def __init__(self, slots, slot_classes, emb_size, no_train_emb, x_include_score, x_include_token_ftrs, x_include_mlp, n_input_tokens, n_input_score_bins, n_cells, rnn_n_layers, lstm_peepholes, lstm_bidi, opt_type, oclf_n_hidden, oclf_n_layers, oclf_activation, debug, p_drop, init_emb_from, vocab, input_n_layers, input_n_hidden, input_activation, token_features, token_supervision, momentum, enable_branch_exp, l1, l2, build_train=True): args = SimpleConvModel.__init__.func_code.co_varnames[:SimpleConvModel. __init__. func_code. co_argcount] self.init_args = {} for arg in args: if arg != 'self': self.init_args[arg] = locals()[arg] self.vocab = vocab self.slots = slots self.slot_classes = slot_classes'We have the following classes:') self._log_classes_info() self.x_include_score = x_include_score self.token_supervision = token_supervision x = T.imatrix() input_args = [x] input_token_layer = Embedding(name="emb", size=emb_size, n_features=n_input_tokens, input=x, static=no_train_emb) prev_layer = input_token_layer y_seq_id = tt.ivector() y_time = tt.ivector() y_weight = tt.vector() y_label = {} for slot in slots: y_label[slot] = tt.ivector(name='y_label_%s' % slot) if x_include_score: x_score = tt.matrix() input_args.append(x_score) maxpool = SeqMaxPooling() maxpool.connect(prev_layer, x_score, y_time, y_seq_id) prev_layer = maxpool #unwrap = SeqUnwrapper(250) #unwrap.connect(prev_layer, y_time, y_seq_id) #prev_layer = unwrap #rng = np.random.RandomState(23455) #conv = LeNetConvPoolLayer() #conv.connect(prev_layer, rng, (20, 1, 5, emb_size), (8, 1, )) #prev_layer = conv'Conv output size: %d' % conv.size) costs = [] predictions = [] for slot in slots:'Building output classifier for %s.' % slot) n_classes = len(slot_classes[slot]) slot_mlp = MLP([oclf_n_hidden] * oclf_n_layers + [n_classes], [oclf_activation] * oclf_n_layers + ['softmax'], [p_drop] * oclf_n_layers + [0.0], name="mlp_%s" % slot) slot_mlp.connect(prev_layer) predictions.append(slot_mlp.output(dropout_active=False)) slot_objective = CrossEntropyObjective() slot_objective.connect(y_hat_layer=slot_mlp, y_true=y_label[slot]) costs.append(slot_objective) cost = SumOut() cost.connect(*costs) #, scale=1.0 / len(slots)) self.params = params = list(cost.get_params()) n_params = sum(p.get_value().size for p in params)'This model has %d parameters:' % n_params) for param in sorted(params, key=lambda x:' - %20s: %10d' % (, param.get_value().size, )) cost_value = cost.output(dropout_active=True) assert opt_type == 'sgd' lr = tt.scalar('lr') clipnorm = 0.5 reg = updates.Regularizer(l1=l1, l2=l2) updater = updates.SGD(lr=lr, clipnorm=clipnorm, regularizer=reg) loss_args = list(input_args) loss_args += [y_seq_id, y_time] loss_args += [y_label[slot] for slot in slots] if build_train: model_updates = updater.get_updates(params, cost_value) train_args = [lr] + loss_args update_ratio = updater.get_update_ratio(params, model_updates)'Preparing %s train function.' % opt_type) t = time.time() self._train = theano.function(train_args, [cost_value, update_ratio], updates=model_updates)'Preparation done. Took: %.1f' % (time.time() - t)) self._loss = theano.function(loss_args, cost_value)'Preparing predict function.') t = time.time() predict_args = list(input_args) predict_args += [y_seq_id, y_time] self._predict = theano.function(predict_args, predictions)'Done. Took: %.1f' % (time.time() - t))
