2 = r0 + r1]
#         XOR  0  0; # Zero Reg 0
#         ADD  1  0; # Reg 0 <- 0 + (Reg 1)   [r0 = r1]
#         XOR  1  1; # Zero Reg 1
#         ADD  2  1; # Reg 1 <- 0 + Reg 2   [r1 = (old r0) + (old r1)]
#         OUT  1   ; # Put Result on OUTPUT
#         DATA 3 42; # Load where to find next register address into 3
#         LD   3  3; # Load the actual next register address into 3
#         ST   3  1; # Store Reg 1 in the next output register
#         DATA 2  1; # Set Reg 2 to 1
#         ADD  2  3; # Add 1 to next register address
#         DATA 2 42; # Load Address where to store next output address into Reg 2
#         ST   2  3; # Replace next register address w/ same value + 1
#         JMP  22  ; # END LOOP(Loc 22)
#     """):
#     pprint(s)
예제 #26
파일: evaluator.py 프로젝트: a-roy/diy-lisp
def eval_lambda(ast, env):
    assert_exp_length(ast, 3)
    if not is_list(ast[1]):
        raise LispError('non-list: %s' % unparse(ast[1]))
    return Closure(env, ast[1], ast[2])
예제 #27
def test_expand_crazy_quote_combo():
    """One final test to see that quote expansion works."""

    source = "'(this ''''(makes ''no) 'sense)"
    assert_equals(source, unparse(parse(source)))
예제 #28
import parser
import cryptobot as cb

while True:
    # takes in input from command line
    query = input("> ")
    if query == "q":

    parsed_query = parser.parse(query)[0]
    cryptos = parser.parse(query)[1]

    response = cb.respond(parsed_query)

    function_call = "calling " + response[
        0] + " function on " + parser.unparse(response, cryptos)

    if parser.unparse(response, cryptos) == "off-topic":
        print("off topic")
        # print(input)
예제 #29
def evaluate(ast, env):
    """Evaluate an Abstract Syntax Tree in the specified environment."""

    if ast == "#t":
        return True

    if ast == "#f":
        return False

    if is_symbol(ast):
        symbol_value = env.lookup(ast)
        # if is_closure(symbol_value):
        #     return evaluate(symbol_value, env)
        return symbol_value

    if is_integer(ast):
        return ast

    first_element = ast[0]

    if first_element == "quote":
        if len(ast) == 2:
            return ast[1]
            return []

    if first_element == "atom":
        return is_atom(evaluate(ast[1], env))

    if first_element == "if":
        if evaluate(ast[1], env):
            return evaluate(ast[2], env)
            return evaluate(ast[3], env)

    if first_element == "define":
        if len(ast) != 3:
            raise LispError("Wrong number of arguments")

        symbol_name = ast[1]

        if not is_symbol(symbol_name):
            raise LispError("non-symbol")

        value = evaluate(ast[2], env)
        env.set(symbol_name, value)
        return value

    if first_element == "eq":
        evaluated_items = [evaluate(item, env) for item in ast[1:]]
        for i in range(len(evaluated_items) - 1):
            return is_atom(evaluated_items[i]) and evaluated_items[i] == evaluated_items[i + 1]
            return True

    if first_element in ["+", "-", "*", "/", "mod", "<", ">"] and not (is_integer(evaluate(ast[1], env)) and is_integer(
            evaluate(ast[2], env))):
        error_message = "Math functions only take integer args but you tried to do (%s, %s, %s)" % (
        first_element, (evaluate(ast[1], env)), (evaluate(ast[2], env)))
        raise LispError(error_message)

    if first_element == "+":
        return evaluate(ast[1], env) + evaluate(ast[2], env)

    if first_element == "-":
        return evaluate(ast[1], env) - evaluate(ast[2], env)

    if first_element == "*":
        return evaluate(ast[1], env) * evaluate(ast[2], env)

    if first_element == "/":
        return evaluate(ast[1], env) / evaluate(ast[2], env)

    if first_element == "mod":
        return evaluate(ast[1], env) % evaluate(ast[2], env)

    if first_element == ">":
        return evaluate(ast[1], env) > evaluate(ast[2], env)

    if first_element == "<":
        return evaluate(ast[1], env) < evaluate(ast[2], env)

