예제 #1
 def parse_spawn(self, elements):
     Either starts the parsing of ALL spawns found in the specified
     match or just one of them and displays the results in the other
     frames accordingly.
     self.main_window.ship_frame.ship_label_var.set("No match or spawn selected yet.")
     file_name, match_index, spawn_index = elements[0], int(elements[1]), int(elements[2])
     lines = Parser.read_file(file_name)
     player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     player_name = Parser.get_player_name(lines)
     file_cube, match_timings, spawn_timings = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list)
     match = file_cube[match_index]
     spawn = match[spawn_index]
     results = list(spawnstats.spawn_statistics(
         file_name, spawn, spawn_timings[match_index][spawn_index]))
     results[1] = Parser.parse_player_reaction_time(spawn, player_name)
     orig = len(results[1])
     results[1] = ScreenParser.build_spawn_events(
         file_name, match_timings[::2][match_index], spawn_timings[match_index][spawn_index], spawn, player_name)
     print("[FileFrame] ScreenParser built {} events. Total: {}".format(len(results[1]) - orig, len(results[1])))
     arguments = (file_name, match_timings[::2][match_index], spawn_timings[match_index][spawn_index])
     string = FileHandler.get_features_string(*arguments)
         file_name, match_index, spawn_index, match_timings, spawn_timings, file_cube)
예제 #2
 def parse_ship_descriptor(ship: Ship, line: dict, lines: list, event: tuple):
     Parse an event_descriptor of the SHIP type. Supports ability,
     component and crew type operations.
     :param ship: Ship instance for the spawn described by lines
     :param line: Trigger line dictionary
     :param lines: List of lines in this spawn
     :param event: Event descriptor tuple (PatternParser docstring)
     :return: The result of results this SHIP event descriptor
     if event[0] != Patterns.SHIP:
         raise InvalidDescriptor(event)
     event_type, args = event[1], event[2:]  # "ability", "component", "crew"
     # Parse Component selected
     if event_type == "component":
         # Component must be selected on the Ship for this spawn
         component, = args
         return PatternParser.get_component_in_ship(lines, ship, component)
     # Parse Crew selected
     elif event_type == "crew":
         crew, = args
         return PatternParser.get_crew_in_ship(ship, crew)
     # Parse Ability Available
     elif event_type == "ability":
         return PatternParser.parse_ability_availability(line, lines, event, ship)
     # Parse ship type selected
     elif event_type == "type":
         # TODO: Optimize usage
         player = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
         abs_dict = Parser.get_abilities_dict(lines, player)
         ship_name = ship.name if ship is None else Parser.get_ship_for_dict(abs_dict)
         ship_type, = args
         return get_ship_category(ship_name) == ship_type
     raise InvalidDescriptor(event)
예제 #3
 def get_component_in_ship(lines: list, ship: Ship, component: (str, Component)):
     """Return whether a component is found within a Ship instance"""
     if isinstance(component, Component):
         name, category = component.name, component.category
     else:  # str
         name = component
         category = PatternParser.get_component_category(component)
     player = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     abilities = Parser.get_abilities_dict(lines, player)
     if name in abilities:
         return True
     if ship is None:
         return False  # Ship option not available at results time
     if category not in ship:
         return False  # Configured improperly at results time
     categories = (category,)
     if "Weapon" in category:  # Extend to double primaries/secondaries
         categories += (category[0] + "2",)
     # Loop over categories
     result = False
     for category in categories:
         if category not in ship:  # Double primaries/secondaries
         component = ship[category]
         if not isinstance(component, Component):  # Improper config
             print("[PatternParser] Improperly configured Ship instance:", ship, component)
         if component.name == name:
             result = True
     return result
예제 #4
 def get_ability_markers(spawn_list, ship_stats):
     Parse a spawn list of lines and take the Engine, Shield, Systems
     and CoPilot ability activations and create markers for them to
     be put in the TimeLine.
