예제 #1
    def test_midi_export_mode_0(self):
        m = self._export_and_read(mode=0)
        msg = ('Number of parts {} does not equal number of tracks {} while '
               'testing part_voice_assign_mode=0 in save_score_midi'.format(
                   len(self.parts_list), len(m.tracks)))
        self.assertEqual(len(self.parts_list), len(m.tracks), msg)

        for part, track in zip(self.parts_list, m.tracks):
            # voices per note in part
            vc = note_voices(part)
            # channels per note in track
            ch = note_channels(track)
            vcp = partition(lambda x: -1 if x is None else x, vc)
            chp = partition(lambda x: x, ch)
            vc_list = [len(vcp[x]) for x in sorted(vcp.keys())]
            ch_list = [len(chp[x]) for x in sorted(chp.keys())]

            msg = ('Track channels should have {} notes respectively, '
                   'but they have {}'.format(vc_list, ch_list))

            self.assertEqual(vc_list, ch_list, msg)

            ts_part = sum(1 for _ in part.iter_all(score.TimeSignature))
            ts_track = sum(1 for e in track if e.type == 'time_signature')
            msg = ('Track should have {} time signatures respectively, '
                   'but has {}'.format(ts_part, ts_track))
            self.assertEqual(ts_part, ts_track, msg)

            ks_part = sum(1 for _ in part.iter_all(score.KeySignature))
            ks_track = sum(1 for e in track if e.type == 'key_signature')
            msg = ('Track should have {} key signatures respectively, '
                   'but has {}'.format(ks_part, ks_track))
            self.assertEqual(ks_part, ks_track, msg)
예제 #2
    def test_midi_import_mode_0(self):
        parts = load_score_midi(self.tmpfile.name, part_voice_assign_mode=0)
        by_track = partition(itemgetter(0), self.notes_per_tr_ch.keys())

        msg = ('Number of parts {} does not equal number of tracks {} while '
               'testing part_voice_assign_mode=0 in load_score_midi').format(
                   len(parts), len(by_track))
        self.assertEqual(len(parts), len(by_track), msg)

        for part, tr in zip(parts, by_track):

            msg = '{} should be a Part instance but it is not'.format(part)
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(part, score.Part), msg)

            n_track_notes = sum(self.notes_per_tr_ch[tr_ch]
                                for tr_ch in by_track[tr])
            part_notes = part.notes
            n_part_notes = len(part_notes)
            msg = 'Part should have {} notes but it has'.format(
                n_track_notes, n_part_notes)
            self.assertEqual(n_track_notes, n_part_notes, msg)

            n_ch_notes = [
                self.notes_per_tr_ch[tr_ch] for tr_ch in by_track[tr]
            n_voice_notes = [
                len(vn) for v, vn in partition(
                    lambda x: x, [n.voice for n in part_notes]).items()
            msg = (
                'Part voices should have {} notes respectively, but they have {}'
                .format(n_ch_notes, n_voice_notes))
            self.assertEqual(n_ch_notes, n_voice_notes, msg)
예제 #3
 def test_midi_import_mode_2(self):
     part = load_score_midi(self.tmpfile.name, part_voice_assign_mode=2)
     msg = '{} should be a Part instance but it is not'.format(part)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(part, score.Part), msg)
     by_track = partition(itemgetter(0), self.notes_per_tr_ch.keys())
     by_voice = partition(lambda x: x.voice, part.notes)
     n_track_notes = [
         sum(self.notes_per_tr_ch[tr_ch] for tr_ch in tr_chs)
         for tr_chs in by_track.values()
     n_voice_notes = ([len(notes) for notes in by_voice.values()])
     msg = ('Number of notes per voice {} does not match number of '
            'notes per track {}'.format(n_voice_notes, n_track_notes))
     self.assertEqual(n_voice_notes, n_track_notes, msg)
예제 #4
    def test_midi_import_mode_1(self):
        parts = load_score_midi(self.tmpfile.name, part_voice_assign_mode=1)
        by_track = partition(itemgetter(0), self.notes_per_tr_ch.keys())
        msg = (
            'Number of partgroups {} does not equal number of tracks {} while '
            'testing part_voice_assign_mode=0 in load_score_midi').format(
                len(parts), len(by_track))
        self.assertEqual(len(parts), len(by_track), msg)