    # List functions

    if first_element == "cons":
        if len(ast) != 3:
            raise LispError("cons requires 2 arguments")
        element = evaluate(ast[1], env)
        list = evaluate(ast[2], env)
        if not is_list(list):
            raise LispError("cons requires second arg to be list but got %s" % unparse(ast[2]))
        list.insert(0, element)
        return list

    if first_element == "head":
        if len(ast) != 2:
            raise LispError("head requires 1 argument")
        list_expression = evaluate(ast[1], env)
        if not is_list(list_expression) or len(list_expression) < 1:
            raise LispError("head requires a list of at least length 1")
        return list_expression[0]

    if first_element == "tail":
        if len(ast) != 2:
            raise LispError("tail requires 1 argument")
        list_expression = evaluate(ast[1], env)
        if not is_list(list_expression) or len(list_expression) < 1:
            raise LispError("tail requires a list argument")
        return list_expression[1:]

    if first_element == "empty":
        if len(ast) != 2:
            raise LispError("empty requires 1 argument")
        list_expression = evaluate(ast[1], env)
        if not is_list(list_expression):
            raise LispError("empty requires a list argument")
        return len(list_expression) == 0

    # Function functions

    if first_element == "lambda":
        if len(ast) != 3:
            raise LispError("number of arguments")
        params = ast[1]
        if not is_list(params):
            raise LispError("params must be a list")
        body = ast[2]
        return Closure(env, params, body)

    if first_element == "quit":
        raise QuitError("Bye!")

    if first_element == "print":
        print "".join((str(evaluate(i, env)) for i in ast[1:]))
        return []

    if first_element == "pp":
        print " ".join((str(evaluate(i, env)) for i in ast[1:]))
        return []

    if first_element == "do":
        for i in ast[1:-1]:
            evaluate(i, env)
        return evaluate(ast[-1], env)

    if is_list(ast):
        if len(ast) == 0:
            return []

        if is_symbol(first_element) and env.has_symbol(first_element):
            closure = env.lookup(first_element)

        elif is_closure(first_element):
            closure = first_element

            closure = evaluate(first_element, env)
            if not is_closure(closure):
                raise LispError("not a function")

        argument_bindings = {}
        if len(ast) > 1:
            param_values = ast[1:]
            closure_params = closure.params
            if len(closure_params) != len(param_values):
                raise LispError("wrong number of arguments, expected %i got %i" % (len(closure_params), len(param_values)))
            for i in range(len(closure_params)):
                param_name = closure_params[i]
                argument_bindings[param_name] = evaluate(param_values[i], env)

        result = evaluate(closure.body, closure.env.extend(argument_bindings))
        if is_closure(result):
            return evaluate(result.body, result.env)
        return result
예제 #30
def test_cpu(circuit):
    circuit = circuit
    clock = circuit_module.Clock()
    output = clock.lines >> cpu
    iars = tag_outputs(circuit, ["BIT"], "Cpu/IAR")
    irs = tag_outputs(circuit, ["BIT"], "Cpu/IR")
    n_rows = 16
    n_cols = 16
    rams = {
        (row, col): tag_outputs(circuit, ["BIT"], f"RAMRegister-{row * n_cols + col}/")
        for row in range(n_rows)
        for col in range(n_cols)
    regs = {
        i: tag_outputs(circuit, ["BIT"], f"Cpu/Registers/{i}")
        for i in range(cpu.N_REGISTERS)
    bus = tag_outputs(circuit, ["MAINBUS"])
    stepper = tag_outputs(circuit, ["STEPPER"])
    selectors = tag_outputs(circuit, ["SELECTOR", "CONTROL"])
    enablers = tag_outputs(circuit, ["ENABLER", "CONTROL"])
    mars = tag_outputs(circuit, ["MAROUTPUT"])
    acc = tag_outputs(circuit, ["BIT"], "ACC")
    flags = tag_outputs(circuit, ["FLAG"])
    bootloader_program = circuit_module.bootloader_program()
    simulation = {}