     # TODO: Use ship_statistics to create availability markers
     categories = ["engines", "shields", "copilot", "systems"]
     player_id_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(spawn_list)
     results = {key: [] for key in categories}
     # Activation markers
     for line in spawn_list:
         if not isinstance(line, dict):
             line = Parser.line_to_dictionary(line)
         ability = line["ability"]
         if (line["source"] != line["target"] or line["source"] not in player_id_list or
                 "AbilityActivate" not in line["effect"]):
         if ability in abilities.copilots:
             category = "copilot"
         elif ability in abilities.shields:
             category = "shields"
         elif ability in abilities.systems:
             category = "systems"
         elif ability in abilities.engines:
             category = "engines"
         start = FileHandler.datetime_to_float(line["time"])
         args = ("abilities", start, start + 1/60)
         kwargs = {"background": FileHandler.colors[category]}
         results[category].append((args, kwargs))
     return results
예제 #5
 def parse_spawn(self, file: str, match_i: int, spawn_i: int):
     Either starts the results of ALL spawns found in the specified
     match or just one of them and displays the results in the other
     frames accordingly.
     print("[FileFrame] Parsing '{}', match {}, spawn {}".format(file, match_i, spawn_i))
     self.main_window.ship_frame.ship_label_var.set("No match or spawn selected yet.")
     lines = Parser.read_file(file)
     player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     player_name = Parser.get_player_name(lines)
     file_cube, match_timings, spawn_timings = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list)
     match = file_cube[match_i]
     spawn = match[spawn_i]
     results = list(spawnstats.spawn_statistics(
         file, spawn, spawn_timings[match_i][spawn_i]))
     results[1] = Parser.parse_player_reaction_time(spawn, player_name)
     orig = len(results[1])
     results[1] = ScreenParser.build_spawn_events(
         file, match_timings[::2][match_i], spawn_timings[match_i][spawn_i], spawn, player_name)
     print("[FileFrame] ScreenParser built {} events. Total: {}".format(len(results[1]) - orig, len(results[1])))
     arguments = (file, match_timings[::2][match_i], spawn_timings[match_i][spawn_i])
     string = FileHandler.get_features_string(*arguments)
         file, match_i, spawn_i, match_timings, spawn_timings, file_cube)
     match_timing = datetime.combine(Parser.parse_filename(file).date(), match_timings[::2][match_i].time())
예제 #6
 def _build_tracking_effects(events: list, screen_data: dict, ship: ShipStats):
     """Determine tracking penalty for each primary weapon event"""
     active_ids = Parser.get_player_id_list(events)
     distance = screen_data["distance"]
     primary = "PrimaryWeapon"
     for i, event in enumerate(events):
         if "custom" in event and event["custom"] is True:
         if "Primary Weapon Swap" in event["ability"] and event["self"] is True:
             primary = "PrimaryWeapon2" if primary == "PrimaryWeapon" else "PrimaryWeapon"
         ctg = Parser.get_event_category(event, active_ids)
         if ctg != "dmgd_pri":
         key = min(distance.keys(), key=lambda k: abs((k - event["time"]).total_seconds()))
         if abs((key - event["time"]).total_seconds()) > 0.5:
         if primary not in ship:
         tracking = ship[primary]["trackingAccuracyLoss"] * (distance[key] / 10) * 100
         del events[i]
         event["effects"] = (
             ("", "Tracking", "Penalty", "-{:.0f}%".format(tracking), "", "spvp_improvedfiringarctrackingbonus"),
     return events
예제 #7
 def test_get_effects_ability_eligible(self):
     with open(self.FILE) as fi:
         lindex = fi.readlines()
         index = lindex.index(self.EFFECT)
         no_effect = lindex.index(self.LINE)
     lines = Parser.read_file(self.FILE)
     player = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     line = Parser.line_to_dictionary(lines[index], player)
     effect = Parser.get_effects_ability(line, lines, "2963000049645")
     self.assertIsInstance(effect, dict)
     self.assertTrue(len(effect) > 0)
     # Tests get_effects_eligible
     self.assertFalse(Parser.get_effects_ability(lines[no_effect], lines, "2963000048240"))
예제 #8
 def insert_spawn(self, spawn, player_name, active_ids: list = None):
     """Insert the events of a spawn into the Treeview"""
     if len(spawn) == 0:
         raise ValueError("Invalid spawn passed.")
