예제 #1
    def __defineParser(self):
        self.parseField = parsley.makeGrammar("""
        neq = <letterOrDigit*>:field ws '!=' ws <letterOrDigit*>:value ->Field(field,value,'!=')
        eq = <letterOrDigit*>:field  ws '==' ws <letterOrDigit*>:value ->Field(field,value,'==')

        lte = <letterOrDigit*>:field ws '<=' ws <digit*'.'?digit*>:value ->Field(field,value,'<=')
        gte = <letterOrDigit*>:field ws '>=' ws <digit*'.'?digit*>:value ->Field(field,value,'>=')

        lt = <letterOrDigit*>:field ws '<' ws <digit*'.'?digit*>:value ->Field(field,value,'<')
        gt = <letterOrDigit*>:field ws '>' ws <digit*'.'?digit*>:value ->Field(field,value,'>')

        has = <letterOrDigit*>:field ws 'has' ws <(letterOrDigit|',')*>:value ->Field(field,value,'has')

        in = <letterOrDigit*>:field ws 'in' ws <(letterOrDigit|',')*>:value ->Field(field,value,'in')

        hasnot = <letterOrDigit*>:field ws 'not has' ws <(letterOrDigit|',')*>:value ->Field(field,value,'hasnot')

        notin = <letterOrDigit*>:field ws 'not in' ws <(letterOrDigit|',')*>:value ->Field(field,value,'notin')

        fieldCondition = ws (neq | eq | lte | lt | gte |gt | has | in | hasnot | notin):evalTuple ws -> evalTuple

        """, {'Field': Field})

        self.parse = parsley.makeGrammar("""

        neq = <letterOrDigit* ws '!=' ws letterOrDigit*>:s ->str(s)
        eq = <letterOrDigit* ws '==' ws letterOrDigit*>:s ->str(s)

        lte = <letterOrDigit* ws '<=' ws digit*'.'?digit*>:s->str(s)
        gte = <letterOrDigit* ws '>=' ws digit*'.'?digit*>:s ->str(s)

        lt = <letterOrDigit* ws '<' ws digit*'.'?digit*>:s->str(s)
        gt = <letterOrDigit* ws '>' ws digit*'.'?digit*>:s ->str(s)

        has = <letterOrDigit* ws 'has' ws (letterOrDigit|',')*  >:s ->str(s)

        in = <letterOrDigit* ws 'in' ws (letterOrDigit|',')*  >:s ->str(s)

        hasnot = <letterOrDigit* ws 'not has' ws (letterOrDigit|',')*  >:s ->str(s)

        notin = <letterOrDigit* ws 'not in' ws (letterOrDigit|',')*  >:s ->str(s)

        parens = ws '(' ws expr:e ws ')' ws -> e
        value = parens | neq | eq | lte | lt | gte |gt | has | in | hasnot | notin
        ws = ' '*

        and = 'AND' ws expr3:n -> ('AND', n)
        or = 'OR' ws expr3:n -> ('OR', n)

        not = 'NOT' ws value:n -> ('NOT', n)

        checknot = ws (value|not)

        andor = ws (and | or)

        expr = expr3:left andor*:right -> performOperations(left, right)
        expr3 = ws checknot:right -> getVal(right)

        """, {"performOperations": self.performOperations, 'getVal': self.getVal})
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, code, by_name=False, verbose=False):
        lines = [line.strip() for line in code.strip().split("\n")]
        self.head = lines[0].replace(Flinterpreter.WHERE, "").strip()
        body = lines[1:]
        self.functions = {function[0]: function[1:]
                          for function in map(self.__extract_function, body)}

        grammar_def = Flinterpreter.GRAMMAR
        function_eval = None
        if by_name:
            grammar_def += Flinterpreter.ARGS_BY_NAME
            function_eval = self.__evaluate_function_name
            grammar_def += Flinterpreter.ARGS_BY_VALUE
            function_eval = self.__evaluate_function_value

        fnames = " | ".join("'{}'".format(name) for name in self.functions.keys())
        if len(fnames) == 0:
            fnames = "'THERE ARE NO EXTRA FUNCTIONS'"
        grammar_def += "fname = " + fnames

        self.grammar = makeGrammar(grammar_def, {})

        self.verbose = verbose

        self.eval_functions = {
            Operator.Constant: lambda x: x[0],
            Operator.PrimitiveFunction: self.__evaluate_primitive,
            Operator.IfThenElse: self.__evaluate_ifelse,
            Operator.Function: function_eval,
            Operator.Bool: self.__evaluate_bool,
예제 #3
 def _load_parser(self, grammar: str, protocol: Protocol) -> None:
     Load the parser using the given grammar
     :param grammar: The parser grammar
     :param protocol: The protocol
     :return: None
     self.parser = parsley.makeGrammar(
         grammar, {
             'punctuation': string.punctuation,
             'ascii_uppercase': string.ascii_uppercase,
             'ascii_lowercase': string.ascii_lowercase,
             'itertools': itertools,
             'Art': Art,
             'ArtField': ArtField,
             'Field': Field,
             'RelLoc': RelLoc,
             'Names': Names,
             'protocol': protocol,
             'Boolean': Boolean,
             'Size': Size,
             'ArgumentExpression': ArgumentExpression,
             'MethodInvocationExpression': MethodInvocationExpression,
             'ConstantExpression': ConstantExpression,
             'FieldAccessExpression': FieldAccessExpression,
             'ThisExpression': ThisExpression,
             'IfElseExpression': IfElseExpression,
예제 #4
def scss(basedir, input, encoding="utf-8") -> Iterator[Tuple[Path, Path]]:
    """Scans a SCSS input file and its imports for `@import` statements"""

