예제 #1
class LightGrammar(Grammar):

    action = Set(['change', 'flash', 'set', 'blink'])
    light = Set(['top', 'middle', 'bottom'])
    color = Regex(r'(red|yellow|blue|orange|purple|...)')
    times = Set(['once', 'twice', 'three times']) | Regex(r'\d+ times')
    one_parse = action + light + Optional(times) + color
    GOAL = OneOrMore(one_parse)

    def test():
        parser = RobustParser((LightGrammar()))
        sents = [
            "set my top light to red",
            "set my top light to red and change middle light to yellow",
            "set my top light to red and change middle light to yellow and "
            "flash bottom light twice in blue"
        for sent in sents:
            tree, result = parser.parse(sent)
            assert result.one_parse[0].color == 'red'

            print '"%s"' % sent
            print "parse tree:"
            print tree
            print "parse result:"
            print result
예제 #2
class LightAdvancedGrammar(Grammar):

    action = Set(['change', 'flash', 'set', 'blink'])
    light = Set(['top', 'middle', 'bottom'])

    color = Regex(r'(red|yellow|blue|orange|purple|...)').\
    times = Set(['once', 'twice', 'three times']).\
        set_result_action(times2int) | \
        Regex(r'\d+ times').set_result_action(regex2int)

    one_parse = action + light + Optional(times) + color
    GOAL = OneOrMore(one_parse)

    def test():
        parser = RobustParser((LightAdvancedGrammar()))
        tree, result = parser.parse("flash my top light twice in red and "
                                    "blink middle light 20 times in yellow")
        print tree
        print result
        assert result.one_parse[0].color == (255, 0, 0)
        assert result.one_parse[0].times == 2
        assert result.one_parse[1].color == (255, 255, 0)
        assert result.one_parse[1].times == 20
예제 #3
class TransportGrammar(Grammar):
    article = Set(['a', 'an', 'the', 'any', 'some'])
    personLeft = Set(['person left'])
    personRight = Set(['person right'])
    beneficiary = personLeft | personRight
    item = get_items()
    to = Set(['to'])
    color = Set(['black','blue','brown','cyan','green','magenta','orange','pink','purple','red','teal','yellow','white'])
    itemCol = Optional(color) + item
    itemArt = Optional(article) + itemCol #  | it
    destination = to + beneficiary
    command = Optional(itemArt) + Optional(destination)
    GOAL = OneOrMore(command)
예제 #4
def get_items():    
    query = "all_obj_names(N)."
    solutions = prolog.all_solutions(query)
    names = []
    for name in solutions[0]['N']:
    return Set(names)
예제 #5
파일: times.py 프로젝트: yqzhang/parsetron
class TimesGrammar(Grammar):

    special_maps = [
        ('once', 1),
        ('twice', 2),
        ('thrice', 3),

    special = Or([replaced_string(s, v) for s, v in special_maps])

    numbers = NumbersGrammar.GOAL

    GOAL = special | \
        (numbers + Set('times time').ignore())

    sents = [
        ('zero time', 0),
        ('once', 1),
        ('1 time', 1),
        ('5 times', 5),
        ('five times', 5),
        ('sixty seven times', 67),
        ('five hundred ten times', 510),
        ('a million times', int(1e6)),

    def test():
        g = TimesGrammar()
        parser = RobustParser(g)
        for sent, expect in TimesGrammar.sents:
            _, r = parser.parse(sent)
            assert r.get() == expect, "%s <- %s" % (str(r.get()), sent)
예제 #6
class ColorsGrammar(Grammar):

    GOAL = Set(color2rgb.keys()).set_result_action(add_rgb_to_result)

    def test():
        parser = RobustParser(ColorsGrammar())
        for name, rgb in color2rgb.items():
            t, r = parser.parse(name)
예제 #7
class QuestionGrammar(Grammar):