def __init__(self, slots, slot_classes, emb_size, no_train_emb, x_include_score, x_include_token_ftrs, x_include_mlp, n_input_tokens, n_input_score_bins, n_cells, rnn_n_layers, lstm_peepholes, lstm_bidi, opt_type, oclf_n_hidden, oclf_n_layers, oclf_activation, debug, p_drop, init_emb_from, vocab, input_n_layers, input_n_hidden, input_activation, token_features, token_supervision, momentum, enable_branch_exp, l1, l2, build_train=True): args = Model.__init__.func_code.co_varnames[:Model.__init__.func_code.co_argcount] self.init_args = {} for arg in args: if arg != 'self': self.init_args[arg] = locals()[arg] self.vocab = vocab self.slots = slots self.slot_classes = slot_classes'We have the following classes:') self._log_classes_info() self.x_include_score = x_include_score self.token_supervision = token_supervision x = T.imatrix() input_args = [x] input_token_layer = Embedding(name="emb", size=emb_size, n_features=n_input_tokens, input=x, static=no_train_emb) if init_emb_from: input_token_layer.init_from(init_emb_from, vocab)'Initializing token embeddings from: %s' % init_emb_from) else:'Initializing token embedding randomly.') self.input_emb = input_token_layer.wv prev_layer = input_token_layer input_layers = [ input_token_layer ] if x_include_score: x_score = tt.imatrix() input_score_layer = Embedding(name="emb_score", size=emb_size, n_features=n_input_score_bins, input=x_score) input_layers.append(input_score_layer) input_args.append(x_score) if x_include_token_ftrs: token_n_features = len(token_features.values()[0]) input_token_features_layer = Embedding(name="emb_ftr", size=token_n_features, n_features=n_input_tokens, input=x, static=True) input_token_features_layer.init_from_dict(token_features) ftrs_to_emb = Dense(name='ftr2emb', size=emb_size, activation='linear') # FIX: p_drop=p_drop) ftrs_to_emb.connect(input_token_features_layer) input_layers.append(ftrs_to_emb) sum_layer = SumLayer(layers=input_layers) prev_layer = sum_layer if input_n_layers > 0: input_transform = MLP([input_n_hidden ] * input_n_layers, [input_activation] * input_n_layers, p_drop=p_drop) input_transform.connect(prev_layer) prev_layer = input_transform if token_supervision: slot_value_pred = MLP([len(slots) * 2], ['sigmoid'], p_drop=[p_drop], name='ts') slot_value_pred.connect(prev_layer) y_tokens_label = tt.itensor3() token_supervision_loss_layer = TokenSupervisionLossLayer() token_supervision_loss_layer.connect(slot_value_pred, y_tokens_label) if debug: self._token_supervision_loss = theano.function(input_args + [ y_tokens_label], token_supervision_loss_layer.output()) else: token_supervision_loss_layer = None y_tokens_label = None'There are %d input layers.' % input_n_layers) if debug: self._lstm_input = theano.function(input_args, prev_layer.output()) h_t_layer = IdentityInput(None, n_cells) mlps = [] mlp_params = [] for slot in slots: n_classes = len(slot_classes[slot]) slot_mlp = MLP([oclf_n_hidden ] * oclf_n_layers + [n_classes], [oclf_activation] * oclf_n_layers + ['softmax'], [0.0 ] * oclf_n_layers + [0.0 ], name="mlp_%s" % slot) slot_mlp.connect(h_t_layer) mlps.append(slot_mlp) mlp_params.extend(slot_mlp.get_params()) for i in range(rnn_n_layers): # Forward LSTM layer.'Creating LSTM layer with %d neurons.' % (n_cells)) if x_include_mlp: f_lstm_layer = LstmWithMLP(name="flstm_%d" % i, size=n_cells, seq_output=True, out_cells=False, peepholes=lstm_peepholes, p_drop=p_drop, enable_branch_exp=enable_branch_exp, mlps=mlps) else: f_lstm_layer = LstmRecurrent(name="flstm_%d" % i, size=n_cells, seq_output=True, out_cells=False, peepholes=lstm_peepholes, p_drop=p_drop, enable_branch_exp=enable_branch_exp ) f_lstm_layer.connect(prev_layer) if lstm_bidi: b_lstm_layer = LstmRecurrent(name="blstm_%d" % i, size=n_cells, seq_output=True, out_cells=False, backward=True, peepholes=lstm_peepholes, p_drop=p_drop, enable_branch_exp=enable_branch_exp) b_lstm_layer.connect(prev_layer) lstm_zip = ZipLayer(concat_axis=2, layers=[f_lstm_layer, b_lstm_layer]) prev_layer = lstm_zip if debug: self._lstm_output = theano.function(input_args, [prev_layer.output(), f_lstm_layer.output(), b_lstm_layer.output()]) else: if debug: self._lstm_output = theano.function(input_args, [prev_layer.output(), f_lstm_layer.output()]) prev_layer = f_lstm_layer assert prev_layer is not None y_seq_id = tt.ivector() y_time = tt.ivector() y_weight = tt.vector() y_label = {} for slot in slots: y_label[slot] = tt.ivector(name='y_label_%s' % slot) cpt = CherryPick() cpt.connect(prev_layer, y_time, y_seq_id) costs = [] predictions = [] for slot, slot_lstm_mlp in zip(slots, mlps):'Building output classifier for %s.' % slot) n_classes = len(slot_classes[slot]) if oclf_n_layers > 0: slot_mlp = MLP([oclf_n_hidden ] * oclf_n_layers, [oclf_activation] * oclf_n_layers, [p_drop ] * oclf_n_layers, name="mlp_%s" % slot) #name="mlp_%s" % slot, init=inits.copy(mlp_params)) slot_mlp.connect(cpt) slot_softmax = BiasedSoftmax(name='softmax_%s' % slot, size=n_classes) if oclf_n_layers > 0: slot_softmax.connect(slot_mlp) else: slot_softmax.connect(cpt) predictions.append(slot_softmax.output(dropout_active=False)) slot_objective = WeightedCrossEntropyObjective() slot_objective.connect( y_hat_layer=slot_softmax, y_true=y_label[slot], y_weights=y_weight ) costs.append(slot_objective) if token_supervision: costs.append(token_supervision_loss_layer) cost = SumOut() cost.connect(*costs) #, scale=1.0 / len(slots)) self.params = params = list(cost.get_params()) n_params = sum(p.get_value().size for p in params)'This model has %d parameters:' % n_params) for param in sorted(params, key=lambda x:' - %20s: %10d' % (, param.get_value( ).size, )) cost_value = cost.output(dropout_active=True) lr = tt.scalar('lr') clipnorm = 0.5 reg = updates.Regularizer(l1=l1, l2=l2) if opt_type == "rprop": updater = updates.RProp(lr=lr, clipnorm=clipnorm) model_updates = updater.get_updates(params, cost_value) elif opt_type == "sgd": updater = updates.SGD(lr=lr, clipnorm=clipnorm, regularizer=reg) elif opt_type == "rmsprop": updater = updates.RMSprop(lr=lr, clipnorm=clipnorm, regularizer=reg) #, regularizer=reg) elif opt_type == "adam": #reg = updates.Regularizer(maxnorm=5.0) updater = updates.Adam(lr=lr, clipnorm=clipnorm, regularizer=reg) #, # regularizer=reg) elif opt_type == "momentum": updater = updates.Momentum(lr=lr, momentum=momentum, clipnorm=clipnorm, regularizer=reg) else: raise Exception("Unknonw opt.") loss_args = list(input_args) loss_args += [y_seq_id, y_time] loss_args += [y_weight] loss_args += [y_label[slot] for slot in slots] if token_supervision: loss_args += [y_tokens_label] if build_train: model_updates = updater.get_updates(params, cost_value) train_args = [lr] + loss_args update_ratio = updater.get_update_ratio(params, model_updates)'Preparing %s train function.' % opt_type) t = time.time() self._train = theano.function(train_args, [cost_value, update_ratio], updates=model_updates)'Preparation done. Took: %.1f' % (time.time() - t)) self._loss = theano.function(loss_args, cost_value)'Preparing predict function.') t = time.time() predict_args = list(input_args) predict_args += [y_seq_id, y_time] self._predict = theano.function( predict_args, predictions )'Done. Took: %.1f' % (time.time() - t))