    p_basedir = as_pathlib_path(basedir)
    p_input = as_pathlib_path(input)
    contents = read(p_basedir / p_input).decode(encoding)
    parts = contents.split(";")
    imports = []

    def capture(arg):

    grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(
        string      = ('"' <(~'"' anything)*>:val '"') -> capture(val)
                    | ("'" <(~"'" anything)*>:val "'") -> capture(val)
        imports     = string:first (ws ',' ws string)*
        import_rule = ws '@' 'i' 'm' 'p' 'o' 'r' 't' ws imports
    """, {'capture': capture})

    for part in parts:
        part = part.strip()
        # any "@import "foo"[, "bar", ...]"
        if not part.startswith("@import"): continue

    for i in imports:
        p = Path(i + ".scss")
        yield p_basedir, p
        yield from scss(p_basedir, p)
예제 #5
파일: search.py 프로젝트: tdans1/Use-Galaxy
 def __init__(self):
     self.parser = parsley.makeGrammar(gqlGrammar, {
         're': re,
         'GalaxyQuery': GalaxyQuery,
         'GalaxyQueryComparison': GalaxyQueryComparison,
         'GalaxyQueryAnd': GalaxyQueryAnd
예제 #6
    def build_protocol(self, input_str: str, name: str = None) -> Protocol:

        # load grammar
        with open("input_parsers/packetlang/packetlang_grammar.txt",
                  "r+") as grammarFile:
            grammar = grammarFile.read()

        # create parser
        parser = parsley.makeGrammar(
            grammar, {
                "ascii_letters": string.ascii_letters,
                "ascii_uppercase": string.ascii_uppercase,
                "ascii_lowercase": string.ascii_lowercase,
                "new_bitstring": self.new_bitstring,
                "new_typedef": self.new_typedef,
                "new_array": self.new_array,
                "new_structfield": self.new_structfield,
                "new_struct": self.new_struct,
                "new_parameter": self.new_parameter,
                "new_func": self.new_func,
                "new_constant": self.new_constant,
                "new_fieldaccess": self.new_fieldaccess,
                "new_this": self.new_this,
                "new_methodinvocation": self.new_methodinvocation,
                "build_tree": self.build_tree,
                "set_pdus": self.set_pdus

        # parse input
        parser(input_str.replace(" ", "").replace("\n",

        return self.protocol
예제 #7
파일: compare.py 프로젝트: church29/cyder
def parse_file(name):
    config = ConfigFile()

    bindings = {
        'symbols': symbols,
        'config': config,
        'Statement': Statement,
        'RangeStmt': RangeStmt,
        'Pool': Pool,
        'Subnet': Subnet,
        'Class': Class,
        'Subclass': Subclass,
        'Group': Group,
        'Host': Host,
        'ConfigFile': ConfigFile,

    with open('cyder/management/commands/lib/dhcpd_compare2/'
              'dhcp.parsley') as g:
        grammar = makeGrammar(g.read(), bindings)

    with open(name) as f:
        fStr = ''
        for line in f:
            if not line.startswith('group'):
                line = line[:comment.match(line).start(1)]
                if not line or line[-1] != '\n':
                    line += '\n'
            fStr += line

    g = grammar(fStr)

    return config
예제 #8
def grammar_factory(env={}):
    return parsley.makeGrammar(
dot = '.'
number = <digit+dot{0,1}digit*>:val -> float(val) if "." in val else int(val)
variable = <letter+>:var -> getattr(env, var)
attribute = exactly('$')<anything+>:attr -> int(reduce(
    lambda obj, attr: getattr(obj, attr, None), [env] + attr.split('.')))
parens = '(' ws expr:e ws ')' -> e
value = number | variable | attribute | parens

add = '+' ws expr2:n -> ('+', n)
sub = '-' ws expr2:n -> ('-', n)
mul = '*' ws expr3:n -> ('*', n)
div = '/' ws expr3:n -> ('/', n)
pow = '^' ws value:n -> ('^', n)

addsub = ws (add | sub)
muldiv = ws (mul | div)

expr = expr2:left addsub*:right -> calculate(left, right)
expr2 = expr3:left muldiv*:right -> calculate(left, right)
expr3 = value:left pow*:right -> calculate(left, right)
""", {
            'env': env,
            'calculate': calculate
예제 #9
def parse_memory_file(payload):
    """Create a grammar that can parse the output of 'free' when called
    with the -c option.
    Return the results as a list of dictionaries of dictionaries """

    memory_grammar = r"""
        memory_reports = memory_report*

        memory_report = headers_line mem_line:m buffers_line:b swap_line:s '\n'
                        -> dict(zip(['memory', 'buffers', 'swap'], [m, b, s]))

        headers_line = ws 'total' ws 'used' ws 'free' ws 'shared' ws
                       'buffers' ws 'cached' '\n'

        mem_line = 'Mem:' ws total:t ws used:u ws free:f ws shared:s ws
                   buffers:b ws cached:c '\n' -> dict([t, u, f, s, b, c])

        buffers_line = '-/+ buffers/cache:' ws used:u ws free:f '\n'
                       -> dict([u, f])

        swap_line = 'Swap:' ws total:t ws used:u ws free:f '\n'
                       -> dict([t, u, f])

        num = <digit+>
        total = num:n -> ('total', n)
        used = num:n -> ('used', n)
        free = num:n -> ('free', n)
        shared = num:n -> ('shared', n)
        buffers = num:n -> ('buffers', n)
        cached = num:n -> ('cached', n)

    memory_parser = parsley.makeGrammar(memory_grammar, {})
    memory_reports = memory_parser(payload).memory_reports()
    return memory_reports
예제 #10
def parse(text, parameters):
  Utilities.logging.info("Parsing FiniteStateMachine language...")