     spawn = spawn if isinstance(spawn[0], dict) else [Parser.line_to_dictionary(line) for line in spawn]
     start_time = spawn[0]["time"]
     active_ids = Parser.get_player_id_list(spawn) if active_ids is None else active_ids
     for line in spawn:
         if "custom" not in line or line["custom"] is False:
             line_event_dict = Parser.line_to_event_dictionary(line, active_ids, spawn)
             line_event_dict = line
         self.insert_event(line_event_dict, player_name, active_ids, start_time)
예제 #9
def spawn_statistics(file_name, spawn, spawn_timing, sharing_db=None):
    """Build strings to show in the StatsFrame"""
    # Retrieve required data
    lines = Parser.read_file(file_name, sharing_db)
    player_numbers = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
    (abilities_dict, dmg_t, dmg_d, healing, dmg_s, enemies, critcount,
     crit_luck, hitcount, ships_list, enemy_dmg_d, enemy_dmg_t) = \
        Parser.parse_spawn(spawn, player_numbers)
    name = Parser.get_player_name(lines)
    # Build the statistics string
    stat_string = "{name}\n{enemies} enemies\n{dmg_d}\n{dmg_t}\n{dmg_r:.1f} : 1.0\n" \
                  "{dmg_s}\n{healing}\n{hitcount}\n{critcount}\n{crit_luck:.2f}\n" \
    start = spawn_timing
    finish = Parser.line_to_dictionary(spawn[-1])["time"]
    delta = finish - start
    minutes, seconds = divmod(delta.total_seconds(), 60)
    killsassists = sum(True if enemy_dmg_t[enemy] > 0 else False for enemy in enemies if enemy in enemy_dmg_t)
    stat_string = stat_string.format(
        dmg_r=dmg_d / dmg_t if dmg_t != 0 else 0,
        crit_luck=critcount / hitcount if hitcount != 0 else 0,
        dps=dmg_d / delta.total_seconds() if delta.total_seconds() != 0 else 0
    # Build the components list
    components = {key: "" for key in abilities.component_types}
    for component in [ability for ability in abilities_dict.keys() if ability in abilities.components]:
        for type in components.keys():
            if component not in getattr(abilities, type):
            # Dual primary/secondary weapons
            if components[type] != "":
                components[type] += " / {}".format(component)
            components[type] = component
    components = [components[category] for category in abilities.component_types]
    # Return
    return name, spawn, abilities_dict, stat_string, ships_list, components, enemies, enemy_dmg_d, enemy_dmg_t
예제 #10
 def parse_file(self, file_name):
     Function either sets the file and calls add_matches to add the
     matches found in the file to the matches_listbox, or starts the
     parsing of all files found in the specified folder and displays
     the results in the other frames.
     self.main_window.ship_frame.ship_label_var.set("No match or spawn selected yet.")
     lines = Parser.read_file(file_name)
     player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     file_cube, _, _ = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list)
     results = filestats.file_statistics(file_name)
예제 #11
 def get_spawn(self):
     Get the spawn from the selection in the file_tree
     :return: list of event strings, player_list, spawn timing and
         match timing
     selection = self.file_tree.selection()[0]
     elements = selection.split(" ")
     if len(elements) is not 3:
         tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Requirement", "Please select a spawn to view the events of.")
     lines = Parser.read_file(elements[0])
     player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     file_cube, match_timings, spawn_timings = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list)
     match_index, spawn_index = int(elements[1]), int(elements[2])
     return (file_cube[match_index][spawn_index], player_list, spawn_timings[match_index][spawn_index],
예제 #12
def file_statistics(file_name, sharing_db=None):
    Puts the statistics found in a file_cube from
    Parser.split_combatlog() into a format that is usable by the
    FileFrame to display them to the user
    lines = Parser.read_file(file_name)
    player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
    file_cube, match_timings, spawn_timings = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list)
    # Read sharing_db
    lines = Parser.read_file(file_name, sharing_db)
    name = Parser.get_player_name(lines)
    (abilities_dict, dmg_d, dmg_t, dmg_s, healing, hitcount, critcount,
     crit_luck, enemies, enemy_dmg_d, enemy_dmg_t, ships, uncounted) = \
        Parser.parse_file(file_cube, player_list)
    total = 0
    start = None
    for timing in match_timings:
        if start is not None:
            total += (timing - start).total_seconds()
            start = None
        start = timing
    minutes, seconds = divmod(total, 60)

    stat_string = "{name}\n{enemies} enemies\n{dmg_d}\n{dmg_t}\n{dmg_r:.1f} : 1.0\n" \
                  "{dmg_s}\n{healing}\n{hitcount}\n{critcount}\n{crit_luck:.2f}\n" \
    stat_string = stat_string.format(
        enemies=len([enemy for enemy in enemies if enemy in enemy_dmg_t and enemy_dmg_t[enemy] > 0]),
        dmg_r=dmg_d / dmg_t if dmg_t != 0 else 0,
        crit_luck=critcount / hitcount if hitcount != 0 else 0,
        deaths=sum(len(match) for match in file_cube),
        dps=dmg_d / total,
    return abilities_dict, stat_string, ships, enemies, enemy_dmg_d, enemy_dmg_t, uncounted
예제 #13
 def parse_match(self, file: str, match_i: int):
     Either adds sets the match and calls add_spawns to add the
     spawns found in the match or starts the results of all files
     found in the specified file and displays the results in the
     other frames.