        for part_group, tr in zip(parts, by_track):

            msg = '{} should be a PartGroup instance but it is not'
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(part_group, score.PartGroup), msg)
            n_parts = len(part_group.children)
            n_channels = len(by_track[tr])
            msg = (
                'PartGroup should have as many parts as there are '
                'channels in the corresponding track {}, but it has {}'.format(
                    n_channels, n_parts))
            self.assertEqual(n_parts, n_channels, msg)

            for part, tr_ch in zip(part_group.children, by_track[tr]):
                notes_in_track = self.notes_per_tr_ch[tr_ch]
                notes_in_part = len(part.notes)
                msg = 'Part should have {} notes but it has {}'.format(
                    notes_in_track, notes_in_part)
                self.assertEqual(notes_in_part, notes_in_track)
예제 #5
def add_voices(part):
    by_staff = partition(attrgetter('staff'), part.notes_tied)
    max_voice = 0
    for staff, notes in by_staff.items():

        voices = estimate_voices(notes_to_notearray(notes))

        assert len(voices) == len(notes)
        for n, voice in zip(notes, voices):
            assert voice > 0
            n.voice = voice + max_voice

            n_next = n
            while n_next.tie_next:
                n_next = n_next.tie_next
                n_next.voice = voice + max_voice

        max_voice = np.max(voices)

    if any([n.voice is None for n in part.notes]):
        # Hack to add voices to notes not included in a staff!
        # not musically meaningful
        ev = 1
        for n in part.notes:
            if n.voice is None:
                n.voice = max_voice + ev
                ev += 1
예제 #6
def add_staffs_v1(part):
    # assign staffs by first estimating voices jointly, then assigning voices to staffs

    notes = part.notes_tied
    # estimate voices in strictly monophonic way
    voices = estimate_voices(notes_to_notearray(notes), monophonic_voices=True)
    # for v, note in zip(voices, notes):
    #     print(note.start.t, note.midi_pitch, v)

    # group notes by voice
    by_voice = partition(itemgetter(0), zip(voices, notes))
    clefs = {}

    for v, vnotes in by_voice.items():
        # voice numbers may be recycled throughout the piece, so we split by
        # time gap
        t_diffs = np.diff([n.start.t for _, n in vnotes])
        t_threshold = np.inf  # np.median(t_diffs)+1
        note_groups = np.split([note for _, note in vnotes],
                               np.where(t_diffs > t_threshold)[0] + 1)

        # for each note group estimate the clef
        for note_group in note_groups:
            if len(note_group) > 0:
                pitches = [n.midi_pitch for n in note_group]
                clef = tuple(estimate_clef_properties(pitches).items())
                staff = clefs.setdefault(clef, len(clefs))

                # print((note_group[0].start.t, note_group[-1].end.t),
                #       (np.min(pitches), np.max(pitches), np.mean(pitches)), clef)
                for n in note_group:
                    n.staff = staff
                    n_tied = n.tie_next
                    while n_tied:
                        n_tied.staff = staff
                        n_tied = n_tied.tie_next

    # re-order the staffs to a fixed order (see CLEF_ORDER), rather than by
    # first appearance
    clef_list = list((dict(clef), i) for clef, i in clefs.items())
    clef_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].get('octave_change', 0))
    clef_list.sort(key=lambda x: CLEF_ORDER.index(x[0].get('sign', 'G')))
    staff_map = dict((j, i + 1) for i, (_, j) in enumerate(clef_list))
    for n in notes:
        n.staff = staff_map[n.staff]
    for i, (clef_properties, _) in enumerate(clef_list):
        part.add(score.Clef(number=i + 1, **clef_properties), 0)
예제 #7
    def test_midi_import_mode_3(self):
        parts = load_score_midi(self.tmpfile.name, part_voice_assign_mode=3)
        by_track = partition(itemgetter(0), self.notes_per_tr_ch.keys())