  # definition of the grammar according to Parsley
  # http://parsley.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.html
  grammar = r"""
# the language is collection of transitions separated by white space
main = ( ws transition:fsm ws -> fsm)*

# a transition are two words separared by an arrow ->. Return an XML string
transition = ws word:b ws '->' ws word:e -> xml('transition',xml('begin',b,self.input.position)+xml('end',e,self.input.position),self.input.position)

# a word is a collection of letters
word = ( language | letters )

language = letters:n ws '<<' code:l '>>' ws  -> miniLanguage(n, l, self.input.position)

code = <(~('>>') anything)+>

letters = <letter+>

  # create the language object
  language = parsley.makeGrammar(grammar, {'xml': xml,
                                           'miniLanguage': lambda x,y,z : miniLanguage(x, y, z, parameters) })

  # parse the text using the grammar
  parsed_xml_text = '<FiniteStateMachine>'+''.join(language(text).main())+'</FiniteStateMachine>'

  # Convert xml string to xml object
  parsed_xml = etree.fromstring(parsed_xml_text)

  return parsed_xml, parameters
예제 #11
def comp(inputstr):
    gr = r"""
    esc = '\\' anything:x -> x
    symbol = ( anything:x ?(x not in '|*?+()\\') | esc:x ) -> Node(x)
    group = '(' expr:x ')' -> x

    repeat = (group | symbol):x ( '*' -> Node('star', x)
                                | '+' -> Node('plus', x)
                                | '?' -> Node('qmark', x)
                                | -> x )

    cat =  ( cat:x repeat:y -> Node('cat', x, y)
           | repeat )

    or = ( or:x '|' cat:y -> Node('or', x, y)
         | cat )

    expr =  or?:x -> x or Node('')

    ast = expr:x -> Node('root', Node('cat', x, Node('end')))

    tree = AST()
    grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(
        gr, {'special_chars': r'|*?+()\\', 'Node': tree.node})
    tree.root = grammar(inputstr).ast()
    dfa = tree.dfa_dot('dfa', inputstr)
    return dfa, tree.dot()
    def get_parser(grammar):
        return parsley.makeGrammar(grammar, {
            'punctuation': string.punctuation,
            'ascii_uppercase': string.ascii_uppercase,
            'ascii_lowercase': string.ascii_lowercase,
            'itertools': itertools,
            'ExtendedDiagrams': Rfc2Xml,

            'rfc': Rfc(compliant=True),

            'Date': Date,
            'Xref': Xref,
            'TocItem': TocItem,
            'Section': Section,
            'List': List,
            'Figure': Figure,
            'Artwork': Artwork,
            'T': T,

            'rfc_title_docname': Rfc2Xml.rfc_title_docname,
            'rfc_title_abbrev': Rfc2Xml.rfc_title_abbrev,
            'front_names': Rfc2Xml.front_names,
            'text_paragraph': Rfc2Xml.text_paragraph,
            'sections': Rfc2Xml.sections,
            'printr': Rfc2Xml.printr
예제 #13
파일: weight.py 프로젝트: snare/flexo
    def __init__(self, expr, metric_group=None, resolution=0.5):
        def calculate(start, pairs):
            result = start
            for op, value in pairs:
                if op == '+':
                    result += value
                elif op == '-':
                    result -= value
                elif op == '*':
                    result *= value
                elif op == '/':
                    result /= value
            return result

        def repmax(reps):
            return self.metric_group[reps].weight

        self.expr = expr
        self.metric_group = metric_group
        self.resolution = resolution

        self.parser = parsley.makeGrammar(
            WeightExpr.grammar, {
                "calculate": calculate,
                'repmax': repmax,
                'lb2kg': lambda n: n * 0.45359237
예제 #14
    def get_grammar():
        gr = """
# Declare some terminals.

marker_events_begin = LEAF
marker_events_end = LEAF

unusual_file_access = LEAF

access_sensitive_file = LEAF
internet_access = LEAF
exfil_execution = access_sensitive_file internet_access

# Looking at `arp -a` or sending intranet packet probes.
possible_network_scan = LEAF
network_scan = LEAF

# Looking at other principals on the current system, e.g. `ps`.
possible_system_scan = LEAF
system_scan = LEAF

exfil_channel =   http_post_activity
                | ssh_activity
exfil_format = compress_activity? encrypt_activity?
        # Turn abbreviated declarations of foo = LEAF into: foo = 'foo'
        leaf_re = re.compile(r'^(\w+)(\s*=\s*)LEAF$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
        return parsley.makeGrammar(leaf_re.sub("\\1\\2'\\1'", gr), {})
예제 #15
def parse_file(name):
    config = ConfigFile()

    bindings = {
        'symbols': symbols,
        'config': config,
        'Statement': Statement,
        'RangeStmt': RangeStmt,
        'Pool': Pool,
        'Subnet': Subnet,
        'Class': Class,
        'Subclass': Subclass,
        'Group': Group,
        'Host': Host,
        'ConfigFile': ConfigFile,

    with open('cyder/management/commands/lib/dhcpd_compare2/'
              'dhcp.parsley') as g:
        grammar = makeGrammar(g.read(), bindings)

    with open(name) as f:
        fStr = ''
        for line in f:
            if not line.startswith('group'):
                line = line[:comment.match(line).start(1)]
                if not line or line[-1] != '\n':
                    line += '\n'
            fStr += line

    g = grammar(fStr)

    return config
예제 #16
파일: trace_json.py 프로젝트: mqnc/fiascode
def traceparse(jsonData):
    trace = []

    def traceit(*a):

