def parseLog(file): participant = Participant() print("%-25s %s" % ("Parsing log:", file)) f = open(file, "r", encoding=my_utils.getFileEncoding(file)) for line in f: line_split = line.split() try: if len(line_split) == 0: pass elif line_split[0] == "CALLSIGN:": participant.callsign = line_split[1].upper() elif line_split[0] == "NAME:": = " ".join(line_split[1:]) elif line_split[0] == "CATEGORY:": participant.category = " ".join(line_split[1:]) elif line_split[0] == "QSO:": participant.log.append(Qso(line_split)) except: print("Error in line: " + line) pass # empty line if len(participant.callsign): print("Success!") else: print("Error!") return participant
def parseLogs(logs_dir): """ Reads all the logs in the supplied directory and parses the data into dictionary that is returned :param logs_dir: Directory where the log files are located :return: Dictonary of particpants. {callsign, participant object} :rtype: dict """ participants = {} for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(logs_dir, "*.*")): participant = Participant()"parsing log: " + filename) logfile = open(filename, "r", encoding=my_utils.getFileEncoding(filename)) try: for line in logfile: line_split = line.split() try: if len(line_split) == 0: pass elif line_split[0] == "CALLSIGN:": participant.callsign = line_split[1].upper() elif line_split[0] == "NAME:": = " ".join(line_split[1:]) elif line_split[0] == "CATEGORY:": participant.category = " ".join(line_split[1:]) elif line_split[0] == "QSO:": participant.log.append(Qso(line_split)) except: logger.warning("Error in line (will be ignored): " + line) pass # empty line except Exception as e: logger.warning("Error in file (will be ignored): " + filename) logger.warning("Error: " + str(e)) pass if len(participant.callsign): participants[participant.callsign] = participant"Parsed log for: " + participant.callsign + "\n") else: logger.error("Couldn't parse the file: " + filename + "\n") return participants