        msg = ('Number of parts {} does not equal number of tracks {}'.format(
            len(parts), len(by_track)))
        self.assertEqual(len(parts), len(by_track), msg)

        for part, tr in zip(parts, by_track):

            msg = '{} should be a Part instance but it is not'.format(part)
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(part, score.Part), msg)

            n_track_notes = sum(self.notes_per_tr_ch[tr_ch]
                                for tr_ch in by_track[tr])
            part_notes = part.notes
            n_part_notes = len(part_notes)
            msg = 'Part should have {} notes but it has'.format(
                n_track_notes, n_part_notes)
            self.assertEqual(n_track_notes, n_part_notes, msg)
예제 #8
    def test_midi_export_mode_2(self):
        m = self._export_and_read(mode=2)
        msg = ('Number of tracks {} does not equal 1 while '
               'testing part_voice_assign_mode=2 in save_score_midi'.format(
        self.assertEqual(1, len(m.tracks), msg)

        n_channels_trg = len(self.parts_list)
        note_ch = note_channels(m.tracks[0])
        by_channel = partition(lambda x: x, note_ch)
        channels = sorted(by_channel.keys())
        n_channels = len(channels)
        msg = ('Number of channels {} does not equal {} while '
               'testing part_voice_assign_mode=2 in save_score_midi'.format(
                   n_channels, n_channels_trg))
        self.assertEqual(n_channels_trg, n_channels, msg)
        for part, ch in zip(self.parts_list, channels):
            n_notes_trg = len(part.notes_tied)
            n_notes = len(by_channel[ch])
            msg = ('Number of notes in channel {} should be '
                   '{} while testing '
                   'part_voice_assign_mode=2 in save_score_midi'.format(
                       n_notes, n_notes_trg))
            self.assertEqual(n_notes_trg, n_notes, msg)
예제 #9
def split_datasets_by_piece(datasets, test_size=0.2, valid_size=0.2):

    by_piece = partition(lambda d: '_'.join(d.name.split('_')[:-1]), datasets)
    pieces = list(by_piece.keys())

    n_test = max(1, int(np.round(test_size * len(pieces))))
    n_valid = max(1, int(np.round(valid_size * len(pieces))))
    n_train = len(pieces) - n_test - n_valid

    if n_train < 1:
        raise Exception('Not enough pieces to split datasets according '
                        'to the specified test/validation proportions')

    test_pieces = pieces[:n_test]
    valid_pieces = pieces[n_test:n_test + n_valid]
    train_pieces = pieces[n_test + n_valid:]

    test_set = [d for pd in [by_piece[p] for p in test_pieces] for d in pd]
    valid_set = [d for pd in [by_piece[p] for p in valid_pieces] for d in pd]
    train_set = [d for pd in [by_piece[p] for p in train_pieces] for d in pd]

    return (ConcatDataset(train_set), ConcatDataset(valid_set),
예제 #10
def save_score_midi(parts,
    """Write data from Part objects to a MIDI file

    parts : Part, PartGroup or list of these
        The musical score to be saved.
    out : str or file-like object
        Either a filename or a file-like object to write the MIDI data
    part_voice_assign_mode : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, optional
        This keyword controls how part and voice information is
        associated to track and channel information in the MIDI file.
        The semantics of the modes is as follows:

            Write one track for each Part, with channels assigned by
            Write one track for each PartGroup, with channels assigned by
            Parts (voice info is lost) (There can be multiple levels of
            partgroups, I suggest using the highest level of
            partgroup/part) [note: this will e.g. lead to all strings into
            the same track] Each part not in a PartGroup will be assigned
            its own track
            Write a single track with channels assigned by Part (voice
            info is lost)
            Write one track per Part, and a single channel for all voices
            (voice info is lost)
            Write a single track with a single channel (Part and voice
            info is lost)
            Return one track per <Part, voice> combination, each track
            having a single channel.