    JSONParser = makeGrammar(jsonGrammar, {}, tracefunc=traceit)
    return JSONParser(jsonData).top(), trace
예제 #17
def init():
    global parser
    parser = StyleParser()
    parser.parser = parsley.makeGrammar(open(spyral._get_spyral_path() + 'resources/style.parsley', "r").read(),
                                          {"string": string,
                                           "parser": parser,
                                           "leval": literal_eval,
                                           "Vec2D": spyral.Vec2D})
예제 #18
파일: Parsley.py 프로젝트: Ptolom/pydsl
 def __init__(self, rules, root_rule, repository={}):
     import parsley
     for k, v in repository.items():
         repo[k]=(v, checker_factory(v))[isinstance(v, Grammar)]
     self.grammar=parsley.makeGrammar(rules, repo)
예제 #19
def parse_spec(spec, *args, **kwargs):
    interpreter     = Interpreter(args, kwargs)
    bindings        = dict(
        interpreter = interpreter,
        RefChain    = RefChain,
        RefGraph    = RefGraph)
    parser          = parsley.makeGrammar(grammar, bindings)
    return parser(spec).spec()
예제 #20
파일: Parsley.py 프로젝트: chaosim/pydsl
 def __init__(self, rules, root_rule, repository={}):
     import parsley
     repo = {}
     for k, v in repository.items():
         repo[k] = (v, checker_factory(v))[isinstance(v, Grammar)]
     self.grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(rules, repo)
     self.root_rule = root_rule
예제 #21
파일: Parsley.py 프로젝트: agamdua/pydsl
 def __init__(self, rules, root_rule="expr", repository=None):
     import parsley
     repo=dict(repository or {})
     for key in repo:
         if isinstance(repo[key], Grammar):
             repo[key] = checker_factory(repo[key])
     self.grammar=parsley.makeGrammar(rules, repo)
예제 #22
    def __init__(self, depends_string):
        """Construct a Depends instance.

        :param depends_string: The string description of the requirements that
            need to be satisfied. See the bindep README.rst for syntax for the
            requirements list.
        parser = makeGrammar(grammar, {})(depends_string)
        self._rules = parser.rules()
예제 #23
파일: depends.py 프로젝트: dtroyer/bindep
    def __init__(self, depends_string):
        """Construct a Depends instance.

        :param depends_string: The string description of the requirements that
            need to be satisfied. See the bindep README.rst for syntax for the
            requirements list.
        parser = makeGrammar(grammar, {})(depends_string)
        self._rules = parser.rules()
예제 #24
 def __init__(self, rules, root_rule="expr", repository=None):
     import parsley
     repo=dict(repository or {})
     for key in repo:
         if isinstance(repo[key], Grammar):
             repo[key] = checker_factory(repo[key])
     self.grammar=parsley.makeGrammar(rules, repo)
예제 #25
 def __init__(self, grammar_fn=__default_grammar_fn, expose_all_rules=False):
     self._grammar_fn = grammar_fn
     self._grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(
         open(grammar_fn, "r").read(), {
             "vvhgvs": vvhgvs,
             "bioutils": bioutils,
             "copy": copy
     self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
예제 #26
def parse(f):
    g = parsley.makeGrammar(
        {'string': string, 'Plane': Plane, 'np': np, 'Entity': Entity}

    map_source = f.read()
    entities = g(map_source).map()

    return entities
예제 #27
def init():
    Initializes the Styler.
    global parser
    parser = StyleParser()
    style_file = open(spyral._get_spyral_path() + "resources/style.parsley").read()
    parser.parser = parsley.makeGrammar(
        style_file, {"string": string, "parser": parser, "leval": literal_eval, "Vec2D": spyral.Vec2D}
예제 #28
def make_evaluator(env):

    def setname(name, value):
        env[name] = value
        return value

    return  makeGrammar(eval_grammar, {'primitive_funcs': primitive_funcs,
                                       'env': env,
                                       'setname': setname,
                                       'Function': Function})
예제 #29
    def parse_dsl(self, lang):
        where = []
        conjunctions = []
        errors = ""

        if len(lang.strip()) == 0:
            return {'where_string': "", 'values': []}

            def ex(left, op, right):
                e = [left, op, right]
                return (left, op, right)
            def q(op, ex):
                # data.append(op)
                return (op, ex)
            def conj(op, ex):
                return (op, ex)

            x = parsley.makeGrammar("""
            string =  '"' (~'"' anything)*:s '"' -> ''.join(s)
            expr = string:left ws ('='|'!='|'>'|'<'):compop ws string:right -> ex(left, compop, right)
            and = 'and' ws query2:n -> conj('and', n)
            or = 'or' ws query2:n -> conj('or', n)
            conj = ws (and | or)
            query2 = expr:e1 conj*:cnj ->  q(cnj, e1)
            query = query2:e1 conj*:cnj -> q(cnj, e1)
            """, {"ex" : ex, "q" : q, "conj" : conj })

            i = 0
            max = len(conjunctions)
            where_string = "where "
            values = []
            for ex in where:
                t1, op, t2 = ex
                # where_string += "lower(" + t1 +  ")"
                where_string += "lower(" + t1 + ")"
                where_string += " " + op + "lower( %s )"
                if t1 == "ip":
                    t2 = int(netaddr.IPAddress(t2))
                if i < max:
                    where_string += conjunctions[i] + " "
                i += 1

