def make_tree(self, s): stack = [] nodes = [] cur = None root = None parent = None flag = 0 for i, c in enumerate(s): if c == '(': flag = 0 cur = Node(i) #(的index是i if stack: stack[-1].children.append(cur) cur.parent = stack[-1] stack.append(cur) if self.root is None: self.root = cur elif c == ')' and stack: topnode = stack.pop() text = s[topnode.start + 1:i].split(" ")[1].split("(")[0] topnode.text = text elif flag == 0 and stack: if c == " ": flag = 1 continue cur = stack[-1] cur.type = cur.type + s[i] return self.root
def make_tree(self, s): # s = '('+s+')' match_pattern = '(.*):(.*):(.*)' stack = [] cur = None flag = 0 inx = 0 root = None while(inx < len(s)): if s[inx] == '(': flag = 0 cur = Node(inx)# '(' 的index是inx #backward for type tmp = inx-1 while tmp >=0: if s[tmp] == ':': break cur.type = s[tmp]+cur.type tmp -= 1 #backward for semantic role stop_chars = ['(',')','|'] while tmp >= 0: if s[tmp] in stop_chars: break cur.semantic_role = s[tmp]+cur.semantic_role tmp -= 1 if stack: stack[-1].children.append(cur) cur.parent = stack[-1] stack.append(cur) if self.root is None: self.root = cur elif s[inx] == ')' and stack: topnode = stack.pop() tmp_text = topnode.text # print(tmp_text) split_text = tmp_text.split('|') for t in split_text: if re.match(match_pattern, t): tmp_node = Node(-1) search_obj =, t) tmp_node.semantic_role = tmp_node.type = tmp_node.text = topnode.children.append(tmp_node) tmp_node.parent = topnode if len(topnode.children) > 0: topnode.text = '' if stack: cur = stack[-1] elif not cur == None: cur.text += s[inx] inx += 1 return self.root