    def set_lines(lines, vals, prev=None):
        if prev is None:
            prev = {}
        prev.update({l: v for l, v in zip(lines, vals)})
        return prev

    bl_length = 6

    # Stores the Fibonacci sequence in RAM
    my_program = parser.parse(
        DATA 0 43; # Starting register to store output in RAM
        DATA 1 42; # Location of next register to write to
        ST   1  0; # Store the next output register value in RAM
        XOR  0  0; # Zero Register 0
        DATA 1  1; # Store "1" in 1
        XOR  2  2; # START LOOP(Loc 22) Zero Register 2
        ADD  0  2; # Reg 2 <- 0 + (Reg 0)
        ADD  1  2; # Reg 2 <- (Reg 0) + (Reg 1)  [r2 = r0 + r1]
        XOR  0  0; # Zero Reg 0
        ADD  1  0; # Reg 0 <- 0 + (Reg 1)   [r0 = r1]
        XOR  1  1; # Zero Reg 1
        ADD  2  1; # Reg 1 <- 0 + Reg 2   [r1 = (old r0) + (old r1)]
        OUT  1   ; # Put Result on OUTPUT
        DATA 3 42; # Load where to find next register address into 3
        LD   3  3; # Load the actual next register address into 3
        ST   3  1; # Store Reg 1 in the next output register
        DATA 2  1; # Set Reg 2 to 1
        ADD  2  3; # Add 1 to next register address
        DATA 2 42; # Load Address where to store next output address into Reg 2
        ST   2  3; # Replace next register address w/ same value + 1
        JMP  22  ; # END LOOP(Loc 22)
    print("MY PROGRAM")
    print("BL PROGRAM")

    def bootload(program):
        return {
            k: v
            for i, program_line in enumerate(program)
            for k, v in set_lines(rams[(i // n_cols, i % n_cols)], program_line).items()

    fixed_dict = bootload(bootloader_program)

    def vals(lines, keys=False, show_all=False, decimal=False):
        values = [int(simulation[line]) for line in lines]
        if show_all:
            return [(line.name, value) for line, value in zip(lines, values)]
        if keys:
            return {line.name for line, value in zip(lines, values) if value}
        if len(lines) != 8:
            decimal = True
        d_value = int("".join(map(str, values)), 2)
        if decimal:
            return d_value
        return "{0:02x}".format(d_value)

    io_lines = tag_outputs(circuit, ("IO", ("IO", "IN")))
    out_lines = tag_outputs(circuit, ("IO", ("IO", "OUT")))

    def input_dict(step):
        if step == 0:
            return {
                line: v
                for line, v in zip(
                    io_lines, list(map(int, "{0:010b}".format(len(my_program))[2:]))
        step -= 4
        if step < 0:
            return {}
        step //= bl_length
        if step >= len(my_program):
            return {}
        return {line: v for line, v in zip(io_lines, my_program[step])}

    for i in range(24 * 10000):
        feed_dict = clock.step()
        feed_dict.update(input_dict(i // 24))
        simulation.update(simulate(feed_dict, circuit, simulation))
        if not (i + 1) % 24:
            print("CYC", i % 4, "RND", i // 24, "STEP", (i % 24) // 4)
            # print("CLOCK", vals(clock.lines))
            print("IRS", vals(irs), parser.unparse(vals(irs, decimal=True)))
            print("BUS", vals(bus))
            print("IAR", vals(iars))
            print("MARS", vals(mars))
                    " ".join(vals(rams[(row, col)]) for col in range(n_cols))
                    for row in range(n_rows)
            print(" ".join(vals(regs[i]) for i in range(len(regs))))
            print("FLAGS", vals(flags, keys=True))
            print("STEPPER", vals(stepper))
            print("ACC", vals(acc))
            print("ENABLERS", vals(enablers, keys=True))
            print("SELECTORS", vals(selectors, keys=True))
            print("IO-IN", vals(io_lines), parser.unparse(vals(io_lines, decimal=True)))
            print("IO-OU", vals(out_lines))
    graph_tools.draw(circuit, feed_dict, simulation)
예제 #31
def err_not_function(expr):
	raise LispError("%s is not a function" % unparse(expr))