     print("[FileFrame] Parsing file '{}', match {}".format(file, match_i))
     self.main_window.ship_frame.ship_label_var.set("No match or spawn selected yet.")
     lines = Parser.read_file(file)
     player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     file_cube, match_timings, _ = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list)
     player_name = Parser.get_player_name(lines)
     match = file_cube[match_i]
     results = matchstats.match_statistics(file, match, match_timings[::2][match_i])
     match_list = Parser.build_spawn_from_match(match)
     self.main_window.middle_frame.time_view.insert_spawn(match_list, player_name)
     match_timing = datetime.combine(Parser.parse_filename(file).date(), match_timings[::2][match_i].time())
예제 #14
 def parse_match(self, elements: list):
     Either adds sets the match and calls add_spawns to add the
     spawns found in the match or starts the parsing of all files
     found in the specified file and displays the results in the
     other frames.
     :param elements: specifies file and match
     self.main_window.ship_frame.ship_label_var.set("No match or spawn selected yet.")
     file_name, match_index = elements[0], int(elements[1])
     lines = Parser.read_file(file_name)
     player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     file_cube, match_timings, _ = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list)
     player_name = Parser.get_player_name(lines)
     match = file_cube[match_index]
     results = matchstats.match_statistics(file_name, match, match_timings[::2][match_index])
     match_list = Parser.build_spawn_from_match(match)
     self.main_window.middle_frame.time_view.insert_spawn(match_list, player_name)
예제 #15
 def _process_new_file(self):
     """Backlog only the lines of a match that are match lines"""
     print("[LogStalker] Processing new file.")
     lines = self.read_file(self.path, 0)
     if len(lines) == 0:
     player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     file_cube, _, _ = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list)
     if len(file_cube) == 0:
         print("[LogStalker] No matches in this file")
         self._read_so_far = len(lines)
     last_line = file_cube[-1][-1][-1]
     if last_line["time"] == lines[-1]["time"]:
         print("[LogStalker] Match still active")
         # Last line is still a match line
         match_len = sum(len(spawn) for spawn in file_cube[-1])
         self._read_so_far = len(lines) - match_len
     # Last line is no longer a match
     print("[LogStalker] Last line is not a match event")
     self._read_so_far = len(lines)
예제 #16
 def _select_date(self, date: datetime):
     """Callback for Calendar widget selection command"""
     if date not in self._dates:
     self._files: List[str] = self._dates[date]
     for f, file in enumerate(sorted(self._files)):
         name = Parser.get_player_name_raw(file)
         cube, matches, spawns = Parser.split_combatlog_file(file)
         for m, match in enumerate(sorted(matches[::2])):
             match = datetime.strftime(match, "%H:%M, {}".format(name))
             match_iid = "{},{}".format(f, m)
             self._tree.insert("", tk.END, text=match, iid=match_iid)
             for s, spawn in enumerate(sorted(spawns[m])):
                 spawn = datetime.strftime(spawn, "%H:%M:%S")
                 player_list: List[str] = Parser.get_player_id_list(cube[m][s])
                 abs_dict: Dict[str: int] = Parser.get_abilities_dict(cube[m][s], player_list)
                 ships: List[str] = Parser.get_ship_for_dict(abs_dict)
                 ship = self.format_ships_list(ships)
                 spawn = "{}{}".format(spawn, ship)
                 spawn_iid = "{},{},{}".format(f, m, s)
                 self._tree.insert(match_iid, tk.END, text=spawn, iid=spawn_iid)
예제 #17
 def update_timeline(self, file, match, spawn, match_timings, spawn_timings, file_cube):
     Update the TimeLine with the results of results the file and
     the screen results data
     # Get start and end times of the spawn
     start = FileHandler.datetime_to_float(Parser.line_to_dictionary(file_cube[match][spawn][0])["time"])
     finish = FileHandler.datetime_to_float(Parser.line_to_dictionary(file_cube[match][spawn][-1])["time"])+1
     self.time_line.config(start=start, finish=finish)
     # Update the TimeLine
     screen_data = FileHandler.get_data_dictionary()
     screen_dict = FileHandler.get_spawn_dictionary(
         screen_data, file, match_timings[2 * match], spawn_timings[match][spawn]
     screen_dict = None if isinstance(screen_dict, str) or screen_dict is None else screen_dict
     spawn_list = file_cube[match][spawn]
     active_ids = Parser.get_player_id_list(spawn_list)
     markers = dict()
     if isinstance(screen_dict, dict):
         markers = FileHandler.get_markers(screen_dict, spawn_list, active_ids)
     markers["patterns"] = PatternParser.parse_patterns(spawn_list, screen_dict, Patterns.ALL_PATTERNS, active_ids)
     print("[TimeLine] Building {} markers.".format(sum(len(value) for value in markers.values())))
     for category, data in markers.items():
         for (args, kwargs) in data:
                 self.time_line.create_marker(*args, **kwargs)