            # print where_string
            # print values
            return { 'where_string' : where_string, 'values' : values}
        except Exception, e:
            errors = str(e)
            return {'error': errors }
예제 #30
    def make_parsley_grammar(cls):
        """Return a parsley parsing expression grammar."""
        return parsley.makeGrammar(
                not_digit = anything:x ?(x not in "0123456789")
                not_d_or_p = anything:x ?(x not in "0123456789()")
                ref = not_d_or_p* '(' digit{1, 3} ')' not_d_or_p*

                year = not_d_or_p* <digit{4}>:y not_d_or_p* -> int(y)

                date = ref? year:y ref? -> (y, 1, 1)
                """, {})
예제 #31
def parse(context, value):
    if not value:
        raise RequestParseError('Must provide a value for $filter')
        grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(
    except EOFError:
        raise RequestParseError('Bad $filter {}'.format(value))
    context['sqlobj'] = context['sqlobj'].where(grammar(value).expr())
예제 #32
def parse(s, extra=None, bindings=None):
    if not bindings:
        bindings = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_BINDINGS)
    if extra:
        bindings["extra"] = extra

    global PARSER
    if not PARSER:
        PARSER = parsley.makeGrammar(grammar.GRAMMAR,
                                     {"lookup": bindings.__getitem__})

    return PARSER(s).specification()
예제 #33
    def header(self, request, tag):
        text = """


        BlogGrammar = makeGrammar(blog_grammar, {"tags": tags})
        #output = BlogGrammar("*Hello!*").paragraphs()
        output = BlogGrammar(text).paragraphs()
        return tag(output)
예제 #34
 def _make_initial_grammar(self):
     g = parsley.makeGrammar(
             "match": re.match,
             "GlyphSelector": GlyphSelector
     g.globals["parser"] = self
     g.rule_callRule = callRule
     g.valid_verbs = ["LoadPlugin"]
     return g
예제 #35
파일: parser.py 프로젝트: mann-brinson/kgtk
def load_grammar(compile=True):
    if compile:
        # re/compile if necessary:
        if not os.path.exists(COMPILED_GRAMMAR_FILE) or \
           os.path.getmtime(GRAMMAR_FILE) > os.path.getmtime(COMPILED_GRAMMAR_FILE):
        # load it like this - there doesn't seem to be a better user API available:
        import kgtk.kypher.grammar_compiled as cgc
        cgram = cgc.createParserClass(ometa.grammar.OMetaBase, {})
        return parsley.wrapGrammar(cgram)
        # rebuild the grammar from scratch:
        return parsley.makeGrammar(KYPHER_GRAMMAR, {})
예제 #36
def parse(url, context):
    parserfuncts = {
        'callable': functools.partial(called, context),
        'item': functools.partial(item, context),
        'count': functools.partial(count, context),
        'value': functools.partial(value, context),
        'links': functools.partial(links, context)}

    grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(url_grammar, parserfuncts)
    except parsley.ParseError:
        raise RequestParseError('Could not parse url')
예제 #37
def init():
    Initializes the Styler.
    global parser
    parser = StyleParser()
    style_file = open(spyral._get_spyral_path() +
    parser.parser = parsley.makeGrammar(style_file,
                                        {"string": string,
                                         "parser": parser,
                                         "leval": literal_eval,
                                         "Vec2D": spyral.Vec2D})
예제 #38
 def compiled_grammar(self):
     if self._compiled_grammar is None:
         self._compiled_grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(
                 "lookup": self._environment_bindings().get,
                 "VersionRequirement": VersionRequirement,
                 "UrlRequirement": UrlRequirement,
                 "PathRequirement": PathRequirement,
                 "EnvironmentMarker": EnvironmentMarker,
     return self._compiled_grammar
예제 #39
def make_token_grammar():
    Make the token grammar.
    grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(r"""
    punctuation = :x ?(x in "+-*/!'#$%&\,.:<=>?@^_`;" '"') -> x
    float = <'-'{0, 1} digit* '.' digit+>:ds -> float(ds)
    integer = <'-'{0, 1} digit+>:ds -> int(ds)
    number = float | integer 
    itemlist = 
          ws item:first (ws item)*:rest ws -> [first] + rest
        | ws item:only ws -> [only]
    item =
        | expr:e (ws comment)* -> e
        | word:w (ws comment)* -> w
        | itemlist
        | '[' ws quoted_itemlist:q ws ']' -> list(q)
        | '[' ws ']' -> []
        | '(' itemlist:lst ')' -> tuple(lst) 
        | (ws comment)
    quoted_itemlist = 
          ws quoted_item:first (ws quoted_item)*:rest ws -> [first] + rest
        | ws quoted_item:only ws -> [only]
    quoted_item =
        | number:n (ws comment)* -> n
        | word:w (ws comment)* -> w
        | <(~' ' ~'[' ~']' anything)+>:w (ws comment)* -> w
        | (ws comment)
        | '[' ws quoted_itemlist:q ws ']' -> list(q)
        | '[' ws ']' -> []
    infix_rel_operator = '=' | '<>' | '>=' | '<='
    word = (word_char+):l -> ''.join(l)
    word_char = (escaped_char:e -> e) | (~';' unescaped_char:u -> u)
    unescaped_char = (letterOrDigit:c -> c) | (~';' punctuation:p -> p)
    escaped_char = '\\' (anything:c -> c)
    comment = <';' rest_of_line>:c -> Comment(c)  
    rest_of_line = <('\\n' | (~'\n' anything))*>
    parens = '(' ws expr:e ws ')' -> e
    value = (number:n ->n) | (parens:p -> p)
    factor = (value:v -> v) | (word:w -> w)
    add = '+' ws expr2:n -> ('+', n)
    mul = '*' ws factor:n -> ('*', n)
    div = '/' ws factor:n -> ('/', n)
    addonly = ws add
    muldiv = ws (mul | div)
    expr = expr2:left addonly*:right -> calculate(left, right)
    expr2 = factor:left muldiv*:right -> calculate(left, right)
    """, {"calculate": calculate, "Comment": Comment})
    return grammar
예제 #40
    def make_parsley_grammar(cls):
        """Return a parsley parsing expression grammar."""
        return parsley.makeGrammar(
            not_digit = anything:x ?(x not in "0123456789")
            not_d_or_q = anything:x ?(x not in "0123456789IV()")
            q_letter = ('I' | 'V'):q -> q
            ref = ws '(' digit{1, 3} ')' ws | '*'