def __init__(self, slots, slot_classes, opt_type, oclf_n_hidden, oclf_n_layers, oclf_activation, n_cells, debug, p_drop, vocab, input_n_layers, input_n_hidden, input_activation, token_features, token_supervision, momentum, enable_branch_exp, l1, l2, build_train=True): args = BaselineModel.__init__.func_code.co_varnames[:BaselineModel. __init__.func_code. co_argcount] self.init_args = {} for arg in args: if arg != 'self': self.init_args[arg] = locals()[arg] self.vocab = vocab self.slots = slots self.slot_classes = slot_classes'We have the following classes:') self._log_classes_info() x = T.tensor3() input_args = [x] input_layer = IdentityInput(x, len(self.vocab)) prev_layer = input_layer if input_n_layers > 0: input_transform = MLP([input_n_hidden] * input_n_layers, [input_activation] * input_n_layers, p_drop=p_drop) input_transform.connect(prev_layer) prev_layer = input_transform'There are %d input layers.' % input_n_layers) if debug: self._lstm_input = theano.function(input_args, prev_layer.output())'Creating LSTM layer with %d neurons.' % (n_cells)) f_lstm_layer = LstmRecurrent(name="lstm", size=n_cells, seq_output=True, out_cells=False, peepholes=False, p_drop=p_drop, enable_branch_exp=enable_branch_exp) f_lstm_layer.connect(prev_layer) prev_layer = f_lstm_layer y_seq_id = tt.ivector() y_time = tt.ivector() y_label = {} for slot in slots: y_label[slot] = tt.ivector(name='y_label_%s' % slot) cpt = CherryPick() cpt.connect(prev_layer, y_time, y_seq_id) costs = [] predictions = [] for slot in slots:'Building output classifier for %s.' % slot) n_classes = len(slot_classes[slot]) slot_mlp = MLP([oclf_n_hidden] * oclf_n_layers + [n_classes], [oclf_activation] * oclf_n_layers + ['softmax'], [p_drop] * oclf_n_layers + [0.0], name="mlp_%s" % slot) slot_mlp.connect(cpt) predictions.append(slot_mlp.output(dropout_active=False)) slot_objective = CrossEntropyObjective() slot_objective.connect(y_hat_layer=slot_mlp, y_true=y_label[slot]) costs.append(slot_objective) cost = SumOut() cost.connect(*costs) #, scale=1.0 / len(slots)) self.params = params = list(cost.get_params()) n_params = sum(p.get_value().size for p in params)'This model has %d parameters:' % n_params) for param in sorted(params, key=lambda x:' - %20s: %10d' % (, param.get_value().size, )) cost_value = cost.output(dropout_active=True) lr = tt.scalar('lr') clipnorm = 0.5 reg = updates.Regularizer(l1=l1, l2=l2) if opt_type == "rprop": updater = updates.RProp(lr=lr, clipnorm=clipnorm) model_updates = updater.get_updates(params, cost_value) elif opt_type == "sgd": updater = updates.SGD(lr=lr, clipnorm=clipnorm, regularizer=reg) elif opt_type == "rmsprop": updater = updates.RMSprop(lr=lr, clipnorm=clipnorm, regularizer=reg) #, regularizer=reg) elif opt_type == "adam": #reg = updates.Regularizer(maxnorm=5.0) updater = updates.Adam(lr=lr, clipnorm=clipnorm, regularizer=reg) #, # regularizer=reg) elif opt_type == "momentum": updater = updates.Momentum(lr=lr, momentum=momentum, clipnorm=clipnorm, regularizer=reg) else: raise Exception("Unknonw opt.") loss_args = list(input_args) loss_args += [y_seq_id, y_time] loss_args += [y_label[slot] for slot in slots] if build_train: model_updates = updater.get_updates(params, cost_value) train_args = [lr] + loss_args update_ratio = updater.get_update_ratio(params, model_updates)'Preparing %s train function.' % opt_type) t = time.time() self._train = theano.function(train_args, [cost_value, update_ratio], updates=model_updates)'Preparation done. Took: %.1f' % (time.time() - t)) self._loss = theano.function(loss_args, cost_value)'Preparing predict function.') t = time.time() predict_args = list(input_args) predict_args += [y_seq_id, y_time] self._predict = theano.function(predict_args, predictions)'Done. Took: %.1f' % (time.time() - t))