             except (ValueError, TypeError, tk.TclError) as e:
                 print("[TimeLine] Marker creation failed: '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}': {}".format(
                     args[0], args[1], args[2], kwargs["background"], repr(e))
                 if isinstance(e, ValueError):
예제 #18
 def test_get_abilities_dict(self):
     lines = Parser.read_file(self.FILE)
     player = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     abilities = Parser.get_abilities_dict(lines, player)
     self.assertIsInstance(abilities, dict)
예제 #19
    def filter(self, search=False):
        Go through all file filters and apply them to the list of files
        in the CombatLogs folder. Insert them into the file_frame
        file_tree widget when the file passed the filters.
        :param search: if search is True, the function will calculate
            the amount of files found and ask the user whether the
            results should be displayed first
        # logs, matches or spawns
        results = []
        files = os.listdir(variables.settings["parsing"]["path"])
        files_done = 0
        splash = SplashScreen(self, len(files))
        # Clear the widgets in the file frame
        # Start looping over the files in the CombatLogs folder
        for file_name in files:
            # Set passed to True. Will be set to False in some filter code
            passed = True
            # Update the SplashScreen progress bar
            files_done += 1
            # If the file does not end with .txt, it's not a CombatLog
            if not file_name.endswith(".txt") or not Parser.get_gsf_in_file(file_name):
            # Open the CombatLog
            lines = Parser.read_file(file_name)
            # Parse the CombatLog to get the data to filter against
            player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
            file_cube, match_timings, spawn_timings = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list)
            (abilities, damagedealt, damagetaken, selfdamage, healing, _, _, _, _,
             enemy_dmg_d, enemy_dmg_t, _, _) = Parser.parse_file(file_cube, player_list)
            matches = len(file_cube)
            damagedealt, damagetaken, selfdamage, healing = (
                damagedealt / matches,
                damagetaken / matches,
                selfdamage / matches,
                healing / matches
            # If Ship filters are enabled, check file against ship filters
            if self.filter_type_vars["Ships"].get() is True:
                print("Ships filters are enabled")
                if not self.check_ships_file(self.ships_intvars, abilities):
                    print("Continuing in file {0} because of Ships".format(file_name))

            # If the Components filters are enabled, check against Components filters
            if self.filter_type_vars["Components"].get() is True:
                print("Components filters are enabled")
                for dictionary in self.comps_vars:
                    if not self.check_components(dictionary, abilities):
                        # Passed is applied here as "continue" will not work inside this for loop
                        passed = False
                if not passed:
                    print("Continuing in file {0} because of Components".format(file_name))

            if self.filter_type_vars["Date"].get() is True:
                print("Date filters are enabled")
                date = Parser.parse_filename(file_name)
                if not date:
                    print("Continuing in file {0} because the filename could not be parsed".format(file_name))
                if self.start_date_widget.selection > date:
                    print("Continuing in file {0} because of the start date".format(file_name))
                if self.end_date_widget.selection < date:
                    print("Continuing in file {0} because of the end date".format(file_name))

            enemies = sum(True if dmg > 0 else False for dmg in enemy_dmg_d.values())
            killassists = sum(True if dmg > 0 else False for dmg in enemy_dmg_t.values())

            if self.filter_type_vars["Statistics"].get() is True:
                for (scale_type, scale_max), (_, scale_min) in \
                        zip(self.statistics_scales_max.items(), self.statistics_scales_min.items()):
                    value = locals()[scale_type]
                    min, max = scale_min.value, scale_max.value
                    condition = min <= value <= max if max > min else min <= value
                    if condition is False:

        print("Amount of results: {0}".format(len(results)))
        print("Results: {0}".format(results))
        if search and len(results) is not 0:
            print("Search is enabled")
            if not tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Search results",
                                               "With the filters you specified, %s results were found. Would you like "
                                               "to view them?" % len(results)):
        if len(results) == 0:
            tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Search results",
                                        "With the filters you specified, no results were found.")