            quarter = not_d_or_q* <q_letter{1, 3}>:q not_d_or_q* -> q
            year = not_digit* <digit{4}>:y not_digit* -> int(y)

            date = year?:y quarter?:q ref? not_d_or_q* ref? ->(y, q_to_m(q), 1)
            """, {"q_to_m": cls._quarter_num_to_month})
예제 #41
파일: parser.py 프로젝트: jmuhlich/hgvs
    def __init__(self,grammar_fn=__default_grammar_fn):
        self._grammar_fn = grammar_fn
        self._grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(open(grammar_fn,'r').read(),{'hgvs': hgvs, 'bioutils': bioutils})

        # define function attributes for each grammar rule, prefixed with 'parse_'
        # e.g., Parser.parse_c_interval('26+2_57-3') -> Interval(...)
        #TODO: exclude built-in rules
        self.rules = [ m.replace('rule_','')
                       for m in dir(self._grammar._grammarClass)
                       if m.startswith('rule_') ]
        for rule_name in self.rules:
            att_name = 'parse_' + rule_name
            rule_fxn = self.__make_parse_rule_function(rule_name)
예제 #42
def generate_parser(grammarFilename):
    with open(grammarFilename) as grammarFile:
        return parsley.makeGrammar(
            grammarFile.read(), {
                "ascii_uppercase": string.ascii_uppercase,
                "ascii_lowercase": string.ascii_lowercase,
                "ascii_letters": string.ascii_letters,
                "punctuation": string.punctuation,
                "rfc": rfc,
                "get_doc_series": get_doc_series,
                "get_ipr_code": get_ipr_code,
                "structure_subsections": structure_subsections,
                "infer_toc": infer_toc,
예제 #43
    def _split_with_peg(self, value, grammar):
        if grammar in self.grammars:
            comp_grammar = self.grammars[grammar]
            comp_grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(grammar, {})
            self.grammars[grammar] = comp_grammar

            values = comp_grammar(value).values()
            values = []

        values = [six.text_type(split_value) for split_value in values]

        return pd.Series(values)
예제 #44
 def __call__(self, logger):
     if self._compiled_grammar is None:
         self._compiled_grammar = makeGrammar(
                 "VersionRequirement": VersionRequirement,
                 "UrlRequirement": UrlRequirement,
                 "PathRequirement": PathRequirement,
                 "EnvironmentMarker": EnvironmentMarker,
                 "logger": lambda: self._logger.get_target_logger(),
     yield self._compiled_grammar
예제 #45
    def make_parsley_grammar(cls):
        """Return a parsley parsing expression grammar."""
        return parsley.makeGrammar(
                not_digit = anything:x ?(x not in "0123456789 ")

                q = not_digit* ws digit:q not_digit* ws -> int(q)
                y = (ws | not_digit) <digit{2}>:y (ws | not_digit) -> y
                ref = ws '(' digit{1, 3} ')' ws | '*'

                date = q:q not_digit* y:y ref? ws anything{0, 3} -> (dob_year(y), q_to_m(q), 1)
                """, {
                "q_to_m": cls._quarter_num_to_month,
                "dob_year": cls._dob_year_to_four
예제 #46
    def _split_with_peg(self, value, grammar):
        if grammar in self.grammars:
            comp_grammar = self.grammars[grammar]
            comp_grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(grammar, {})
            self.grammars[grammar] = comp_grammar

            values = comp_grammar(value).values()
            values = []

        values = [unicode(split_value) for split_value in values]

        return pd.Series(values)
예제 #47
    def make_parsley_grammar(cls):
        """Return a parsley parsing expression grammar."""
        return parsley.makeGrammar(
                not_digit = anything:x ?(x not in "0123456789")

                y = (ws | not_digit) <digit{4}>:y (ws | not_digit) -> y
                m = (ws | not_digit) <digit{1, 2}>:m (ws | not_digit) -> int(m)