        The default mode is 0.
    velocity : int, optional
        Default velocity for all MIDI notes. Defaults to 64.
    anacrusis_behavior : {"shift", "pad_bar"}, optional
        Strategy to deal with anacrusis. If "shift", all
        time points are shifted by the anacrusis (i.e., the first
        note starts at 0). If "pad_bar", the "incomplete" bar  of
        the anacrusis is padded with silence. Defaults to 'shift'.

    ppq = get_ppq(parts)

    events = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
    meta_events = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))

    event_keys = OrderedDict()
    tempos = {}

    quarter_maps = [part.quarter_map for part in score.iter_parts(parts)]

    first_time_point = min(qm(0) for qm in quarter_maps)

    ftp = 0
    # Deal with anacrusis
    if first_time_point < 0:
        if anacrusis_behavior == "shift":
            ftp = first_time_point
        elif anacrusis_behavior == "pad_bar":
            time_signatures = []
            for qm, part in zip(quarter_maps, score.iter_parts(parts)):
                ts_beats, ts_beat_type = part.time_signature_map(0)
                time_signatures.append((ts_beats, ts_beat_type, qm(0)))
            # sort ts according to time
            time_signatures.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
            ftp = -time_signatures[0][0] / (time_signatures[0][1] / 4)
            raise Exception(
                'Invalid anacrusis_behavior value, must be one of ("shift", "pad_bar")'

    for qm, part in zip(quarter_maps, score.iter_parts(parts)):

        pg = get_partgroup(part)

        notes = part.notes_tied

        def to_ppq(t):
            # convert div times to new ppq
            return int(ppq * (qm(t) - ftp))

        for tp in part.iter_all(score.Tempo):
            tempos[to_ppq(tp.start.t)] = MetaMessage(
                "set_tempo", tempo=tp.microseconds_per_quarter)

        for ts in part.iter_all(score.TimeSignature):

        for ks in part.iter_all(score.KeySignature):
                MetaMessage("key_signature", key=ks.name))

        for note in notes:

            # key is a tuple (part_group, part, voice) that will be
            # converted into a (track, channel) pair.
            key = (pg, part, note.voice)
                Message("note_on", note=note.midi_pitch))
            events[key][to_ppq(note.start.t + note.duration_tied)].append(
                Message("note_off", note=note.midi_pitch))
            event_keys[key] = True

    tr_ch_map = map_to_track_channel(list(event_keys.keys()),

    # replace original event keys (partgroup, part, voice) by (track, ch) keys:
    for key in list(events.keys()):
        evs_by_time = events[key]
        del events[key]
        tr, ch = tr_ch_map[key]
        for t, evs in evs_by_time.items():
            events[tr][t].extend((ev.copy(channel=ch) for ev in evs))

    # figure out in which tracks to replicate the time/key signatures of each part
    part_track_map = partition(lambda x: x[0][1], tr_ch_map.items())
    for part, rest in part_track_map.items():
        part_track_map[part] = set(x[1][0] for x in rest)

    # add the time/key sigs to their corresponding tracks
    for part, m_events in meta_events.items():
        tracks = part_track_map[part]
        for tr in tracks:
            for t, me in m_events.items():
                events[tr][t] = me + events[tr][t]

    n_tracks = max(tr for tr, _ in tr_ch_map.values()) + 1
    tracks = [MidiTrack() for _ in range(n_tracks)]

    # tempo events are handled differently from key/time sigs because the have a
    # global effect. Instead of adding to each relevant track, like the key/time
    # sig events, we add them only to the first track
    for t, tp in tempos.items():
        events[0][t].insert(0, tp)

    for tr, events_by_time in events.items():
        t_prev = 0
        for t in sorted(events_by_time.keys()):
            evs = events_by_time[t]
            delta = t - t_prev
            for ev in evs:
                delta = 0
            t_prev = t

    midi_type = 0 if n_tracks == 1 else 1

    mf = MidiFile(type=midi_type, ticks_per_beat=ppq)

    for track in tracks:

    if out:
        if hasattr(out, "write"):
예제 #11
def linearize_segment_contents(part, start, end, state):
    Determine the document order of events starting between `start` (inclusive) and `end` (exlusive).
    (notes, directions, divisions, time signatures).