        for file_name in results:
            datetime_obj = Parser.parse_filename(file_name)
            string = datetime_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d   %H:%M") if datetime_obj is not None else file_name
            print("Setting file string {0} to match file_name {1}".format(string, file_name))
            self.window.file_select_frame.file_string_dict[string] = file_name
예제 #20
 def test_get_player_id_list(self):
     lines = Parser.read_file(self.FILE)
     ids = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines)
     self.assertIsInstance(ids, list)
     self.assertGreater(len(ids), 0)
예제 #21
 def get_weapon_markers(dictionary, spawn):
     Parse the given screen dictionary and spawn line list to
     generate markers for the TimeLine for the Primary Weapon
     and Secondary Weapon categories.
     The clicks are parsed into lightly coloured markers, while
     ability activations (hits) are parsed into bright markers.
     # Retrieve pre-requisite data
     player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(spawn)
     # Create lists that will hold markers
     results = {"primaries": [], "secondaries": []}
     File Data
     # Loop over contents of spawn
     for line in spawn:
         if isinstance(line, str):
             line = Parser.line_to_dictionary(line)
         # Retrieve the ability of the line
         ability = line["ability"]
         # If the ability was self-targeted, then it is not a weapon
         # If the ability was not activated by self, then it is not damage dealt
         if line["self"] is True or line["target"] not in player_list:
         # Determine the category of this ability
         if ability in abilities.primaries:
             category = "primaries"
         elif ability in abilities.secondaries:
             category = "secondaries"
         else:  # Ability is not a weapon
         # Generate the arguments for the marker creation
         start = FileHandler.datetime_to_float(line["time"])
         args = (category, start, start + 1 / 60)
         # Save the marker
         results[category].append((args, {"background": FileHandler.colors[category]}))
     # If screen data does not contain mouse data, then return the
     # markers created so far
     if "clicks" not in dictionary or len(dictionary["clicks"]) == 0:
         return results
     Screen Data
     # This dictionary will hold when each button press was started
     buttons = {Button.left: None, Button.right: None}
     # This dictionary is for backwards compatibility, see loop
     buttons_press = {Button.left: False, Button.right: False}
     # Start looping over the data found in the screen dictionary
     for time, data in sorted(dictionary["clicks"].items()):
         # Backwards compatibility
         if isinstance(data, tuple):
             # The current interface for screen results
             button, press = data
             # Also for backwards-compatibility
             press = "press" in press if isinstance(press, str) else press
             # An older version of the interface saved only the button as value for the dictionary
             # This means that determining if the button was pressed has to be determined manually
             button = data
             # Does not support any other buttons than right and left
             if button not in (Button.left, Button.right):
             # Update if the button was pressed
             buttons_press[button] = not buttons_press[button]
             press = buttons_press[button]
         # Determine the category of the button press
         category = "primaries" if button == Button.left else ("secondaries" if button == Button.right else None)
         if category is None:
         # If the button was actually pressed, then save the time for use later
         if press is True:
             buttons[button] = time
         # If the button was already pressed, then a new marker can be created
                 ((category, buttons[button], time), {"background": FileHandler.click_colors[category]})
     return results