    search = Set([
        "revenue numbers", "revenues", "revenue", "sales", "sales numbers",
        "same store sales"
    direction = Set(["increase", "decrease", "change"])
    company = Set(["Amazon", "LinkedIn", "Microsoft", "Apple"])
    duration = Set([
        "last quarter", "this quarter", "from last quarter to this quarter",
        "from last to this quarter", "from last quarter"
    parse_rule_0 = search + company
    parse_rule_1 = search + company + duration
    parse_rule_2 = search + direction + company + duration
    parser_rule_3 = search + direction + duration + company
    GOAL = OneOrMore(parse_rule_0 | parse_rule_1 | parse_rule_2
                     | parser_rule_3)

    def test():
        parser = RobustParser((QuestionGrammar()))
        sents = [
            "what was the revenue for Amazon last quarter?",
            "did revenue numbers change for Amazon from last quarter to this quarter?",
            "how much did same store sales increase for Apple last quarter?"
        for sent in sents:
            tree, result = parser.parse(sent)
            assert result.one_parse[0].color == 'red'

            print '"%s"' % sent
            print "parse tree:"
            print tree
            print "parse result:"
            print result
예제 #8
class ColoredLightGrammar(Grammar):

    # On or off
    on = Set(['turn on', 'on', 'hit'])
    off = Set(['turn off', 'off', 'kill'])
    on_off = on | off

    # light names
    general_name = Set(["lights", "light", "lamp", "bulb", "lightbulb"])
    specific_name = Set([
        "top", "bottom", "middle", "kitchen", "living room", "bedroom",
    light_quantifiers = Set(["both", "all"])
    light_name = Optional(light_quantifiers) + \
        ZeroOrMore(specific_name) + \

    # actions
    action_blink = Optional(Set(["blink", "flash"]))

    # brightness
    brightness_more = Set(
        ["bright", "brighter", "strong", "stronger", "too dark"])
    brightness_less = Set(
        ["less bright", "soft", "softer", "dim", "dimmer", "too bright"])
    brightness = brightness_more | brightness_less

    # saturation
    saturation_more = Set(["deeper", "darker", "warmer", "too cold"])
    saturation_less = Set(["lighter", "shallower", "colder", "too warm"])
    saturation = saturation_less | saturation_more

    color = ColorsGrammar.GOAL

    times = TimesGrammar.GOAL

    theme = Set([
        "christmas", "xmas", "halloween", "romantic", "valentine",
        "valentine's", "reading", "beach", "sunrise", "sunset"

    one_parse = (on_off | light_name + on_off | on_off + light_name
                 | light_name + Optional(color) + Optional(times)
                 | light_name + Optional(times) + Optional(color)
                 | light_name + color | light_name + brightness
                 | brightness + light_name | light_name + saturation
                 | saturation + light_name | theme)

    GOAL = (OneOrMore(one_parse) | action_blink + OneOrMore(one_parse))

    sents = [(True, "blink top lights"),
             (True, "flash both top and bottom light with red color and "
              "middle light with green and bottom with purple"),
             (True, "flash both top and bottom light with red color and "
              "middle light with green"), (True, "flash both "),
             (True, "blink top lights twice"),
             (True, "I want to blink top lights"), (True, "on top"),
             (True, "have top red"),
             (True, "change top to red and bottom to yellow"),
             (True, "lights please on"), (True, "flash middle and top light "),
             (True, "change my top light to red and middle to yellow then "
              "bottom blue"), (True, "turn on lights please"),
             (True, "I want to turn off the top light please"),
             (True, "I want to turn off the lights please"),
             (True, "change top lights to red"),
             (True, "kill top lights for me"), (True, "turn lights on"),
             (True, "blink top"), (True, "blink top lights twice"),
             (True, "flash middle light twice with red and top once"),
             (True, "flash middle light twice red top once"),
             (True, "give me something romantic"),
             (True, "my top light is too dark"),
             (True, "my top and bottom lights can be warmer"),
             (False, "I want to turn ")]

    def test():
        import time
        parser = RobustParser(ColoredLightGrammar())
        sents = ColoredLightGrammar.sents
        s = time.time()
        for expect, sent in sents:
            s1 = time.time()
            assert expect == parser.print_parse(sent), sent
            s2 = time.time()
            print("parse time: %.2f ms" % ((s2 - s1) * 1000))
        e = time.time()
        elapsed = e - s
        print("total time: %.2f s" % (elapsed))
        print("per parse: %.2f ms" % (elapsed * 1000 / len(sents)))