    notes = part.iter_all(score.GenericNote,
                          start=start, end=end,

    notes_by_voice = partition(lambda n: n.voice or 0, notes)
    if len(notes_by_voice) == 0:
        # if there are no notes in this segment, we add a rest
        # NOTE: altering the part instance while exporting is bad!
        # rest = score.Rest()
        # part.add(start.t, rest, end.t)
        # notes_by_voice = {0: [rest]}
        notes_by_voice[None] = []
    # make sure there is no polyphony within voices by assigning any violating
    # notes to a new (free) voice.

    # fill_gaps_with_rests(notes_by_voice, start, end, part)
    # # redo
    # notes = part.iter_all(score.GenericNote,
    #                               start=start, end=end,
    #                               include_subclasses=True)
    # notes_by_voice = partition(lambda n: n.voice or 0, notes)

    voices_e = defaultdict(list)

    for voice in sorted(notes_by_voice.keys()):

        voice_notes = notes_by_voice[voice]
        # sort by pitch
        voice_notes.sort(key=lambda n: n.midi_pitch if hasattr(n, 'midi_pitch') else -1, reverse=True)
        # grace notes should precede other notes at the same onset
        voice_notes.sort(key=lambda n: not isinstance(n, score.GraceNote))
        # voice_notes.sort(key=lambda n: -n.duration)
        voice_notes.sort(key=lambda n: n.start.t)
        for n in voice_notes:
            if isinstance(n, score.GraceNote):
                # check if it is the first in its sequence
                if not n.grace_prev:
                    # if so we add the whole grace sequence at once to ensure
                    # the correct order
                    for m in n.iter_grace_seq():
                        note_e = do_note(m, end.t, part, voice,
                note_e = do_note(n, end.t, part, voice, state['note_id_counter'])

    attributes_e = do_attributes(part, start, end)
    directions_e = do_directions(part, start, end, state['range_counter'])
    prints_e = do_prints(part, start, end)
    barline_e = do_barlines(part, start, end)

    other_e = attributes_e + directions_e + barline_e + prints_e

    contents = merge_measure_contents(voices_e, other_e, start.t)
    return contents
예제 #12
def save_score_midi(parts, out, part_voice_assign_mode=0, velocity=64):
    """Write data from Part objects to a MIDI file

    parts : Part, PartGroup or list of these
        The musical score to be saved.
    out : str or file-like object
        Either a filename or a file-like object to write the MIDI data
    part_voice_assign_mode : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, optional
        This keyword controls how part and voice information is
        associated to track and channel information in the MIDI file.
        The semantics of the modes is as follows:

            Write one track for each Part, with channels assigned by
            Write one track for each PartGroup, with channels assigned by
            Parts (voice info is lost) (There can be multiple levels of
            partgroups, I suggest using the highest level of
            partgroup/part) [note: this will e.g. lead to all strings into
            the same track] Each part not in a PartGroup will be assigned
            its own track
            Write a single track with channels assigned by Part (voice
            info is lost)
            Write one track per Part, and a single channel for all voices
            (voice info is lost)
            Write a single track with a single channel (Part and voice
            info is lost)
            Return one track per <Part, voice> combination, each track
            having a single channel.

    velocity : int, optional
        Default velocity for all MIDI notes.