                y_m = y:y not_digit* m:m anything* -> (y, m, 1)
                m_y = m:m not_digit* y:y anything* -> (y, m, 1)
                only_m = m:m anything* -> (None, m, 1)

                date = y_m | m_y | only_m
                """, {})
예제 #48
파일: tokens.py 프로젝트: barometz/pynuts
def parse_infix(text):
    if not 'infix' in _parsers:
        grammar = """
subexp  = '(' (token | subexp)+:ts ')' ws -> Token('SUBEXP', ts)
token   = fnumber | number | pow | op | unit
expr = (subexp | token)+

number  = <digit+>:ds ws -> Token('NUM', int(ds))
fnumber = <digit+>:whole '.' <digit+>:dec ws -> Token('NUM', float(whole + '.' + dec))
unit    = <(letter|'_')+>:sym ws -> Token('UNIT', sym)
op      = ('*' | '/'):sym ws -> Token('MUL', sym)
pow     = '^' <digit+>:exp ws -> Token('POW', int(exp))

        _parsers['infix'] = parsley.makeGrammar(grammar, {'Token': Token})
    tokenized = _parsers['infix'](text).expr()
    return cobble(tokenized)
예제 #49
def parse_mapping(filename):
    """Parse mapping `filename`.   Return parsing."""
    global parsley, MAPPING_PARSER
    if parsley is None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Parsley parsing package must be installed.")

    if MAPPING_PARSER is None:
        MAPPING_PARSER = parsley.makeGrammar(MAPPING_GRAMMAR, selectors.SELECTORS)

    log.verbose("Parsing", repr(filename))
    filename = rmap.locate_mapping(filename)
    with log.augment_exception("Parsing error in", repr(filename), exception_class=exceptions.MappingFormatError):
        with open(filename) as pfile:
            parser = MAPPING_PARSER(pfile.read())
            header, selector, comment = parser.mapping()
            return Parsing(header, selector, comment)
예제 #50
def make_grammar():
    # TODO: tuple with one value
    # TODO: make sense of the return values
    x = parsley.makeGrammar(
clazzChar = letterOrDigit | '.'
clazz = <clazzChar+>:x -> Class(x)

# a type or a class
item = (:x ?(x in 'TUVWXYZ') -> Type(x)
 | 'None' -> Type('NoneType')
 | 'unknown' -> Type('unknown')
 | ('string' | 'bytestring' | 'bytes' | 'unicode'):x -> StringType(x)
 | clazz:x -> x)

commaRule = ',' ws rule:rule ws -> rule

orRule = '|' ws rule:rule ws -> rule

rule = ('(' ws rule:firstRule ws commaRule*:ruleList ')' -> Tuple([firstRule] + ruleList)
  | 'list[' ws rule:x ws ']' -> List(x)
  | 'dict[' ws rule:first ws ',' ws rule:second ws ']' -> Dict(first, second)
  | (item:one
     (ws orRule+:two -> Or([one] + two)
      | ws '<=' ws rule:two -> BoundedType(one, two)
      | ws '[' ws rule:two ws commaRule*:ruleList ']' -> ParameterizedType(one, [two] + ruleList)
      | -> one)))

expr = rule:arg (ws '->' ws rule:ret -> Function(arg, ret)
  | -> arg)
            "Class": Class,
            "Type": Type,
            "BoundedType": BoundedType,
            "Tuple": Tuple,
            "StringType": StringType,
            "List": List,
            "Dict": Dict,
            "Function": Function,
            "ParameterizedType": ParameterizedType,
            "Or": Or,
    return x
예제 #51
    def test_eof(self):
        EOF should raise a nice error.
        import parsley
        g = parsley.makeGrammar("""
        dig = '1' | '2' | '3'
        bits = <dig>+
        """, {})

        input = '123x321'
        e = self.assertRaises(ParseError, g(input).dig)
                         Parse error at line 1, column 1: expected EOF. trail: []
예제 #52
    def parse(self, inputstring, document):
        self.setup_parse(inputstring, document)

        self.document = document
        self.current_node = document
        self.section_handler = _SectionHandler(document)

        base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        filename = os.path.join(base, "markdown.parsley")

        with open(filename) as pry_file:
            self.grammar_raw = pry_file.read()
        self.grammar = parsley.makeGrammar(

        self.grammar(inputstring + '\n').document()
예제 #53
파일: parser.py 프로젝트: nditech/elections
def grammar_factory(env={}):
    return parsley.makeGrammar("""
dot = '.'
number = <digit+dot{0,1}digit*>:val -> float(val) if "." in val else int(val)
variable = <letter+>:var -> getattr(env, var)
attribute = exactly('$')<anything+>:attr -> int(reduce(
    lambda obj, attr: getattr(obj, attr, None), [env] + attr.split('.')))
parens = '(' ws expr:e ws ')' -> e
value = number | variable | attribute | parens

add = '+' ws expr2:n -> ('+', n)
sub = '-' ws expr2:n -> ('-', n)
mul = '*' ws expr3:n -> ('*', n)
div = '/' ws expr3:n -> ('/', n)
pow = '^' ws value:n -> ('^', n)

addsub = ws (add | sub)
muldiv = ws (mul | div)

expr = expr2:left addsub*:right -> calculate(left, right)
expr2 = expr3:left muldiv*:right -> calculate(left, right)
expr3 = value:left pow*:right -> calculate(left, right)
""", {'env': env, 'calculate': calculate})
예제 #54
파일: weight.py 프로젝트: snare/flexo
    def __init__(self, expr, metric_group=None, resolution=0.5):
        def calculate(start, pairs):
            result = start
            for op, value in pairs:
                if op == '+':
                    result += value
                elif op == '-':
                    result -= value
                elif op == '*':
                    result *= value
                elif op == '/':
                    result /= value
            return result

        def repmax(reps):
            return self.metric_group[reps].weight

        self.expr = expr
        self.metric_group = metric_group
        self.resolution = resolution

        self.parser = parsley.makeGrammar(
            {"calculate": calculate, 'repmax': repmax, 'lb2kg': lambda n: n * 0.45359237})
예제 #55
_Comment = collections.namedtuple('Comment', ['line'])
_Extra = collections.namedtuple('Extra', ['name', 'content'])

