def action_lib(): try: partition_lib.action(op, name, start=start, end=end, fstype=fstype) self._scan_lib() except Exception: self.add_log_lib(traceback.format_exc())
def action_lib(): try: partition_lib.action(op, name, size=size, parttable=parttable, crypt=crypt, passphrase=passphrase) self._scan_lib() except Exception: self.add_log_lib(traceback.format_exc())
def action_lib(): try: partition_lib.action(op, name) self._scan_lib() except Exception: self.add_log_lib(traceback.format_exc())
def _handle_action(self, name, size, op): if op == 'autosetup': res, text = dialog.inputbox( text='Partitioning type (msdos, gpt, ...):', init=partition_lib.default_partitioning) if res != dialog.OK: return False res = dialog.yesno(text='Enable encryption?', defaultno=True) passphrase = '' if res == dialog.OK: res2, passphrase = dialog.passwordbox(text='Enter passphrase:', insecure=True) if res2 != dialog.OK: return False res2, passphrase2 = dialog.passwordbox( text='Confirm passphrase:', insecure=True) if res2 != dialog.OK: return False if passphrase2 != passphrase: dialog.msgbox('Passphrases do not match.') return False res2 = dialog.yesno( text='Are you sure you want to wipe this disk?') if res2 != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, size=size, parttable=text, crypt=(res == dialog.OK), passphrase=passphrase) self._switch_to_finish = True elif op == 'parttable': res, text = dialog.inputbox( text=partition_lib.get_text_for_op(op) + '\n\n' + 'Partitioning type (msdos, gpt, ...):', init=partition_lib.default_partitioning) if res != dialog.OK: return False res = dialog.yesno(text='Are you sure you want to wipe this disk?') if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, parttable=text) elif op == 'part': info = name.split('*') res, lst = dialog.form( text=partition_lib.get_text_for_op(op) + '\n', elements=[('Disk', 1, 1, info[1], 1, 48, -32, 1024), ('Start', 3, 1, info[2], 3, 48, 32, 1024), ('End', 5, 1, info[3], 5, 48, 32, 1024), ('Filesystem (ext4, linux-swap, fat32, ...)', 7, 1, partition_lib.default_filesystem, 7, 48, 32, 1024)]) if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, start=lst[0], end=lst[1], fstype=lst[2]) elif op == 'format': res, text = dialog.inputbox( text=partition_lib.get_text_for_op(op) + '\n\n' + 'Filesystem type (ext4, swap, fat, ...):', init=partition_lib.default_filesystem) if res != dialog.OK: return False res = dialog.yesno(text='Are you sure?') if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, fstype=text) elif op == 'remove': res = dialog.yesno(text='Are you sure?') if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name) elif op == 'cryptsetup': res, passphrase = dialog.passwordbox(text='Enter passphrase:', insecure=True) if res != dialog.OK: return False res, passphrase2 = dialog.passwordbox(text='Confirm passphrase:', insecure=True) if res != dialog.OK: return False if passphrase2 != passphrase: dialog.msgbox('Passphrases do not match.') return False res = dialog.yesno(text='Are you sure?') if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, passphrase=passphrase) elif op in ['cryptopen', 'swap-cryptopen']: res, passphrase = dialog.passwordbox(text='Enter passphrase:', insecure=True) if res != dialog.OK: return False partition_lib.action(op, name, passphrase=passphrase) else: partition_lib.action(op, name) return True