    ppq = get_ppq(parts)

    events = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
    meta_events = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))

    event_keys = OrderedDict()
    tempos = {}

    for i, part in enumerate(score.iter_parts(parts)):

        pg = get_partgroup(part)

        notes = part.notes_tied
        qm = part.quarter_map
        q_offset = qm(part.first_point.t)

        def to_ppq(t):
            # convert div times to new ppq
            return int(ppq * qm(t))

        for tp in part.iter_all(score.Tempo):
            tempos[to_ppq(tp.start.t)] = MetaMessage(
                'set_tempo', tempo=tp.microseconds_per_quarter)

        for ts in part.iter_all(score.TimeSignature):

        for ks in part.iter_all(score.KeySignature):
                MetaMessage('key_signature', key=ks.name))

        for note in notes:

            # key is a tuple (part_group, part, voice) that will be converted into a (track, channel) pair.
            key = (pg, part, note.voice)
                Message('note_on', note=note.midi_pitch))
                Message('note_off', note=note.midi_pitch))

            event_keys[key] = True

    tr_ch_map = map_to_track_channel(list(event_keys.keys()),

    # replace original event keys (partgroup, part, voice) by (track, ch) keys:
    for key in list(events.keys()):
        evs_by_time = events[key]
        del events[key]
        tr, ch = tr_ch_map[key]
        for t, evs in evs_by_time.items():
            events[tr][t].extend((ev.copy(channel=ch) for ev in evs))

    # figure out in which tracks to replicate the time/key signatures of each part
    part_track_map = partition(lambda x: x[0][1], tr_ch_map.items())
    for part, rest in part_track_map.items():
        part_track_map[part] = set(x[1][0] for x in rest)

    # add the time/key sigs to their corresponding tracks
    for part, m_events in meta_events.items():
        tracks = part_track_map[part]
        for tr in tracks:
            for t, me in m_events.items():
                events[tr][t] = me + events[tr][t]

    n_tracks = max(tr for tr, _ in tr_ch_map.values()) + 1
    tracks = [MidiTrack() for _ in range(n_tracks)]

    # tempo events are handled differently from key/time sigs because the have a
    # global effect. Instead of adding to each relevant track, like the key/time
    # sig events, we add them only to the first track
    track0_events = events[0]
    for t, tp in tempos.items():
        events[0][t].insert(0, tp)

    for tr, events_by_time in events.items():
        t_prev = 0
        for t in sorted(events_by_time.keys()):
            evs = events_by_time[t]
            delta = t - t_prev
            for ev in evs:
                delta = 0
            t_prev = t

    midi_type = 0 if n_tracks == 1 else 1

    mf = MidiFile(type=midi_type, ticks_per_beat=ppq)

    for track in tracks:

    if out:
        if hasattr(out, 'write'):
예제 #13
def make_plot(fig,
    names = targets.dtype.names

    xlims = []
    ylims = []
    for ax in axs:
        if keep_zoom:

    n_targets = len(names)

    if onsets is None:
        x = np.arange(len(targets))
        x = onsets

    w = len(x) / 30
    h = n_targets

    if end is not None:
        idx = x < end
        x = x[idx]
        targets = targets[idx]

    if start is not None:
        idx = x >= start
        x = x[idx]
        targets = targets[idx]

    if n_targets == 1:
        axs = [axs]

    # fig.set_size_inches(w, h)

    if title:

    by_onset = partition(lambda ix: ix[1], enumerate(x))
    for k, v in by_onset.items():
        by_onset[k] = np.array([i for i, _ in v])

    for i, name in enumerate(names):
        target = targets[name]
        targets[np.isnan(target)] = 0

        axs[i].plot(x, target, '.', label=name)

        if xticks is not None:

        tt = []
        vv = []
        for t, v in by_onset.items():

        # axs[i].plot(tt, vv, label='{} (mean)'.format(name))
        axs[i].plot(tt, vv)

        axs[i].legend(frameon=False, loc=2)

    if keep_zoom:
        for xlim, ylim, ax in zip(xlims, ylims, axs):

    return fig, axs
예제 #14
def add_clefs(part):
    by_staff = partition(attrgetter('staff'), part.notes_tied)
    for staff, notes in by_staff.items():
        part.add(score.Clef(number=staff, **estimate_clef_properties([n.midi_pitch for n in notes])), 0)