_extras_grammar = """
ini = (line*:p extras?:e line*:l final:s) -> (''.join(p), e, ''.join(l+[s]))
line = ~extras <(~'\\n' anything)* '\\n'>
final = <(~'\\n' anything)* >
extras = '[' 'e' 'x' 't' 'r' 'a' 's' ']' '\\n'+ body*:b -> b
body = comment | extra
comment = <'#' (~'\\n' anything)* '\\n'>:c '\\n'* -> comment(c)
extra = name:n ' '* '=' line:l cont*:c '\\n'* -> extra(n, ''.join([l] + c))
name = <(anything:x ?(x not in '\\n \\t='))+>
cont = ' '+ <(~'\\n' anything)* '\\n'>
_extras_compiled = makeGrammar(
    _extras_grammar, {"comment": _Comment, "extra": _Extra})

Error = collections.namedtuple('Error', ['message'])
File = collections.namedtuple('File', ['filename', 'content'])
StdOut = collections.namedtuple('StdOut', ['message'])
Verbose = collections.namedtuple('Verbose', ['message'])

def extras(project):
    """Return a dict of extra-name:content for the extras in setup.cfg."""
    if 'setup.cfg' not in project:
        return {}
    c = configparser.ConfigParser()
    if not c.has_section('extras'):
예제 #56
add = '+' ws expr2:n -> ('+', n)
sub = '-' ws expr2:n -> ('-', n)
mul = '*' ws expr2:n -> ('*', n)
div = '/' ws expr2:n -> ('/', n)

addsub = ws (add | sub)
muldiv = ws (mul | div)

expr = expr2:left addsub*:right -> calculate(left, right)
expr2 = value:left muldiv*:right -> calculate(left, right)

operations = {
    '+': operator.add,
    '-': operator.sub,
    '*': operator.mul,
    '/': operator.truediv,

def _calculate(start, pairs):
    result = start
    for op, value in pairs:
        result = operations[op](result, value)
    return result

grammar = makeGrammar(_grammar_text, {'calculate': _calculate})
예제 #57
파일: knitting.py 프로젝트: boxed/Knitting
times = <'twice' | ('four' | 'five' | 'six' | 'seven') 'times'>:x -> x

simple_loop = '(' command_list:seq ')' ws times:rep -> 'simple_loop', seq, rep
big_loop = '*' command_list:seq '; rep from * to ' <not_new_command_or_eol*>:end -> 'big_loop', seq, end

together = simple_command:x ws 'tog' -> x, 'together'
tbl = simple_command:x ws 'tbl' -> x, 'tbl'
command = big_loop | simple_loop | together | tbl | simple_command

command_list = command:first (ws ',' ws command)*:rest -> [first] + rest
row = 'rnd' 's'? ws <number ('-' number)?>:x ':' ws command_list:y '.' ws -> 'row', x, y
rows = row*

g = parsley.makeGrammar(grammar, {})
print 0, g('k2tog').command()
print 1, g('123').number()
print 2, g('Rnd 1: k1, yo, sl1.'.lower()).row()
print 3, g('Rnd 1: (k1, yo) twice, sl1.'.lower()).row()
print 4, g('*k3, sl1, k4; rep from * to last st'.lower()).big_loop()
print 5, g('*(k3, sl1) twice, k4; rep from * to last st'.lower()).big_loop()
print 6, g('Rnd 3: K1, *(k3, sl1) twice, k4; rep from * to last st, k1.'.lower()).row()
print 7, g('Rnd 1: K1, *k4, sl1, k1, sl1, k5; rep from * to last st, k1.'.lower()).row()
print 8, g('Rnd 2: K1, *k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k4; rep from * to last st, k1.'.lower()).row()
print 0, g('knit').command()

for x in test.lower().split('\n'):
    print repr(x)
    print g(x).row()
예제 #58
파일: edn.py 프로젝트: jml/edn
    if handler is None:
        return no_handler(symbol, value)
    return handler(value)

# XXX: There needs to be a character type and a string-that-escapes-newlines
# type in order to have full roundtripping.

_edn_grammar_definition = open("edn.parsley").read()

_unwrapped_edn = makeGrammar(
        "Symbol": Symbol,
        "Keyword": Keyword,
        "Vector": Vector,
        "TaggedValue": partial(make_tagged_value, BUILTIN_READ_HANDLERS),

def _make_edn_grammar(tagged_value_handler):
    # XXX: At last, my pact with the dark lord is fulfilled.
    # I can't find any obvious way to specify bindings at the same time as
    # specifying input.  Making a new grammar for every set of handlers is
    # expensive.  This hideous alternative seems to work.
    class _specialized_edn(_unwrapped_edn):